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Name: Managase, Moriel S.

Year Level: BSREM 2

“Coverage RA. No. 9275”

1. As one of the consumers of water, is it necessary to have a comprehensive water quality

management system? Why or why not?
ANS. As a consumer it is necessary that we have a comprehensive water quality management
system in order to maintain the cleanliness and others that concerns water quality and safety.
The said management is the one whose responsible in developing, rehabilitating, and prepare
contingency plans whenever there is a threat that concerns to water as well as the safety of the
2. In what way that the local government units played an important role in the
management and improvement of water quality within their territorial jurisdictions?
ANS. There are many ways that LGU’s play’s an important role in the management and
improvement of water quality. LGU’s are responsible in monitoring water quality, emergency
response, compliance with the framework of the water quality management action plans. Aside
from it, they also take active participations in all efforts that concerns the quality of water as
well as protection and rehabilitation. Lastly, LGU’s are the one’s that coordinate with other
government agencies and other civil societies regarding in implementation of measures to
prevent water pollution.

3. Let say that you are the mayor of a certain municipality/city. There is an issue of water
pollution within your jurisdiction due to the improper waste disposal of a certain
company but this company help your jurisdiction gain more profits. What necessary
actions would you do in order to solve the problem?
ANS. Being a mayor in a certain place is such a crucial role specially in decision making. Based
on the statement above, if I were the mayor, I will take actions against the said company. Even
though let’s say that it helps my jurisdiction to gain more profit however it threatens the health
or worst the life of my people, it is my duty to eliminate them. No matter how big the profit
that we’ve gain from them, still, my priority as a ruler of that specific place is their/our safety.
Because health comes over anything else.

4. Give at least 4 government agencies that played an important role in maintaining the
water quality of our country and state what are their roles and why they are important?
ANS. 1. LGU’s- this government unit plays an important role specifically in protecting surface
water, ground water and drinking waters. They are also responsible in preparing and
implementing such contingency plans for the protections of health and welfare of the residents
if ever pollutant is naturally occurring.
2. DENR- The primary role of this is to formulate policies and guidelines relating to
pollution control and responsible for the conservation management of natural resources which
includes watersheds and other resources that came from nature.
3. NWRB- responsible for ensuring exploitation, utilization, development, conservation and
protection of the country’s water resources.
4. DA- This government agency works with agricultural procedures to minimize water
quality and quantity issues by using best management practices.

5. As a consumer of a quality water, what is your role to keep the water in your area or in
our country safe and clean to each and every consumer like you?
ANS. As a consumer of quality water it is our duty to help government units in keeping water
safe and clean to each and everyone. By simply following the rules that the LGU’s implemented
it is already a big help in maintaining our water safe, remember that government don’t
implement rules that can harm their people, as a citizen we better follow it. Aside form that as
a consumer we should also responsible in our own waste and apply proper waste disposal.
Minimizing also of using chemicals is one of a way to lessen and avoid water pollution.

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