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Galindo 1

Vivian Galindo

ENGL 1301-109

Dr. Sharity Nelson

21 September 2022

Reflection Essay 1

In the Genre Analysis essay, I learned the purpose of these assignments is particularly when they

ask you what the community is about and what their purpose stands as a group on a specific

issue. Also, tom skilling posted something controversial in his post that brings discussions about

good or bad feedback as well as others which I can use in other courses, for instance, in my

history class, for example, I can use the reverse outline technique is a strategy that helps writers

distill main ideas into short, clear statements is a strategy that helps writers distill main ideas into

short, clear statements. This tool is beneficial for refocusing an argument and the overall

organization of a text. This resource explains the steps for creating a reverse outline so that

writers are empowered to revise their own work (Perdue University “Genre Analysis and


Thirdly, what do you think will not apply to other classes? I believe in just adding general

information would not be enough because since the prompt is asking for specific and through

details in my case draft 1 for me was problem not the best essay I wrote because I was just

generally explaining rather than just talking about one specific topic in this case it was the

transpiration industry and car enthusiasts express good or bad feedback within the post of Tom

skilling (“Genre Analysis Draft 1.” Draft 1. 14 September 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, Vivian Galindo).

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Following, how does the analysis of community help you improve your writing, in general? How

will it help you approach writing tasks in the future? It would help to further explain in-depth

and go through the main reason of why the community is willing to express their needs or

concerns about that position further explain in depth go through the main reason of why the

community is willing to express their needs or concerns in that position (Nelson, Sharity.“Essay

Genre Analysis Prompt.” Purpose. ENGLS 1301, Texas A&M International University,

handout). For example, when I mentioned that the transportation industry had car enthusiasts are

afraid of introducing these vehicles Because of their artificial intelligence and way too much,

then the average car will. The defective battery would delay the time to reach a specific

destination. Also, Tom skilling’s statement proves he wanted car enthusiasts to see the

differences between a conventional car and an electric car so enthusiasts can get convinced that

buying an electric car is a much better option because of the sources of energy it demonstrates.

(Galindo, Vivian. “FINAL DRAFT ESSAY 1.” 19 September 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M


Correspondingly, from writing this essay, what are your strengths? Weakness? In my short-term

experience, my strength would be my ideas of what I want to explain in my writing, but what

causes me problems is how I want to incorporate it in each paragraph so that the words can flow

more smoothly and when I don’t do this these sentences become into run-ons or fragments a can

sometimes use more information than what I need. Next, what did you learn about your writing

from the comments you received from the readers of your essay? to not be too general with my

introduction and keep it short and straightforward and specific to the topic sentences I will be

composing about, for instance, Electric Cars will change the world and will benefit the

environment. This statement proves to be to general and broad and not that specific. Stating the
Galindo 3

specific point or purpose as early as possible. In some communications, you may need to introduce

the topic in the first sentence, but in others where the topic may be included in the subject line or

the title of the document, you may not need to open by presenting the overall topic (Writing

Center, The University of Arizona “Introductions & Conclusions”).

Following, what did you learn about yourself in this essay? What did you learn about you as a

writer and your writing? I learned that writing takes time and patience. You need to feel

motivated and pride about what you want write and how you want to explain it to society in this

case the “audience” and I know that when I first started to write essay back in the sixth grade I

was constantly having trouble with writing because I never had a teacher who patiently wanted

to teach me how but nevertheless, I somehow learned from people along my path who have

guided me to progress with my writing. I’m still learning, and we never stop to learn, and I think

that it is best to learn from your mistakes and to not repeat them and to have practice over what’s

been missed so it will not become a repetitive sequence; the more you know, the better.

Overall, this essay was about Tom Skilling’s discussion with transportation and car

enthusiasts about why an electric car is better than a conventional car and how it benefited the

economy and environment. By doing so, he provides links to spread awareness and raise concern

among car enthusiasts and the transportation industry about the benefits of purchasing an electric

car that would be the best option for a conventional vehicle. Moreover, he demonstrates images

of both features of the cars to explain his claim further (Galindo, Vivian. “FINAL DRAFT

ESSAY 1.” 19 September 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International).

Furthermore, he opens a controversial topic to discuss with car enthusiasts and the

transportation industry why an electric car would be the newest state-of-the-art technology

(Galindo, Vivian. “FINAL DRAFT ESSAY 1.” 19 September 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M
Galindo 4

International). Ultimately, what was the most challenging aspect of this essay? Least

challenging? Most challenging was how to shorten my ideas into the writing portion of my essay

and how to explain in a thoroughly and my least challenging was finally realizing my statements

in a smoothly, straightforward manner. Finally, how has your identity as a writer changed with

this essay? In my opinion, I think a writer is constantly growing and improving oneself with

time and also recognizes one’s mistakes and giving oneself credit about doing something

distinguished for instance, giving myself permission to call myself a writer is a matter of

identity. I am a writer even when I fail. I am a writer when I don't know what to write next. I am

a writer when my characters frustrate me, and my plot is convoluted beyond the point of

understanding. Despite all of this, I am a writer, and so are you, if you choose to be. (Raven,

Vincent "LetterPile.” 3 August 2019). To me this statement proves and explains what writing

truly is and the value it holds in the way we want to control it.
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Works Cited

(Galindo, Vivian. “FINAL DRAFT ESSAY 1.” 19 September 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas

A&M International).

(Nelson, Sharity. “Essay 1: Genre Analysis Prompt.” Purpose. ENGLS 1301, Texas

A&M International University, handout).

(Perdue University “Genre Analysis and Revise”).

Ravenscroft, Vincent “LetterPile.” 3 August 2019 How Embracing My Identity as a Writer

Changed My Self-Perception - LetterPile

Skilling, Tom. “Electric Cars vs. Conventional.” Facebook, August 13, 2022,


Writing Center, “Introductions & Conclusions.” The University of Arizona, 2022

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