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1. C
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. C

Activity 3

1. Centriole
Spindle Fiber
Nuclear Envelope

Sister Chromatids

3. The structure shown in the picture is a centriole. It is a barrel-shaped organelle which lives
normally within the centrosome. It is made up of microtubules. Centrioles play an important role
during cell division. when the cell is going to divide, those centrioles go to opposite ends of the
nucleus. And when the chromosomes are condensing to undergo mitosis, the centrioles form the
areas that mitotic spindle forms from. And those mitotic spindles go and attach to each of the
chromosomes and pull the chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell to allow cytokinesis, then, to
occur. So the centrioles are critical to allow the mitotic spindle to form, which is critical to allow
Activity 4

1. Anaphase I
2. Anaphase II
3. Prophase I
4. Metaphase I
5. Metaphase II
6. Telophase I
7. Prophase II
8. Telophase II


1. Requires one nuclear division

2. Chromosomes synapse and crossover
3. Halves the chromosome number
4. Produces four daughter nuclei
5. Produces daughter cells genetically the same/ identical to parent and to each other
6. Used for development and growth
7. Pairing of homologous chromosomes
8. No pairing of chromosomes
9. Duplicated chromosomes at metaphase plate
10. Diploid number of duplicated chromosomes at metaphase plate
11. Sister chromatids separate, becoming daughter chromosomes that move to the poles
12. Sister chromatids separate, becoming daughter chromosomes that move to the poles
13. Two haploid daughter cells not identical to the parent cell
14. Four haploid daughter cells not genetically identical


1. E
2. A
3. F
4. G
5. D
6. J
7. B
8. C
9. K
10. I


1. D
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B

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