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Quarter 2
Prepared by: Babylinda N. Calig-onan
Justine Marie Reyes

I. Objectives
At the end of 60-minute/period, students should be able to:
a. Describe the characteristics ssof living and non-living things
b. Differentiate and Illustrates living and non-living things.
c. Categorize living and non-living things according to their
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Living and Non-living Things
B. Concept: We are surrounded by living and non-living things. If
something is living, it will carry out all of the seven activities shown
opposite. Some non-living things show one or two of the seven
characteristics of living things. Such as washing machines, motorcycle,
and etc. that can move. The car and motorcycle’s needs to be fed with
petrol or gasoline in order to move. Crystals, such as ice crystals
forming on a window, grow bigger if the conditions are right. For
something to be living it has to show all of the seven characteristics of
living things; it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be
made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt.
C. Reference:
 Teacher’s Guide in Science 3 pp. 83-85
D. Materials:
 Video presentation
 pictures of living and non-living things
 Pentel pen
 Power Point Presentation
E. Skills: Identifying, Describing, and Illustrating
III. Instructional Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities:
 Prayer
Before we start with our discussion, please
rise up and start the day with a prayer.
______, lead the prayer. (_______ will lead the prayer)
(the pupils will rise and pray)

Let us bow our heads and feel the

presence of God. Thank you, God, for all
the things you’ve made our world to be, for
every single living plant, insect, bird and
Thank you, God, for all the people
you have placed around us, for every
single parent, friend and teacher that we
Thank you, Lord, for all the gifts you send
to us each day, for every single meal,
snack, for cuddles toys and play.
Thank you, Lord, for caring us, we
know you always see, especially when
you hear our prayers, and we give thanks
to you.
 Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am! Good morning
 Checking of attendance
Class, let’s check your attendance.
Leaders of each group, will you
please report the attendance of your

Who is absent in table 1? Nobody is absent in table 1 Ma’am.

Very good! How about in table 2? I’m very happy that all of us are present in
table 2 Ma’am.

Ok, Very good! how about in the last I’m glad to say that nobody is absent in
table? table 3 Ma’am.

That’s good to hear that everybody is

present and eager to learn the new

B. Checking of Assignment
Last meeting, I gave you an
Yes, ma’am!
assignment, right?

Everybody, please pass your assignments

in front quietly. I’ll be the one checking it and (The pupils will quickly pass their
return it to you on our next meeting. assignments)

C. Review
Class before we proceed with our lesson,
let’s have our review first. Now, what was
our lesson yesterday?
Ma’am, our lesson yesterday is all about
Yes, _______ the proper ways of caring plants.

Very good ______, Well, can you give me

some examples of the proper ways of caring
By removing the weeds around the plant,
Yes, _______. we should remove the dry leaves of the
plant, put some fertilizers around the plant,
water it regularly but still depend on what
type of plant it is, and allow it to receive
enough sunlight.

Very good, ______. Who else?

We should also put a fence around the
Yes, ______ plant Ma’am.

Very good, ____

It’s wonderful that you fully understood our

topic yesterday.

D. Presenting examples/instances for

the new lesson

Okay class for now, you will be going to

watch a video clip that will give you an idea
about our lesson for today. Watch and
understand the video because after this, I Yes Ma’am!
will give you an activity. Understand?

(The video has started)

(The video has ended)

Yes, Ma’am!
Did you understand it?

Very Good!

E. Motivation

Now for your activity, go outside and look

around you then list 2 living and non-living
things and describe its characteristics. I will
give you 10 minutes to do this activity and
write your answers on your activity
notebook. Yes Ma’am!
Is that clear class?
(The kids start answering)
Alright, you may start.

2 minutes left

(after 10 minutes) (passing their activity notebook to the

Finish or not finish, stop answering. Kindly
encode all your answers in the in-call

F. LESSON PROPER Ma’am, a living thing refers to the things

that are now or once were alive. Also, a
Now, who can define if what is a living thing. thing can be considered as alive if it has
Yes, _____ the characteristics of living things.

A living thing must grow and develop, use

Very good! energy, reproduce, be made of cells,
Give me the characteristics of a living thing. respond to its environment, and adapt,
Yes? Ma’am.

Very good! Living things are those who has

the characteristics to be considered as alive.
Where it can breathe, moves, reproduce,
made of cells, grow, and adapt on the
environment. Ma’am, a non-living thing defined as--
How about the definition of a non-living never been alive.
Yes, _______
Yes Ma’am, they have characteristics too
but they can’t consider as living things
Alright, the question is, does non-living because only 2 or 3 of its characteristics
things has characteristics? and why? are present.
Yes, _____

Very well said, ____

Non-living things is opposite to the living Yes, we understand Ma’am!
things. As we observed some things might
have the characteristics of a living thing but
not all of them are present. Do you
Birds Ma’am, the birds can fly(move),
Now, who can give me an example of a grow, excrete, they are also sensitive, they
living things that you had written in your can breathe and reproduce eggs.
activity notebook and describe its

Yes, _______.
Flowers Ma’am, they are alive because
they grow, move, eat, and reproduce.
Very well said, ______

What else? Frogs Ma’am.

Yes, _____

Very good, ______ Dragonfly ma’am.

Yes, _____
Human Ma’am.
Very good!
Is there any?
Yes, _____ Trees Ma’am

Very good!
Yes, ______

Obviously, Very good!

Yes, _____ Rocks Ma’am, non-living things have no
characteristics ma’am.
Very good!
Because they are not alive, they can’t eat,
How about the non-living things? Give me move, grow, breath and reproduce Ma’am.
an example and its characteristics.
Okay, ______

Why, ____?
Pen, books, hallway, roof, gate, and those
who don’t the characteristics of living
That’s right! ______. very good! things Ma’am.

Who can give me more examples of a non-

living things?
Yes, _____

Very good!

Now, I believed that you already understand

what are the living and non-living things and
its differences, as well as, on what are its


For your next activity, I will group you into 3.

I have here jumbled parts of the pictures
and you are going to assemble it. After that,
identify whether it’s living or non-living Yes, Ma’am!
things. Below the picture is your explanation
on why it belongs to the living or non-living
things. I will give you 5 minutes to do that
and 3 minutes each for the reporting. Each
group will select a leader and a reporter.

Are we clear?

(Grouping the class)

(distribution of jumbled pictures)

Group 1


Group 2
TOMATO (posting their answers on the board)

Good morning again Ma’am! Good

morning classmates! The picture that we
Group 3 had assembled is a stand fan. For us, it is
a non-living thing, though it moved, but still
depends on the electricity that made it
worked. In addition, a stand fan doesn’t
have a characteristic of a living thing. That
Mushroom would be all, thank you.

(After 10 minutes)
Yes, Ma’am
Okay class, post your answers on the board
and reporters please prepare. A pleasant morning everyone, the picture
that we had assembled is a tomato.
Alright, let’s start with the group 1. Tomato is a living thing because it is able
to maintain its biological integrity for a
considerable period of time after picking;
i.e. it could change color from green to red
if placed in the sun (as a growing tomato
would do) and both would eventually show
signs of water loss and decay (at different
rates). That’s all, thank you!
(Classmates clapping)

Well said group 1. Class stand fan is a non-

living thing because the electricity supplies
for it to move. When there is no electricity, it Yes, ma’am!
will not move. Gets?

Okay, let’s move with the group 2. Good day to each and every one! The
picture that we had assembled is a
mushroom. For us, it is a living thing
because it has the characteristics of a
living thing and that is present in the
mushroom. Also, mushroom do not
appear to move but they are considered
as a living thing. Thank you!

(Classmates clapping)

Very good group 2!

Tomato is also considered alive though it
won’t grow anymore but the texture and
color will still change.

Okay, group 3.
Thank you, Ma’am!

(Classmates clapping)

Very good group 3!

As we tackled earlier, plants and trees are
living things because they have a
characteristic of a living things. Mushrooms
are living things because of its present
characteristics. I believed that group 3 has
explained it well why mushrooms are also
living things.

Everybody let’s clap our hands for a job



Living things are defined by a set of

characteristics, if only one or two of those
characteristics were present then it would
not be considered as a living thing.
However, living things need non-living things
to survive. Such as water, air, and sunlight,
living things need it to live. Therefore, we,
humans or as a living creature should
respect all non-living things as they also
participated in our everyday life.

Alternative Test: Write L if the word is a living thing and NL if it is a non-living thing.
Write your answer on your paper.

_____ 1. bacteria ______6. car

______2. clouds ______7. house
______3. hair ______8. worm
______4. fingernails ______9. fly
______5. fish ______10. boots

J. ASSIGNMENT: Write it on your paper.

Find and list 10 living and non-living things that can be found in your

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