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Sofía González Tossas October 28, 2022


Professor Le Compte Zambrana

Vocabulary Words Learned Throughout the Semester

1. Lead-in

Definition: An introduction previous to the main subject or content of a work.

Sentence: According to our textbook lead-ins are necessary when writing a technical


2. Freegan

Definition: An individual who seeks free food that was disposed in a form of reducing

unnecessary consumption and waste.

Sentence: My aunt Marie who is an environmental activist considers herself a freegan.

3. Connotation

Definition: A meaning given to a word that deviates from what it explicitly means.

Sentence: Be careful when using new words in your vocabulary since they may have a

connotation, you’re not aware of.

4. Denotation

Definition: The literal meaning of a word.

Sentence: When I learn new words in any language, I look for their denotation in an online


5. Up-cycling
Definition: The process of creating a product of a higher value than what it was initially

made of, in most cases recycled elements.

Sentence: Through up-cycling we can help diminish the waste crisis that is happening in

our actuality.

6. Dicamba

Definition: The herbicide with the molecular formula: C8H6Cl2O3.

Sentence: My grandparents use dicamba on their farm to control its weed population.

7. Parenthetical

Definition: Something related to what has been expressed or that is contained inside a


Sentence: When I read the text, the word was followed by a parenthetical translation.

8. Stilted

Definition: That possesses a curve.

Sentence: The sign on top of the building looks a little bit stilted.

9. Typeface

Definition: The type of a particular design or text.

Sentence: The typeface on the cover of this magazine is very interesting.

10. Redial

Definition: The option in a telephone of repeating the dial of the previous number called.

Sentence: You need to press the green button on the telephone to redial.

11. Terminator gene

Definition: A gene that has been created with the purpose of making a plant unable to

Sentence: Monsanto uses the Terminator gene on their seeds with the purpose of making

farmers buy more of them.

12. Seed banks

Definition: A bank where genetic information of seeds is deposited.

Sentence: It is recommended all farmers have a seed bank of their own in case of a

catastrophic event.

13. Roundup

Definition: The brand name of a herbicide that contains glyphosate and is sold by


Sentence: A gardener in the United States was diagnosed with lung cancer after years of

working with roundup.

14. Disallow

Definition: The refusal of allowing something.

Sentence: They have disallowed the opportunity of talking to the President.

15. Glyphosate

Definition: An organophosphate herbicide used in the control of weeds.

Sentence: Glyphosate is used on a diverse number of weeds that can be found on local


Cambridge Dictionary. (2022). terminator gene definition: 1. a gene (= part of a cell that

controls development) that has been designed to make a plant. . .. Learn


Consumer Notice. (2022, August 5). Roundup Weed Killer | Uses, Safety & Cancer Risk.

Consumer Notice,


Just a moment. . . (n.d.).

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Dictionary by. In The


Thelwell, K. (2019, May 7). Seed Banks’ Importance for the World. The Borgen


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