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Students: Gerardo bruno Lau velarde

Anthony Fabrizio Saenz Chero

Course: INGLES I

Teacher: Harol Quispe Sanca

Gerardo's text:

Hello, my name is Gerardo Bruno Lau Velarde, I live in Lima, and I have to describe
my co-worker, Anthony. He was one of the first I met in my cycle, he was a good friend
and classmate, we brought up a lot of conversation topics, but what we talked about the
most was gastronomy and food, he and I knew how to cook. An idea came to us, and it
was to make a restaurant. We had been thinking about it since we were in university, we
decided to work and then invest in that and we did it. It was a success to do that, well
for our part we love seafood like ceviche, royal jelly and the cause. At the university we
liked the courses more or less because of how complicated it was but little by little we
managed to understand and that is how we came to be today with a good restaurant full
of success.

Anthony's text:

Hello, my name is Anthony Fabrizio Saenz Chero, I live in Lima, and I have to describe
my work partner Gerardo. He was the other base in creating the idea of this restaurant
since he started at the utp university. We met in the environment course of the first
cycle, and we had to form a group with 4 other people. We talked about some things,
including gastronomy, and at that time we were gradually getting attached to that topic,
reaching the point that after finishing the We were going to invest in a place to make a
restaurant. We didn't know it was going to be so successful, but because of the
dedication it was. We like seafood more, like ceviche, royal jelly and causa. She doesn't
like gourmet meals that are small portions, but if she has more, she can change her
mind. The only one at the university was always a normal boy who sometimes disliked
some courses because of how complicated it was to pass the practices, but according to
how he accommodated himself could remove that unpleasantness. We didn't like the
math course because of how difficult it was to understand the teacher, since sometimes
he didn't know how to explain the formulas or theories well.

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