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Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION:...................................................................................................

II. PART 1:.....................................................................................................................

1. GROUP PROPERTIES CONCEPTS:.............................................................................

A. MEMBER’S ROLE:..................................................................................................
B. NORM:...................................................................................................................
C. SIZE AND STATUS:.................................................................................................
D. COHESIVENESS:.....................................................................................................
2. THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEAM COOPERATION:....................................................
A. INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES...................................................................................
B. MOTIVATION:......................................................................................................
C. EMPOWERMENT:..................................................................................................
D. SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP THEORY:..................................................................
A. WORK DESIGN:....................................................................................................
B. COMPOSITION:.....................................................................................................
C. CONTEXT:............................................................................................................
D. PROCESS:.............................................................................................................
GOAL ACHIEVEMENT IN THE WORKPLACE:....................................................................
6. EACH INDIVIDUAL TEAM MEMBER’S CONTRIBUTION:.........................................

III. PART 2:...............................................................................................................

1. TRẦN NHẬT LONG:................................................................................................

2. TRẦN MAI ANH:....................................................................................................
3. DUONG THAO NHI:................................................................................................
4. TRUONG CONG TRUONG:......................................................................................
5. NGUYEN THU THAO:.............................................................................................
6. HA ANH QUAN:......................................................................................................

IV. CONCLUSION:..................................................................................................

V. REFERENCES:......................................................................................................
Within 6 weeks of completing assignment 2 of Organizational Behaviors, a
team of 6 persons with diverse approaches, including Mai Anh, Thao Nhi, Thu
Thao, Cong Truong, Nhat Long, and Anh Quan, collaborated flawlessly to achieve
the assignment 2. We collaborate on various tasks in order to attain the shared
objective of Merit. As a result, we established criteria to finish the job swiftly, and
we are also extremely pleased that we accomplished it one week sooner than the
provided date.
II. Part 1:
1. Group properties concepts:
The professors of the Organizational Behavior course examined it for us as
part of Assignment 2, so that I could reach the final piece in a group of three guys
and three girls. In each course, the educator will provide each group a project that
must be fulfilled so that others may assess the competency of the others. Through
observation, comprehension, and group activities, members may assess other's
performance and effectiveness based on the prescribed workouts.
a. Member’s role:
Throughout the first workout session of week 5, after being separated into a
group of 6 person, everyone in the group engaged with each other. In workout, the
individuals communicate with one another, vividly displaying their characters and
 The group leader, Mai Anh, is in charge of arranging the assignments
for the group. She must organize her team to attain the objectives
specified. Moreover, Mai Anh also listens, monitors, and comprehends
the significance of each role on her team. She ensures that everyone on
the team thoroughly understands allocated work in order to fulfill it as
efficiently as possible.
 Thao Nhi, as a companion, assists Mai Anh in covering the entire group.
She is the sort that prefers to think rather than act. She has definite and
clear methods in place to guarantee that there is no friction inside the
group. Nhi is the one who establishes the timetables to guarantee that
the allocated tasks are completed on time.
 Thu Thao's inventiveness is indicative of the way she speaks with group
members about a problem. Thu Thao is an extroverted person. She has a
wide range of outside ties, allowing her to reach out to everyone with
the group's message. She participates enthusiastically in the group's
operations, and her suggestions are assimilated and embraced by
 Cong Truong is someone who provides an outsider's perspective on an
issue that the group is debating. He uses crisp arguments, persuasive
reasoning, and a multi-dimensional assessment of both pros and
drawbacks to reach a judgment on each matter. He has a positive
attitude, a clear vision, and an excellent strategic intent. This adds
significantly to the team's way to thrive.
 Anh Quan performs a supporting role by assisting everyone in the group
in bonding with one another. He is a person who is energetic and
extroverted. He always understands how to put the group at ease so that
everyone can perform to their greatest capacity. 
 Nhat Long is described as a reserved individual who rarely
communicates with others. He is most likely the challenge that the team
must overcome in order to progress. However, he makes a concerted
attempt to contribute ideas and complete the group's allotted

b. Norm:
Team member's criteria are determined by their level of expertise. The
members' community behavior is formed. Despite the fact that it was not publicly
acknowledged, organization members recognize the value of one another. Because
the requirements are achievement and communication in group work.
- Exercises are techniques for assessing a person's potential. Each
member's labor and responsibilities are distributed evenly.
Furthermore, sharing the view or concept of personals of the group on
an issue is a means to demonstrate an individual's connection. Any
organization will have some conflicts, but those arguments must be
resolved via communication and interaction.
- Individual's ranking is determined by the amount of time they spend
on assignments. Because the entire group must present the work
within the agreed-upon time frame so that everyone may provide
common remarks and the group leader can judge how effectively they
accomplished the project. If a member finalizes the specified job
flawlessly but misses the deadline for submission, that member will
be scored worse than the individual who accomplished the
assignments in a timely manner.
c. Size and status:
Every person presented a distinct perspective or perspective in the tasks
given in class as well as in Assignment 2. Everyone then argued which concepts
might be applied to group activities. A small community of six people
demonstrates the capacity to function successfully while achieving a high level of
individual achievement. Individual adheres to the following principles:

Name Status

She is the group's contributory factor. She always keeps track of each
member's actions and is dependable to everyone.
Trần Mai Anh
 High Motivation
 High Status

She participates actively in cooperative learning in both sessions,

tutorials and group exercises. Always do allocated work and provide
Nguyễn Thu
numerous suggestions to the organization.
 High Motivation
 High Status

This is someone who is a significant contributing factor to collective

efforts. He has quick responses and gives diverse viewpoints on
Trương Công
various situations.
 High Motivation
 Medium Status

Hà Anh Quân In online sessions, he occasionally makes ideas. To fulfill prescribed

responsibilities, he must be an excellent listener.
 Medium Motivation
 Medium Status

Despite the fact that she is not the group's leader, she examines and
oversees the group's work. She attaches importance to the allocated
Dương Thảo
tasks and distributes them to everyone. 
 High Motivation
 Medium Status 

He often expresses his thoughts on the specified tasks. He is a quiet

Trần Nhật person, yet he always listens in order to communicate with others.
Long  Medium Motivation
 Medium Status

d. Cohesiveness:
Molnau (2020) defines group cohesiveness as a significant contributor to
collaborative performance. In effort to accomplish group aims and outcomes, the
degree of participation encourages individual morale, productivity, and self-esteem
in our teamwork. The degree of involvement of any group is the total of each
member's unique abilities, the benefits, and the group's common objectives.
-       Common objectives: The shared aim of our group of 12 on this topic is
merit. My team split the task among members and set a timeline of two weeks
before November 15, 2021 to complete the draft for the most thorough
assessment. Next, our team established a deadline of one week before the date,
which is November 22, 2021. Furthermore, the group will accomplish the
presentation three days before the course deadline, on November 26, 2021.
-       Reward for the group: If the group's established objective is met, the
leader will treat other members of the group to a cup of milk tea as a spiritual
present for their efforts throughout the past collaboration time. At the same
time, we intend to attend a party after the group fulfills the task together to
commemorate the work that the entire group put out in this activity.  
-       Individual abilities and skills: With the shared objective of receiving a
M for this course, each member interacts with others extensively in order to
finish the work in the best possible way. Group 12 makes advantage of
practically every online communication channel, such as email, teams,
messenger, and so on, to improve people's engagement. These communication
channels have a minimal impact on the position of the leader, but they also
raise the degree of communication and team engagement. As a leader, Mai Anh
values the involvement and participation of her team members. Because certain
individuals do not make a contribution to the assignment during some intensity
exercise, the other division will have difficulties starting up with and accepting
suggestions. However, employing online tools will mitigate many of these
limitations. For instance, all members of group 12 are able to use Google Docs,
Google Sheet to complete tasks in the class and the assignment. The team
strives to foster a healthy competitive atmosphere in order to foster motivation
and togetherness. As a result, the group attempts to extend the working period
in order to accomplish the task more rapidly. Furthermore, the talent that group
12 wishes to foster is critical thinking, which is clearly demonstrated on the job
in order to reach the shared aim of M.
-       Emotional intelligence: Mai Anh stimulates all contacts among
individuals in the form of workout exchanges. This exchange shows a person's
compassion and regard for the other. While the group's individual aims were
initially disparate, each now shares a feeling of common purpose. Each
individual transforms themselves in order to reach a common objective, and the
individual tries to make that possible. Furthermore, each member has the
ability to make their own decisions. Members' understanding and motivation
lead to an expansion. 
2. The development of team cooperation:
Tuckman’s team development model is one of the most influential models
for team formation totally consisting of 5 distinct stages: forming, storming,
norming, performing and adjourning. The four first stages were developed by
Tuckman in 1965 and then in 1977 he and Mary Ann Jensen added the final stage
called adjourning or mourning. (Tuckman and Jensen, 1977)

          Figure 1: Development of team cooperation 

6 members of team 12 are selected at random to satisfy the objectiveness
requirement for achieving the learning outcome of organizational behavior course.
Unexpectedly, some members in team 12 have known others before such as Thao,
she knows 3 per 6 members and she feels quite comfortable connecting people in
group together. However, their relationship is just social contact so that they seem
to not understand others much. At the Forming stage, which is in a few first days
of organizing, there are not any tasks to do and any information to share with
others excluding “hello” and “hi”. There is only a very small agreement that
creates a chat box in Messenger for people to communicate easier. In this period
of time, the position of leader was empty and the objectives were unclear, too.
People in the team just follow the direction of the lecture and tutor in the class to
complete the task without initiative to speak in class. The main problems that
team 12 is facing at the beginning of team development are: no leader, no
purpose and low association among members leading to the performance in this
stage is pretty low. 
At the next stage – Storming, it took around 1 week after forming to find
the direction solving three problems that the team was meeting at the beginning.
The first problem, which is low connection among team members, was solved
easily because almost all members in the group are open-minded. Long is the
most uncommunicative member in the team but others in the group often motivate
and start the conservation with him. Therefore, everyone in the group is willing to
communicate more to find a way to complete the work. The second problem that
is solved in this stage is choosing the leader. Through activities in class, all
members in the team agree to vote Mai Anh as the most suitable to be the leader
of team 12 because in the team, Mai Anh understands most about the requirement
and learning outcome of the subject. In addition, her character is patient and kind
to motivate and direct the team. The last problem arising conflict in the team is
finding the purpose of the team. Thao and Truong aim to merit for this assignment
while Nhi, Mai Anh, Quan and Long aim to pass for that so it is difficult for the
team to clarify the same purpose. However, after the best decision that team
brings out the purpose of aiming for Merit grade and then Truong and Thao have
responsibility to support and add ideas in tasks of other members to complete the
assignment. At this stage, the performance of the team is moderate since the team
did not meet any serious conflict and team members communicated well to solve
In the period of time to change from storming to norming, the key
element for team 12 is communication. In practice, the team started creating
virtual meetings (once to twice per week after class) to separate the tasks for 6
members in the group. All the tasks in the assignment, the powerpoint and
presentation tasks are separated to members clearly. When detaching the tasks,
there are not any ideas for the most fair separation so team 12 decided to use a
“random circle” tool to satisfy fairness but all members in the group have
responsibilities to read and comment on others' tasks.  There are nearly 3 weeks
from this moment to the deadline for the assignment and after discussion, a
specific timetable is arranged to ensure complete the quality assignment within 3
weeks. For example, the deadline for the first draft of each member is 15 th
November (2 weeks before main deadline). It is quite early so members have time
to read other members’ parts to add ideas and optimize contents. As a result, team
12 could complete the finished version of the report. Moreover, chat box is the
key channel for members in a group to make facilitation for members asking for
help and support from the others. To complete task 3 in the assignment, Truong
and Quan have to carry out Holland test code (RIASEC). All other members
support them to complete the test through chat box and Google docs immediately
within only 30 minutes. All activities that team 12 had done in this stage illustrate
that they achieved high performance. 
As having done so well all the stage before, the performing stage of team
12 is quite favorable. Even though, period of this assignment is in Covid-19
pandemic that is so difficult to meet face to face and people in the group are quite
busy with their own job, 6 members still try their best to involve themselves in
almost online meeting calls and online discussion to bring out the best result. All
members complete group tasks on time (1 week before the actual deadline) and all
of them are willing to raise their voice. Furthermore, each task must be read and
assessed by different members in the team. The final result is the association
among all ideas of the group which is the most quality version. By solving all
problems and accomplishing all tasks, the performance of group 12 is measured
The last stage is Adjourning which occurred after finishing the
assignment. In this stage, there is not any work for people to do and there is not
any reason to meet others. However, members in group 12 still keep in touch and
have a good relationship with others. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is
no opportunity for members to meet others. Therefore, team 12 really wants to
have a meal after accomplishing all the tasks which seem to be the reward after
the course.  

Because of Covid-19 Pandemic impact, students can not go to school and
they do not have any chance to meet directly. Team 12 have to do all activities
online such as virtual meeting calls, doing surveys and tests through Google Docs,
discussion and asking for help through online chat boxes. Because of less
emotional communication, it arises conflict of different ideas and opinions
between team members. However, team 12 has comfortable time to discuss and
come up with the most suitable decision. In the working process, team 12 achieves
high communication that members in the team are always willing to give their
opinion in all conservation that help them to discuss the best solution right the time
they meet problems. To have these ebullient conservations, Thao plays an
important role of a “devil advocate” that she is good at starting and extending the
conservation in the team. In all activities, she often comes up with different ideas
from that of others or she shows the weaknesses of others’ ideas. Therefore,
conservation becomes more interesting and other members are stimulated to raise
their voices. 
3. The application of concepts and philosophies of organisational
a. Individual differences:

Depending on the personality characteristics, thoughts and gestures, it is

possible to assess the personality characteristics of each person differently
(American Psychological Association, 2019). According to Personality - Job Fit
theory, there are 6 personality types and 6 basic types of work environment
(Holland and Gottgredson, 1980). When they work in places that match people's
personality traits, they feel more comfortable and more productive.

Note: [R]ealistic, [I]nvestigate, [A]ristic, [S]ocial, [E]nterprising, [C]onventional

According to Holland's Personality - Job Fit Theory, group 12 is a Social

working environment. On the other hand, Long is a person with a slight
tendency to Social personality. If a person works in an environment that doesn't
match their personality, this can lead to conflict and dysfunction (Holland and
Gorgredson, 1980). However, Long is an Investigate person, so he also
supports the team a lot in his work. For the ideas that Long gave, everyone in
the group considered and developed that idea to bring efficiency in work.
Others in the group also actively communicate with Long so that can help him
improve the Social in his personality.

Moreover, the group also has a characteristic that is "agreeableness"

(Thiel, 2020). Because Social in everyone's personality is quite large,
cooperation at work will be smooth and effective. However, Quan is a person
who does not focus too much on the results of the lesson so he puts in less
effort and may rely on others. To avoid this, Thao and Nhi always monitor the
progress of the work and remind other team members to complete the assigned
work on time.

Mai Anh, as a leader, has a fair and reasonable arrangement and division
of work to be able to help everyone work effectively to achieve a common

b. Motivation:

During the voting phase to determine a common aim for the entire
article, the majority of users voted PASS for this topic. Nevertheless, only
Thao and Truong are aiming for MERIT in this assignment. This caused a little
schism among the members of the organization. At the same time, producing
variability in the overall goal of the activity. As a result, all team members join
in the discussion to express their thoughts on their shared aim in order to
persuade everyone to support them. Following the debate, the team studied the
benefits and drawbacks of both PASS and MERIT so that everyone could
consider and make a determination. Furthermore, Truong and Thao eagerly
urge and inspire everyone in the organization to collaborate and strive for a
better. Finally, the group came to an agreement, and the shared aim for the
entire project this time was MERIT. It is clear that Truong and Thao's strategy
was remarkably efficient when it inspired everyone in the group to elevate the
overall aim of the session. Furthermore, because of this strategy, no member of
the group has any disputes with them. At the same time, everyone is pleased to
assist Thao and Truong in reaching the group's common aim.

In addition to personality traits, each team member has different

motivations. Below is a table showing each member's level of motivation.

Level of
Members Explanation

Nguyen Thao's goal in this module is Merit. She is always

Thu enthusiastic about participating in class activities and
Thao High group activities outside of lectures.

Like Thao, Truong also wants to get Merit in this

Truong assignment. He is a person who always participates
Cong High in discussion of class activities and is also a
Truong supporter for other members in completing

Pass is the point Mai Anh wants to achieve in this

exercise. However, that does not mean that Mai
Tran Anh's motivation level is lower than that of others.
Mai Anh She always works hard to achieve her goals and is
also very active in participating in group activities to
support other members.

Just like Mai Anh, although Nhi wants to achieve the

Duong Pass, her motivation level is still very high. She
Thao Nhi always tries her best and motivates everyone to do
and complete assignments on time.

In this semester, Quan has to study 5 subjects so he

only set a goal to get the Pass for this lesson.
Ha Anh
Medium Although he is a person who does not pay much
attention in lecture and tutorial activities, Quan still
actively participates in group activities.
Long's goal in this article is Pass, who is quite quiet
and participates in group activities not very actively.
Nhat Medium
However, with each assigned task, Long is always
the one to complete it on time and fully.

Because each person's goals and motivations are different, sometimes

there will be some minor conflicts between members. To solve this, Nhi
divided the assignment into small sections and assigned each person work that
aligns with their goals. In Part 1 of the exercise, Tasks 1 and 6 will be handled
by Mai Anh, and Task 2 will be assigned to Thao. Quan and Truong are the
ones who will do Task 3, Nhi will be responsible for Task 4. Finally, Task 5
will be in charge of Long. In addition, Truong and Thao will study together
more about the analysis and assessment of MERIT while the rest will study the
PASS parts of the assignment. Truong and Thao also have to add more value
ideas for all the tasks of other members Furthermore, despite aiming for the
lower grade, the members  always complete their tasks considerately to achieve
an ideal grade.

Besides, Mai Anh is the leader of the group, so she applies the following
factors (leadership style, the reward system, the organizational climate, and the
structure of work) to promote the group's motivation (Tracy, 2019). By
analyzing the characteristics of each member, Mai Anh has applied the right
leadership style, supported the members to achieve their goals, and rewarded
them well this semester. Furthermore, Mai Anh noticed that the group's style is
Enterprising - Social, so the two factors that she pays attention to are:
Affiliation and Security (Steinbrecher, 2019). Affiliation gives members
satisfaction and comfort with each interaction that takes place, while Security
to avoid time-consuming social behaviors and unnecessary disputes and

c. Empowerment:

With voting and being trusted by the group members, Mai Anh was
elected as the group leader. During the course of the group work, she showed
many characteristics to be a good leader. The first is about work, she has
assessed the ability and skills of each member to split the tasks fairly and
suitable for the member without any objection. As a leader is also an observer,
she has an objective view of all members, especially when it comes to group
activities. In addition, the leader's responsibility is to solve the group's
problems, so she is also a calm and fair arbiter when there are disagreements
among members. As a member but also with certain power in the group,
Truong, Thao and Nhi are the support for the leader. Nhi's task is to transmit
knowledge by synthesizing important knowledge related to the essay and the
necessary requirements to confirm if any member does not understand.
Meanwhile, Thao will be the representative to answer the group's questions
during the lecturer's or teaching assistant's class, the answer is the agreed
answer after the debate between the group members. Moreover, she is the best
one to come up with new ideas and give suggestions to other members’
assignment tasks. Truong will be the one to support the leader's observing role
such as controlling the member's performance, closely monitoring the process
and results to report to the leader. Professionally, Long also contributed a lot of
effort when supporting Thao in developing and implementing new ideas. On
the other hand, Quan plays a very important role as a connection and
encouragement among group members with specific activities so that everyone
can get closer. Through this, it is easy to see that Mai Anh is a very effective
leader when she defines assignment tasks clearly and then explains them to
team members correctly. 

d. Situational Leadership Theory:

According to Hersey (1979), is the correct leaders who adjust their style
to meet the followers they wish to influence; or who can flexibly adapt their
own style to suit the demands of the company. A leader wishes to use a
situational leadership style and needs to consider two factors: For each age
level, task behavior and relationship behavior.
Truong + Thao (R4): Thao is smart and quick-witted in everything, especially
quickly understanding the questions of lecturers and assistants while Truong is
skilled in observing and In order to control the activities of the group and each
member, Mai Anh has applied Delegation (S4) to help reduce the leader's
workload and give them the opportunity and credibility to demonstrate their
skills. They are less monitored and impose many laws so they can be creative
and act freely.

Long + Nhi (R3): Both of them have good background knowledge and skills
because Nhi is the one who captures important knowledge to convey to the
members, Long is the person who easily applies the theory into practice;
However, what they have in common is that they do not actively communicate
with other members (unless mentioned), which affects the relationship between
members and work performance. Therefore, Mai Anh has applied Support (S3)
to them to motivate them to be more open and proactive with people to
improve the negative things.

Quan (R2): Although Quan's knowledge is still uncertain, he is considered the

friendliest in the group, always bringing positive energy to everyone. However,
due to the nature of teamwork leading to common results, Quan was coached
by Mai Anh (S2) by allowing joint work with Truong to improve, apply and
develop his knowledge.

Mai Anh's leadership style is broad and adaptable when she has
applied Hersey & Blanchard's leadership theory. Mai Anh from the beginning
of the process has analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the members, so it
depends on the skills and knowledge of people to apply appropriate leadership
styles. At the beginning, delegating Truong and Thao is a job that allows her to
reduce her workload while still being able to fulfill her roles and
responsibilities; Then, she is still able to support Long and Nhi with confidence
and initiative, moreover, support Quan with knowledge. In the process of
working together, all employees can notice a change in each other's positive
direction. Despite the change, Long still hasn't actively communicated much.
Quan had a remarkable change through his personal contributions to the
common work with the support of Mai Anh and Truong.
T-P Testing result leadership

T-P Testing result leadership

Based on the above chart,  the score of task oriented is higher than people oriented one
but it does not change Mai Anh’ leadership style. She not only concentrates on one
leadership style but also applies a suitable style for each member through their ability,
skills and knowledge.
4. The factors that make team effective/ ineffective:
To  analyze the working performance of the Group 12, the team decided
to base on four aspects, in which, effectiveness includes positive factors and
ineffectiveness includes negative factors. In contrast, the Group can mention
outstanding factors only, which will affect the working performance.

Figure 2: Team Effectiveness Model.

a. Work design:
Task identity: At the first few weeks of organizing, team members did
not pay much attention to the  activities in lecture and tutor lessons.,  .
Therefore, it is a problem that makes the group ineffective. However, after that,
the Group understands the importance of working together as well as
supporting each other as a team; hence, our strategy is to communicate together
in order to identify the problems and solve them as a team, at the end, Group 12
was effective.
Task significant: Not all of the team members join the group activities
in each lesson, accordingly, members may have missed the opportunities to
connect with each other and it can affect the final assignment. All the members
have fully participated in every lecture and tutorial, but not in teamwork
activities, therefore, team members hardly understand each other clearly and
have difficulties in communicating. In contrast, task identity can not be
completed fully and it causes a negative effect on our Group's effectiveness.
b. Composition:
Size: According to the lecture, an optimal group size is six people,
which allows the group to generate more ideas, lower the amount of labor
compared to individual works/small groups and optimize the difficulties of
larger groups. Thus, the effectiveness was positively affected by this Group’s
Flexibility: The group discussion divided the tasks and the members not
only focused on doing their own work but also supported others to finish the
assignment with the highest performance. In the process of completing the
assignment,  tasks 2 and 3 are the longest and most difficult, so the Group is
willing to help Thao, Truong and Quan to complete it. In contrast, all the team
members are very flexible, which has a positive effect on Group’s
c. Context:
Resources: In the whole subject, the team can only have online
meetings on Teams beside class's activities, so, it is difficult for us to
communicate which would make the Group work ineffective. 
Leadership and structure: At first, it is quite difficult to identify the
right tasks and choose a leader because members have barely known each
other. At week 9 and 10, the Group voted for a leader (Mai Anh) and assigned
tasks for each member. In order to avoid conflict, instead of the leader
assigning the task to the members, the team decided to use ‘’wheel of name’’ to
divide the tasks so it will be fairer for the members. At last, the performance
has increased and it is a positive factor of the Group's effectiveness. 
Mai Anh -  the member who tries her best to connect with others by
communicating as well as attend fully at many activities in class; therefore,
team 12 decided that she should do task 1 and 6 in order to have a full view to
evaluate the Group’s performance. Task 2 and 3 are the longest  that would be
done by Thao, Truong and Quan and are supported by others to do it. When the
group discussed frequent and separated tasks, he could not join. So, Long will
do task 5 but it is not too difficult for him to handle. 
Climate of trust: At the beginning, the team is hardly able to connect to
each other and it leads to a low level of trust because of the lack of
communication. After many online meetings and chats, the Group is very
comfortable in supporting each member and contributing to the assignment.
Also, team 12 have successfully increased the level of trust. Consequently, by
increasing the level of trust, it had a positive effect on our working
Performance evaluation and reward: In Group 12, Thao and Truong
have set the goal to get Merit, therefore, not only them but the group is also
trying their best to achieve the goal. Team 12 have set the deadline to finish the
work earlier than 2 weeks in order to track and check the task and adjust the
mistakes so the members must complete at their best performance in the whole
process. In contrast, this factor did not have any negative effect on the working
d. Process:
Team efficacy: In the first three weeks after the group was assigned, the
performance was low because the team did not understand the importance of
the group's activities as well as hardly communicated with others, accordingly,
the points in class’s activities were not high. After week 10, the team started to
have trust and it has helped team 12 improve the performance. Thus, this factor
had a positive effect on the group's effectiveness.
Conflict levels: All the members try their best to minimize conflicts
with others so it is not difficult for the team to achieve agreement. It is
successful for team 12 because members can make the decisions more quickly
but not sure about the quality of it. On the other hand, the group has achieved a
norm that there was a little conflict between individuals. The team members are
tied up with their own work so it is quite difficult for the team to arrange many
meetings to communicate; however, members  have tried their best to
communicate with others (arrange online meetings after tutorial class), not
having any barriers among members as well as each of the members listening
to others ideas also. 
5. The relationship between the effectiveness of teamwork and
goal achievement in the workplace:

For teamwork, the role of each member is an important factor that

directly affects the effectiveness of teamwork. Teamwork increases the
interaction between members, creating an organizational environment that
guides individuals towards the common goal of the team. Effective teamwork
can help employees improve their working skills and help organizations
achieve common goals quickly with high efficiency such as increasing profits.
According to (Sanyal & Hisam, 2018), considering the relationship among
effective teamwork and goals in the workplace can be through many different
aspects such as solidarity, communication among members, personal
development, leadership and division of work.

First of all, teamwork will create a solidarity unit. Although our group
is a member who did not know each other when it was first established, after a
period of working together, the friendship between the members was formed.
Team work has changed the members in a more positive direction, it helps
each individual to develop themselves, take responsibility for the work of the
group, and support each other in work. Since then, the exchange and support
of each other in teamwork activities helps the members' relationship closer
together. Therefore, each member realizes the importance of individual
responsibility to the group's common purpose and solidarity is the key to
creating an effective teamwork.

Secondly, teamwork motivates communication among members. When

members are more comfortable communicating directly with each other, the
organization is closer to the goal of the project. Team 12 usually try to
communicate with each person as much as possible, which will help members
understand each other better and solve problems together faster. In addition,
communication helps people in team 12 to listen and understand other
individual opinions, thereby making it easier for us to work together.

Thirdly, personal growth is encouraging via team working. Teamwork

not only promotes teamwork but also encourages the development of
individual strengths. In team 12, there are individual talents such as Mai Anh
who is good at dividing work and solving internal problems, Nhi is
responsible for imparting knowledge related to the team's goals, Truong and
Thao are good at giving fresh suggestions and creating ideas. work
motivation, while Long and Quan have the role of bringing all members
together and supporting ideas with collected data. Thus, to be able to achieve
highly effective teamwork, the team need to know how to exploit and
promote each individual's talents more. Besides, working in groups can help
members improve their thinking ability and actively contribute personal

Finally, the leadership ability and division of the work will affect the
effectiveness of teamwork. The smart leader is the most responsible and
knows how to properly divide the work for each member. In team 12, the
leader has divided the work fairly, in accordance with the capacity of each
person and agreed with the members working for the common goal. As a
result, all individuals in the team often complete work on schedule and offer
criticism if individuals do not do well. Thanks to the effective leadership of
Team 12, the relationship between the leader and the members is kept at a
good level that contributes to the common goal of the whole team.

According to (Belbin, 2004), Belbin's team roles include 2 key

categories of group skills as key task focused and key process focused.
Because individuals have distinctive tasks and roles, they have different skills
as well. However, it is essential for all members to have communication and
problem resolving skills. Respectation, responsibility and working attitude are
the factors that assess the level of cooperation of members to achieve the
goals of the whole group. The table below illustrates the difference of each
member's development skills.

Skills Truong Tran Duong Ha Nguyen
Cong Nhat Thao Anh Thu
Truong Long Nhi Quan Thao

Organizing and
Decision –
Task – x x x x x X
x x x x x X

Communication x x x x x X

Ability to build
x x x

Persuasion and
x x X
Key Influence
Facilitation x x X

Focused Feedback x x x x x X

Skills Chairing
x x x x x X

x x
6. Each individual team member’s contribution:

Level of
Name Task Evaluation

Mai Anh needed to be able utilize a variety of

leadership approaches. She requires a long time
to assess each member's skills and limitations.
Trần Task As a result, she will be able to propose the best Medium –
Mai Anh 1 + 6 person for them. Furthermore, because the High
group reached an advanced stage one week
ahead of the deadline, she always attends to
ensure the group's assignments are on schedule.

Thao is a high-energy individual who is also

sympathetic and has excellent organizing
Task abilities. She assists Mai Anh in bettering the
Thu High
2 system among the members. She collects the
instructor's criteria, then distributes and
distributes the team's work to fulfill the title.

Quan is a fiery, outgoing individual, but he

currently does not work collaboratively in class
Hà Anh Task groups. However, after being remarked on. He
Quân 3 also reactions that take place modifications by
contributing more ideas and comments in each
series of activities.

Trương Task Truong is a straightforward consultant. He can High

Công 3 provide many viewpoints on an issue and
Trường communicate them through action groups. From
that vantage point, he provides everyone with
the best option for each situation. 
Furthermore, the School collaborates with and
helps Quan in fulfilling sentence 3. This
arrangement contributes to the group's work
being more comprehensive.

In collaboration with the team leader, as a

partner who spans the entire group. With
Dương effective corporate and critical thinking
Task Medium –
Thảo abilities, Nhi binding causes and labor to each
4 High
Nhi co - worker. 
Nhi is continually coming up with fresh ideas to
help the team flourish.

Long is a bit reserved and seldom engages in

community activities, so contacting him without
a face-to-face encounter is tough. Every week,
though, he appears to have changed and
Task improved. He is conscious of his own
Nhật Medium
5 vulnerability and cures it as soon as he becomes
aware of it. He also strives to finish the
prescribed assignment within the time frame
specified. As a result, the members continue to
value his contributions.

Each member of the group has unique strengths and drawbacks in terms
of talents, experience, and character. However, everyone understands how to
modify in order to be more suited when working in a professional atmosphere
and achieving a common objective.
III. Part 2:

1. Trần Nhật Long:

I was lucky enough to be a member of team 12 in Organization Behaviour.

Although I have not had much time to work directly with team members
because of the Covid pandemic, I have gained many experiences and memories
when working with team members through online channels.

Evaluation each member in team 12:

After being active and completing many tasks with the members of team
12 after a few weeks, I made some evaluations for the performance of each
team member. All team members complete their individual work before the
deadline after being assigned by the leader. Most of the members realize their
individual responsibility for group activities, therefore, they make efforts to
contribute to the accomplishment of the group's common goals. Further,
individuals who do not understand the problem or have difficulty performing
the task, the other members often help to find a way to solve the problem. In
general, the members know how to listen and complete the work when
assigned. However, in my opinion, each member has their own strengths and
weaknesses when working in groups.

Firstly, Tran Mai Anh is the leader of my team, she is a confident,

competitive and talkative person. She usually takes the initiative to receive the
task from the teacher and then communicates it directly to each member of the
group. Overall, Anh's leadership skills are quite good, however, she still needs
to improve her listening skills to understand each member better. Therefore, I
rate Mai Anh's performance with a score of 85/100 in teamwork.

The second member is Truong Cong Truong, he is a passionate and

careful person. In most of the group's work, Truong often contributes a lot of
personal ideas and views when working in groups. Besides, Truong also
regularly chats and exchanges work with members to find a common solution
for the job. Therefore, I highly rate Truong's performance with a score of
The next member, Ha Anh Quan is a rather calm and optimistic member.
Although Quan does not often communicate with the team members, he is
always present and contributes his ideas in team meetings. He usually calmly
solves problems so he has a positive mindset when working in a team, but he
needs to improve his communication skills. So I rate Quan as 70/100.

Next, Nguyen Thu Thao is considered the most active and creative
member of the group. In all the tasks that the teacher assigns to each group,
Thao is the one who always gives opinions and at the same time evaluates
everyone's points of view, thereby helping the members choose the best
solution. Further, Thao also often chats with team members to create a close
atmosphere when working in groups. So, Thao got a score of 95/100.

The last member mentioned is Duong Thao Nhi, she is a calm person and
has the ability to plan. Nhi often talks with Mai Anh to divide the work
appropriately for each member. Besides, Nhi often listens to the members'
opinions and then gives suggestions to develop those ideas. However, she also
needs to improve her communication skills and be more enthusiastic when
working in groups. Therefore, I rate Nhi as 75/100.

In general, most of the members contribute to the group's overall

activities, but because we have to work as a team online during the Covid-19
pandemic, we sometimes have difficulty communicating and exchanging with
each other. together. Besides, the group's time together is only a few weeks, so
it's not easy to get a better insight into the performance of each member.

 About my performance.

After working with team 12 for a while, I myself have understood and
improved my teamwork skills to achieve high results. Teamwork has taught me
how to listen to other people's opinions, however, I feel I need to improve my
communication skills with everyone in the team to create better results. After
the pandemic, if I have the opportunity to meet directly with every member of
team 12, I will try not to be shy to talk to everyone more.
2. Trần Mai Anh:
During assignment 2, I was challenged to be a leader in order to
contribute to and drive the achievement of the group's 12 ambitions. It is an
honor for me to be a part of Group 12. Our crew is fantastic, in my opinion.
Although there were still some difficulties and disagreements that arose during
the exercise's fulfillment, we always found a solution to overcome the
challenges in order to achieve the shared goal as envisioned. The members
always encourage one other whenever one of them is having problems with
their given duty in order to meet all of the requirements of the assignment and
maintain consistency throughout the project. After taking this course together,
all team members have experienced positive improvements, with improved
intellectual abilities.
Thao and Truong are two members of the team that I admire. Because
both of these folks have made significant contributions to the allocated tasks.
Thao might be considered as a vibrant individual with inventive thoughts and
smart argumentation. She is usually an enthusiastic participant in class
discussions, making good recommendations and connecting individuals.
Truong always gave me the impression that he worked incredibly hard. Truong
is highly regarded by me for his efficiency and the high caliber of his
performance. Not only that, but he always provides multi-dimensional concepts
so that everyone in the group may argue and debate until the activity is
completed perfectly. Then, there is Nhi, who has helped me manage and
connect everyone so that the team stays on track by correcting mistakes and
providing feedback. Long got the sense to me in the first several weeks that he
was pretty quiet and seldom offered comments to the group because he was
dealing with some personal issues. However, in recent weeks, he has realized
the issue and has made quick constructive improvements. Long has made
significant contributions to class discussions by articulating certain
perspectives. Finally, Quan's having to finish 5 courses at the same time can
be a bit distracting. He does, however, strive to stay up with the team's
achievements and to better himself.
Throughout the course of this activity, I gained a wealth of knowledge
and abilities that will help me grow as a person. The activity helped me grasp
the aspects that determine the team's performance and inefficiency. That makes
me care more about a team's background, composition, design, and methods.
The task contributed significantly to my realization of my own benefits and
limitations while leading the group's operations, allowing me to overcome and
develop the flaws while making excellent use of the strengths. Previously, I
was rather timid in conversation and preferred to work alone. However, I have
enhanced my interpersonal collaboration and interaction. I recognize how to
discuss, assist, and comprehend each member's work in order to handle tasks
and provide ideas that are more appropriate for each individual. And I look for
ways to personalize my leadership style to each individuals.
3. Duong Thao Nhi:
 Tran Mai Anh
Rating: 9/10
Mai Anh is the leader of our group. From the first day of being a leader,
she understands that her mission is important and she needs to be very hard-
working. Mai Anh participated in every activity in class and managed it very
well. She connects the members by being friendly, gentle as well as listens to
every member’s opinion and contributes to the group. In addition, Mai Anh
was one of the best leaders I have ever worked with. In every activity, Mai Anh
will take the initiative to create online calls and help members to do the tasks.
However, sometimes she does not understand the task assigned which creates a
small conflict in a group (which does not affect too much), therefore, Mai Anh
should be more focused and understand what she needs to do.
 Nguyen Thu Thao
Rating: 9/10
Thao is the contributor of group 12. She is very talkative and works very
hard with the task she has been assigned. Thao came up with many ideas and
was vivacious in the group's activities. Moreover, in every meeting, Thao will
be the one who starts the conversation, giving her opinion and connecting
everyone with her ideas, I think this is the best side of Thao. When finishing
the assignment draft, Thao is also the one who corrects the mistake of the
member's section and she is very enthusiastic about it. 
 Truong Cong Truong
Rating: 8/10
Along with Thao, Truong is also a very vivacious person. He is very
friendly and comfortable while giving his opinions. Truong is very likely a
spokesman for our group’s meeting, he will give fresh ideas as well as create
many suggestions, present them to us. He is also easy to get along with and
members do not have any trouble while working with him. On the other hand,
sometimes Truong is not focused on the group's activities, therefore, in the
future, he needs to be more concentrated on it.
 Tran Nhat Long
Rating: 7/10
Long is not a talkative member. I think in the first few weeks, he is shy
and does not know what to say in the activities. However, until now, Long has
changed and presented himself as a knowledgeable person; he started to talk
more with the members as well as giving his opinion more casually, moreover,
he is very good at listening to others' ideas. When the task was assigned, he
always finished in time as well as did it very well.
 Ha Anh Quan
Rating: 7/10
In the first few weeks, Quan has not participated in the group’s activities
because he was too busy studying 5 subjects at a time. However, when the task
was assigned, he still finished it on time. In meeting calls, Quan is talkative and
easy to connect with other members.
 Self-reflection and impact made
After weeks working with group 12 in OB course, I have understood
how to work in a group. First, I determined how to make our group work
properly as well as how to avoid conflict as well as  understand others'
personalities in our group. By working with them, I know many new working
styles, how to connect with others in order to minimize the shyness, etc.
Thanks to the group activities,  I have learnt that I need to be bolder while
working in groups because it will help me and the members to get closer,
therefore, we can easily achieve success.
In the group activities, I do not express much about my opinion or
thought, I prefer to listen to others' ideas and decide to agree or disagree with it;
but in a few situations, I did present my opinion in the group. In the process of
working, I have done all my tasks on time and discussed them with others. In
the future, I will change myself and give more opinions while working in a
group as well as expressing my thoughts or ideas in order to contribute to the
team’s work.
4. Truong Cong Truong:
In my opinion, my team has had a great work group because of the
mutual support in the process of working together and this is reflected in the
essay. Although there were quite a few problems or conflicts at the beginning
of the operation as the lack of communication was the biggest problem that I
realized, after that time the job mission was implemented very well and
progressed with the work, the common goal is Merit, the friendliness and
respect for each other even though each person has their own personality or
way of doing things.
I did and completed the task as quickly as I could. However, my
personal view may not be objective, but I can affirm that my enthusiasm,
responsibility and sociability and help are recognized by everyone. In addition
to personal tasks, I am also very active in helping all team members when there
are any requests such as promoting Nhat Long to become more active in
communication, answering questions related to essay comments of other
About Group 12 leader, Tran Mai Anh has a lot of positive energy and
is loved by all members of the group. Not only that, she is also a good leader in
terms of knowledge as well as problem solving or creativity at work. She
knows how to observe, look at the right people to divide the work based on the
members' personal evaluations. Moreover, to encourage and motivate
everyone, she also promised to honorably invite the members to drink milk tea
if the group achieves the goal (Merit grade).
About ThuThough her mission is simply to create and develop essay
ideas, she always goes beyond her productivity and beyond her duties. She
always listens to the lecture carefully so that she can add important things
related to the essay (this task belongs to Nhi); Or in Truong's duty to monitor
the work and results of members, she always actively helps him to check and
review other members' parts to comment and contribute ideas. Her actions are
considered to be extremely positive and affect work results.
Ha Anh Quan is a member who doesn't contribute much on essays, but
he listens very hard to everyone's opinions to absorb and always create
connections between members. With a gentle, positive personality, knowing
how to use his strengths to replace his weaknesses, he is also recognized by
everyone and helps him in return in his task by reinforcing his knowledge and
giving suggestions on his part.
Nhi is also a smart and quick girl, but she is quite private, afraid to
actively communicate with people. Even so, she still fulfills her role of
imparting knowledge to the members. That problem only happened in the first
2-3 weeks of group work, after that, it improved markedly and was more
proactive when sharing about yourself, answering or asking questions in
Finally is Nhat Long, who is influenced by everyone and achieves
desirable results. Like Nhi, he was quite shy to communicate and rarely
attended meetings in the first weeks of the process, but he was different from
her in that he actively asked for everyone's help to support him. He can change
that seeing his progress and desire, the leader asked everyone to care and
support him and then the result was as he wanted.
After working together on organizational behavior with everyone, I was
able to apply my own strengths and learn many things from other members
such as having to have an objective view of every member to find out
everyone's strengths and weaknesses to be able to share tasks from the leader;
Thu Thao's proactive helping (beyond productivity). In the future, I also want
to become a talented leader with all the elements, skills and knowledge.
However, there is one issue that I will try to change in group work is the need
to calmly listen to people's reasons when there is a performance that is not as
good as I would like directly criticizing the low performance of individuals,
affecting the results of the whole group. This has affected psychology as well
as members with more malicious views. I hope to change this negative issue.
5. Nguyen Thu Thao:
After working as a team with 5 other members, I have my own
evaluation about each individual in my team above.
 Tran Mai Anh (team leader)
From my point of view, 3 words describe Mai Anh’s characteristics:
listenable, studious and initiative. She is trusted to be the leader by all other
team members after 2 weeks of working together because she is always
initiative at both doing tasks in class and doing assignment with the team. The
best thing of Mai Anh is a good listener and she knows how to make
suggestions for her co-operator. Even though we have a short period of time to
work together, Mai Anh still sees each individual’s strengths and weaknesses to
have the most suitable leadership style for us. However, sometimes, Mai Anh is
“too kind” for the position of a leader. She always listens and accepts the
demands of team members despite making decisions so that she becomes faint.
In conclusion, her performance is high especially till the end of course when
she gave many ideas to correct the essay. 
 Truong Cong Truong
Truong is one of only two members aiming for Merit for this course at
first. He has a good background of knowledge and good attitude at work. Not
only finishing his own task, but he also assists other members to give
suggestions to make their essay better. When the team do the task in class, he
gave many logical and valuable ideas and persuasive explaining for his
opinions. Sometimes, he was not really concentrated on fixing the essay (after
the feedback of tutor) but he remedied this problem when he was reminded by
others immediately. It is not difficult to see that he plays an important role in
my team for the best team’s performance.
 Duong Thao Nhi
In my opinion, Nhi is so confident at communication and good at
synthesis so that she works as a secretary for all our meeting and diffuse these
conclusions to team members. Therefore, it is much easier for us to work and
discussion avoiding mistake as much as possible. Nevertheless, Nhi needs
much helps to improve her grammar and knowledge on assignment task. As the
result, her performance at communication is high but her performance at work
just meet the medium range. 
 Tran Nhat Long
At the first and second week, I did not really like Long’s working
attitude. He did not join our first meeting without announcement even though
we had made an appointment before. This led to difficulty for whole the team
to make all the decisions. However, he made clear changes after he is
complained by others that every member can recognize his improvement. He
became initiative at writing assignment and discussed the solution to make it
better. Especially last week, he explained tutor’s suggestion correctly and came
up with good solution at the same time. His changes illustrate his desire to
participate to achieve an ideal score for this course. His changes at performance
brought positive energy assisting all others feel more comfortable to work so
that our performance could reach the highest range as possible.
 Ha Anh Quan
Quan is considered as the one who has not had a good background of
knowledge. However, he improved his knowledge after this assignment with
support of others members in the team. He usually has positive energy that he
is willing to accept any task. He is able to make cheerful conservation what
makes us laugh all the time. Although he could not give much suggestion with
his knowledge but his characteristic connected team members. He should learn
how to manage his time and pay more attention to the course to have better
knowledge that helps him complete the course. 
 Self-reflection and impact I made
After weeks, I have learnt many things from my co-operators. First
of all, I know how to maximize efficiency of team work by recognizing
what factors influence team performance both positive and negative. One
other thing that I learnt after this course is that sometimes conflict and
struggle bring positive influence in the team. It is an opportunity for me to
look into a shortage that I might not realize if I work alone. In my team I
was called devil advocate because I often raise my voice to expose the
disadvantages in other’s ideas. It sounds very “mean” but it brought
ebullient conservation for my team. Therefore, people gave more ideas
involving assignment completement. In the future, I will be more confident
to try the position of leader so that I can do better at connecting people in a
team. In addition, my communication skills still should be improved to
exploit others’ ability effectively. 
6. Ha Anh Quan:

 Tran Mai Anh

Since being assigned to group 12, Mai Anh has shown a very serious
working attitude, she participates in class activities very enthusiastically.
Besides, in the group's activities, she always has an overview and gives
reasonable opinions. For this reason, all members of the group elected Mai
Anh as the leader of group 12. Mai Anh is a very friendly leader who
always connects and motivates everyone in the group to be able to complete
the assignment on time. I can say this is the best team leader I have ever
worked with.

 Nguyen Thu Thao

Thao is a talkative person and is very enthusiastic about giving ideas

in class and group activities. Whenever a task is assigned, Thao is always
the first to share her ideas in the group of 12. She also completes the work
on schedule and is the one to find mistakes in the draft to help people fix it.
Furthermore, with her friendliness and dynamism, Thao is loved by
everyone in the group.

 Truong Cong Truong

Truong is a very hard worker and careful. He is always focused in

lectures and tutorials so that he can understand what needs to be done to get
the score he wants. Like Thao, Truong is a very enthusiastic person in
group activities, he gives personal opinions and discusses with everyone to
bring the most effectiveness when doing assignments. When the work was
divided, Truong supported me so that our assignment was completed on

 Duong Thao Nhi

Nhi is a person who always has a plan and wants the whole team to
work in the most effective way. Nhi is the one who talks to Mai Anh (team
leader) to discuss how to divide tasks in the group to satisfy everyone.
Furthermore, when people give their opinion, she always gives suggestions
to come up with the easiest solution.

 Tran Nhat Long

During the first week, Long was quiet and shy because he rarely
communicated with other members of the group. Even in group activities,
or online calls, Long did not attend and did not give opinions. At first, I
found the way Long worked with the team was not good. But gradually,
when he got used to the other members, Long's working attitude completely
changed. He is very efficient in his work and the ideas he gives are very
helpful in our group activities. The tasks assigned he completed in detail
and on time.

 Self - reflection and impact made

After a few weeks working with a group of 12, I have learned a lot of
things about how a team works. First of all, it is necessary to bring all
members together, understand and always be ready to help each other.
Moreover, the team also needs motivation to always have a positive and
comfortable working environment for all members. From the above factors,
the efficiency in work will increase and achieve the common goal of the
whole group. During lectures and tutorials, I don't usually pay much
attention. At the same time, I occasionally contribute my personal ideas to
support other members of the group. On the other hand, I always try to be
able to remove the barriers of the team members, creating more friendliness
and cohesion for my group. I think in the future, I will improve myself by
listening and giving more opinions. Furthermore, improving
communication skills in a small group to bring productivity and efficiency
to work.
IV. Conclusion:

After 6 weeks of working together, everyone of us in Group 12 have

greatly improved our abilities and knowledge in order to reach our objectives.
Nhat Long and Anh Quan were more receptive in the exercises assigned to
them in class, but Cong Truong and Thu Thao demonstrated their
understanding and quantitative reasoning more clearly. Nhi also shown her
leadership abilities and aided Mai Anh in her leadership development. Finally,
Mai Anh fulfilled her role as a leader by pushing the team to reach the
established targets.
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