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Express Publishing

JS~ Jj ~- i Y- i CJ i J ~J Jf J
. I I ..J

Poziom rozszerzony

Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing

p. II

People ....................................................................................................................... p. 4

Houses & Homes .................................................... """"""'"'''''' ............................ . p. 14

Singapore: The Lion City ............................................................................................. . p . 24

. School ........................................ """"'"'''' ............................................................... . p. 26

11'4*mtjl Work ......................................................................................................................... p. 36

liT/MiMi. Fa m i Iy & Socia I Li fe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' p. 46

Austra lia: The Land down under """'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' p. 56

li'dffHntj, Food .......................................................................................................................... p. 58

iiftM!mU Sh ops & Services ..................................................................................................... . p. 68

1\'l@mt§i:1 Travelli ng & Tou rism '"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' p. 78

Wa les: Land of castles .................................................................................................. p. 88

Culture ...................................................................................................................... p. 90

i&dfflfflfjt.' Sports ....................................................................................................................... p. 100

,,~tfflml'i Health ....................................................................................................................... p. 110

South Africa ""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' p. 120

I¢@mlfj Sci e nce & Tech nol ogy .............................................................................................. . p.122

The Natural World """ ............................................................................................. . p.132

State & Society ......................................................................................................... p. 142

India .......................................................................................................................... p. 152

p. 154

p. 164

p. 193

p. 315

p. 322



dla matul-zystow pl-zygotowuj'lcych si~ do egzaminu wiencz'lcego ich pl"ac~ w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej. Material
zawarty w Repetytorium zostal opracowany zgodnie ze standardami wymagan egzaminacyjnych oraz Informatorem
a egzominie maturalnym z j~zyka obcego nowozytnego ad roku szkolnego 2011120 12. Podl"~cznik zaprojektowano tak,
aby uczniowie w obr~bie kaidego dZialu tematycznego mogli w zintegrowany sposob cwiczyc wszystkie umiej~tnosci
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matumlnego zgodnie z zasadami obowi'lzuj'lcymi od 2012 c

Niew'!tpliw'! zalerq Repetytorium jest pl-zejl-zysty podzial materialu na poszczegolne sekcje:

15 tematow maturalnych szczegolowo opl"acowanych w czternastli modulach oraz w pi~ciu sekcjach Culture;
Matura Exam - testy matul"alne zawieraj'lce zadania zal"owno z cz~sci ustnej, jak i pisemnej;
Speaking Bank - sekcja umoiJiwiaj'lca powtol-zenie funkcji j~zykowych. Zawiera pl-zydatne zwroty i wyraienia
wraz z cwiczeniami aktywizuj'lcymi, co ulatwia przygotowanie do cz~sci ustnej egzaminu wedlug formuly
obowi'lzuj'lcej od 2012 I:;
Vocabulary Bank - sekcja, w ktorej znajduje si~ pogrupowane tematycznie slownictwo z polskimi
odpowiednikami Ol"az liczne cwiczenia leksykalne;
Grammar Section, w ktol"ej uczniowie znajdq pl-zyst~pnie omowione zasady gramatyczne i cwiczenia z zakresu
wymaganego na egzaminie;
Przykladowy zestaw egzaminacyjny obejmujqcy cz~se ustn'! (nie olo"esla si~ poziomu egzaminu) i pisemn'l
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Repetytorium moie sluiyc jako:

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Zespol Wydawnictwa Expl"ess Publishing i EGIS


cz~sc USTNA Cbez okreslania poziomu) - okoto 15 minut

III Zgodnie z rozpon~'ldzeniem Ministl'a Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 20 siel'pnia 2010 I:. pocZ'/wszy od 2012 I:
uczniowie b~d'1 zdawae jeden egzamin ustny. bez okreslania jego poziomu.

III Egzamin ustny z j~zyka obcego nowoiytnego wedlug zmienionej fot"muly sldada si~ z rozmowy wst,!pnej maz
trzech zadati, ktore musz'l bye zrealizowane w podanej kolejnosci.

III Nie przewidziano dodatkowego czasu na zapoznanie si~ z tt"esci,! calego zestawu zadati plczed odpowiedzi'1.

III Za wykonanie wszystkich zadati zdaj,!cy moie ottczymae maksymalnie 30 punktow.

III Zakres wiadomosci i umiej~tnosci sprawdzanych w tej cz~sci egzaminu jest okl"eSiony w standal"dach wymagati
egzaminacyjnych l.1.a"o, 1.3, 111.1.a"d, 1V.1.a"d, V.1.

. . . . .... ' ..... .. . ..•..
I.' '.. j'TRWANIA .. '. • ., . , ..•... <. ......•. .
. ......
Egzaminuj,!cy zadaje zdaj'1cemu kilka pytati zwi'!zanych z jego iyciem
i zainter-eSDwaniami.
ok. 2 min Lista pytati do wyboru znajduje si~ wyl,!cznie w zestawie dla egzaminuj,!cego.
Celem rozmowy jest umoiliwienie zdai'1cemu oswojenia si~ z sytuaci'!

Zdaj,!cy ma ok. 30 sekund na zapoznanie si~ z poleceniem.

Zadanie polega na plczeprowadzeniu rozmowy w ktol"ej zdaj,!cy i egzaminuj,!cy
maks. 3 min
odgrywaj'1 wskazane w poleceniu role.
(wliczaj,!c czas
Zadanie 1. Role plczyjmowane p,czez zdaj,!cego odpowiadaj,! doswiadczeniom iyciowym
na zapoznanie
Odgrywanie roli osoby nastoletniej lub stawiaj'1 go w sytuacjach, w jakich moglby si,! znaleie
si~ z tl"eSci,!
w plczyszlosci.
W tt"akcie rozmowy zdaj,!cy musi odniese si,! do 4 elementow wskazanych
w poleceniu i rozwin,!e swoj,! wypowiedi w zadowalaj,!cym stopniu.

Zdaj'!cy opisuje ilustt"acj,! zamieszczon,! w wylosowanym zestawie.

Zadanie 2.
W opisie ilustl"acji zdaj'1cy powinien okreSlie miejsce, osoby Ol"az wykonywane
Opis ilustracji
maks. 4 min p,czez nie czynnosci. Nast,!pnie odpowiada na 3 pytania postawione p,czez
i odpowiedzi na
egzaminuj,!cego. Pytania zwi'!zane s'l z tematyk'1 ilustracji i znajduj'1 si,! wyl,!cznie
w zestawie dla egzaminuj,!cego.

Zdaj'lcy ma ok. 1 minuey na zapoznanie si,! z poleceniem i matel"ialem

maks. 5 min
Zadanie 3. stymuluj'!cym.
(wliczaj,!c czas
Wypowiedi na Nast~pnie zdaj'1cy wybielct element z matel"ialu stymuluj'1cego, ktory - jego
na zapoznanie
podstawie zdaniem - najlepiej spelnia warunki wskazane w poleceniu, uzasadnia swoj'l
si,! z tresci,!
materialu decyzj,! i wyjasnia, dlaczego odlczuca pozostale elementy. Odpowiada na 2
stymuluj'lcego pytania zwi'lzane z tematyk'l materialu stymuluj'lcego. Pytania te znajduj'l si,!
wyi'lcznie w zestawie dla egzaminuj,!cego.


~ cz~sc PISEMNA - Cz~sc I 120 minut

.... .. .
LEKSYRJx[i¥!0~i:;WXI'1~W.QZNyCH .•. .

Zakres wiadomosci oki-eslony w standal'dach wymagan egzaminacyjnych I. 1.a-o, 1.3., Y.2.a-b

Zakres srodkow
okreslony w cz~sciach poswi~conyeh poszezegolnym j~zykom

I'oine rodzaje tekstow, np, informaeyjne, litel'aekie, publieystyezne,

popularnonaukowe; tematyka okl'eslona w standardaeh wymagan
i tematyka tekstow
egzaminacyjnyeh I. 1.a-o, 1.3

Zrodla tekstow teksty autentyezne lub w minimalnym stopniu adaptowane

zadania otwal'te: zadanie z lukami, parafl'aza zdan, stowotworstwo, tlumaezenie

Typy zadan
fl-agmentow zdan na j~zyk obey, uldadanie fragmentow zdan z podanyeh
elementow leksykalnyeh

Punktacja Za kaidij popl'awn,! odpowiedz zdajijey otrzymuje 0,5 punktu.

Uczbazadan 1-3

Udzial w wyniku

. ;, . ....... <.' " WYPOWIEDZPfSEMNA

. ' . . '.
. . • •••• •••••

Zakres umiejl'tnosci okl-eslony w standardaeh wymagan egzaminaeyjnyeh 1.2.b, 1.3, 1I1.2.a-f, 1Y.2,a-e, Y.2,a-b

Liczba wypowledzi 1

Formy wypowiedzl I'ozprawka, I'eeenzja, opowiadanie, opis

Dlugosc wypowiedzi 200-250 stow

tl'esc od 0 do 5 pkt; kompozyeja od 0 do 4 pkt;

bogaetwo j~zykowe ad 0 do 5 pkt; popl-awnosc j~zykowa od 0 do 4 pkt

Udzial w wyniku

~ CZ~SC PISEMNA - CZE(sc " 70 minut

.' . . '.' '. .. .. .' . .

.........•. "

Zakres umiej'!tnosci okreslony w standal'dach wymagan egzaminacyjnych Il.l.a-g

Rodzaje roi:ne !"Odzaje tekstow, np. komunikary. !"Ozmowy, wywiady. dyskusje, debary. relacje, stuchowiska,
i tematyka tekst6w teksty nanacyjne; temaryka okl'eslona w standal'dach wymagan egzaminacyjnych 1.1.a-o, 1.3
teksty autentyczne lub w minimalnym stopniu adaptowane, czytane p,'Zez mdzimych
trodla tekst6w
uiytkown ikow j~zyka
ok,·25 minut (cate nagranie z dwukmtnie odczytanymi tekstami, poleceniami i p,'Zel'Wami
Czas trwan ia
na wykonanie zadan)
Typy zadan zadania zamkni~te: wyb6r wielokratny, dobielanie, prawdalfalsz
Liczba zadari 3-4
Punktacja Za kaidq poprawnq odpowiedz zdaj'lcy otl'Zymuje 1 punkt.
Udzial w wyniku

.... . ....
. .•...............
.. ' .... . '

. .. ......
c'.c ................. •·•• ·.lEKSYI<ALNO-GRAMATYCZNYCH '
' ......•...........

okr-eslony w standardach wymagari okreslony w standardach wymagan
egzaminacyjnych 1.1.a-o, 1.3 egzaminacyjnych 11.2.a-j

Zakres srodk6w okreslony w cz~sciach poswi~conych

.' .
gramatycznych poszczegolnym j~zykom . .., ." ....... . .. '.' . ......•..•...

I'oine radzaje tekstow, np. infol'macyjne, I'oine radzaje tekstow, np. infol'macyjne,
litelackie, publicystyczne, populamonaukowe; publicystyczne, literackie;
i tematyka
tematyka okreslona w standal'dach wymagan tematyka okreslona w standardach wymagan
egzaminacyjnych l.1.a-o, 1.3 egzaminacyjnych 1.1.a-o, 1.3

tr6dla tekstow teksty autentyczne lub w minimalnym stopniu adaptowane

I::~czna dlugos.: . .' ... '. .
tekst6w .. '
.. ..
. ok. 2 stmn A4

zadania zamkni~te: wybor wielokratny, zadania zamkni~te: wybol' wielokratny,

Typy zadari
dobieranie dobieranie, plawdalfatsz
Liczba zadari 1-2 3-4
Za kaidq poprawn'l odpowiedz zdaj'lcy Za kaid q poprawnq odpowiedi zdaj'lcy
otl'Zymuje 0,5 punktu. otl'Zymuje 1 punkt.

Udzial w wyniku
6% 18%

5zczegotowy opis egzaminu, punktacja ol'az krytel'ia oceniania znajdujq si~ w Informatorze a egzaminie maturo/nym
zj~zyko abcego nowozytnego ad raku szkolnego 2011/2012, ktory moina pobl'ac np. ze strony WW'/V,egis,

'AI Facial features I 'Feelings & emotionsl
1 Fill in: oyal, full, fair, puffy, freckled, broad, dark, 4 a) Match the feelings (1-5) to the physical
clear, hollow, pale, thin, spiky, hooked, rosy, sensations (a-e), Then make sentences,
upturned, thick, spotty,
Feelings Physical sensations
" .. , nose 5 "."",,.,,"'" lips [1JJ embarrassed ,a/ tears welling up
2 "'" shoulders 6, """. cheeks I1IJ anxious b adrenalin rush
3 ''',''" "" mmplexion 7 '" ",',,""'" " hair [I[J excited ,c hot, red face
4 """""'"." '''''' eyes 8 """,,",,.,,' " " face [![J nervous d heart pounding
!}II] sorrowful e butterflies in stomach
2 Fill in the gaps with the words crossed, dropped, j wos 50 ernborrossed rny faCe \!vent r2-d.
flare, purses, raised, shrugged,
b) Label the pictures,
Mark's jaw """'j"",:,,, when he heard the
• clench your fists • wink • y.awn • bite your nails
shocking news,
~j;h;~,y~,xour shoulders· drop your head '
2 If Jane frowns and her nostrils. "", then
• blush • stroke your chin • fold your arms
you know she's angry,
• scratch your head • cross your legs • frown (
3 Having your arms " , is supposed to /

show that you are being defensive,

4 You can tell that Amy disapproves of something
when she" ' her lips,
5 I didn't know the answer to the question, so I just
" , my shoulders,
6 Mr Jones """",,",,""',,'" his eyebrows in surprise
when I told him I was moving to France,

3 Use the words in the list to complete the


• short • loose • mul1;i-coloured ,. baggy

• floral • cotton • la~ge • tight-fitting • smart
• polka-dot • woollen • casual • striped
• formal • denim • small • trendy • checked
• linen" • over-sized • plain • knitted • long
• leather • high,heeled • polo-neck
• long/short-sleeved

MATEI'iIAL 10 """


11" , 12 '"" " "" " "". ,

Use words from the spidergram to describe 5 What possible feelings might someone in your
what your classmates are wearing, country have when they: clench their fist? cry?
frown? sweat? tap their fingers? tremble?
vllh2n sorneone clenches their fi5r, it usually rneon; [hot rhey
are ongry
'Character I IEmphasising feelings I
6 Match the words (1-10) to the people (a-j) they 8 Replace the words in bold with their emphatic
describe. synonyms: miserable, appal/ed, furious, exhilarated,'~
petrified, devastated.
/" ",-"1
/ .
;1 conservative 5 gullible 8 self-righteous Billy was scared when a big dog appeared. ;.. '.J..... .
2 impatient 6 reliable 9 sentimental 2 Joanne felt excited when she rode her new
3 moody ,l. self-confident 10 sociable motorbike for the first time. ........... .
'4, perfectionist 3 Ruth was shocked when she saw the dirty hotel
room ...................... .
~ George always wants things to be done without 4 Martin's sad because he failed his exams.
mistakes. 5 Harriet's cat is seriously ill and Harriet's upset. ..
IfiDI b 1Katie loves going out and meeting new people. 6 I spilled cola all over the newcarpet this morning
1'-'1 c 1Angie is very tender'hearted and likes to and my rnum was angry. ........... .
/ remember nice moments.
rn Mr Lyons is a trustworthy neighbour.
Joe is always in a rush and can never wait for
IEthical issues I
anything. 9 Fill in: future, free, racial, freedom,)l/, immigration, will,
[]II It's easy to play jokes on Elaine; she believes minorities, hUlian, right, depth, security, sexes, gr9wth.
everything you tell her. ! I
c!Iill Mrs Cook hates the idea of anything changing i In the 19th century, you might have said the civilised I
in the world. countries were those which provided 1) ....................... ..
[]J:iJ Chris never has any doubts about himself or education to their children. In the next century equality of
what he is capable of. the 2) ......................... was a big issue, with women
OIl My sister is really temperamental - one minute fighting for the 3) ......................... to vote and the same
she's happy and the next she's sad. wages as men, for example. In today's globalised world,
OJ] Sarah is so proud of her beliefs that it annoys perhaps a nation's 4) ......................... rate is a good
indicator of how well it treats the people within it, as it .1
everyone who knows her.
shows how many people have chosen to live there. Some ,
would say, however, that the amount of 5) ......................... i
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form discrimination faced by people from ethnic .
of the words in brackets. 6) ......................... is a better measure of a country's I
values. There are many more questions we could ask about I
Lucy is a. . ....................... (passion) follower of any modern society. For example, does the state ,wQ.~jde
the latest fashion trends. 1nough social 7) ......................... for the poor, infirm and
2 David is quite shy and lacks .... the unemployed? Is there 8) ......................... of speech
(confident) when speaking in front of crowds. that allows people to protest against the government? Do
3 The boys are so easily .... (distract)
people who are terminally or mentally 9) ...... I ..'.. ............ .
receive debenthealthcare? Is the country taking the right
that they always get sidetracked from their
steps to protect the environment for 10) ....................... ..
generations? In China, for example, the government allows
4 I recognise that boy's face, but I've got no
people to have only o~e c.hild to try to control its rapid
. . .. ....... (recollect) of meeting him population 11) .......................... Is this a responsible
before. policy, or an infringement of people's 12) ...................... ..
S Chris is a very kind person whose heart is full of rights? There are people who would say that the abolition
good ...... J .... :... ... (intent) .. of the 13) ......................... penalty is the best indicator of
6 Everyone admired Linda for her .... how civilised a country is. But what if a democratic country
(know) of the subject. puts the issue to the vote and people say yes to a system
of state killing for serious criminals? Isn't following the
14) ..... ,................... of the people the mark of a civilised
society? .__ ~ _ _ ~.-
..__.-----·----;;'i:: Vocabulary Bank on p. 164) 5
Kevin Richardson is a talented animal behaviourist who
interacts with some of the wildest animals in a way most of us
would ,never even 1) ......... Believe It or not ' Kevin cuddles
and h6lse~lays with hyenas, leopards, and lions, and even
swims with lionesses. In fact, he has 2) ........ a close
relationship with these wild predators that he has earned
himself the name 'The Lion Whisperer'.
'The Lion Whisperer' raises and trains wild animals in a
wildlife conservation area outside Johannesburg in South
Africa, but instead of using whips and chains to control
the animals, Kevin uses love, patience, and trust to
develop a special bond with them. His 3) ........ method of
getting to know each creature individually has led these
normally unfriendly animals to accept him willingly into
their pride.
Kevin says that his secret lies in understanding what
makes each animal happy, angry, upset, or irritated, just
like a mother with her child. Some people think Kevin is
crazy while others 4) ........ him a hero. What is certain is
that his interaction with these animals proves that they
have individual characters, can show emotion and are
capable of developing a relationship with people.
The Lion Whisperer is 5) ........ of the dangers involved in his
work. Having learnt his lesson years ago when an
aggressive four-year-old lion attacked and mauled him,
Kevin says he uses his gut feeling to gauge situations and
decide whether to approach an animal or not. Kevin has
been bitten and scratched numerous times while playing
around with these animals, but he believes that it was never
malicious on their behalf and accepts it as part of the job.
Kevin's unconventional method has attracted attention from
around the world, including that of scientists and film
directors. He has recently completed a film about the lions
he works with entitled The Kingdom of the White Lion, which
he hopes will 6) ........ by a large number of people and will
raise awareness of the need to protect these majestic
1 Look at the picture and the title of the
text. What do you think a lion
whisperer is? Read through to find out.
How does the picture make you feel?
2 Read the rubric and do the task. Which words helped
you decide?
the text quickly to see what it is about. Read it
again sentence by sentence. Pay attention to the A perceive 3 A single 5 A knowing
words before and after each gap as they will help B realise B unique B aware
you decide on your choice. Read the completed text C imagine C only C familiar
again to see if it makes sense. D suppose D alone D informed

2 A so 4 A consider 6 A being seen

I "Milii!t£r' Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych I B much B view B to see
: moi:liwosci odpowiedzl wyblerz wlasciw~, : C too C regard C be seen
I tak aby otrzymac logiczny I gramatycznle I D such D hold D to be seen
6 ~ EOEr!w..!'t.t:.k~.!:k~~I~e~~~,!:..c~u~~. ~
3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Why is Kevin Richardson called 'The Lion
10 (I Read the rubric and the sentences, then do
the listening task.
2 How does Kevin bond with the animals?
3 What is special about his method? r----------------------~
i Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedi: I
4 What conclusions about lions can we draw from specjalisty na temat tresury zwierz~t I
Kevin's work? domowych. Na podstawie zawartych w niej informacji :
5 What does Kevin hope to achieve by his work? I zdecyduj, kt6re zdania (1-5) s~ zgodne z tresd'! tekstu I
I (TRUE), a kt6re nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X I
4 Match the words in bold in the text to their L odpowiedni~
I _ _____ rubryk~
____ w_ tabeli.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI

synonyms: obstacles, relationship, judge, nasty, I---'---~

teaches, group of/ions, injured, psychologist, dignified, I True I False I

readily, lashes. What part of speech is each? Animal and human psychologists I i I
use similar methods. I I I
5 Choose the correct word. 2 Training methods used on animals in 1--'[----1
the past differ from those of today. I--L---l
To gain the animals' trust, he deals/treats them 3 Dogs seldom obey when they feel I I 1

with respect. their trainer is in charge. " I

2 He has a very close/attached relationship with the 4 A good pet psychologist would 1---1---
i i ,
lioness. not use the same approach on a i r I
3 Kevin aims to rise/raise awareness of the need to horse as they would on a cat. i I I
protect the animals. 5 Pets often develop bad behaviour --1--1

4 You need patience if you want to tie/bond with a for no reason whatsoever. I
wild animal.
5 The lions would never attack and sting/bite him.
Opis ilustracji
i owiedzi na ia
6 Fill in: truly, attract, willingly, feeling, barriers, earn,
lies, unconventional. Make sentences about Kevin . zd'"
"t~mtD!(Oul OplSZ J~cle I 0 d powle dz na pytanla.
using the completed phrases. 11
to break down ............

2 ............. ............. ... exceptional

3 to .... ........... himself a name
4 to accept sb
5 the secret ...... in
6 gut
7 ................ ..... method
8 to attention

7 Tell the class three things you have learnt from

the text.

;7%J'?",~' ,," ,-;"':>'''1

8I"l1nirc11:;,l,1 Would you like to do Kevin 'I
I Richardson'S job? In three minutes write a I How do you think the person in the picture feels?
I few sentences. Tell the class. ~
2 Why is it that people like animals so much?
3 Describe an experience you had of seeing a wild
9 1
IleT Find out more about Kevin Richardson'S or exotic animal.
work. Visit his website and click on 'about'.
Takes notes. Present them to the class.
Le;dc:O!IY(Jm,mlJi'iI:aJ word transformations
2 Complete the sentences using the word in bold.
Use two to five words.
• I've never met such a friendly girl.
She's the most friendly girl I've ever met. Karen isn't similar to her mother.
• I've never given a speech before. AFTER Karen ... .. ............. .
It's the first time I've ever given a speech. . her mother.
• It's a long time since she wrote to me. 2 I lost touch with Ben after I moved house.
She hasn't written to me for a long time. TALKED I .......................... .
• She came to England two years ago. ... since I moved house.
She has been in England for two years. 3 She didn't start crying until everyone had left.
• The last time I spoke to him was a month ago. BEFORE She waited until everyone ....
I haven't spoken to )lim for a month. ...... into tears.
• How long ago did he get married? 4 You should have asked for your friends' advice.
How long is it since he got married? PITY What .................. .
• He hasn't found a job yet. ask for your friends' advice.
He still hasn't found a job. 5 Those trousers are not very fashionable any more.
FASHION Those trousers .... .
• She started dyeing her hair a few months ago.
.. ..... for quite some time.
She's been dyeing her hair for a few months.
6 My parents' 20th anniversary is in September.
HAVE This September my parents.
1 Complete the sentences using the word in ....... 20 years.
bold. Use two to five words. 7 As he gets older, he becomes more caring.
THE The.
It's a long time since he last visited grandpa.
caring he becomes.
8 Jane described the burglar's appearance in detail.
........ a long time.
2 How long ago did he meet his wife-to-be?
...... the burglar's appearance.
SINCE How long ............ ..
9 It was wrong of her to reveal his secret.
.... his wife-to-be?
GIVEN She shouldn't
3 She has never been to a funeral before.
. his secret.
EVER It's the first time
10 He can't decide whether to accept the offer or not .
........ to a funeral.
MIND He can't.
4 The last time he had a haircut was three months ago.
HAD He ............ ..
whether to accept the offer or not.
... for three months.
11 He was in his late forties when he decided to take
5 They got married last year.
up writing professionally.
BEEN They.
BECOME He didn't
.. for a year.
.. .. he was in his late forties.
6 I've never met such an argumentative person before.
12 Considering that she's so young, Mary is very mature.
MOST He is the ..
AGE For .
. ever met
........ , Mary is very mature.
7 She hasn't lost any weight yet.
13 David used to play the guitar, but he doesn't any more.
GIVEN David. .. ................. ..
.......... any weight.
. .......................... the guitar.
8 He started working for a company three months ago.
14 Laura didn't know any of the people at the party.
. a company for three months.
.......... ........ . .. at the party.
9 They are the most devoted parents I've ever seen. 15 You can buy very cheap birthday cards in this shop.
NEVER I ... NOTHING It costs .............. ..
. .. devoted parents. .. ...... birthday gifts in this shop.
10 How long is it since you moved house 7
..... house?
. Word tDrilW!'iofl
3 Fill in the correct form of 4 Choose the correct answer.
the words in bold.
1 My teacher feels ..... of my getting good grades in
What do E[izabeth I, the final exams.
Napo[eon, Thomas Jefferson A safe B confident C secure D definite
and Winston Churchill all 2 Does she ..... believe that ['II help her after the way
have in common? Well, apart· she spoke to me?
from the fact that they were A seriously C steadily
four of the most renowned leaders in world B genuinely D earnestly
history, they were also all 'redheads'! Red hair is the 3 Peter couldn't utter a(n) .... word after he learnt
rarest 1) (nature) .................................... hair colour in he had won the award.
humans and today only around 1 % of the world's A single B particular C only D unique
2) (populate) ...................... :................... is redheaded. 4 [ know how John felt when he scored the
Throughout history, artists have always been fascinated winning goal for his team.
by people with red hair. For example, Botticel[i depicted A distinctly C particularly
the goddess Venus with red hair in his famous painting B essentially D exactly
The Birth of Venus. And in modern times, red hair has 5 Jason felt tired and after working out a[[
even become a fashion trend, with many people afternoon.
choosing to dye their hair red. On the other hand, A weary B restless C angry D soothed
3) (particular) ............................. in Britain, redheaded
6 He treats the ..... customers with respect.
people continue to be the victims of 4) (discriminate)
A plain B regular C primary D normal
.... :......................... . Redheaded schoolchildren are
7 Parents have to ..... a good example for their kids.
often called 5) (ollence) .......................... names and
A set B place C show D put
even some redheaded adults claim to have suffered
bullying in the workplace. Most people think that joking 8 Karen constantly .... about her children.
about redheads is harmless fun, but redheaded Britons A annoys B bothers C disturbs D wOrries
can sometimes get upset when they are leased about 9 We ..... her for her sister.
their hair. A misunderstood C confused
B mistook D misinterpreted
10 His rudeness could .. to him being dismissed.
, Multiple mew., A raise B generate
C lead D build
5 Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Many people claim to be able to know when someone is lying. According

1) ................. popular belief, all you have to do is look at a person's body language;
when a person is lying he becomes nervous and fidgety, touches his nose, and
bites his nails. However, a researcher at Portsmouth University, England, has
arrived at an entirely different conclusion. Dr Samantha Mann carried
2) ... ........ ....... research on the behaviour of suspects who had given
3) .................. statements in police interviews. Mann discovered that liars
actually stay quite still. This is because they are aware that people are looking
for body language that could suggest they are lying. Therefore, liars actually
touch their noses 20% less than people who tell the truth. The same
4) .................. for eye contact. While it is generally
thought that liars avoid eye contact and blink rapidly, B by C to D with
1 A from
in reality, people who are lying 5) .................. sure to B down C in D out
2 A up
maintain eye contact and control their blinking. With 3 A wrong B false C mistaken D incorrect
the findings of her research in mind, Mann claims that B comes C stays D moves
4 A goes
the best way to spot a liar is to look for people who are 5 A keep B make C take D do
. too hard to 6) .................. truthful. B display C show D appear
6 A view
Opis postaci 1 Read the rubric and answer the questions.

Redakcja mi~dzynarodowego czasopisma dla I
I mlodzieZy oglosila konkurs Iiteracki. Przedmiotem konkursu :
I jest opis postaci (200-250 slow). Opisz osob~, ktora wywarla I
A descriptive essay about a person is
an essay in which we describe someone. : na Tobie duze wraienie lub miala na Ciebie znacz~cy wplyw. I
I Uwzgl~dnlj jej wygl~d, charakter, zainteresowanla i hobby.:
It consists of: L __________________________ ~
I Wyjasnij, dlaczego wybraleSj-aS wlasnie t~ osob~. I
• an introduction in which we state
who the per'son is, as well as when,
where, and how we first met them. Who is going to read your essay? 5 Which of the following
• a main body consistjng of three 2 What style should you use? should you use?
paragraphs in which we describe 3 What tenses should you use? A a variety of adjectives
their physical appearance, personal 4 Which of the following people B linking words
qualities, and hobbies and interests. should you not write about: C colloquial expressions
• a conclusion in which we give our a teacher? a relative? a pop star?
general comments and express how
we feel about the person. We
mainly use the present simple 2 Read the model essay. Which paragraph:
tense when describing a person we
describes the person's character? 4 describes your feelings
know or see. When describing a
2 describes the person's physical for the person?
person who we do not see any
appearance? 5 describes the person's
more or who is no longer alive, we
use the past simple tense. 3 describes how you met the person? interests?
Descriptions of people can be found in
narratives, articles, letters, etc and the lJi> I first met Coach Andrews when I joined the local sports club
writing style depends on the context when I was only sixteen years old. He has been an inspiration to me
and the audience. The style in essays ever since.
should be formal. ~ Coach Andrews is tall, well-built and very strong. He is in his
mid-forties with short dark hair and bright blue eyes and he has got a
very nice smile. Coach Andrews usually wears very casual clothes
• When we describe someone's
such as tracksuits, or jeans and T-shirts and trainers.
physical appearance we start with
the general features (i.e. height, build, ~ Coach Andrews is very energetic and outgoing and is always
age) and move on to the more running around doing various things. He is an excellent coach. He is
specific ones (e.g. nose, eyes, hair, etc). hardworking, good-natured and patient and he is very good at
Peter is a tall, well-built man in his late motivating athletes. He is also very friendly and loves meeting new
thirties. He has got short curly brown people and he is great at cheering people up. However, he can be a
hair, blue eyes and a small nose. bit tough and insensitive at times. For example, he doesn't heSitate to
• When we describe someone's critiCise athletes when they do something wrong or if he thinks they
personal qualities we should are being lazy.
support our description with p.. It goes without saying that Coach Andrews is a fan of most
examples or details. When we talk sports and spends most of his time coaching tennis and squash. He
about a person's negative qualities also plays a lot of sport himself. He particularly likes watersports and
we should use mild language (e.g. often goes windsurfing and kite surfing.
seems to, can be ... attimes). John's very
~ In conclusion, I think Mr Andrews is a
friendly. I-Ie behaves in a pleasant way
fantastic person and I am delighted to
and likes to be with other people. He
con be impatient at times. For example, have him as my coach. He has helped
he gets really annoyed when he has ta me become a great basketball
wait for someone. player and continues to inspire
me to work at my game. He is a
great person that I deeply
respect and admire.

3 Read the essay again. List all the adjectives 6 Fill in with good, well or kind. Check in your
used to describe appearance and character. dictionaries .
..... -built 5 .......... -dressed
Appearance tall
2 -hearted 6 ............ -mannered
3 ... -looking 7 .. -behaved
4 .................. -natured 8 ............. -humoured
Use the phrases in
sentences of your own.

4 Match the character adjectives to the !VIy uncle is well-built. He's very
definitions. Use them tQ talk about people you strong and hos forge muscles.
know. turn
7 Read the rubric and answer the questions.
ITIIl cheerful a doesn't like working
[I[J] outgoing b doesn't talk or act politely I ',&WIUHot! Na zadanie domowe masz opisac I
~ popular c tells people what to do : swojego przyjaciela/swoJ~ przyjaci6tk~. :
[IT] sensitive d likes to spend time with people I Plsz~c tekst (200-250 st6w), uwzgl~dnlj I
~ generous e everyone likes them I wygl~d, charakter, hobby I zalnteresowania I
[I[J patient f doesn't like to share things I oplsywanej osoby oraz przedstaw swcij I
[ILJ selfish g is always happy & enthusiastic I
L stosunek
_ ____ do_nlej.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI

1810 I lazy h doesn't mind waiting

1 Who is your best friend?
[TID rude likes to give things to people
2 What do they look like?
~ bossy can be easily hurt
3 What kind of person are they?
4 What are their interests and hobbies?
My friend Jenny is a cheerful person who is always happy 5 Why do you like them so much?
and enthusiastic.
8 Use your answers from Ex. 7 and phrases from
the Useful Language box to write your essay.
5 Complete the descriptions using the adjectives: Follow the plan below.
intelligent, amMious, amusing, polite, impatient,
kind-hearted, sociable, talkative. '1 a;lli:fu
Mary is so . .. She never stops
·f (Para 1) IlClme, wbere/ll/bC'11 .lfJlI lIIel
.1, (Para 2) appeal'(] lice
2 Enya is a very ... lady. She takes
I (Para 3) persol/ali(r ,
j (para 4) bobbies/illieresis J'
care of the old people on her street. I (para 5) )fJllrftelillg al1d cOlllmellls abolll bim/ber
3 David is always ......... and treats
,,"" .L._---'---"-' =:: ------'
everyone with respect.
4 Diana is extremely. .......... and will • I first met. • ... has been my close friend for ..
do anything to succeed. Appearance
5 Charlie is the most. ..... guy • ... is quite good-looking/attractive, etc.
I know. He can make anyone laugh. • ... tall and slim with blue eyes and fair hair.
6 I don't think anyone is more . . . ............ . Character
than Martin. He gets straight As in all his subjects. • ... is very outgoing. • ... is always friendly and
7 Liam is very. ,';,;,' .......... and likes going loves ....
• ... has a great sense of humour.
out and meeting new people.
• ... but can be aggressive/lazy/bossy, etc at times.
8 Mrs Green is very. .. and loses
her temper when she has to wait for something.
• ... is very special to me.
• It's a pleasu re to be with ....
I • I am glad to have ... as my friend.

1 Describe your personality to the class. Use as

many adjectives as you can. How many types of
personalities do you think there are? Do the
reading task and find out.
•I .... ---- .... ----- .... --"11
Przeczytaj tekst. z ktorego I
I cztery zdania. Dobierz brakuj~ce I
zdanla (A-E). tak aby otrzymac spojn~:
I i logiczn~ catos.:. W kaZd~ luk~ (1-4) wplsz I
I liter~. ktor~ oznaczone jest brakuj~ce zdanie. I
I Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie I
IL pasuje
_ _ _do __tekstu.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI

2 Which words in the missing sentences helped

you choose your answers?

If we are all so unique. why is it that we are always trying
to sort people by personality type? From the beginning of
Punctuality and order is of prime importance to them. [IIJ
However. they tend to think too much and can be gloomy
time, man has been putting people into categories by and irritable at times. A very common label given to another
analysing their similarities and differences; and the group of people is the dominant or pragmatic type. As the
number and variety of classifications of personality types name suggests, the dominant personality type is self-
is impressive to say the least. confident and authoritarian. They might listen to others'
QIJ This theory has its roots in antiquity and is based on the opinions out of courtesy but they like to do things their own
four natural elements. earth, air. fire and water. Over time, way. They are hands-on people and like to get the job done.
various forms of this basic theory developed. The ancient Finally. there is the amiable type who loves peace and quiet
Greek physician Hippocrates believed that human emotions and will do anything to avoid conflict and arguments. [!IJ
were caused by fluids in the body. which he called 'humours'. They are loyal, trustworthy and helpful and find it very hard
and that these humours were responsible for the health and to say no.
personality of an individual and made four groups: choleric, Studying personality types may not be a pure science but it
sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. He suggested the may help us appreciate that while we are different, we all
sanguines. for example, had an excess of blood. were have various strengths and good qualities and are valuable
extrovert and made friends easily. but were often late, forgetful, members of society. Putting people into categories may not
and sometimes sarcastic. This theory achieved great success always seem very wise but at the same time it does develop
and dominated Western thinking for over two thousand years an understanding of different characters and shows that
until the 1700s, when physicians proposed the idea that everyone should be treated with care and respect.
people's moods were affected by chemicals in the blood.
Despite the decline in popularity of the theory of fluids, a
large number of modern-day experts believe in the idea of
four types of personality. [I[J Nowadays, the sanguines
are known as extroverts, but they actually retain much of
the same characteristics described by Hippocrates. They
are outgoing and energetic and love to party, but are not
punctual, can be messy or disorganised, and prone to
carelessness. Another modern-day category that many
psychologists use is the analytical type. or what some of us
refer to as the 'gadget-man'. The analytical personality is the
one who likes to have every 'i' dotted and every 'I' crossed.

3 Match the words in bold in the text to their Dobieranie

• dispositions • put forward • keep 9 0 Do the listening task.

• characters. favour· title • types r---------------------~
Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi I
• foremost • liquids • handled I pi~ciu os6b na temat test6w I
I psychologicznych. Przyporz~dkuj poszczeg61nym I
: osobom nagt6wkl, wpisuj~c odpowlednie litery :
I 4 Match the highlighted words in the text to
their antonym? below. I (A-F) w kratki. Jeden nagt6wek zostat podany I
_ _ _ _ _ _ ~I
" IL _ _____
dodatkowo __
i nie ___
pasuje do_zadnej
___ wypowiedzi.
• shy • tidy • cheerful • unfriendly
• unfaithful • introvert • unreliable A UNITING THE HOME
• organised
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form D REFUSING TO ACCEPT THE Speaker 3
of the verbs in the list: affect, avoid, dominate, TRUTH Speaker 4
achieve, propose, retain, know, treat. E BEING RIGHT EVERY TIME Speaker 5
Certain personalities will always try. F SELECTING TRUTHFUL STAFF
and control others.
2 In the 18th century, a new theory
a lot of success.
3 The new theory still .............. . some of the 10 a) Read the rubric, then brainstorm for ideas
old ideas. under the headings in the rubric (e.g. character
4 It is very important ............ people with strengths: kind, funny etc).
respect, regardless of their weaknesses. r---------------------~
Przebywasz w letniej szkole j~zykowej I
5 Is it true that chemicals in the blood ....... w Anglii. Porozmawiaj z koleg~/:
people's moods? kolezank~ ze szkoly 0 podziwianej przez Clebie I
6 Amiable people... .. ... conflicts. gwieidzie muzyki - piosenkarzu/piosenkarce I
7 Hippocrates ................. . the idea that moods lub muzyku. W rozmowle uwzgl~dnlj ponizsze I
kwestie'. II
were caused by fluids in the body.
8 People who put others first are ... as I
negatywne cechy mocne strony I
amiable personality types. charakteru I
wygl,!d powody, dla kt6rych I
6 Tell the class three things you have learnt from
go/j,! lubisz I
the text. _____________________ dI

b) 0 Listen to two people doing the task.

7 .0 .~Jc..'. tWhy do you think the study of
personalities is important to so many people?
Which person are they talking about? Have all
the points in the rubric been covered? What
objections does the schoolfriend raise and how
Can you think of any practical uses for it? In
three minutes write a few sentences on the are they dealt with?
topic. Tell the class. c) In pairs, use your ideas from Exs. 1Da and 1Db
to do the task.
8 IICT I Which of the four personality types are
you? Visit this site and do the quiz: Quotatioll§--------'
http://www.neoxenos. Character is like a tree and reputation like its
orgitemperaments/temperament test.htm. shadow. The shadow is what we think of it, the
tree is the real thing.
Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa

~ Rooms & furniture
3 a) Complete Anne's description of her dream
home with the correct form of the words in
1 a) Match the furniture from the list to the brackets.
correct number. Describe the photographs.

[]J gilt-framed mirror [J bedside cabinet My dream home would be a villa by the sea It would be a !

[IJ crystal vase [J wall cabinet 1) (peace) ........................ place where I co'Uld relax. The
GJ glass coffee table [J built-in shelves house would be very 2) (space) ........................ , so I'd
D striped rug [jJ draped curtains hav~ enough room for all my 3) (style) ...................... ..
o mantelpiece [J French windows furniture. It would also have a fully-4) (fit) ...................... ..
o blinds II]
fireplace kitchen with every 5) (electriC) ........................ appliance I
could ever ne~d. There would be a bright, 6) (air)
[J tiled floor headboard
........................ liVing room with a fireplace and a huge
bookcase. The bedrooms would have 7) (wood)
........................ floors and French windows. My dream
home would never be 8) (mess) ......................... I would
also, have a huge garden full of flowers, where I could
unWind by doing some gardening.

b) Compare Anne's dream house to your

dream house.

ITypes of homes I
4 mansion, studio, loft, bedsit, prefab house,
Fill in:
basement, maisonette, mobile home, penthouse.
Mr Stephens is a wealthy man who lives in a huge
............. . in the countryside.
2 The most expensive property in the building is the
.. because of its spectacular view of
the city.
b) Compare your living room to the one in 3 Jeff spends all his holidays at his ...................... on
photograph A. the coast and he plans to live there in his old age.
4 None of my rooms get much sunlight because I
2 fitted, central, double, private, aldrm,
Fill in:
! . I live in a . ............. flat.
entrance, spira .
5 The kitchen and bedroom in Gemma's flat used to
We have a real fire in the living room, but the rest
be separate but she decided to turn it into a
of the house has ...... C,} ..'::<.l ...... heating installed.
2 There are ................ . wardrobes with sliding
6 June wanted something bigger than a flat but
doors in both bedrooms. couldn't afford a house, so she bought a
3 glazing in all the windows ensures
........................ in a nice building.
the house stays warm and quiet.
7 Richard likes to tell people his home was built in a
4 Just wait in the . hall and I'll come
factory and then explain that it's a ...................... .
downstairs to help you with your bags.
8 The only place to rent I can find for less than £50
5 You should install a(n) ........ (.,.\r,;: ........ system to
a week is a tiny ........................ .
improve home security.
, 'd 9 In London many old industrial buildings are being
6 We don't need a garage as we ve got ... ,·.'·.f....... .
converted Into ........................ apartments.
parking in our street.
7 There's a(n) staircase that takes
you up to the roof garden.
5 Fill in: do, get, clean, move. 'Buying & Selling Property I
We'll have to ................. up the mess before the
new tenants arrive. 9 Fill in: rate, offer, detached, form, mortgage, price,
2 You can ............. into your flat on Sunday. credit.
3 Unfortunately, we don't ................ on with our
neighbours. A: Good morning, Mr Lawrence. How can I help you?
4 Our new place is really bare at the moment, but B: Well, I'd like to ask some questions about how I can
take out a(n) 1) . .. ..... for a house I want to buy.
once we ... .. it up it'll become quite cosy.
It's a two-storey 2). .. ....... house in Kent Street.
'Renting a flat I A:
OK. And what price is the property?
Well, it's £300,000, but I hope I can negotiate the
6 Fill in: landlord/landlody, {fotmate, estate agent, tenant. 3) ................ and get a better deal.
A: Yes, that's a good idea. I think you should make a(n)
I agreed to meet the ........................ at the flat at 4) ................ of around £275,000 and see what
3 pm on Tuesday to view it. happens.
2 The .................... is raising the rent by £30 B: And what interest 5) ............... could you offer me
from next month. for the mortgage?
3 The ad says the ....................... can't have pets. A: Well, you would have to fill in a(n) 6) ................ for
4 I need to speak to my new ........................ about us to check your 7) ................ history, but generally
the mess he in the bathroom every day. we can offer you an interest rate of around 5%.
B: That sounds like a very reasonable offer.
7 Choose the correct preposition. A: I hope so, Mr Lawrence.

1 I live in a lovely place on/at the outskirts of the city.

2 We saw some really nice loft conversions in/on
10 a) Jane and Greg are trying to sell their
property online. Fill in the gaps with the correct
the heart of the city.
words from the list.
3 She rents a beds it close from/to the centre.
4 I found an apartment that's within/with walking • suburbs • condition • amenities • centrally
distance of the train station. • off-street • block • central
S We found a fully-furnished flat in/on the suburbs.

G Useful phrases Property for Sale

8 Complete the exchanges with: give a month's

One-bedroom flat in
North London - £150,000
notice, faff behind on the rent, be paid in advance, let
the flat, signed the lease. The flat is on the second
floor of a modern
1 A: The first two months' rent must .......... ..
1) ........................ of flats L_~~-'-":"
in the northern
B: No problem. Can I write you a cheque?
2) ............................... of
2 A: What do you think will happen if I
London. Although it isn't
.................................. again?
3) ............................. located, it is close to local
B: The landlord might evict you.
4) ............................. , such as a supermarket and a
3 A: I decided to rent the flat in Kent Street.
fitness centre. Residents of the building have
B: Congratulations! Have you ..................... .
5) .............................. parking. The flat includes features
........................... yet?
such as 6) .............................. heating and a balcony
4 A: The landlord won't .................................. ..
with great views of the River Thames. The flat is in very
to us for 6 months.
good 7) ............................... Should you like to view the
B: Yes, most leases are for a 12-month period.
property, call 097-3232346.
S A: You must ........................ ..
when you decide to leave the flat.
b) Write an advert for your house similar to the
B: OK, I'll be sure to do that.
one in Ex. 10.
(~) See Vocabulary Bank on p. 166) 15
1 Describe your house to the class. Try to be as
detailed as possible.
I live in a flat all the third floor of a huge block of flats.
There are ... rooms in my hOllse. The living room is ...
I Pr~eczytaj
tekst. z ktorego usuni~to
I cztery Dobierz brakuj~ce zdanla (A-E). tak I
: aby otr~mac spojn~ i logiczn~ calosc. W kaZd~ luk~ I
I (1-4) wpisz liter~. ktor~ oznac~one jest brakuj~ce
I ~danie. Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo I nle
I pasuje do tekstu.

.IrrA'm i:\~hoj4r\:l ~or1taliln all the sections in the house.

"nil I ""I"I need t6 move the furniture
2 Do the reading task. Which words helped you
decide? Now, explain the highlighted words. 9 0 Do the listening task.

r ----------------~
Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad I
3 Find words in the text which mean:
dekoracji WOf,trz. Na podstawle I
1 influence : InformaeJi w nim zawartych zdecyduj, kt6re zdania :
2 in good and even proportion I (1-5) s~zgodne ztresci~ tekstu (TRUE), a kt6re nie I
3 measure the value of I (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiedni~ rubryk~ I
L _____________________ ~
4 not present .......... . I w tabelL I
5 keep at same state or level
True I False I

stop from doing

Clean or ciear? Complete the phrases. Check in

1 The interviewer is unfamiliar with
the word 'Zen'.
2 Zen designers try to make a home
your dictionaries. as quiet as possible. I I, !i
3 One important factor in arranging
..... environment 5 ......... conscience
a Zen-style home is the usefulness
......... sky .... argument
2 6
.... break
.... air
of objects .
4 The interviewer says bamboo
furniture is fashionable.
5 Zen style involves the use of bright
5 Choose the correct preposition. colours in the home.

We are surrounded of/by energy.

2 Her life revolves around/about her children. Opis ilustracji
3 The building is divided in/into four sections. i odpowiedzi na pytania
4 The different sections are represented by/of
Oplsz zdj~cie i odpowiedz
various symbols.
5 Changing the position of an object can bring
about/up change.
6 The arrangement of certain objects can result
to/in family arguments.

7 Which feng shui ideas have you

already put into practice in your home? Which
ones are you planning to use? In three
minutes, write a few sentences. Tell the class. 1 How do you think the people in the picture feel?
2 Would you like to move into a new home? Why/
Why not?
8 IICTlln groups collect more information about 3 What were the good things and bad things about
feng shui. Present it to the class. your first bedroom?

b) 0 Listen to someone describing the

picture. Compare your description to his.

o Lexicogrammatical word transformations
2 Complete the sentences using the word in bold.
Use two to five words.

The children can't wait to meet their new neighbours.

o It is exciting to live in the city centre.
FORWARD The children.
Living in the city centre is exciting. their new neighbours.
o This room is too small to fit a double bed into.
2 She made him stay in.
This room isn't spacious enough to fit a double WAS He stay in.
bed into. 3 He earns too little to be able to afford such a big house.
o She made him do the washing-up. MAKE He doesn't. . . .............. .
He was made to do the washing-up. money to be able to afford such a big
o I prefer living in the country to living in a city. house.
I prefer to live in the country rather than (in) a city. 4 Could you please help me move this furniture?
• Could you turn the heating on? HAND Could you give ..
Would you mind turning the heating on? this furniture?
o They were amazed at the luxury of the hotel. 5 I don't think the property owner will accept our offer.
The luxury of the hotel was amazing. LIKELY The property owner ...
o She had difficulty (in) paying the rent. ... down our offer.
She found it difficult to pay the rent. 6 Have you decided whether to move yet?
o They let tenants use the common gardens. MIND Have you made ...
.. move yet?
Tenants are allowed to use the cornman gardens.
7 Although they own property, they live in rented
1 Complete the sentences using the word in bold. SPITE In.
they live in rented accommodation.
Use two to five words.
S They finally managed to book a holiday in Lapland.
They let· residents use the parking spaces free of SUCCEEDED They finally ..
charge. a holiday in Lapland.
ALLOWED Residents .... 9 Buying this antique sofa must have been very expensive.
the parking spaces free of charge. FORTUNE It must have ........... .
2 Could you change the light bulb? . this antique sofa.
MIND Would 10 She spent ages sorting out her clothes in the wardrobe.
the light bulb? TOOK It •
3 Converting the loft into a studio flat was expensive. out her clothes in the wardrobe. I
CONVERT It was expensive ." 11 You don't have to cook dinner as I have already .
a studio flat. ordered a takeaway.
4 He prefers growing plants to growing trees. POINT There ....... .. dinner
GROW He prefers to as I have already ordered a takeaway.
trees. 12 You'll have no difficulty using this burglar alarm.
5 John's mother makes him tidy up his room. EASY You'll ...
MADE John .... . ........... . ... this burglar alarm.
his room by his mother.
6 She found it difficult to payoff the mortgage.
13 That five-star hotel is so expensive that we can't stay I
there for even one night.
DIFFICULTY She TOO It is ... . .. " ....... .
the mortgage. that five-star hotel for even one night.
7 The Skyscraper Museum in New York was fascinating. 14 They are going to demolish the old block of flats
FASCINATED They ..... next week.
the Skyscraper Museum in New York. DOWN The old block of flats is going
S This wooden armchair is too uncomfortable to sit in. . .. . ......... next week.
ENOUGH This wooden armchair .................. . 15 I didn't mean to break their expensive crystal vase .
. sit in.
INTENTION I ....................... .
.... their expensive crystal vase.

Q Word formation Lexical multiple choice items
3 Fill in the gaps with the right form of the words 4 Choose the correct answer.
in brackets.
The lease ....... next month, so I'm going to find a
new flat.
Alexander Remizov has two major 1) (object)
A cancels B expires e closes D finishes
...................... in his architecture. The first aim
2 Their house is in a great ........ overlooking the lake.
is to protect the natural world from mankind
and the second is to protect mankind from
A post B situation e station D position

extreme 2) (environment) .................... .. 3 Any tenant who fails to comply with the rules and
conditions caused by climate change. His firm, .. ... will be evicted.
with support from the Architecture for Disaster A instructions e laws
Relief programme, has designed a futuristic hotel Borders D regulations
called the Ark. It is an impr,essive 3) (construct) 4 Do you ....... to know where Peter's house is?
................... of arches and cables that looks like A occur B happen e chance D come
a giant shell. It is almost indestructible as it is 5 The balcony has a great ....... of the sea.
built to withstand phenomena such as A vision B sighting e seeing D view
earthquakes and 4) (tide) ................... waves.
6 The holiday cottages have all the ........ of home.
On top of that, power is provided by solar
A advantages e comforts
panels and water is supplied by a rainwater
B conveniences D utilities
5) (collect) ....................... system. The
7 They were ....... of money, so they couldn't afford
hotel is also designed to have its own
to buy new furniture.
ecosystem, which means it can sustain
itself with food, water and power
A short B limited e poor D small

while also being 6) (resist) 8 You can go to the party, but ....... home by midnight
. to natural disasters. A take B make e be D go
9 He won't leave the flat, and the owner is
threatening legal ..
A force B steps e measu res D action
Multiple choice doze 10 She couldn't ...... the noise from next door any more.
5 Read the text and choose the correct word. A survive B carry e bear D manage

A any 4 A out
Ask people about their favourite Childhood toys and quite a few will mention B all B through
Lego. However, some children don't abandon Lego when they grow up. e each C back
Take James May, whose idea to build a life-size Lego house received so D some D off
much public interest that, in July 2009, he began construction. Over 1,000
A inspiring 5 A Although
volunteers helped make the bricks, 1) ................ one consisting of 272 Lego
B indulging B Though
pieces, and put the two-storey house together. Apart from a 'safety frame'
made out of wood, the rest of the structure was made entirely from Lego,
e inserting e Regardless
D including D Despite
2) ................ a staircase, a shower and a toilet! May even stayed overnight
in the house, though he found 3) ................ far from comfortable on the A sleeping 6 A these
Lego bed! Initially, the Lego house was a huge success, but problems arose B slept B that
when the landowners where the house was built needed their land back. At C to sleep C those
first, Legoland, a theme park in Berkshire, planned to relocate the house to D sleep D this
its premises, but the deal fell 4) ................... because of the transport costs
involved. 5) ................... further efforts to find a private collector to take it,
the house was eventually dismantled and its 3.3 million pieces were
donated to charity. Nevertheless, the Lego house was a marvellous
architectural achievement for 6) ..................... involved in its construction.

Rozprawka 2 Read the model and match each heading to
a paragraph.
Opinion essays are discursive essays in which we I'.

present our personal opinion on a particular topic.

They are normally written in a formal style. An
opinion essay consists of:
• an introduction in which we introduce the topic
and state. our opinion clearly.
• a main body which consists of two or more
paragraphs, each presenting a separate viewpoint
supported by reasons/examples. We can include a
paragraph giving the opposing viewpoint
supported by reasons/examples.
• a conclusion in which we restate our opinion
using different words.
We start each main-body paragraph with an
appropriate topic sentence that states the main idea
of the paragraph. Each topic sentence is followed by
supporting sentences that further explain the main
idea of the paragraph.
We use present tenses in this type of essay. We also use DIJ When given the choice of living in a house or
appropriate linking words & phrases to join our ideas. flat most people would prefer the house. To me,
To list viewpoints: To start with, Firstly, In the first place, however, living in a flat is more appealing.
In addition, Besides, Furthermore, Moreover, Also, etc m::J Firstly, flats are often located in or near the city
To introduce supporting sentences (examples): centre and are therefore very convenient. They are
for example, for instance, in particular, such asllike, etc often in close proximity to shopping and entertainment
To introduce opposing ideas: On the other hand, facilities so there is always something to do. Moreover,
However, etc it is easier to access public transport or get around on
To conclude: All in all, Lastly, Taking everything into
account, To sum up, All things considered, etc
Formal style is characterised by:
[II] Furthermore, living in a flat is usually less
expensive than living in a house. For example, rent
• formal expressions, advanced vocabulary, longer
is often lower for a flat and some of the bills such as
sentences. First-time buyers need to consider their
financial circumstances carefully before committing to a maintenance are shared. In addition, living in the
mortgage. I same building with others means that if you need
• formal linking words/phrases. Moreover, steps should f help you can easily knock on a neighbour's door.
be taken to ... rn:::J On the other hand, some people say that living
• no use of short forms. There is always something ... in a flat has a number of drawbacks. Flats tend to be
(NOT: There's always something ... .) smaller and often don't have balconies or gardens.
• impersonal tone i.e. use of the passive. Tenants are Moreover, they can sometimes be noisy, especially if
required to contribute towards the upkeep of the garden. located on a main street. Blocks of flats also lack
1 Read the rubric and answer the questions. privacy and any rules imposed by the majority of the
people in the building usually have to be respected.
Dyskutowallscie w klasie na temat nast~puj~cego I [[[J All in all, I believe that living in a flat is belter
I stwierdzenla: Living in a house is better than living I than living in a house. Although flats are smaller and
: in a nat. Naplsz rozprawk~ (200-250 slow), w ktorej Si~: have less privacy than houses, they are more
I do niego ustosunkujesz, i podasz argumenty przemawlaj~ce I centrally located and cheaper to live in.
~ __________________________ d
I za Twoim pogl~dem. I

1 Who is going to read your essay?

2 Should you use formal or informal language?
3 Do you prefer living in a house or in a flat? Why?

3 What viewpoints does the writer put across? 8 Read the topic sentences and suggest suitable
How do they support each viewpoint? supporting ones.

Living in the countryside is more peaceful.

4 Find the linking words the writer uses to: list 2 Learning a foreign language can bring people
viewpoints, introduce examples, introduce opposing more job options.
ideas, conclude. Replace them with synonymous 3 Volunteering helps you make new friends.
, Your tum
5 Replace the words in bold with synonymous 9 Read the rubric and match the reasons (A-D) to
ones. the viewpoints they support (1-4). Use them to
write your essay. Follow the plan below. Use
phrases from the Useful Language box.
1) Furthermore, having a cat as a pet is more
convenient. 2) For instance, cats don't need as r----------------------~
Dyskutowallscie w kiasie na temat nast~- I
much attention as dogs do and can be left alone
I puj~cego stwierdzenia: Living on campus is the I
more easily. Dogs can get very lonely and anxious if : best option {or students. Napisz rozprawk~ (200--250:
their owners are away for too long. 3) What is I slow), W ktorej si~ do nlego ustosunkujesz, I podasz I
_____________________ ~
more, cats don't need to be walked at all; all they IL _
argumenty przemawiaj~ce Za Twoim pogl~dem. I

A share bedroom,
[IT] easier to
bathroom, etc
6 Find the topic sentences in the essay. Replace reach lessons/
B no waste of time and
them with appropriate similar ones. library, etc
money travelling to
[IT] better social
7 Think of appropriate topic sentences for the C meet more people to
[ill lack of
following. make friends with
D rooms are small so you
[IT] have limited
1) ........................... ................. .... . can only take bare
Going to school on an empty stomach can make it essentials
difficult to concentrate during lessons. This is because
the brain needs energy from food to work properly.
Even eating something simple before going to school,
like a banana with a glass of milk or a bowl of cereal,
can make you more alert.

2) ...
For one thing, if you take a train you don't have (Para 1) state tbe topic & your opinion
to deal with traffic jams. Furthermore, travelling (para 2) (il:'t viewpoint & reasol1/example
by train can be much faster than travelling by car. (Para 3) 'second viewpoint & reason/example
What is more, it is possible to work, read and , (Para 4) OPPOSi11g viewpoil71 & reason/example
stUdy on a train, which is not possible if you are' (para 5) restate your opinion
driving a car.

. ...• To me, n ..

• Firstly, living on campus ..... Moreover, it is ....

• In addition, living on campus is ...
• On the other hand, some people say that ....
• All in I I believe that i
Wybor wielokrotny I 2 Do the reading task. Justify your
answers. Then explain the words
I 1 The words/phrases in the list are from the text below. What in bold.
type of dwelling do they describe? Does anyone live there? -- ... --- . . - .... -----"ii
Read through to find out. Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych I
mClzli,""os:cil odpowiedzi (1-5) wybierz
o manor-house • simple building 0 buried deep in a wood
I w!asciwlj. zgodn~ z treScI~ tekstu. ZakreSi D
o inconvenient site iron gates 0 granite pillars
0 L ___________________ .
I Iiter~ A, B, Club D. I
o grass-grown track 0 damp 0 green decaying walls 0 portal
o broad gravel-walk 0 narrow windows 0 narrow front door

and passing through them, I found myself at once in the

twilight of close-ranked trees. There was a grass-grown
track descending the forest aisle between wild shrubs and
under branched arches. I followed it, expecting soon to
reach the dwelling; but it stretched on and on, it would far
and farther: no sign of habitation or grounds was visible.
I thought I had taken a wrong direction and lost my
way. The darkness of dusk gathered over me. I looked
round in search of another road. There was none: all
was a tangle of trees, overshadowing leaves and dense
summer vegetation - no opening anywhere.
I proceeded: at last my way opened, the trees thinned a
little; presently I beheld a railing, then the house - scarce,

Jane Eyre by this dim light, distinguishable from the trees; so damp
and green were its decaying walls. Entering a portal,
fastened only by a latch*, I stood within a space of
The manor-house of Ferndean was a simple building of enclosed ground, from which the wood swept away in a
considerable age, medium size, and buried deep in a semicircle. There were no fiowers, no garden-beds; only a
wood. I had heard of it before. Mr Rochester often broad gravel-walk bordering a stretch of grass, and this
spoke of it, and sometimes went there. His father had set in the heavy frame of the forest. The house presented
purchased the estate for use as a hunting ground. He two pointed gables* in its front; the windows were
would have let the house, but could find no tenant latticed* and narrow: the front door was narrow too, one
because of its poor and inconvenient site. Ferndean step led up to it. The whole looked, as the host of the
then remained uninhabited and unfurnished, with the Rochester Arms had said, "quite a desolate spot". It was
exception of some two or three rooms fitted up for the as still as a church on a week-day: the pattering rain on
the forest leaves was the only sound.
accommodation of Mr Rochester when he went there
in the season to shoot. "Can there be life here?" I asked.

To this house I came one dark evening marked by the Yes, life of some kind there was; for I heard a
characteristics of sad sky, cold gale, and continued rain. movement .. ' that narrow front door was unclosing,
The last mile I performed on foot, having dismissed the and some shape was about to issue from the house.
chaise and driver with the double payment I had It opened slowly: a figure came out into the tWilight
promised. Even when within a very short distance of the and stood on the step; a man without a hat: he
manor-house, you could see nothing of it, so thick and stretched forth his hand as if to feel whether it rained.
dark grew the timber of the gloomy wood about it. Iron Dusk as it was, I had recognised him - it was my
gates between granite pillars showed me where to enter, master, Edward Fairfax Rochester, and no other.

* latch: catch for fastening a door or gate.

* gables: the triangular top end of the wall of a building where it meets the sloping parts of a roof
* latticed: made from small pieces of glass which are held in place by metal strips

According to the writer, Ferndean manor was
A quite old.
7 0 Do the listening task.
S very big.
C a small house. Ir--------------------~
Ustyszysz dwukrotnle wypowledzl I
D a new house. I pl~ciu os6b na temat problem6w I
I zwl¥anych z wynajmowanlem mleszkanla. I
2 The writer had heard that the house
: Przyporz~dkuj poszczeg61nym osobom nagf6wkl, :
A was usually empty. I wplsuj~c odpowlednle litery (A-F) w kratki. I
S never had any occupants. I Jeden nagf6wek zostaf podany dodatkowo I nle I
C had a good location. I _
L pasuje
_ _do__i:adnej
___ wypowledzi.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI

D was sometimes rented out to tenants.

3 When the writer approached Ferndean, it was
A easy to find. Speaker 2
S surrounded by fields. Speaker 3
C hidden from view. Speaker 4
D by a wide roadside.
4 The house gave the impression of being
A well-kept.
WVDIDw'ieejz na podstawie
S luxurious.
materiatu stymuluj~cego
D isolated.
8 Read the rubric and do the task.
5 When the front door opened, the writer saw
A a dark shadow. Ir--------------------~
przyjrzyj sl~ zdj~ciom nr 1, 2 I 3. I
S someone she knew. I Zamlerzasz wyjechac na wakacje I
C a frightening figure.
I z przyjaci6fml. Muslcle wybrac mlejsce zakwa- I
I . I
I terowanla. I
D an old teacher of hers.
I Wyblerz jedno z mlejsc przedstawlonych I
I ponlzej I uzasadnlj sW6j wyb6r. I
3 Fill in: remained, double, dim, slowly, hunting, cold,
: . Wyjasnlj, dlaczego odrzucifeSj-as pozostafe :
take, dense. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~I
IL _ _propozycje.
1 .............. ground 5 ... the
2 wrong direction
uninhabited 6 ......... light
3 ........ gale 7 .. vegetation
4 .................. payment 8 opened ..

4 Miss or lose? Complete the phrases .

....... my way 5 ..... a bus
2 .... breakfast 6 ..... patience
3 ... a contest 7 .. the opportunity
4 ..... money 8 ......... a payment

5 Use words/phrases from the previous exercises

to describe the manor-house of Ferndean.

6 )~ Hi1TIl !'\IlJ
Compare the house in the text to -
your house. In five minutes write a few
sentences. Read them to the class.
1 Look at the pictures. What kind
of a place do you think Singapore
is? Read to find out.

2 Read the text and for each gap

(1-4) choose the correct sentence
(A-E). There is one extra sentence.

A Of the five million people who

live in Singapore, only three
million are native ..
B For example, the Malay verb
'makan' is often used to mean
C In 1834, Singapore officially
belonged to the British East Indian
Company and in 1864 it became a The earliest written record of Singapore is a Chinese account
British Crown Colony. dating to the 3rd century AD in which the island is referred to as
D Many people come from afar to 'the island at the end'. It is said that the country got its current
get a taste of what it has to offer. name in the 13th century when a visiting Malay prince thought
E At the same time, wealthy he saw lions there and founded a settlement called Singa Pura,
merchants built magnificent which means Lion City in Sanskrit. In reality, though, lions have
private houses and giant never inhabited the island. In time, Singapore became an
warehouses near the port. important trading post, and a stopover for ships sailing between
China and India. Consequently, it was considered a strategic
military outpost and over the centuries came under the control of
3 Fill in: grew, backgrounds, various powers, including the Buddhist kingdom, the Muslim
immigrants, destination, links, empire of Malacca, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and finally the
merchants, prosperity, record, national. Q]J
During the second half of the 19th century, Singapore continued
Singapore has experienced a period
to prosper and became a very important city. It developed
of economic ". in the
industrially and its population grew rapidly as immigrants arrived
last few decades.
from China, Malaysia and Indonesia. The British erected
2 '''""''''",,. from other countries
splendid public buildings, including beautiful churches and
decided to live in Singapore. hotels, and the immigrant communities constructed mosques,
3 People of diverse temples and shrines. [2IJ By the turn of the 20th century,
live in Singapore. Singapore had become the biggest trading post in the East. It
4 The first written. """"""" of the continued to prosper until World War II, when it was taken over
island dates to the 3rd century AD. by Japanese forces and then re-occupied by the British.
S Wealthy"""""""""""""". used to Singapore declared independence from Great Britain in 1963
own private houses in Singapore. and briefly joined the Federation of Malaysia. In 1965,
6 Singapore has become a very
popular tourist """"""."""".""" .
7 Many Singaporeans have cultural
"""""""" to other Asian countries.
8 Eating out is a""""""""""""",,·
pastime in Singapore.
9 The population """""""", quickly
in the second half of the 19th

;I 24
4 Fill in: public, standards, trading,
turn, national, current, dec/are,
diverse, harmony, urban .
.......... name
2 ........... post
3 ....................... buildings
4 by the of the century
5 to .. ...... independence
6 .. ...... identity
Singapore became totally independent from the federation and has 7 ........ wildlife
enjoyed continuous peace and economic prosperity since. 8 high. .. ...... of living
Singapore does not have one unique national identity and Singaporeans 9 . development
have various cultural links to countries such as China, India, Indonesia, 10 live in
Malaysia, and Great Britain. Today, the population is made up of 76.8%
Chinese, 13.9% Malays, 7.9% Indians, and 1.4% other. English is the
administrative language of Singapore and the medium of instruction in 5 Find phrasal verbs in the text
schools. However, the country has four official languages: English, Malay, which mean:
Mandarin, and Tamil. Many people in Singapore speak 'Singlish', which is
based on both American and British English but has a number of differences 1 started being controlled or
including borrowed words from Malay and Mandarin. Q':[] Education 'IS managed by
very important to Singaporeans and their society is a true meritocracy where 2 taken control of
good results at school and university mean a good job with a good salary. 3 consists of
People in Singapore sometimes joke about their desire to have the 'five Cs';
condominium, car, credit card, club membership and career.
Singapore enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world and 6 Complete the sentences.
has become a very popular tourist destination, which is not surprising as it Singapore is located .................. ..
has so much to offer the visitor, from beautiful beaches to beautiful
2 It got its name .......................... ..
buildings. It also has a diverse wildlife despite its rapid urban development.
3 Singapore became very important
It is home to a number of birds, reptiles and mammals, such as the long-
as a............... .......... ..
tailed macaque, the dugong and the dolphin.
4 By the turn of the 20th century
There are also a lot of things to do in Singapore. [![] Shopping and
dining are considered to be national pastimes and many people come from
5 The population consists of .
afar to get a taste of what Singapore has to offer. Singapore's cuisine is
influenced by both Asian and Westem styles, and is an expression of its 6 Singapore 'IS a popular.
cultural diversity. Singapore is an interesting example of how people of 7 The cuisine ............................... ..
diverse backgrounds and culture can live together in harmony.

Compare your -I
country to Singapore in terms
of: location, history, language, II
animals, culture, and attractions.

"_ Proverbs ._________ ,

i. wnere tnere is a sea, there are i
i !
i pirates. I
:. If the mountain gaatis in a good :
i mood, even having no grass is i
I i
i fine. i
: ' The big fish sees the mountain l
: top, the small fish sees the big :
L _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ == _____ d
i fish. I
• (ol/ocations
'AI School subjects
3 Fill in the gaps with: mock, post, sciences,
1 Match the sentences to the subjects. Which are assembly, entrance, call.
arts? Which are sciences?
1 Kelly loves biology and chemistry so she plans to
study life ............................ ' .. at university.
a Who can tell me what
2 Our teacher takes roll .......................... ' .. every
24 divided by 6 equals?
day at the beginning of class.
b In this class, we'll learn about
3 In order to get onto the course, you have to pass
rights, laws and democracy in
a(n) .. ' ........ ,........ ' exam.
our country,
c .Try and use brighter colours 4 Our. ' ..... exams are to practise for
next time, our final exams.
d Water contains hydrogen and 5 We have a school in the
oxygen, auditorium every Wednesday morning,
e Does everyone know what 6 Look at some ' .......... ,.. ... papers to see
the CEO of a company does? the types of question that usually come up in the
f Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a I exam.
tale written by Robert Louis
flil "=,*=",j maths
g This subject brings together
ISchool life I
studies personal, social and health o Phrasal verbs
IIQ[] English education,
literature h 'Ciao' can be used for both
4 Choose the correct particle.
'hello' and 'goodbye'. 1 You'll fall over/behind with your work if you take
We're going to rehearse a
any more days off school.
scene from Romeo & Juliet.
2 After being off school for a month, she had to do
How many times was Mi
extra work to catch up/out with her classmates.
the Old king?
3 I need to look off/over my class notes before our
test on Monday,
Note: school subjects that look plural are actually 4 If you don't study, how do you expect to keep
singular and take a singular verb e.g, physics is.
out/up with the class?
5 If you don't know what a word means, look it
up/over in the dictionary.
IMarks & requirements I
6 Sue's parents told her out/off when they read her
$ Useful phrases teachers' poor comments on her report card.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

8 Verb phrases
attract, learn, expelled, submit, hand, skip, cheating.
5 Match the words an essay, an exam, class, fate,
We have to ...... ,.. ,........ in our assignments today. online, schoof to the correct groups.
2 He was caught.. ' in a test and was
.. from school. 1 study for, fail, retake ............................ .
3 You should raise your hand if you want to 2 go to, attend, skip ............................... .
..... the teacher's attention. 3 be, turn up, arrive ................ ..
4 We have to ... our essays by email 4 do research, look sth up, find information ....

for our IT class,

5 We have to ..... .. .... this poem by heart 5 write, hand in, mark ................................ .
for our English class on Thursday, 6 drop out of, leave, start .......................... .
6 If we ...... a lesson at school we get

'Education system I 8 Fill in:

" • scholarship • tuition fees • internship • loans

6 Fill in the gaps in the blog posts with the words:
o debt
" • higher. secondary. national • form 0 primary
e. junior • postgraduate • pre-school
• technical • undergraduate
1 ...... ............ ...... programmes are the ideal way to
find out what it's really like working for a company.
2 British universities can charge. ................. of
up to £9,000 per year.
fJ. '0 3 Many university students have to take out
. ' I've just finished my A-level exams. Now, the summer
.... ........ . in order to finance their studies.
holidays begin! You know, here in England, we sit our first
4 Sam was told that a full sports
1) .................... exams at the end of 2) ................... school.
would cover all his university and living expenses.
That means I started doing exams seven years ago! Also,
5 Most university students get part-time jobs in
before we finish 3) ......................... school at sixteen, we
order to avoid getting into ............... .
take our GCSEs. Many students find jobs after that, but
most students stay on at sixth 4) ......................... college.
Another two years of hard work brings us to where I am
e 0 terms • breaks • timetable

now. But, do you know what? If I've passed my A-levels, 1 Only seniors at my school are allowed outside
I'll start my 5) ......................... education at university - school grounds during lunch. ............. .
· where three more years of examinations will be waiting! 2 The school year in the UK is generally divided into
Kirsty, 18 years, Nottingham three ................... .
3 I've just been given my ....................... - I can't
Interesting post, Kirsty! I'll tell you what happens believe I've got a double maths period on Friday
Poland. Here, children can do three years of afternoon!
1) ......................... education, but only the last year of
· nursery school is compulsory. Then, pupils attend six
. years of primary school before beginning 2) .................... ..
'Higher education I
"secondary school. At 16, we sit exams to see if we'll go to 9 Complete the instructions on a university's
a senior secondary school, a vocational school or a website with: tuition, lump, application, entitled,
· 3) ......................... school. We sit the Matura exams at 18 if student, local, required, submitted.
we want to enter university. At university, most
4) ......................... degrees last for four years, although
many also do a 5) ......................... course afterwards.
Paula, 19 years, tadz

7 Choose the right word. How to apply for financial support

o Contact your 1) ................... education authority (LEA) for
Long-distance/First-class/One-to-one tuition a(n) 2) ................... form. You can also apply online at
learning is very popular in remote areas of large
o Complete the application and return it to your LEA by post.
Make sure you provide all the 3) ................... details.
2 Students must pay a regulation/registration/
Applications are to be 4) ................... by 31st August.
bursary fee of €1 00 when they start their course.
o The application form also asks whether you want to take
3 Stella's just completed her Bachelor of Arts out a 5) ................... loan.
certificate/diploma/degree with honours/marks/
points and is thinking about doing a Master's.
o Your LEA will say if you are 6) ................... to financial
4 The survey showed that 80% of adults who did support. If you are not awarded the full amount of your
not go on to higher/upper/advanced education 7) ................... fees, they will inform you how much you
wish they had. have to contribute.
5 If I get the job in France, I'll probably do a first/ o Contributions can either be paid as a(n) 8) ................. ..
junior/refresher course in French. sum, or you can usually arrange to pay in instalments.
6 We'll be awarded/appointed/assigned our degrees
at a graduation ceremony.
(~) See Vocabulary Bank on p. 168) 27
Dobieranie 3 Do the reading task. Justify your answers.
I\'~,r:1iI!i.', Przeczytaj tekst. z ktorego usunilcto cztery I
1 Why do so many students study : zdanla. Dobierz brakuJ~ce zdania (A-E), tak aby otrzymac :
I spoJn~ i logiczn~ calosc. W kai:d~ luk~ (1-4) wpisz liter~, I
abroad these days? Would you like
I ktor'! oznaczone jest brakuj~ce zdanie. Jedno zdanie I
to study abroad? Why? I~_________
zostalo podane dodatkowo _ i_
_ _ _do__tekstu.
_ _ _ _ _ _ dI

2 What do the initials E.R.A.S.M.U.s

stand for? How is this related to
Desiderius Erasmus and the EU?
Read through to check.

oday, many teenagers can't wait for the opportunity to by their own university, provided that certain agreed terms are
T pack their bags and head off on an adventure to a foreign
country. Fortunately, a highly successful European education and
respected. An important aspect of the programme is that
students do not have to pay any fees to the foreign university
training programme launched in 1987 has so far enabled over and there are also a number of grants available for the less
two million university students to spend time studying and financially privileged scholars.[II]
working abroad. The scheme is named after the Dutch For many young students, the Erasmus experience is their first
philosopher Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), who time living abroad and for some it's their first time away from
travelled and studied in various European cities including Paris home. It is undoubtedly an important period in their lives and
and Cambridge. Called 'Erasmus', it is the EU's flagship can have a determining effect on their future. lID In fact,
education programme. Erasmus is both an appropriate and studies show that time spent abroad not only enriches students'
clever name as the letters stand for European Region Action language skills and academic careers but also their intercultural
Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. It not only skills, their self-confidence and their self-reliance.
encourages students to travel abroad and supports them while Therefore, having an Erasmus exchange on your CV increases a
they are there but it also promotes and funds co-operation student's chances of employment in the future. What's more,
between universities and their staff across Europe. Erasmus is students who have spent time abroad seem to be more open
one of the most successful programmes ever put in place by the about their future options and more prepared to embrace other
European Community. The vast majority of universities from all cultures. Some respected academics have even suggested that
the European countries take part in the programme. [II] former Erasmus students will be the backbone of a future pan·
Current figures show that over 200,000 students and 25,000 European identity.
staff members make the move
each year and this number is
A Most students find that they are eligible for a bank loan to pay for th' t d'
constantly growing. Students who abroad. elr s u les
decide to sign up for the scheme
B Its principal aim is to foster understanding and innovatl'o h'
either study at a university abroad n across t e continent
or do an internship in a foreign through student and staff exchange programmes.
company for three months to a C In all, more than 4,000 third level institutions in 33 cou t· ..
.. . n nes participate.
year; this time spent away from D More specifically, It can be especially helpful When .
. . you want to get a job.
home is recognised and validated E Some participants can also benefit from low rent or f
even ree accommodation.

4 Read the text again and answer the questions.

Why do you think the Erasmus programme is 4 What financial help exists for poorer students?
named after the Dutch philosopher? 5 According to the text, how does the programme
2 What is the aim of the Erasmus programme? enrich a student's life?
3 Who is the programme designed for? 6 What is the author's purpose?
5 abroad, language, foreign, vast, financially,
Fill in: Dobieranie
academic, staff.
..... countries 5 .. ........ skills
10 a) Read the rubric and the headings. Think of
words and phrases related to each heading .
2 travel .. ............. 6 ................. . career
3 ............ ... majority 7 Ir--------------------~
Uslyszysz dwukrotnle wypowiedzl I
4 ............ ... members privileged I pl~ciu osob na temat studlowania za I
I granic~, Przyporz~dkuJ poszczegolnym osobom :
: naglowki, wpisuj~c odpowiednie IItery (A-F) I
6 Match the words in bold to their meanings:
I w kratki. Jeden naglowek zostal podany I
suitable, students, alien, amounts of money given for IL _dodatkowo
_____ i nle
_ pasuje
_ _ _do
___ wypowledzi.
_ _ _ _ _ dI
educational purposes, choices, period of practical
training an advanced student has, workers,
authorised, independence, strongest part,
programme, members of a university.
Speaker 3
7 Complete the sentence with the correct form
Speaker 4
of the verb: enable, embrace, promote, launch, Speaker 5
validate, enrich, fund.
There is no doubt that a year spent abroad
b) 0 Do the listening task.

...................................... a student's life .

2 The home university ............. .. ............ the
time abroad, provided certain terms are met.
Opls ilustracji
3 The Erasmus programme ........................ ..
i odpowiedzi na pytania
in 1987.
4 So far, the programme. . ................. .. 11 Opisz zdj~cie.
thousands of students to study abroad.
5 Studying abroad can make you more willing
other cultures.
6 The programme ................ . .. co-operation
between universities.
7 There are a number of organisations that
..................... students who can't afford it.

8 Complete the sentences with: away, for, up, off.
after, back.
1 Jack is heading . to Spain for a three-
month internship next week.
2 A lot of students sign ............ for the programme Odpowledz na pytania.
each year.
3 What does WHO stand. ........ ? Do you think the students are enjoying their
4 Would you like to spend six months lesson?
from home? 2 What subjects do you enjoy studying?
5 The university is named ................ its founder. 3 Give an account of something memorable that
6 The programme dates. . ....... to 1987. happened to you at school.

9 What are the pros and cons of Education is tbe Me)' to unlock tbe golden door offreedom.
studying abroad? In three minutes write a few (George Washington Carver, US scientist)
sentences, Tell the class.
q Le)(icogrammatical word transformations
2 Complete the sentences using the word in bold.
Use two to five words,
• I'm certain he is studying noW.
He must be studying now. Anna can't have been telling the truth about her
• I'm sure she hasn't cheated in the exam. test score.
She can't have cheated in the exam. Anna. .. ............................ .
• It's forbidden to use a mobile during lectures. . about her test score.
You mustn't use a mobile during lectures.
2 May I use your computer?
You aren't allowed to use a mobile during
IF Would.
lectures. ..... used your computer?
• Shall I hefp you finish the project?
3 It wasn't my fault that you failed the exam.
Would you like me to help you finish the
BLAME You can't. . ................ .
project? . the exam.
• It isn't necessary for you to attend the class.
You don't have to/don't need to/needn't 4 You should have asked for your friends' advice l
attend the class. PITY What ......
• It wasn't necessary for her to leave class early. .. ask for your friends' advice!
She needn't have left class early. 5 I'm sure she was in my class at school.
• She is likely to get a scholarship. HAVE She. . . . . .......... ..
It is likely that she will get a scholarship. .. .. in my class at school.
She'll probably get a scholarship. 6 You should be friends again with Jack.
• May I use your dictionary? UP You ought.
Would you mind if I used your dictionary? ... Jack.
7 Surely Sarah isn't still in the library!
1 Complete the sentences using the word in bold. BE Sa~h .................... .
Use two to five words. . in the library!
It is forbidden to eat in the library. 8 It wasn't necessary for you to do this.
ALLOWED You .... HAVE You ...
. in the library. . this.
2 May I borrow your pen for a moment? 9 I'm sure she didn't cheat in the test.
MIND Would ................ . HAVE She ....
...... your pen for a moment? . in the test.
3 I'm sure Richard is doing his homework now. 10 The teacher made her rewrite her essay.
MUST Richard ............ .. WAS She ...
........... . his homework now. . her essay.
4 It will probably rain tomorrow afternoon. 11 It was a mistake for Jack to lie to the teacher.
. ........ " ... ,' .
LIKELY It ............ .. ............. . HAVE Jack ...
... will rain tomorrow afternoon. .. to the teacher.
5 It wasn't necessary for you to prepare a packed 12 Could you help me with my homework?
lunch for me. HAND Would.
PREPARED You ............. . . with my homework?
.. a packed lunch for me. 13 Lucy and Clara look the same to me.
6 I'm sure Mary didn't take the money from my TELL I ......... .
.. between Lucy and Clara.
TAKEN Mary ................ . 14 "You should see a career guidance counsellor," sht
.... the money from my schoolbag. said to me.
7 You mustn't run inside the school. ADVISED She .....
.... a career guidance counsellor.
. inside the school. 15 Can you look after my schoolbag for a while?
8 Shall I help you carry those books? EYE Would you mind
LIKE Would .. .. my schoolbag for a while',
. carry those books? 16 The teacher stopped them from talking during the test.
9 It isn't necessary for students to have their IDs with them. ALLOW The teacher .........
HAVE Students ... . talk during the tes\.
....... their IDs with them.
" Lexical mUltiple choice items
o Word formation
4 Choose the correct answer.
3 Fill in the correct form of the words in bold.
Mr Higgins is one of the best .... teachers.
Every student knows that
A understood B recognised
the key to exam success is C popular D liked
1) (prepare) ..................... ,
2 The lecture will be ........... in the auditorium.
but the truth is that most
students don't prepare A held B made C kept D done
properly. Reading from a 3 Don't . the opportunity to study abroad.
textbook, for instance! is A fail B miss Close D drop
not an 2) (effect) ....................... way to study. But a group 4 The university. ... students from all over the
of psychologists at Purdue University, USA, have come up world.
with a technique that may help you raise your grades! In an A appeals B brings C attracts D calls
experiment, they divided a class of students of similar
5 There's no ............ that studying abroad is a
3) (intelligent) .......................... into two groups and gave
valuable experience.
them one hour to prepare for an exam. One group simply
A argument B problem C doubt D fear
read a short text for the entire hour while the other group
read the text for 20 minutes, took a small test, and then 6 She isn't ........... to living on her own.
tried to find the answers to their mistakes. At the end of the A familiar B accustomed C common D known
hour, all of the students sat a final exam. The results were 7 He put his bag on the desk and, before he ..
4) (amaze) ...................... The students who took the small it, it had disappeared.
test remembered 50% more information than the students A understood B noticed C knew D saw
who read for an hour. So, why not try this technique the
8 The student made her ........... to the library.
next time you're preparing for a big exam? Of course it's
A direction B move C road D way
5) (possible) ....................... to design a test for yourself;
but design one for a classmate and ask him/her to design 9 To be. ... , she did try very hard.
one for you. You might be very pleased with the results! A just B real C true D fair
10 He decided to get an MA in Finance for the.
of his career.
o Multiple choice doze
A gain B favour C benefit D profit
5 Read the text and choose the correct answer.

studies in Star Trek

In Britain, students enter universities to study one subject for three or four years in order 1) .................. a degree. In the
USA, students don't need to choose a 'major' (a subject such as English or History that they want to concentrate on)
until their thi"d or fourth year of college. Thus, American students have the opportunity to take courses from a number
of different academic areas in their early years of college. One way that lecturers try to encourage students to choose
courses in their departments is by offering courses that 2) .................. to students' personal interests. Take for example
a course in the University of Baltimore called 'Zombie Studies' or a cow'se in the University of Wisconsin that explores
'Family and Social Roles in Daytime Serials'. These courses, and many like 3) .................. in colleges around the USA, use
popular culture to help teach academic subjects. As the head of the 'Science of Superheroes' course in the UniverSity of
California says,"The course gives me a chance to talk about real science but in a context that is very familiar to the
students." And despite 4) .................. their titles might suggest, these courses require serious academic study. For
instance, 'Philosophy and Star Trek' at the University of Alabama challenges students to use the theories of Aristotle and
I<ant to 5) .................. the fantasy world of the sci-n series. On the whole, these courses show that, at least in the USA,
the third-level education 6) .................. is
C getting D will get
changing and that educators are trying to
C draw D appeal
find new ways to make their subjects
C those D that
more interesting for their students.
C When D who
C think D realise
C system D scheme
Rozprawka 2 Read the essay and match the paragraphs to the correct
i rzeciw" heading. What arguments for/against does the writer
present? How does he support each argument?
A for-and-against essay is a discursive !. ,
essay in which you discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of a
t~ ~ state opinion [![J arguments against & justification

specific topic. It consists of: I" \ill present topicOCj arguments for & jUstification 1
o an introduction in which you :
present' the topic without giving .•
your opinion. ,
• a main body in vyhich you present f
the arguments for and the!'
arguments against with'
justifications and/or examples in (
separate paragraphs. We start each l.·"
paragraph with a topic sentence. I,
o a conclusion in which you state'
your opinion or give a balanced
summary of the topic.
You must not state your opinion or use
opinion words such as I believe or I feel
in the introduction or the main body.
Opinion words can only be used in the
conclusion where we may state our
lII'> Did you know that in many countries nowadays over 50% of
i students go on to higher education after completing secondary school?
For-and-against essays are usually
! This is a significant increase from the past when only a few privileged
written in a formal style, We should
therefore avoid colloquial expressions, children went to university. So what are the advantages and
idioms, short sentences and strong disadvantages of a university education? 1
language. ~ There are clearly a number of advantages to going to university.
First of all, a university education enables a student to broaden their
outlook on life. For example, you get to meet people from different
backgrounds and learn about different cultures. At the same time,
1 Read the rubric, underline the key students become more mature and autonomous as they live away
! I words, and answer the questions. from home. Furthermore, students tend to specialise in a particular
.\W.St,ii.r! Dyskutowallscle w klasle na I
subject at university and consequently become experts in tha:
temat studiowania. Nauczyciel:
poproslt CI~, aby. napisat/-a rozprawk~ I
~ On the other hand, there are arguments against higher
education. To begin with, a large number of students have to takE
I (200-250 stow), w ktorej oplszesz zalety I
~II I wa
_ _d_ _ _
Y stu d'lowama.
___ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dII out bank loans to pay university fees. Consequently, when they star
working they end up paying back a large part of their monthly salary
1 What type of essay should you over several years. Secondly, many university courses are ve~
write? theoretical and do not prepare students properly for profession~,
2 Who is going to read your essay? careers. As a result, many graduates have to be trained on the job !
3 What style should you use? anyway.
~ All things considered, although there are disadvantages tv
going on to university, I believe that a university education is of the
utmost importance. Most jobs require at least a Bachelor's degre
and postgraduate specialised knowledge in a particular field io
particularly appreciated.

3 Replace the linkers in bold in the essay with 6 Match the arguments about home schooling to
suitable ones from the Linking words box. their corresponding justifications. Which points
are IF) for and which are IA) against?

1 Arguments Justifications
LINKING WORDS ITO study at your own a could feel bored or
• to list and add points: In the first place, To pace lonely
start/begin with, Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, m spend more time b not feel any
pressure or stress
In addition (to this), Furthermore, Moreover, with family
Besides, etc. [II] no contact with c insufficient
• to introduce or list advantages: The main/firstl other students professional
most important advantage of ... , One/Another/ !ill parents not guidance
An additional advantage of ... , One point of qualified teachers d save money
view in favour of ... , It is often suggested/ I}[] no transport costs e feel more secure
believed/argued that ... , Some/Many people or canteen charges and happier
suggestlfeel/argue that ... , Some/Many people
are in favour of/are convinced that ... etc. 7 Using the arguments and justifications from
• to introduce or list disadvantages: The main/ Ex. 6, complete the main body paragraphs with
most important disadvantage/drawback of ... , appropriate phrases/linking words.
One/Another/An additional disadvantage of .. , There are arguments in favour of home schooling.
One pointlargument against ... , Some/Many 1) ........... ............ . ................................. .
people are against ... , etc. On the other hand, not going to school has its
• to introduce examples/reasons/results: for
example/instance, such as, like, in particular,
therefore, for this reason, because, as, since, as
a result, etc. Your turn
• to show contrast: On the other hand, However, 8 Read the rubric and answer the questions.
still, but, Nonetheless, Nevertheless, Although,
Even though, In spite of/Despite (the fact that), Dyskutowaliscie w klasie na temat I
etc. studiowania za posrednictwem :
• to introduce a conclusion: In conclusion, Internetu. Nauczyciel poprosi! Ci~, abys I
To conclude/sum up, All in all, All things napisal/-a rozprawk~ (200-250 slow), w ktorej :
considered, Taking everything into accountl ~ _
_ _ _zalety
___ i_
__ takiego
_ _ _studiowania.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI

consideration, etc.
What type of essay should you write?
2 Who is going to read it?
4 Underline the correct phrase in the sentences. 3 What style should you write in?

Nevertheless/Even though higher education

costs a lot, it is worth it.
9 0 Listen to two students discussing the topic
and make notes under the headings.
2 An additional advantage/Finally is that it
broadens one's mind. Arguments for/ Arguments against/
3 Despite/Besides being difficult, it is something Justifications Justifications
that everyone should do.
4 She found it extremely hard. Still/In spite of, she 10 Use your answers from Ex. 9 to write your
continued to work at it. essay. Follow the plan below.
5 Since/As a result, students are better prepared
for the real world.
6 In spite of/Despite the fact that studying hard, (Para 1) state tbe topic
he still failed his exams. (Para 2) argumellts/or,justificalions/exal11ples
(Para 3) arguments against,justifications/
5 Find and replace the topic sentences in the examples
(para 4) state youropinionlbalanced summary
essay with your own ones.
Wyb6r wielokrotny

1 The photograph shows a classroom

in England in the 19th century. How
does it differ from your classroom?
Tell the class.

Sissy's Progress adapted from Hard Times

by Charles Dickens

" It would be a fine thing to be you, Miss Louisa!" Sissy "Tell me some of your mistakes."
said, one night, when Louisa tried to make her "I am almost ashamed," said Sissy, with reluctance. "But
perplexities for next day something clearer to her. today, for instance, Mr M'Choakumchiid was explaining to
"Do you think so?" us about Natural Prosperity."
"I should know so much, Miss Louisa. All that is difficult "National, I think it must have been," observed Louisa.
to me now, would be so easy then." "Yes, it was. - But isn't it the same?" she timidly asked.
"You might not be the better for it, Sissy." Sissy said, "You had better say, National, as he said so," replied
after a little hesitation, "I should not be the worse, Louisa, with her dry reserve.
Miss Louisa." To which Miss Louisa answered, "I don't
"National Prosperity. And he said, Now, this schoolroom
know that."
is a nation. And in this nation, there are fifty millions of
There had been so little communication between money. Isn't this a prosperous nation? Girl number
these two - both because life at Stone Lodge went twenty, isn't this a prosperous nation, and aren't you in a
monotonously round like a piece of machinery which thriving state?"
discouraged human interference, and because of
"What did you say?" asked Louisa.
the prohibition relative to Sissy's past career - that
they were still almost strangers. Sissy was uncertain "Miss Louisa, I said I didn't know. I thought I couldn't
whether to say more or to remain silent. know whether it was a prosperous nation or not, and
whether I was in a thriving state or not, unless I knew who
"You are more useful to my mother, and more
had got the money, and whether any of it was mine. But
pleasant with her than I can ever be," Louisa
that had nothing to do with it. It was not in the figures at
resumed. "You are pleasanter to yourself, than I am
all," said Sissy, wiping her eyes.
to myself."
"That was a great mistake of yours," observed Louisa.
"But, if you please, Miss Louisa," Sissy pleaded,
"I am - 0 so silly!'" "Yes, Miss Louisa, I know it was, now. Then Mr
M'Choakumchild said he would try me again. And he
Louisa, with a brighter laugh than usual, told her
said, "This schoolroom is an immense town, and in it
she would be wiser by-and-by.
there are a million of inhabitants, and only five-and-twenty
"You don't know," said Sissy, half crying, "what a are starved to death in the streets, in the course of a year.
silly girl I am. All through school hours I make
I mistakes. Mr and Mrs M'Choakumchiid call me
up, over and over again, regularly to make
What is your remark on that proportion?" And my remark
was - for I couldn't think of a better one - that I thought it
must be just as hard upon those who were starved,
mistakes. I can't help them. They seem to come whether the others were a million, or a million million. And
II natural to me." that was wrong, too."
"Mr and Mrs M'Choakumchild never make any "Of course it was."
mistakes themselves, I suppose, Sissy?"
"Then Mr M'Choakumchiid said he would try me once

II "Oh no!" she eagerly returned. ''They know

more. And he said, Here are the stutterings-"
"Statistics," said Louisa.

2 Do the reading task. Justify your answers.

\VI!!1Iiit.f/ Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych mozliwosci odpowledzi (1-5) wybierz w!asclw~, zgodn~ z trescl~ tekstu.

I Zakresillter~ A. B, C ~b_D;. ___________________________________ •
From the text we know the people living in Stone
'ways of speaking I
Lodge 6 Fill in with the verbs in the list in the correct
A had only recently met. tense: whisper, chat, speak, mutter, scream, talk,
B did not interact very much. call, mumble.
C were rather dull. 1 May I .. .. .. to Sissy, please?
D worked in different careers. 2 I don't know what on earth you.. .. . about.
2 When Sissy says she is '0 so silly', 3 He ................ the boy's name in my ear.
A she does so in order to please Louisa. 4 She... .. .. something but I didn't hear.
5 He was so angry, he left the room ... ... to
B it makes Louisa feel clever.
C Louisa tells her this won't always be the case. 6 The children ... away happily.
D Louisa feels sorry for her. 7 He saw the fire and immediately. . for help.
3 Sissy says she makes mistakes 8 He was so angry, he started ................ at me.
A on purpose.
B out of embarrassment.
C to get attention.
D without meaning to.
7 0 Read the rubric and do the listening task.

4 'National Prosperity' refers to r-----------------------~

A the wealth of a country.
I\tt.ttiilj(o" Us~szysz dwukrotnie wywiad dotycz,!~ I
I pamcznego strachu przed szko~. Na podstawle I
B the population of a country. : zawartych w nlm Informacjl zdecyduj, kt6re zdanla (1-5) s~ :
C the natural resources of a country. I zgodne z trescl~ tekstu (TRUE), a kt6re nle (FALSE). I
D the number of states in a country. ~ _______________________ d
I Zaznacz znaklem X odpowlednl~ rubryk~ w tabell. I
5 Sissy considers 25 people starving to death
A unacceptable no matter how big a city is. True False
B acceptable in a city of a million people. 1 School phobia is now an incorrect
C unacceptable only in small cities. term.
D acceptable only in a city of a million million people. 2 Parents often fail to recognise
that their child suffers from school
3 Match the words in bold to their synonyms.
What part of speech is each? 3 Physical symptoms associated with
school refusal are easily relieved.
• huge • went on • unwillingness
4 School refusal in young children
• difficulties • restraint in expression • shyly usually stems from their fear of
• intervention • rich • begged • pause being bullied.
• drying • successful • excellent • comment 5 School refusal symptoms usually
ease off after a time.
4 Fill in: remain, state, course, clear, natural, starve,
human, wipe. Odgrywanie roli
make sth . 6 to. ... your 8 a) Read the rubric, then in pairs, do the task.
2 eyes
interference 7 to ..... ....... to Ir---------------------~
Zastanawlasz sl~, co m6glbys/ I
3 to ............ silent death : moglabys roble po zdanlu matury.:
4 come to me 8 in the .. of a I W rozmowle ze szkolnym doradq zawodowym I
5 be in a thriving year I porusz ponlisze kwestle: I
··n ........... uniwel'syr:et praca I

5 V. przedmioty szkolne
L _____________________
osobowose dI

Think of a day at school where
something went wrong. In three minutes b) 0Listen to two people doing the task.
write a few sentences. Tell the class . Compare their conversation to yours.

• • 35
'Jobs I 4 Read the forum comments below and choose
the right word.
1 Which of the jobs below: can you take a university
• customer • public • stuck • accounts
degree for? are indoor/outdoor? are skilled/unskilled?
• current • personnel • career
• bank manager· lifeguard • miner
• interior designer • refuse collector

physiotherapist • counsellor
fashion designer • auctioneer
~mreers tmrUm
Hi everyone. I work in the 1) .......................... service
• ski instructor· chef • construction worker
department of a software firm and to be honest I need
• air traffic controller • gardener • barrister
a change. It's not easy dealing with people's
• porter • civil servant • graphic designer
complaints all day. I'd love to work in
, Collocations 2) .. ........................ relations. I'm really interested in
how companies present themselves to the outside
2 Fill in with: minimum, retail, temporary, pay,
world. Has anyone else made a similar
assistant, shift. 3) .......................... move or do you think it's better to
stay in my 4) ................ " ........ position?
A: Anna, you like working in the
1) .......................... trade, don't you? Jeffrey, London
B: I love it. Why?
A: Because I've just been offered a 2). ............... .. Hi Jeffreyl I used to work in the 5) ........................ ..
job as a sales 3) .. ... in a clothes department of a company but I got sick of working
shop and I don't know whetller to take it or not. with numbers all day. Now I'm in sales and I much
B: Congratulation! Why are you hesitating? prefer it. I love being with customers instead of
A: Well, they said I'll only be getting the
being 6) ............................. behind a desk all day. I
4) .. ... wage to start off with.
B: Don't worry about that! You'll soon get a think you should speak to the 7) ........................ ..
5) ........... rise if they're happy with manager in your company about moving to a
your performance. different department. It worked for me!
A: That's true, I guess. But the thing is, it's all
6) .... . ............ work. My hours will vary
Julian, Birmingham

every week.
B: I think you should take it. Jobs are really hard to 'Atworkj
come by these days. Besides, I think you'll love
working with the public. 5 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the verbs
apply, take, work, provide, make, go, give, call in
Useful phrases their correct form.
3 Complete the sentences with the words human,
Kim .... .. .......... shifts in a fast food
experience, job, flexible, sick, reference.
1 Do you have any previous ........... . .. of 2 The factory workers decided to ...
working with children? on strike.
2 I've decided to accept a ................ .. .. offer 3 Tom. .. ......... .. ............... the day off yesterday
from a small insurance company. because he was feeling unwell.
3 The best thing about being self-employed is that 4 Lisa...... .......... .. a living as a street magiCian.
you can have .............................. working hours. 5 I heard that Pamela has.... ....... .. ............... for
4 She asked her Maths teacher to give her a job the post.
6 Her boss..... .. .... her the sack last week.
5 Bob can't work because of his injury, but he 7 They immediately...... an emergency
receives ...................... . pay from his employer. meeting to discuss the news.
6 Peter works in ............................ resources so 8 The company's goal is to ...................... better
part of his job is to train new employees. customer service.
'The labour market I

8 Choose the correct preposition.

6 Look at the work-related phrases below and
As the restaurant manager, the only person I have
place them in the correct column.
to report at/to is the owner.
• paid overtime • fringe benefits 2 Despite his having no experience in/with
• tough deadlines • maternity leave • pay rise journalism, the newspaper offered him the job.
• workplace discrimination • good team spirit 3 He handed in/on his notice.
• career advancement • training opportunities 4 Our law firm specialises in/on business law.
• poor working conditions • career goals S Tim is responsible for/by closing up the shop.
• job burnout • work-related stress 6 Phil is able to work in/under pressure.
I--:- Positive ---~r-·---~gative~---·: 7 Brian is very skilled with/at woodwork so he
wants to become a carpenter.
I-~--~-'--'-'-"- r---~~----~"-i

L_ _ _________~_~i _ _ _ ~_.~ ____ .____ j

o Phrasal verbs
7 a) Fill in with: salary, wage, perks, commission, 9 Fill in with: across, up, through, out, on, off.
pension, increments, promotion, dole, pay slips.
Steve went ....................... a very difficult time
I've lost my job so now I have to go on the after he lost his job.
2 Paul tried to put .... .. ......... the importance
2 One of the .......... ............. ....... of a job in sales of customer care to his employees.
is that you get a company car. 3 When Jim was out of work, he had very little
3 Keep all your ...................... ,..... because money to live .......
you'll need them as proof of your earnings. 4 He took.. .. a loan to start his business.
4 Her basic pay is quite low but she's a good S We need to mark ................... our prices if
saleswoman so she earns a lot of .......... . we want to increase our profit
S Because he's been in the same job for 40 years, 6 After a long day at work, I like to go to the gym
he'll get a good ................... in his old age. to work ........... . .. .... stress.
6 The national minimum .. ..
in England has risen to £5.93 an hour from £5.80. . Words often confused
7 As managing director, he earns a six-figure
10 Choose the correct word.
8 While you're a trainee here, your salary will go up He resigned/retired/abandoned and is living off
in monthly .................. .. his pension.
9 His.... .. ......... was the result of him working 2 All companies must declare their profits/earnings/
very hard. benefits to the tax office.
3 Please tell the consumer/customer/buyer we've
b) Fill in with: layoff, made redundant, promoted, fixed the problem and his car is ready for him.
resign, retire, be sacked. 4 The lawyer has a meeting with one of his shoppers/
customers/clients this morning.
Ben was. ... from assistant advertising
S As the chief supervisor/executive/administrator,
manager to advertising manager yesterday.
he is the most powerful person in the company.
2 Unfortunately I was ... when the
6 He needs to give four weeks' notice/note/
company decided to close the office I worked at
warning before leaving his job.
3 There wasn't enough work to keep the factory
7 Lucy directs/runs/controls her small company
open so the manager had to ....
most of the staff. successfu Ily.
4 He's always late for work and he's worried that
he's going to ................. ..
11 What would you like to do for a living? Why?
Which 3 factors from the ones in Ex. 6 would
S I don't think it's a good idea to
you consider to be the most important ones
from your job before you have a new one.
when deciding on a job?
6 After 45 years of work, I can't wait to .....
(,.) See Vocabulary Bank on p. 170) 37
Imagine being offered £70,000 to spend six months in a
luxurious $2m villa on a beautiful tropical island in the Pacific
Ocean. It sounds the stuff of fantasy, but believe it or not, this
was a real job offered to a lucky young man from Britain,
named Ben Southall. Ben was one of thousands of hopeful
individuals who applied for the fantasy job, which was created
by Tourism Que'ensland in an attempt to boost tourist numbers
in their state.
Tourism Queensland placed an advertisement on their website The people at Tourism Queensland were stunned. Their goal
for what they called 'the be'st job in the world': a caretaker for had been to generate publicity for Queensland, but the amount
the beautiful islands of the Great Barrier Reef, off the north-east they got was QIlyond their wildest dreams. They spent $1.7
coast of Australia. The caretaker's duties were listed as exploring million advertising the job but, by the time the job was filled,
the Great Barrier Reef area, making friends with the locals, had gained more than $100 million worth of free publicity!
enjoying the lifestyle and climate of Queensland, and reporting to From 34,000 applications, a shortlist of fifty candidates was
the rest of the world about life in the @.gion. As if that wasn't drawn up. These fifty were narrowedJl.gwn to fifteen. Finally,
enough, the perks of the job included five-star accommodation after much discuSSion, Ben was]g)edJllit as the best person
and access to a swimming pool. No experience was necessary. for the job.
Would-be caretakers were simply asked to forward their CVs So, how did Ben find life as a caretaker? Well, it tums out the
and a 50-second video showcasing their skills and talents. job was far from plain sailing. Ben had hardly any time to relax
The international media quickly got wind of the incredible job, on the beach, go snorkelling, or lie beside his swimming pool.
and details of it appeared in newspapers around the world. In addition to his everyday tasks, Ben had to follow a gruelling
People rushed to log on to Tourism Queensland's website. schedUle of press conferences, public talks, promotional
Within 3 days, more than a million people had viewed the ad. In events and meetings. He ended up working long hours, seven
fact, the volum~ of traffic was so great, the website crashed! days a week, in order to get everything done. Ben travelled
around Queensland meeting local politicians and giving
lectures. He gave hundreds of media interviews. And he kept a
running web commentary about what he was lIJUQ. "It was a
Wybor wielokrotny job that needed 18 to 19 hours' work every day", says Ben.
Yet despite this, Ben loved the work and really enjoyed his six
1 If you could have any job in the world, what months. And he wasn't the only one who was happy. Ben's
would it be and why? employers at Tourism Queensland were so satisfied with his
performance that they offered him a six-figure contract to
2 a) Look at the picture. What do you think this become a PR person and promote Queensland worldwide. Ben
man's job is? Read through to find out. is now writing a book about his amazing experience. He hopes
it will become a best-seller!
b) Do the reading task. Justify your answers.
Then, explain the words in bold.

r----------------------~ 3 Tourism Queensland did not expect to

: \J6Miill.r!Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych mozliwosci I A spend so much money advertising the job.
I odpowiedzi (1-5) wybierz wlasciwq, zgodnq z tresciq : B generate so much interest in their advert.
~ ______________________ d
I tekstu. Zakreslliter~ A. B. Club D. I e run their advert for more than 3 days.
D make any money from advertising the job.
1 According to the text. the job given to Ben Southall was
A so amazing many people thought it wasn't real. 4 Ben was surprised the job was so
B intended to increase visitors to Queensland. A problematic. B interesting.
e only open to people who had visited Queensland. e demanding. D relaxing.
D worth several million dollars.
5 Ben's bosses
2 Tourism Queensland wanted would-be caretakers to A suggested he become an author.
A be sociable.
B offered him a home in Queensland.
B have film-making skills.
e be familiar with Queensland.
e gave him a bonus.
D have previous experience. D extended his employment.
3 Read the text and answer the

1 What were the caretaker's

2 What role did the media play in Wybor wielokrotny
making the competition a success? 9 0 Do the listening task. Justify your answers.
3 What may have been Ben's main
complaint about the job? : i Uslyszysz wYWiazd z z Pdewn~ hosob~ :
4 What is the writer's purpose? jej zawodu. po anyc moz wosci
: odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciw~, zgodn~ z tresci~ tekstu. :
I Zakreslliter~ A, B, Club D. I
4 Fill in: apply, place, forward;
advertise, give.
Emma became a ballerina because she
.. interviews A wanted to impress her mother.
B wanted to copy her sister.
2 ........... an advertisement
C hadn't any other interests.
3 ............ .... for a job
D had the right personality
4 ............. a job
2 Emma turned professional at
5 . a CV
A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19.
3 According to Emma, the first year as a professional is hard because
5 Match the words to form A you don't get to dance much.
collocations. B there is so much to learn.
C your job isn't secure.
l2IJ long a conference D others want you to fail.
[ill gruelling b tasks 4 When asked about her schedule, Emma says she rehearses
[IT] press c event A in the mornings.
D generate d schedule B only on the days she performs.
[ill everyday e hours C never for less than an hour.
[!IJ promotional f publicity D every day except weekends.
5 Emma's retirement plans have to do with the fact that
A fewer people are going to the ballet.
6 Find the underlined words in the B ballet needs young people to publicise it.
text that mean: C ballet audiences are mostly women.
D different kinds of people are starting to like
1 unbelievable 5 chosen
the ballet.
2 hurried 6 area
3 found out 7 reduced
about 8 doing
4 amount

10 Opisz zdj~cie, a nast~pnie

7 Choose the correct preposition. odpowiedz na pytania.

Ben decided to apply to/for the

What do you think the people
fantasy job.
are talking about?
2 Ben's job turned in/out to be very
2 Would you like to be a business
hard work.
person? Why?lWhy not?
3 He ended up/off working extremely
3 When you were a child, what
long hours.
kind of work did you want to do
4 Ben's employers were very satisfied
when you grew up and why?
with/by his work.
Lexicogrammatical word transformations
Relative clauses!
Clauses of reason!result 2 Complete the sentences using the word in bold.
Use two to five words.

Jack doesn't know what made Lisa leave the company.

o That's the place where I worked last year
WHY Jack has... ............. .. ............ .
That's the place in which I worked last year
...... the company.
o This is Mr Brown; his daughter is an actress. 2 They postponed the meeting until 3 o'clock.
This is Mr Brown, whose daughter is an actress. PUT The meeting was ...... ..
o Monday is the day when he holds meetings. .. ... until 3 o'clock.
Monday is the day on which he holds meetings. 3 It was silly of him to forget about the meeting.
o The manager interviewed some people, but WHICH He didn't ..
none of them were,suitable for the job. ... was silly of him.
The manager interviewed some people, none of 4 The colours of her clothes were so bright that
whom were suitable for the job. everyone in the office noticed her.
o No one knows the reason for her resignation. DRESSED She ..... .
No one knows (the reason) why she resigned. .. .. .......... . bright colours
• It was such a hard job that he decided to quit. that everyone in the office noticed her.
The job was so hard that he decided to quit. 5 I had a lot of work. I couldn't go to the party.
o She fell behind so needed to do overtime. BUSY As a result of ..
She fell behind and as a result/consequently/ .. ..... , I couldn't go to the party.
therefore needed to do overtime. 6 It was such a long meeting that he began to feel
o The deadline was too tight for her to meet. tired.
It was such a tight deadline that she couldn't SO The meeting went ....
meet it. . that he began to feel tired.
7 The company belongs to Mr Johnson. He is a wealthy
1 Complete the sentences using the word in bold, OWNS Mr Johnson, ...
Use two to five words. ...... , is a wealthy businessman.
B Gregory has a bad cold, so he can't come to work.
That's the building where my father works. RESULT As ..
WHICH That's .......... bad cold, Gregory can't come to work .
. my father works. 9 They ca ncelled their trip because of the bad weather
2 She invited five workmates to the dinner, but none OFF Their trip ...
of them were able to come. .. .... to the bad weather
,",'. WHOM She invited five work mates to the 10 They fired hi m because he accessed confidential
dinner, ...... '" to come. personnel files.

3 It was such a beautiful day that he spent ,t outdoors. GO They let ...
SO The day. accessed confidential personnel files.
. he spent it outdoors. 11 I don't plan to go into work tomorrow.
4 Linda broke her leg so she can't come to work. TAKE I plan.
RESULT Linda broke her leg and .... .. . tomorrow.
. ...... she can't come to work. 12 A lot has changed in the office in the past few years .
S 17th May is the day when I started work. MANY There.
ON 17th May .. in the office in the past few years.
.. ...... I started work. 13 It's his duty to deal with customer complaints .
6 Nobody knows the reason for her sadness. RESPONSIBLE He ...
WHY Nobody knows ......... .. ... sad. .. ... with customer complaints.
7 The suit was too small for him to wear 14 It rained a lot this year
SUCH It was DEAL We've had ......
he couldn't wear it. .. this year.
B This is Mrs Adams; her company makes children's toys. 15 You'll have no difficulty getting a job.
WHOSE This is Mrs Adams, ... .. ............ . EASY You'll ..... a joe
. children's toys.
40 , /'
$ Word formation , Lexical multiple choice items
3 FiJI in the correct form of the words in bold. 4 Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

We need to call our ....... and order more stationery.

For many people, meetings are part of everyday working
A supplier B client C agent D buyer
life. But often, getting a gmup of people together in one
2 Are you really sure you want to hand in your .. ?
mom is easier said than done. That's why Keith HarTis
A redundancy C recruitment
created, a 1) (use) ............................ .
website that helps companies schedule their' meetings. B resignation D retirement
Data from Harris's site has revealed an interesting statistic. 3 That company turned a(n) ...... in its first year.
2) (apparent) ............................. , the most suitable time A budget B pro At C interest D fund
to hold a meeting is.3 pm on a Tuesday. But why? Well, to 4 The company has launched a(n) ...... drive for Web
start with, it's not too early in the week or' in the day. As programmers.
Harris explains, on Monday mor'nings, or indeed on any A employment C recruitment
morning, the 3) (major) ... :......................... of office B induction D appointment
workers need time to or'ganise their' day, get a quick cup of 5 Only ...... members of staff can open and lock the
coffee, and check their emails. And 3 pm is also not too building.
late. It seems that most office worker's think it's too A senior C superior
4) (risk) ............................. to attend meetings that might go B authoritative D mature
on past five o'clock! But what about Tuesdays? Most likely. 6 Always read the small ..... of a contract before you sign.
business people have a 5) (prefer) ............................ for A print B words C writing D letters
Tuesday meetings because it leaves the end of the week free 7 He has a fixed-term contract at the moment, but
to finish lasr-minute jobs befor'e the weekend. So from now he's hoping his job will become .......
on, if you ever need to call a business person at 3 pm on a A ongoing. C official.
Tuesday. don't be surprised to hear an 6) (assist) B full-time. D permanent.
............................. asking you to call back later r 8 He was offered a(n) ...... in the Public Relations
A employment C position
• Multiple choice doze
B occupation D status
5 Read the text and choose the correct answer.
9 Workers were forced to accept a wage
A loss B drop C cut D fall
10 The Accounts Manager was given the sack for

INEMURI accepting ...

A bonuses B bribes C bills D rewards

The Japanese art of sleeping at work

Most experts agree that adults should 1) ......................... at least 8 hours of sleep a
night However, in recent years, the number of hours people sleep has been falling
steadily. The consequences of 2) , ....... can be seen in workplaces around the
world where workers rely on cups of coffee to keep active and alert. But in Japan, where
the average adult gets just 7 hours and 5 minutes of sleep a night, workers don't have
to struggle 3) ...... ' ..... , ... the day with heavy eyelids. Instead, they can have a short
nap! The practice is called 'inemuri' and is an acceptable part of the Japanese work
environment. In fact, instead of being embarrassed about falling asleep at work, as most
Westerners would be, the Japanese are actually quite proud of it Inemuri is viewed as a
4).. .. ............ that the worker is exhausted from working very hard and the practice
is so respected that some Japanese workers pretend to be asleep at their desks! There are
some unwritten rules of inemuri, however. Firstly,
1 A to get B get C getting D have got
you must sit upright in your chair while napping so
2 A this B that C these D those
that your workmates can 5) .......................... you up
3 A towards B along C through D against
easily; you shouldn't nap in front of your boss; and
4 A warning B notice C symbol D sign
you must not nap for more than about 20 minutes a
5 A call B wake C look D put
day, All in all, many experts believe the West has
6 A far Blot C many D much
6) ...... ,.. , ................ to learn from the practice,
2 Read the essay and label the paragraphs (1-5)
Rozprawka with the correct headings (A-E).

An essay providing solutions to problems is an essay

in which you discuss a problem and its cause(s), and I' m=J It's never easy to find your first job, particularly
then present your proposed solutions and the •• in difficult economic times. The problem for young
expected results. It consists of: ( applicants is that you usually need work experience to
• an introduction in which you state the problem f: be successful in the job market - but how do you get
and its cause(s). ~ work experience if companies prefer to employ
• a main body consisting of two or three paragraphs. • people who have an employment history?
Each main body par.agraph: I'.·• lID First of all, it's important to remember that all
- states a separate suggestion. work experience - including unpaid work experience -
- develops/clarifies the suggestion with 1 or 2 f is valuable. One way to gain work experience,
supporting sentences. ~ therefore, is to do some kind of voluntary work with a
- gives the expected result(s) of the suggestion.
business in the field that interests you, or perhaps a
• a conclusion in which you summarise your
charity organisation. if you're interested in working
with animals, for example, you could ask to volunteer
Essays providing solutions to problems are analytical
at your local veterinary surgery or dog shelter. By doing
pieces of writing and are written in formal style.
so, you would greatly improve your chances of finding
a job.
lID Another way to gain experience to add to your
CV and something to discuss at job interviews is to
Making suggestions help out with a family business. If you have a relative
• One/Another way to who runs a shop, for example, then why not lend a
• One/Another thing to do. hand there? Consequently, you will gain a range of
• One/Another way of solving/improving the useful skills.
problem/situation ....
@I] Alternatively, you could get more involved in
• A useful/Another solution would be to ...
your hobbies and interests. Why not take a more
• Alternatively, ....
leading role in any sports or social clubs you attend?
• Measures/Steps should/could be taken to ...
Then you can say you have experience of organising
Presenting results
events and being in a leadership role, for example.
• In doing so/By doing so, ..... ThisfThat way, ...
[II] In summary, getting actively involved in an)
• Then ....• If ... , then ...
organisation will help you to succeed in today's job
• The result/effect/consequence of this would be
• Consequently, .. ' .
• It would follow that .'.

1 Read the rubric, underline the key words, then

answer the questions.

I W gazetce wydawanej w j~zyku anglelskim I
I w Twojej szkoie zamieszczono list od I
: mlodej osoby. prosz~cej 0 rad~, jak zdobyc: 3 Read the essay again, and for each main-body
I d05wladczenie zawodowe. Napisz rozprawk~ I paragraph:
(200-250 slow), w ktorej
_______________________ ~
przedstawlsz swoje I
1 Underline the sentence that states the main
I propozycje. I
suggestion. i
1 What will your essay be about? 2 Circle the useful language the writer uses to
I 2 Who is going to read your essay? a) make their suggestions
': 3 What style should your essay be written in? b) present expected results.
~I 42
4 Match the suggestions (1-4) to their results . YOlll' tum
(a-d). Then write sentences, as in the example. 6 Read the rubric and underline the key words.
Then, answer the questions.
Ways to I-educe stress at work
Studiujesz w Anglli. Czasopismo wydawane I
: na Twoim uniwersytecie zwrocito Si~:
suggestions Results
I z prosb~ do studentow. aby przysylali wypracowania. I
[I[J take a short break a avoid forgetting I w ktorych opisz~. jak mozna skutecznie I~czyc prac~ I
every hour to do something : ze studiowaniem. Napisz rozprawk~ (200-250 slow). :
[I[J make a list of tasks b maintain your w_
IL _ ktorej
_ _ przedstawisz
_ _ _ _ _ _swoje
___ propozycje.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI
for the day energy levels
ill put plants on your c refresh your mind What type of essay will you write?
desk d make your work 2 Who will read your essay?
@I] eat healthy snacks environment 3 What style should you use?
throughout the day more pleasant 4 How many paragraphs will you write?
5 What should each main body paragraph contain?

One way of solving the problem is to take a short breok every

hour./n doing so, you will refresh your mind. 7 0 Listen to two people discussing ways to
combine studying and working successfully.
5 Use the prompts to complete the main body Take notes in the table below.
paragraphs, as in the example.

(Problem: Trouble with co-worker)

• approach co-worker/directly
• appreciate/not go/boss
• more likely/want to help

One way to solve the problem would be to approach your co-

worker directly. They will appreciate that fact that you did
not go directly to the boss. The consequence 01 this will be
that they will be more likely to want to help you.

2 (Problem: Meetings going on too long)

• set/maximum time limit/speak for
• force/say/only important things
• meetings/more productive/everyone happier

Steps could be taken to set a maximum time limit

that people can speak for.


Suggestions Isupporti~g point~ Expected result;

3 (Problem: Can't find work)
• volUnteer/companies
• gain/valuable work experience/improve CV
• increase/chance/employment

One thing to do would be to volunteer your

services for free at companies ......... .. 8 Now. use the ideas from Ex. 7 and/or your own
ideas to write your essay (200-250 words).

Dobieranie 3 Do the reading task. Which words helped you
decide on the right sentences?
1 Would you like to start your own business? If
yes, what kind of business would it be? Why Ir--------------------~
Przeczytaj tekst, z ktorego usuni~to I
would you choose it? If no, explain why.
: . cztery zdanla. Dobierz brakuj~ce I
I ~dan~a (A-E)." tak aby otrzymac spojn~ I
I I. loglczn~ calosc. W kai:d~ luk~ (1-4) wpiSZ:
2 Imagine someone setting up a business for the I hter~. ktor~ oznaczone jest brakuj~ce zdanie. I
first time. What mistakes would they be likely IL ledno zdanle zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie I
____________________ ~
to make? Read through to find out. I pasuje do tekstu. I

in, they think they've done enough to make their

a business company known, and they decide to cut back on all
advertising expenditure. Bad move! [1IJ People have
to think of your name when they have a problem. If they
You may have heard it said that experience is the best have only seen your name once, but your competitor has
teacher. But in the competitive world of business, you just sent them a third flyer, your competitor will get
usually don't have the luxury of trial and error. You have their business.
to get things right the first time. Here's how to avoid Start-up Mistake 3: If you fail to plan, you plan to
four common mistakes entrepreneurs make when fail. An idea is not a business plan, or a marketing plan,
setting up a new business. or even just a goal. It is simply an idea. If you do n01
I! ,!
Start-up Mistake 1: As the old saying goes, 'Jack of have a plan in place and attainable goals, you will never
! ;'
all trades, master of none.' 0::0 Identify your ideal know when you~ve reached them or if you're on thE
client and then go out of your way to meet their course to success or failure. Remember, though, thai
individual needs. For instance, do not be a 'gardener'. your plan should guide you, but not constrain you. The
This is too general. There are a million gardeners in the original plan for your business will NEVER work out. 11
world and the only ones who meet with success are will change 50 times before you get things right. [Ie.
those who offer something special. What sets you apart Start-up Mistake 4: Lack of capital. Having sufficient r
from the crowd? Are you a landscape gardener, an capital is essential for the survival of your business
expert in organic gardening, or a vegetable gardening Therefore, it is important to create a high-qualit' ,
specialist? Narrow your focus to broaden your appeal. business plan in order to attract and secure the righ~i
Start-up Mistake 2: You stopped amount of funding that you need to make your busines
advertising. Entrepreneurs often successful. Remember also to keep your business anL
start out spending a fortune on personal finances strictly separate. This may sound
advertising. But then the clients roll obvious. [I[] This leads to a mess at tax time.

A But all too often, business owners mix them.

S This can indicate a lack of understanding.
C Customers prize specialised expertise.
D So don't stay static, be flexible.
The key to marketing is repetition.
4 Match the words/phrases in bold in the text to
their meanings below. 8 What have you learnt from the text?
Do you think this information will ever be
• arouse interest in • lead in the right direction useful for you? Why/why not? Tell your partner.
• achievable/realistic • value highly • limit
• adaptable • unchanging/constant
• be a sign of • obtain/acquire • leaflet Dobieranie
• experimenting until a solution is found
• a person who starts a business 9 0 Do the listening task.
especially OIie involving risk r--------------------~
Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wypowledzi I
• money paid out • reduce
I pi~ciu osab na temat zakladania I
• makes you unique • make a huge effort I wlasnej firmy. Przyporz~dkuj poszczeg61nym I
• a lot of money I osobom nagl6wki, wpisuj~c odpowiednie litery :
: (A-F) w kratki. Jeden naglawek zostal podany I
I dodatkowo i nie pasuje do :iadnej wypowiedzi. I
5 Match the words to form collocations. Then,
L ____________________ d

write sentences using them. A HIT BY THE CRISIS Speaker 1

Speaker 2
[ill individual a plan
Speaker 3
I2IJ old b finances
I2:D competitive c funding
~business d saying
[I[] personal e needs
@I]secure f world Wypowiedi na podstawie
materiafu stymulujCJ:cego

6 Fill in: up, out (x2), on.

10 Read the rubric and do the speaking task.
Money is tight so we must cut back .
~ ----------------------~
Przyjrzyj si~ zdj~clom nr 1, 2 i 3. Ka:ide I
I z nlch przedstawia ofert~ tygodniowego I
I sta:iu dla uczni6w Twojej szkoly. I
2 They started ...... spending heavily on office I. Wybierz ofert~, ktara Jest dla Ciebie najbardzieJ :
furniture but soon realised it was a mistake : odpowiednla, i uzasadnij swoj~ decyzj~. I
3 Mr Jones set ............... his company back in 1972. I Wyjasnij, dlaczego odrzucileS/-as pozostale I
4 James always goes ...... of his way to I _ _propozycje.
L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dI

provide good service.

7 Complete the sentences using the correct form

of the verbs: secure, prize, spend, mix, offer.

In order to stand out, we must ..

something different.
2 You must avoid. ...... your personal
and business finances.
3 Fortunately, we have ....................... all the
funding we need from the bank. Quotations·-----
1he best way to appreciate ),olfrjoh is to imagine yourself
4 I know that their customers really
wi/bollt olle.
their expert knowledge.
(Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900, Irish author)
5 We need ......................... a lot more on
marketing this product.

3 Complete the sentences with the words foster,
strict, Single-parent, extended, biological, adoptive.
1 Match the words newborn 1 Living far from all their relatives, their children

below to the correct
were isolated from the ..... .. ..... family.
age group(s). Some
words may fit more &-11 2 The boy's. ........... parents decided to adopt
him and raise him as their own son.
than one age group. yeElirs yeQVPS
3 John was brought up in a(n) .........
• newborn household. His mum raised him all by herself.
• grown-up' adult 4 His uncle and aunt became little Danny's
• adolescent • infant parents when he lost his own
• pensioner • toddler parents in an accident.
• child· middle-aged 5 Even though he's not his .. .. .. father, his
person • teenager stepfather treats him like his own son.
• elderly. baby 6 Marion had a(n) ........... ...... upbringing and
• senior citizen wasn't allowed to go to parties or stay out late.
• youngster • juvenile
. Phrasal verbs
• school-age child
II ' 'Family I
Complete the sentences with the words
brought, grew, asking, get, look, takes, gets, break.
Jerry was nervous about ............... Paula out on a
2 Write the correct word from the list,
• spouse • sibling • offspring • in-laws 2 The couple realised they had many differences sc
• husband-to-be • stepdaughter • godfather they decided to .... .. .......... up.
• ex-wife • half-brother • great-grandfather 3 My mum always ................ care of everyone ir
the family.
Thomas got married to Ann three years ago but 4 They ................ up their children to become'
then he got divorced. Ann is Thomas's decent citizens.
5 Jenny .............. along with her in-laws very wei
2 Mandy fights with her brother Mark all the time. 6 These days, both parents usually work in order to •
Mark is Mandy's .......... .. .. .............. by every month.
3 Jane's grandfather's father, Harry, was 100 when 7 The brothers had a close relationship i
he died. Harry is Jane's .................... . teenagers, but they . apart as they got
4 When Sheila and Tom baptised their baby, their older.
friend Greg promised to be its moral gUide. Greg 8 You shouldn't .................... down on people ju
is the baby's ..................... . because they don't think the same as you do.
5 Edith and Bob lived with Bob's parents for six
months when they first got married. Bob's Lifestyle - everyday & leisure activities
parents are Edith's .................... .
6 The Jacksons have got five children. The five
5 In 3 minutes, write as many ideas as you can
..." children are the Jacksons' .......... ..
think of under the headings. Use ideas from
7 Stella is on cloud nine; she's just got engaged to
the spidergrams to talk about your daily
George. George is Stella's
routine and free time activities.
8 When Ellen married Fred, she already had a little
i' girl, Lilly, from her first marriage. Lilly is Fred's morning'

9 When Rupert's mother remarried, she had another

son called David. David is Rupert's ................... .
10 Mr Smith filled in his wife Rose's details on his tax
IIh Rose is Mr Smith's ..................... .

6 Fill in with: stress, sports, develop, varied, passive, rush, choose, 'conflicts & problems I
activities, weekly, positive, glued, workout.
8 Choose the correct word.

: Here at Better Living we cater for people with 1) ................... interests by

! "",~~th""em a wide range of recreational 2) .............. .
elllIIIU,il""l" you can part
: outdoor sports, including squash, badminton, cycling and rowing. Or
: take up adventure sports like ~ayaking and skydiving for that ultimate

!~a:dr~e=na~li~nj'~"~"'~"'~"'£"'~"~"l':I~Il!1l!rI *1!.N.u.~!OA_"-'-_~
I For those who prefer more 5) ........ ........... recreation, why not join our
: walking club which organises country walks on a 6) ................... basis?
: Keep fit with a fun 7) ............. ,..... in our aerobics classes or take up yoga,
: an effective 8) ................... buster if you've been 9) ................... to an
The happiest of families experience conflict

: 10) ................... a hobby that you enjoy - it's the first step towards more
at times. This is because
• family members are emotionally
1) attached/joined to each other through
: 11) ..................... thinking! 12) ................... interpersonal skills by playing
2) wide/long-term relationships. ,
: against a chess opponent. for example, or get creative in our cookery
• families often 3) resist/insist interference'
: classes.
or help from outside.
: Better Living is full of surprising choices. Contact us on 010 663399 to
• there is a 4) lack/shortage of common
: learn more!
sense when dealing with conflict.
'Weddings I WHICH?
Which of these problems sound familiar to you?
7 Complete the email with the words below.
Husband and wife
• best • traditional. bridesmaid· civil • newlyweds • 5) financial/economical difficulties
• wedding • groom • memorable • aisle • domestic 6) violence/mugging
• honeymoon • reception • 7) disappearance/separation due to job
• 8) communication/speech problems
Dear Chloe, • 9) waste/neglect of family members
Last week, my brother Frank got married to Stacy. It was a Children
beautiful 1) ... .. .... ceremony. • rebellious 10) behaviour/activity
All of our family and friends were there to celebrate this • social 11) force/pressure from peers
2) ................. day. The couple decided to have a 3) ............... .. • addiction 12) to/with substances
church wedding rather than a 4).. . ...... wedding. The • parental 13 ) divorce/division
5) ......................... man was my brother, George. The • fights 14) through/between siblings
6) chief .................. was Stacy's sister, Victoria. It was very
emotional when the father of the bride walked Stacy down the
What can you do to 15) answer/resolve these
7) .................. towards the 8). .......... . . There was a
conflicts? You don't need to struggle on your
marvellous 9) ................. at a country hotel, with a four-course
own. Marriage 16) therapy/counselling
meal, and dancing afterwards. After the wedding had finished,
services are now widely available to help you
the 10) ................. left for their 11) ................... I really wish
17) manage/deal your anger and communicate
n you could have come. I'll send you photographs when they are
developed. with your family better. For details of services
Take care, in your area, see inside this leaflet.
[~) See Vocabulary Bank on p. 172) 47

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