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Nama : Syakila Syaharani Putri

Kelas : XI IIS 1

1. From your pov does social distancing important in Indonesia and why is it
As we know, during the current COVID-19 pandemic, the government made
one policy, namely the policy to carry out social distancing. Social distancing is an
effort to minimize human interaction with the aim of preventing the transmission of
dangerous diseases or viruses.
Is social distancing important in Indonesia? I think is very important. Seeing
from the number of victims exposed to Covid 19 which always shows an increase.
The main purpose of the government in making this social distancing policy is to
break the chain of spread or transmission of the virus, so that if we are healthy we
are not exposed to the virus and if we are sick we do not transmit the virus to others.
so that this can reduce the number of cases of covid 19 in Indonesia. We can see the
benefits of social distancing not only for ourselves but also for those around us.
By doing social distancing indirectly, we will also be helping medical
personnel who are visiting during this pandemic. we can see that the impact of
patients exposed to covid 19 is always increasing, resulting in medical personnel
being very busy and unable to enjoy time with their families and even not having
enough time to rest.

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