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Lesson 1: The Philippines in the 19th Century as Rizal's Context


Are you what your environment When faced with this question what is your immediate answer?
is? Answer this in 2-3 sentences only.

Yes, our environment shaped us as an individual. The environment we lived in reflects our characteristic
as it influenced us in many ways it could be positive or negative. Our environment play a big part as who
we are.

We are what our environment is!

Agree? Or disagree?

I agree that we are what our environment is because we create the environment. What kind of
environmet we have ialso reflects to us individuals living in a certain place or environment.

Worksheet: Philippines and Europe in the 19th Century (Panoramic Survey)

1. Compare and Contrast the Philippines and Europe during the 19th century in terms of its
development. Put your answer in the matrix below. Please limit your answer on the space provided.

19th Century Philippines 19th Century Europe

The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered from The 19th century was a revolutionary period for
feudalistic and master slave relationship by the European history and a time of great
Spaniards. Their social structure is ranked into transformation in all spheres of life. Human and
three groups: Highest class – the people that civil rights, democracy and nationalism,
belong in this class include the Spaniards, industrialisation and free market systems, all
peninsulares and the friars. ushered in a period of change and chance.

2. Compare and Contrast the Philippines during the 19th century and now in terms of:
a. Nature and Structure of Society
b. Educational System
c. Political System

19th century Present Remaks/Observation

1. Nature and structure Colonial government Sovereign state

of Philippine society Monarchy Presedential
Centralized democracyof the Gov.
Chief executive has Exist Separation of the
absolute Power. powe

2. Philippines Overemphasis on Better Classroom

Educational System Religious Facilities Varied
Matters Instructional
Parrot Learning Approaches/
Obsolet Teaching Teaching
Method Poor classroom Approaches(Lecture
facilities Discussion use of
Aid Video-clip etc.)
Separation of Church
State Matter Less
emphasis on Memoriza
& More on
understanding and

3. Philippine Political Absolutism. Common Masses

system Sovereignty/freedom Monarchy
Hierarchail Transition of leadersAbsolutism.
Power (Loves to remain
Monarchy of Equality In Their
comfort zone
Are you happy you live today or would you rather prefer to live in the 19th century Philippines? Why?

I am happy that i live at this present times because during the 19th century the Philippineswas colonized
by the spaniards and the Filipino were slaves and ait caused so much suffering. I domt want to
experience such things Filipinos experienced before. I want a better and peaceful life and that is what i
have today.


A. Illustrate one good thing and one bad thing about the colonization of the Philippines by Spain. (10

Picture - Good thing Picture - Bad thing

Religion Forced Labor

B. Identification/Enumeration. Identify or give what is being asked. (15 points)

1. Give two (2) factors that cause Spanish instability during the latter part of the 19th century.

a. Political instability

b. Economic difficulties

2. Give three (3) Effects of Spanish instability to the Philippines.

a. Spain impose higher taxes
b.demands for more natur resources
c. Colonial government
3. The structure of Philippine society during the Spanish colonization.
Pyramidal structure of society:
 Peninsulares
 Insulares
 Indios
4. The nature of Philippine society during Spanish colonization.

This system that the Philippines was in during the 19th century resulted to Master-Slave relationship
between the Spaniards and the Filipinos. Obviously the masters were the Spaniards and the slaves were
the Filipinos.
5. Give 4 implications of the Master-slave relationships between Spain and Philippines.

 Abused
 Maltreated
 Discriminated
 Enjoyed no rights/freedom:

6. Feature of Philippine educational system during Spanish time where students were made to
memorize without understanding.

Parrot Learning

7. They occupy the highest position in Philippine society.


C. Evaluate Rizal in the context of his time

The 19th century was a century of changes and filled of turning points in our historyand identity.
It was this time when a lot of changes happened in aspects of political, economical andsocial. Rizal is an
bright young idealist driven by the unfair treatment of the spanish government and church.Rizal's
famous writing such as noli me tangere, el filibusterismo and mi ultimo adios exposed the unfair
treatment of the government and church, gaining support from individuals in Europe for an independent
philippines. The nationalist sentiments awakened, a propaganda movement started, a national anti-
colonial movement and revolution ignited, and our independence declared.

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