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Visual Communication for Instructional Design










Dr. Noor Mayudia Mohd Mohtar


22 JUNE 2022


1.0 Rhetoric
1.1 Target audience/readers
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Issues/Question/Task generated
1.4 Context
2.0 Visual language
Design consideration 8
2.1 Typography 9
2.2 Icons/Logos/Illustrations
3.0 Conclusion4

4.0 References

5.0 Appendix
12 -16

Figure 1: The advertisement

The advertisement “Tumpang - PLUS Raya Aidilfitri 2019” by PLUSMALAYSIA was

uploaded on 24 May 2019 in celebration of Hari Raya. It was an advertisement that
deeply touches the hearts of individuals who are living far away from their family or their
hometown. The duration of the advertisement is 5 hours and 19minutes.

Target audience for this advertisement is people who live far away from their families
only as they will occasionally return to their hometown when it comes to Eid
celebrations. By that, they likely be more appreciative and grateful for each tiring
journey to return home to meet their family as they will not be able to feel the joy of
gathering in large numbers except from this celebration. Other than that, the targeted
audience also aim the Muslim people who celebrate this celebration. since this
advertisement does not have any prohibited elements. So, I think it is suitable to be
watched by all ages who celebrating Eid.  Hari Raya Aidilfitri is regarded as a merry
celebration as it marks a person’s triumph and success on discipline and self-resistance
which symbolizes refinement and rebirth.


The audience of this advertising are mostly young adult where they are who lives far
away for their families. Knowing that the celebration of Eid is a festival that is highly
anticipated by all Muslims in particular. So, of course the community is willing to do
anything to get to the hometown and it includes being willing to drive for hours or some
of them who took a public transportation such as bus, train, and flight. However, there
are also those who feel that the celebration of Eid is just an ordinary day like any other

This visual analysis consists of a total of two informants aged 28-30 years old. These
informants have helped the writer in collecting information on their perceptions about
the visual communication from the chosen advertisement. The interview sessions were
conducted face to face as the informants just live nearby the writer. In addition, the
informants each have a different lifestyle background and they are willing to share their
opinion about the chosen advertisement. The first informant’s name Anatasha, she was
a housewife with 3 kids at home and the other one is name Sharifah, 30 years old who
living in a busy city in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Based on the audience opinion, Anatasha (2022) 30 years old married woman state that
she knows what the advertisement was about as it is regarding the Eid celebrations
where the person who plays the character ‘Amir’ in the video advertisement exactly like
most of the young adults who want to return home for Eid by bus. At the middle of
interview, she (Anatasha) was getting emotional by the fact that the advertisement had
reminded her to her parent at the village. Furthermore, she also said that the
advertisement is suitable for the workaholic person that used to work all the time without
thinking of pleasure and the nature of gratitude when there’s time to gather.

Next, the visual analysis the targeted audience for this advertisement is workaholic
person. It is because this audience tend to work all the time until they do not realize or
forget that they still have their family around. By this advertisement, they can realize the
meaning of ‘Hari Raya’ to those parents who hoping to meet their children occasionally.


Every creative advertisement brings value to the story of the branding or nonprofit itself.
Hence, the team of creatives really need to come up with commercials that creatively
and effectively executed along with the messages. For clients, creative firms may
handle a complex project, from strategy and design to technology and media. All of
which are creatively or professionally led. The work is frequently firmly characterized by
ideals or a particular guiding philosophy. In other words, the work produced by creative
firms is far more intellectual and significant than standard advertisements (Don't Panic,
2019). Therefore, according to Don’t Panic (2019) as well, the purpose of creative
advertisement in advertising is due to memorability, effectiveness, brand love and the
media spend in increasing the number of audiences to acknowledge the advertisement.

As the purpose of this advertisement is to inform the audience whereby the importance
of Eid celebration to some people, it also informs that it is not too late to appreciate the
existence of some people in our life. It states in the advertisement where at the end of
the video, Pak Man finally answer his daughter call and ask her to prepare sahuur.
From the informant’s perception Anatasha, (2022), said that the purpose of this
advertisement clearly to inform the audience to always appreciate the journey.

Informant 1:

“ ….. I think it is important to always appreciate the little journey of going back to
our hometown as we do not when it is the last time.”

Informat 2:

“ ….. At the end of the day, Eid celebration is the only way to gather with all of our

Every creative advertisement involves issues to be discussed, questions to be

answered and tasks generated for the audiences to act due to the transmitted
messages. According to Sharifah (2022), This Eid advertisement by PLUS MALAYSIA
has been successful because it speaks to audiences' emotional states, needs, and
ambitions, particularly during the festive season, when many people are unable to visit
their family and the video's final scene touches their hearts, as it shows how we can
take a move to visit our family.

Also, in this advertisement the writer analysed the issue and the task that has been
generated from this creative advertisement based on informants’ responses. Therefore,
the informants stated mostly about how the advertisement least promotes the product
itself. Meanwhile, there is still an informant who is always looking at the bright side of
the creativity from the designer. Informant 1 mentioned that:

“…. I personally think that the viewers won’t realize that the
advertisement is to make by PLUS MALAYSIA as it is looks like a typical
EID day’’
“Yes. Mainly because the ads don't show much information about the


The goal of advertising and marketing strategies is to deliver persuasive communication

convincing another party to change opinions or attitudes (Meyers-Levy & Malaviya,
1999). There are three main aspects of consideration determining the quality and type
of advertising which the Product, Need, and Customer while there are some external
factors, such as channel, context, media, etc., are vital considerations and often

According to Anatasha (2022), she said that the message of the advertisement cannot
be understood at first as the viewers will wonder what has happening because there’s
no title to introduce the advertisement. However, by looking at the title provided which
“Tumpang” the viewers will know that it is related to EID celebration.

Just as important as the informants’ acknowledgements towards the creative

advertisement, the writer also analysed the advertisement whereby the storyline of this
advertisement was so simple. By that, it is easier for the viewers to understand the
content. From the beginning of the video advertisement, it started from the character
Amir who missed the bus as he wants return to the village and unexpectedly met Pak
Man as he has left his phone in the toilet. According to Sharifah (2022), she mentioned
that the advertisement ……

In summary, this creative advertisement of “Tumpang” by PLUS MALAYSIA triggered

the interest of informants to watch from the beginning until the end with the same
reason of the context of the advertisement. This proves that good and unique creative
advertisements do capture audiences’ attention and transmit the message better.
Content, in all of its forms (video advertisements, blog articles, comments, etc), will
always be vital. While it may be more difficult to acquire engaged views for your 30-
second commercial online, well-crafted content may reach millions of people who are
willing to consume it (Marks,2016). 6



Creativity is the soul in designer something. It is what gives life to messages about
products and services that may otherwise be boring or insignificant in the hearts and
minds of target customers. [ CITATION Kad15 \l 1033 ]

In this advertising, the designers use the concept simple and shot as there’s no
crowded text or message. It will cause the audience to easily understand what the video
are is all about. By keeping it short and simple, it ensures the audience is not distracted
from the main message that want the company want to convey.


Typography plays a very important part in any kind of advertising whether to convey
messages or consist in the logo. Expanding one's understanding of typography and
typeface categorization may help virtually all designers, from brand designers to user
interface designers to specialist typography designers. The typeface types employed in
a design, maybe except for color, have a bigger influence on how a user sees that
design than nearly any other individual design element (Chapman, 2019). Hence, in
general there are only serif and sans serif typefaces but as time evolves, categorization
of serif and sans serif is getting broader with the addition of script typefaces that consist
of formal script, casual script, calligraphic script, etc.

In this advertisement, the writer realized that there are not many elements of typography
used other than the subtitle and the title.


According to Victor Adira, 2014, A logo means a graphic and visual representation in a
desired original concept. Elements as images, words, shapes or colors, make possible
a logo in a harmonious combination which may convey attitudes and values of the
company. A logo must be immediately associated with the organization it represents. It
taps into the organization’s mind set and public image, its values, and is a graphical
summary of the company 'brand'. [ CITATION Des16 \l 1033 ] The only logo in the
advertising is the brand logo itself.

As in this advertisement, the designer put the logo at the right bottom of the video as to
inform the viewers about the graphic elements of the company. So, the viewer will
immediately know that who are the maker of this video advertisement.


As a conclusion to the informant analysis, the writer agreed that the chosen informants
are the ideal audiences to discuss visual communication in the creative advertisement.
This is due to their knowledge and educational background, as well as the legibility of
each informant. Even though most of the informants had never seen the creative
advertisement before, and only one had seen it before the interview, they were able to
understand it well, express the purpose of the advertisement clearly, convey the issues
of the advertisement, and explain the context and conceptual design of the creative

This advertisement may not have a strong attention grabber in comparison to their
competitor, but by understanding the rhetorical situation, the design team can come up
with an idea on how to make it interesting. The use of the proper design principles
allows the advertisement to look nice and organised. Also, by combining appropriate
colours that will balance the advertisement, the audience will be able to read it more
freely as it will calm their eyes.

Knowing the rhetorical situation helps you understand why the designer chose this
design or strategy for this printed advertisement. Aside from that, using a simple font
and a simple colour made it easier to read or watch the advertisement rather than using
too much colour, which would confuse them in understanding the meaning or message
of the advertisement. This demonstrates that the visual language of the advertisement
responds to the rhetorical situation in which the designer decided to do this design in
order to ensure that the audience understands the message that the designer wishes to


PLUSMsia. (2019, May 24). Tumpang - plus Raya Aidilfitri 2019 #IkhlasDaripadaPLUS.
YouTube. Retrieved from

Tailor Brands. (2020). 7 Reasons Why a Logo is Important. Tailor Brands.

Retrieved June 20, 2021, from


Terry, C. (2019, October 9). What Is Communication Design? Everything You Need to

Know. Shillington. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from

Wikipedia. (2019, April 20). Vivo (Technology Company). Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia.

Retrieved May 6, 2021, from

Kokemuller, N. (2019). Creative Advertising Concept. Chron. Retrieved June 1, 2021,


Marks, D. (2016, June 21). Context is King: A Million Examples of Creative Ad

Campaigns Getting it Right. MOZ. Retrieved May 23, 2021, from


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