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It represents the literature that was read in order to gather information for the study in

this section. This also includes research that is relevant to the concepts and is thought to

strengthen them.

Related Literature

Although it is currently grown on numerous continents, oregano has been grown in

the Mediterranean region for generations. Actually, there are multiple species of "oregano"

that may contribute to the oregano used in cooking, not just one. Typically, the spice variety

sold as oregano in Europe and the US is ( Origanum vulgare), also known as Spanish thyme

and wild marjoram. It belongs to the Lamiaceae plant family. Oregano has been used

medicinally for thousands of years. In the ancient Greek and Roman empires, the leaves

were applied topically to heal conditions including skin ulcers, ease muscle pain, and act as

an antiseptic. Asthma, cramps, and other conditions have all been treated using traditional

remedies that contain oregano. Greeks continue to utilize an oregano infusion as a

traditional treatment for stomachaches, colds, and other ailments. Although the ability to fight

off human illnesses has not been thoroughly researched, oregano extracts and individual

constituents have repeatedly shown antimicrobial activities in vitro against food-borne

pathogens. Oregano has a number of strong antioxidants, which may help explain why

preliminary studies have shown that oregano has advantages for the nervous and

cardiovascular systems, reduces inflammation symptoms, and regulates blood sugar and

lipids. There isn’t enough high-quality human research to support these health impacts.

As included to Singletary (2010), however it is now grown on other continents,

primarily in Asia. Actually, there are several species of "oregano" that can be used for both

culinary and medicinal purposes. Oregano species are widely distributed in our environment.

Some of this are often used in Southern European and Middle Eastern dishes. The most
prevalent and well-known variety of oregano is Origanum vulgare, also referred to as true

oregano or Italian oregano. It is a common herb used in tomato sauces and on pizzas and is

most widely grown in the Philippines and other parts of Asia. Although some oregano

species are used as decorations and in cooking, they can also be used in a variety of other


As measure to the findings of the analysis of Iranian ethno pharmacological literature

reported in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (2010), oregano (Origanum vulgare)

can also be used as a used for a variety of purposes, including as an anticancer, energy

booster, diuretic, stomach enhancer, nerve system reliever, laxative, and even an insect

repellent that can keep out flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.

Many aromatic spices and herbs have been utilized in traditional medicine since

ancient times, In the  study of Amber, Kumar, Marck, and Shivendra et al. from ( 2011 )

because of the various powerful activities of their components. Oregano is a crucial culinary

and medicinal herb that is used in both cooking and medicine. Terpenes, sesquiterpenes,

and their oxygenated compounds are the source of the essential oils that oregano produces

to protect itself from bacteria and viruses that cause disease. Oregano is a rich source of

bioactive compounds that have been pharmacologically tested for treating a variety of

infectious diseases and exhibit hepatoprotective, carminative, spasmolytic, antimicrobial,

antiviral, and anticancer properties. With a large variety of species and subspecies, the

oregano genus, Origanum, is a great source of spices and essential oils, the latter of which

having broad spectrum antibacterial characteristics.

The essential oil of Himalayan oregano, according to a group of British and Indian

researchers, has potent antibacterial qualities that can even get rid of the hospital superbug

MRSA. The tests show that the oil kills MRSA both as a liquid and as a vapor, and their

antimicrobial activity is not diminished by heating the oregano in water, according to

Professor Salisbury, a member of the research team. "We have done a few preliminary tests
and have found that the essential oil from the oregano kills MRSA at a dilution 1 to 1000," he


Crop protection strategies have a significant impact on agricultural productivity. Using

pesticides is primarily done to improve food security, with raising living standards as a

secondary objective. Crop productivity and pesticide use are both anticipated to be impacted

by a changing environment. As a result, a detailed examination of the impact of changing

climatic variables on pesticide use is carried out. In addition to effects on naturally occurring

pests, cultivated crops, and pesticide effectiveness, considerations for technological

advancement, legal restrictions, and the state of the economy are also taken into account

because all of these factors can affect pesticide used.

This review's goal is to learn more about how climate change specifically affects

consumer exposure to pesticide residues on crops. The primary factors of pest and

pathogen infection in terms of climate change are an increase in temperature and

modifications to precipitation patterns. It is anticipated that pesticides will be used in greater

quantities, dosages, frequency, and in a wider range of products. Pesticide concentrations in

the environment will decrease as a result of climate change because to increased

volatilization and rapid degradation, both of which are adversely impacted by high moisture

content, high temperatures, and direct sunshine. Higher precipitation levels appear to be

beneficial for pesticide dissipation as well.

In recent decades, there has been much discussion about the presence of

dangerous substances in the environment. Pesticides and other foreign substances in food

and water, along with toxic pollutants in the air, constitute an immediate threat to human

health, whereas other contaminants gradually accumulate in the environment and the body,

leading to disease long after initial exposure. Although it is well known that many pesticides

can accumulate in living things and have long-lasting and chronic effects, defining chronic

exposure and disease outcomes is challenging due to the existence of a large number of
relevant variables, including lifestyle, employment, dietary preferences, and smoking, all of

which must be taken into account.

The easiest way to evaluate the results of pesticide mixes is to add the results of the

individual substances that are combined (concentration addition). Experiments generally

demonstrate that chemicals do not amplify each other's efforts (no synergism). If the effect is

still amplified, it will typically be small. For this reason, the concentration addition idea is

helpful to calculate the negative impacts of pesticide combinations. A survey of recent

literature on the subject led to this conclusion toxicity of pesticide combinations, which was

conducted by RIVM and the research centerAlterra. This inventory is an update of a 2000

analysis, and it supports its findings. 


This chapter discusses the definition of words used in the study, the review of

relevant literature and studies, the synthesis, the theoretical and conceptual framework of

the investigation, and the research hypothesis.

Related Literature

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) as an alternative pesticide

This aims to determine the Potential of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) as an alternative

pesticide we will assist in evaluating the usefulness of this pesticide to assist farmers grow

more food on less land and identifying what chemicals should be added to make it effective.

Moreover, what other components can we add to oregano to become alternative pesticide.

According to Paule (2010), he state the major arguments that support the use of

nonhuman primates as translational models for pesticide research do not stem from

demonstration of past success using these animals in pesticide research since the number
of such studies conducted in nonhuman primates is small and none have utilized the

approaches currently available that make this model idea.

It becomes vital and crucial to close this gap when determining the planning needs

for your agency. It has been determined that we should create the finest possible pesticide

that farmers may utilized it if our experiment is successful. We also provide a screening level

substitution framework to compare and rank pesticides using a standardized set or

parameters, such as registration, pest resistance, potential human and aquatic Eco toxicity

impacts, and market pricing, in an effort to close this gap.

A large variety of chemical pesticide active ingredients here after referred to as

pesticide, is widely use in agricultural to kill unwanted pests and improve crop yield.

However pesticide uses also cause negative impacts to human and to our environment. The

general public is particularly concerned about long term effects trough ingestion of food

products and through transfer to the natural environmental.


Farmers -a person who owns or manages a farm, a person to whom the collection of

taxes was contracted for a fee and a person actively engaged in the economic and/or

livelihood activity of growing crops and producing other primary agricultural commodities and

will include all agricultural operational holders, cultivators, agricultural laborers,


Pesticide-a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to

cultivated plants or to animals, Any substance or mixture of substances intended for

preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.

Origanum vulgare- This is used as a sweet herb, and is a good appendage to the

usual ingredients in stuffing, great increase of the crossed plants by stolons.

Oregano-an aromatic plant related to marjoram, with leaves that are used fresh or

dried as a culinary herb, a bushy perennial mint (Origanum vulgare) with leaves that are

used as a seasoning and a source of aromatic oil.


Verbruggen, E.M.J..,(2010). Review of recent literature concerning mixture toxicity of

pesticides to aquatic organisms.

Singletary, K., (2010).Overview of the Literature on Health Benefits.

AgentEchidnaPerson, (2019). 3 CHAPTER 2 page 11-23.docx - 11 CHAPTER II REVIEW

OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES In this part, it represents the literature
pursued to collect.

Elsevier, Ltd., (2014). Literature review: Impact of climate change on pesticide use.

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