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As Diaz (2014) expresses: “Las Tics son el conjunto de avances tecnológicos que
nos proporciona la informática las telecomunicaciones y las tecnologías
audiovisuales, comprenden los desarrollos relacionados con los ordenadores,
internet, la telefonía las “más media”, las aplicaciones multimedia y la realidad
virtual.” (p. 5) Based on the above, TIC’s are the means by which we can
communicate and by which we can interact with the external and internal
environment, through them we can obtain visual, auditory or audiovisual
information, thus having a learning more significant. TIC’s have greatly helped the
educational community, providing new teaching alternatives and updating the new
generations through the technological field.

TIC's are extremely important tools to learn English language, since through them
the different linguistic abilities can be developed, learning in an advanced way and
taking advantage of technological resources. In this way “Las TIC sirven de gran
ayuda porque brindan grandes oportunidades para el desarrollo y potencialización
de la comprensión auditiva, escrita, lectora, y oral en el idioma inglés. “ (Barcos
Rumaña, 2017).

TIC’s are very indispensable at the time to learn English, this tool allows student to
develop all the skills, such us listening, writing, speaking and reading, it is easier
even to the professors roll, because have different options which students can
explore and learn, that is the reason why not just depend on the lessons with this
tools (TIC’s), classes even can be more interactive because of the computers uses
projectors, there are too many advantages.

In accordance with the above

La tarea del profesor se dirige a que los alumnos aprendan por ellos mismos, para
ello realizarán numerosos trabajos prácticos de exploración y aprendizaje. Aparece
así la figura del profesor como facilitador frente al profesor centrado en la
transmisión de conocimiento, asentado en bases de poder, conciencia social y
política (Muñoz, 1994).

Use of TIC’s in learning English language also has its disadvantages, which can be
mentioned from technical failures, such as signal interruptions, caused by the
weather or location, which infer concentration and optimal development of the
learning process among others, it can mention the stress caused by the prolongs
use of technological devises, which can range from physical damage, such as eyes
irritation, to damage such as mental exhaustion and fatigue.

As Darwin Cojina Carrillo (2020) express

Somos habitantes de un ecosistema tecnológico que evoluciona cada día, en el

que gran cantidad de personas están utilizando dispositivos para trabajar,
estudiar y encontrar en ellos música, amigos y mecanismos de distracción,
aunque son herramientas provechosas en su mayoría, su uso prolongado
puede acarrear problemas de salud especialmente en la visión.

TIC’s help to focus the student’s attention, this reduce the comprehension time,
TIC’s make free teachers from repetitive tasks and more importantly through the
use of social tools to make content available to those people that need it,
knowledge is usually just a few clicks away. TIC’s support the process of
disseminating knowledge. The integration of information technology into the
educational process has been growing since 1975. They will continue to evolve
and, therefore, in educational institutions, teachers must be able to reflect on their
own practice and evaluate the role and process of contributing these means to
learning. Teaching-Learning. The interaction between TIC’s and English is
essential for our students to perform properly in today's competitive globalized
world. As Appropriate sources of knowledge, books specially developed for these
topics, experts and stakeholders in the subject and the Internet are needed to
enrich and strengthen the argumentation of ideas for the use of TIC’s in the
teaching of English (Barcos Rumaña, 2017)

Barcos Rumaña, F. J. (2017). El uso de las TIC's en la enseñanza del inglés . Universidad
Cooperartiva de Colombia.

Flores Diaz, F. M. (2014). Uso de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje. Managua.

Muñoz, F. (1994). Las TICs en la enseñanza del inglés.

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