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Assalamualaikum wr.wb , hi my name is Farah and I’am Roisya. So today we will present you guys about
mangokal holi. I’m sure many of you don’t know about mangokal holi. If you want to know more about
mangokal holi, lets check it out.

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Mangokal Holi is a traditional ceremony that held to excavate the graves of longdead people to take
their bones and move them to a new place. This tradition is carried out as a form of respect for the

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Next the reason for helding Mangkal Holi. The first is to raise the dignity of the clan(marga) by
respecting parents and ancestors Second, Preserving traditions passed down from generation to

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The third is to strengthen the ties of family between generations in one family And the fourth is to
expect an abundance of blessings, offspring, honor, and wealth

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The last or the fifth is that the bodies of the Batak tribe must be united in the same place with the family
they loved.

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The next discussion is the steps of the mangokal holi ceremony. The first is to go to the cemetery, they
take the longburied bones.

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The second is washing the bones. The washing is very carefully so it’s won’t damage the bones.

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The third put the bones into a pond or strainer. This method used to make the bones dry. Fourth, the
people are gather in the space provided, it’s purpose to strengthen the ties of friendship.

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Next, they are lunch together. The sixth is an apology to boru, boru is the daughter of the corpse.

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The last ceremony sequence is the culmination of the ceremony. The whole extended family who
participated in the ritual held a party, and sacrificed a buffalo to honor the ancestors.
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The next discussion is tools and materials The first tool is a hoe. The hoe here aims to dig the graves to
take the bones. The second is the buffalo head as a symbol of honor for the ancestors.

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The third is water. It is used to wash the bones and wash the face using the water as a sign of respecting

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The next tool is a coffin. As a place to put the bones. After washing, the clean bones are put back into
the coffin.

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The last discussion is about the unique facts of mangokal holi. First, it is expensive. The clan (marga) who
held Mangokal Holi had to entertain all big family and neighbors of the village. Even in the
implementation of this ceremony, buffalo meat is usually served.

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The second is a symbol of high dignity. Mangokal Holi is believed to raise the dignity of a clan by
respecting parents and ancestors. More beautiful and expensive a grave or monument more clearer and
more prestigious the status of the clan that owns the monument will be.

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Third, it is requires animals to be sacrificed and ulos. In its implementation, Mangokal Holi requires
animals to be used as sacrifices. In this traditional ceremony, a typical Batak cloth must also be provided,
namely ulos. With ulos they believed that blessings always accompany the descendants of ancestors
who died.

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Requires approval from family. The graves of ancestors who want to be excavated and moved must be
with the agreement of the elders in the family. When its approved, the bodies that have been into the
bones are brought to home to be cleaned with a traditional ritual procession.

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Fourth, the corpse must be cleaned. The ancestral bones that have been buried for decades in the
ground are washed with orange water. to make the bones look clean that have been washed and then
smeared with turmeric water. After drying, then the bones of their ancestors were put back into the
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The next unique fact is that it's not ordinary grave The grave that was excavated was not an ordinary
grave, but a pond or a clan monument that was usually built in his hometown or called "Bona Pasogi".

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The last unique fact is the transfer the bones to a new place. The Mangokal Holi tradition is a traditional
ceremonial tradition held by excavating the graves of long-dead ancestors to take their bones and move
them to a new place.

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