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Places to visita round the world

Hello everyone! My name is Tiago and today i am going to

talk about places to visit. When we are in vacations, we
always want to go to same place calm and relaxing, that
was tons of beautiful monuments. Now, i am going to tell
you a bit more about 9 of the mos famous monuments in
the world, and, after that, i will show you a vídeo about
one of the oldest and famous citys in the world, Athens.
The first one is the blue lake, in Iceland. This country, is,
with no doubt, one of the most visited places in the Wall
world, and, her mae atratcion is the Blue lake, that
received, in 2017, a total of 1,2 milions of visitores. The
blue lake is a natural term where we can take a bath or
where we can just see and apreciette the view, that is
very beautiful and relaxing. The second one is the Machu
Picchu, in Peru. This place is one of the most visited
places in South America that, in 2017, as received about 1
million of visitores. This city use to be, in the fifteen
century, one of the main city of the Incas, and it was been
preserved until this days. The third one is Stonenhege, in
England. The Stonenhege is a set of historic stone
monuments, that were build about 4 thousand years. In
2017, this historical place received more than 1 million of
visitores, and, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful
places in the planet. The next one is the Acropolis of
Athens, Greece. This place is na old citadel located above
the city od Athens. In 2019, this monument received
about 4 millions of visitors, mos of them, lovers of Greek
mythology. The next one is Torre Eiffel, France. Located in
the heart of Paris, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most
tallest towers in the world, and one of the most visited
monuments in the world. In 2019, this monument
received more then 7 million people. It is definitly a place
not to be meace. The next one is the Great Wall of China.
Considered by mane experts has one of the greatest man-
made structures in the world, The Great Wall of China has
more then 13 thousand milles. This is an historical
monument that was build by the Chinese empire about 2
thousands of years ago, and, in 2019, this monument
received more then 10 millions of visitors, a fact that
makes this monument in one of the most visited places in
the wall world. The last one the Great Pyramide of Giza.
This one is, for me, the collest monument of wall, so cool
that it was considered one of the seven wondera of the
world, and, in 2019, this pyramide received about 14
millions of visitors. Now, i will show a litle vídeo about a
city that is for me, thanks to her culture and to her
history, one of the most beautiful city in the world,
Athens. Well, as you can see, there are many interesting
places around the world, that have all diferente cultures,
but that are all beautiful places. This was my oral
presentation and i hope you like it.

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