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DATE: 23/11/21

VIDEO AND WRITING (80 minutes)

Watch the following video about crisis management.

1. Based on the video information, mention the 5 more common forms of crisis you have
experienced in your life and give a short example of each one. (10 points)
a. Health: When I was 13 I had the flu and I didn´t take good care of myself, so I got bronchospasm, it
was very difficult for me because it hurt to breathe, I couldn´t do the same activities as my friends and I
had to carry an oxygen cylinder with me, it was almost a painful month for me.
b. Financial: My family and I two years ago had the worst financial crisis of all, my mother and my
grandmother lost their jobs, my stepfather's work was not getting money, I was too young to work, we
almost lost our house, we had no money to eat some days and several times the services were cut off.
c. Black Swan: Worldwide, the Covid 19 pandemic surprised us all and affected our lives dramatically, I
was infected twice, fortunately I did not have serious symptoms or sequelae but it was very hard to
isolate myself from my loved ones for fear of infecting them.
d. Personal: This year in March, my grandfather died, it was a very personal crisis, because no one
understood or shared the pain that I was feeling, I had to support and be strong for my mother, even
when I was also very bad.
e. Violence: I was in a neighborhood supermarket buying some things when two hooded men with
guns arrived, shouting and threatening all the people who were there, we could die if we didn´t do what
they said, I was very afraid.

2. In the following link, you will find famous business crises in 2020.
Select one of them and based on the video information, write an analysis on how to deal with
the crisis, include the reasons of the life spam and the rules of engagement. (300 words) (40

Rio Tinto's Jukaan Gorge destruction

With the rules of engagement for crisis, I come to the following analysis.
The demolition of this aboriginal site was totally in the control of those responsible, they knew what
they were doing and the effects and even so they did not stop.
In this case, the risk of a crisis was immense. When you are attacking a site that is very important
to the history, origin and culture of a population, people will always unite to defend it or protest its
The root of this crisis was undoubtedly the interest to obtain money regardless of what may be
affected and the bad leadership of the person who allowed this destruction to take place, so that it
is not repeated in the future, it would be necessary to look for entrepreneurs or leaders really
interested in finding a balance between profit and care for the environment and prehistoric sites.
The damage they did to this site cannot be reversed, but if you can reward those inhabitants who
lost their home, it takes more than an apology, some financial reward, housing and work options so
that they can start from scratch in another place of Australia.

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