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Alejandra Martinez

ENGL 13021-1

Dr. Sharity Nelson

3 December 2022

Helpful Homework Assignments

Annotated Bibliography

Alger, S.E., “Delayed Onset of a Daytime Nap Facilitates Retention of Declarative
Memory.” PLoS ONE, vol. 5, no. 8, 2010, pp.1-9, EBSCOhost,
This study focused on how well participants could remember various pictures of faces, places on objects
before and after a 90-minute nap. The participants were divided into different groups affecting when they
would each take their nap. It was concluded that there was a significant difference on memory depending
on how long each participant waited to take a nap. The group that waited a 4-hour long period to take a nap
after their first test was significantly better than those of the other two groups who took a nap immediately
or waited 2 hours. This helps my research because the participant of my study probably retained more
information from earlier in the day then right before the nap taken.
Lau, H, et. al. “Daytime Napping: Effects on Human Direct Associative and Relational
Memory.” Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, vol. 93, no. 4, 2010, pp 554-560.
Academic Search Ultimate,
The effect of a daytime nap on direct associate memory and relational memory was examined during this
study. 31 participated in this experiment in which they were required to look at two sets of picture pairs
after taking a nap or not depending on what they were assigned. It was concluded that a daytime nap is
beneficial for remembering before sleep and are strengthened and reorganized by sleep. This data fits into
my research because a daytime nap has a direct effect on memory and retaining information learned from
throughout the day.
Lavie, P, and B Weler. “Timing of Naps: Effects on Post-Nap Sleepiness Levels.”
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 72, no. 3, 1989, pp. 218-224, Academic
Search Ulitmate,
This article focused on post-nap effects and the levels of sleepiness when awoken from the nap. They
experimented with nine individuals and evaluated the difference between a two hour early and late nap. It
was concluded that taking a nap earlier I the day is more beneficial than taking a nap later in the day. My
research focused on how someone feels after they wake up from the nap and the productivity levels after
the nap.
Waterhouse, J., et. al. “The Role of a Short Post-Lunch Nap in Improving Cognitive, Motor, and
Sprint Performance in Participants with Partial Sleep Deprivation.” Journal of Sprots Sciences, vol. 25, no.
14, 2007, pp. 1557-1566. EBSCOhost,
This experiment reviews the effects of sleep deprivation and sports performance. The researchers tested
ten males on short-term memory tests, visual choice reaction time tests, handrip strength and heart rate after
sprint running. It was recorded that taking a 30-minute nap rather than sitting reading for the same amount
of time was beneficial for their heart rate while doing physical exercise. This article helps a section of my
research because of the correlation of physical activity after naps.
Homework 9.5

Report Question: What are the current trends on tired college students and their way for staying
Analysis Question: Does
the location of a nap have an effect on how someone rests and/or how they
feel when they wake up?
Argument Question: When is the best part of the day to take a nap?

Establish a Schedule:
Working title: Taking a Nap: The Effects on Mood and Productivity
Working thesis: While it can be debated, if people take a short nap in
the middle of the day every
day, their mood will be better as well as their productivity and memory.
Choose a topic: 8/31

Analyze your rhetorical situation: 9/1

Do some preliminary research: 9/1

narrow your topic and decide on a research question: 9/1

plot out a working thesis: 9/2-9/4

do library and web research: 9/2-9/4

start a working bibliography: 9/4

turn in your research proposal and annotated bibliography: 9/2

plan and schedule any field research: 9/3

do any field research: 9/5-9/8

draft a thesis statement: 9/4

write out a draft: 9/5

get response: 9/6-9/7

do additional research, if needed: 9/8

revise: 9/8-9/10

prepare your list of works cited: 9/11

write your final draft: 9/12-9/15

turn in final draft: 9/16

Homework 9.16
1. -evaluating each sentence: check for fragments, comma slpices, fused sentences

  -clear and direct thesis statement

  -evidence from experiment and outside sources are relevant to thesis

  -appropriate language and vocabulary

  -"I" and "you" are not used, stays in third person throughout the essay

  -grammer mistakes

  -MLA format is correct throughout the essay

2. I will set aside time on Thursday and Friday evenings to proofread my essay.

3. I will ask my mom and sister to read my essay on Friday evening after proofreading.

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