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Speaking Evaluation

Title of Speech_________________________________________________________________
Time Limit 5-7 minutes Starting time: ____________Ending time: _____________
Level 1 (1 Point) Level 2 (2 Points) Level 3 (3 Points) Level 4 (4 Points) Points
Topic Topic is too Topic could be Topic is Topic is very
challenging or too more challenging appropriate for challenging for
easy for speaker’s for speaker and speaker’s age and speakers age and
skill level. listener interesting for skill level and
listeners useful for listeners
Subject Not enough Adequate In-depth Full subject
Knowledge and information is knowledge of knowledge of knowledge (more
Coverage present to judge subject is subject is than required) is
speaker’s demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated.
Organization Presentation is Presentation Presentation Presentation
unorganized. follows a logical shows skill in shows a strong
progression. creativity in structure that
organization. enhances effect of
the presentation.
Voice Volume, Voice and Voice and Volume, tone,
pronunciation or language are language are timing, inflection
vocal variation adequate. skillful and and language,
needs effective enhance
improvement. presentation.
Manner and Appearance, body Appearance and Appearance and Appearance and
Appearance language or mannerisms are mannerisms are mannerisms are
gestures need appropriate. presented with presented with a
improvement. businesslike professional
conduct and style. demeanor and
personal style.
Media No media used The media used Media is a little bit Media is very
need improvement effective effective and
useful to support
the ideas
Opening and Opening and Opening and Opening and Opening and
Closing Closing is missing Closing is clear Closing is well Closing is creative
or unclear. and organized. organized and and contributed to
effective. a unified and
Effectiveness More practice is Audience interest Effort is shown to Multiple
needed to is maintained. enhance audience techniques are
maintain audience interest an used to artfully
interest. involvement. and successfully
create audience

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