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Assignment 1 Ethical Decision Making Framework

Case Study for Assignment 1 – Hassan and Startup-X (Hypothetical Case Study)

The following case study is to be used for Assignment 1, in Buss 215, for the Spring 2021-22

Case Study – Hassan and Startup-X (Hypothetical Case Study)

Background: Hassan is a recently graduated student, who majored in Engineering. While looking
for work after graduation, Hassan was approached by his friend, Tala, who had launched a new
company “Startup X”. Tala said she set up the company to help the homeless. The main product
that the company wants to develop is a custom-designed tent that acts as a cheap and safe
housing solution for those living on the streets. The tent has two main selling points. First, the
tent is claimed to have a new micro-fiber technology built into it, which is able to protect
inhabitants from external weather conditions by keeping the internal temperature of the tent
between 18 degrees Celsius and 22 degrees Celsius at all times, irrespective of the weather
conditions outside. Second, the tent will cost under $100USD for customers to buy, making it
accessible to the homeless. Tala says that she has secured $1 million USD in funding from
several charity groups to help build the product – as charities saw the value in the product to
fight homelessness.

Tala asks Hassan, with his engineering background, to come and work for her to help bring the
product to life. Hassan, although hesitant as he didn’t specialize in tents and housing, did have
some experience with micro-fibers used in clothing – and, since he didn’t have a job, he decided
to join Tala and her company. When Hassan joined the company, there were 10 employees in
total, Tala was the Managing Director of the company, and the company was being funded by
the $1 million USD in charity donations – which was expected to produce the finished tent
within 1 year of Hassan joining the company.

Once joining, Hassan started to become concerned. The trial tests on the tent were not generating
the expected results – the internal temperature of the tent would vary greatly, between 5 degrees
Celsius and 35 degrees Celsius (depending on weather conditions), making the tent unlivable in
certain conditions. Furthermore, the cost of the tent (not including any markup from the
company) was looking to be $250USD, at best. When Hassan approached Tala about these issues
during the early stages of his employment, she suggested that this wasn’t a problem, and Tala
promised that the product would be ready by the due date.

The scenario: It is now only 2 months until the product should be ready, and Hassan doesn’t
know what to do. The design issues have not been fixed, and Tala continues to divert Hassan’s
questions about the issues with the product. The staff who have known Tala for longer, also seem
to be covering up the issue, as they always agree with Tala’s assessment that the product will be
ready in time. Hassan is also suspicious of Tala. Tala has not hired any new staff or purchased
any new materials, or engaged in any research and development to fix the problems – yet, the
recorded costs of the company are skyrocketing and the $1 million USD of charity donations is
almost finished. This didn’t make sense to Hassan, but he is not sure what to do – this is his first
job and whistleblowing puts him, and the company in a difficult position. He is concerned about
his relationship with Tala, but is also worried about the promises made to the charities to deliver
the product. In this position, what should Hassan do?

Instructions: For Assignment 1, apply the DMF to Hassan in the scenario described above.

*Refer to the document in the ‘assessment instructions’ folder on Moodle for the specific
requirements and expectations for the case analysis and submission


Step 1: determining the facts

-So the situation that is brought to us is that Tala -the boss- isn’t listening to the pleas of her
employee Hassan.

-Although he does display true concern and even states facts to her that she knows all too well
and yet chooses to proceed with the product as it is.

- Hassan’s fellow employees are following Tala although he tried talking to them to convince her
but they showed trust in Tala’s judgement.

- Tala has 2 months to finish the product and she hasn’t taken any action in fixing the issues.

- Tala promised the charity to deliver the expected results for the product within a year yet she
has not yet delivered anything and money is running out.

Step 2: determining ethical issues


-Tala could be involved in theft, fraud, and scam:

-First, she could be involved in theft because she could have been using the money of the charity
to herself and not to help out homeless people.

-Second, she can be involved in fraud since she could be using that money to her gain only
knowing that she promised the charity she will deliver the required product with the charity
money but intends to play it off by simply saying that the product was unsuccessful then she
keeps the money to herself. ( Main ethical issue in the case)

-Third, she could definatly be a scammer… A scammer is a person who tricks people into
thinking that they will help them and then steals from them leaving them helpless.

Step 3: identifying stakeholders


Primary: Tala-Hassan- The Charity- The company-employees

Secondary:Homeless people-society-shareholders-government- suppliers

-Shift my role to Tala: If I was Tala and I knew this was happening, how would that make me -
feel? Does the fact that I have money from a charity mean I can act freely with it? What would
society think of me?

-Shift my role to homeless people: If I was in this part of society I would definitely be sad that
this product that could support homeless people is not going to be good or not going to be

-Shift my role to society: If Tala was infact involved in theft then as a society I wouldn’t at all
appreciate what she has done and it would anger me.

-Shift my role to employees: If Tala wasn’t that great of a leader and was involved in illegal
activities or didn’t guide the company in the right direction I would feel betrayed because I put
trust in her.

-Shift my role to Hassan: Tala is a friend of Hassan and if I was in his shoes I would definatly be
upset and I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings but she is also not being reasonable. Would I
accept that she is not caring for the homeless people nor the charity’s promise? No ofcourse not

Step 4: Consider Availabe alternatives

-Whisleblowing as per mentioned in the case is a good alternative infact a great one because it
would force Tala to do something about it.

-Quit his job

- do nothing

Step 5; Compare and weigh the alternatives

Aristotle Kant Mill

Whisleblowin Aristotle’s views Kant would agree with Mill would also agree
g would disagree with whistleblowing with whistleblowing
this alternative because because it is the right because it will achieve the
it is obvious that thing to do. greatest good.
Hassan likes his
friendship with Tala
and concerned about it.
Quit his job Aristotle’s views Kant would also Mill would disagree since
would agree with this disagree since if the this isn’t the action with
alternative since the roles were switched the greatest good.
agent: Hassan between tala and
wouldn’t mind quitting hassan the action
would still work.
Do nothing Aristotle would Kant would disagree Mill would disagree with
disagree since Hassan since the reversibility this alternative because it
is obvious that he test shows that this doesn’t achieve the
wants to uphold the action can be done if greatest good for the
company’s promise to the roles are switched largest number.
the charity and it is between hassan and
against his mind to do tala.

Step 6: making a decision

I think decision 1 is the best which is whistleblowing because kant and mill agree on it so that’s
2/3 philosophers who would make this decision unlike the other two which are: quit the job, or
do nothing”. Also I think this decision is best because it would be beneficial for all parties except
Tala because she is the cause of this.

Step 7: Monitoring the outcome

To ensure similar situations are avoided one must learn from their experiences so Hassan must
see what happens before his decision and after it to see how it unfolds so he could learn what to
do in the future if faced with similar situations.

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