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S r functional areaS: ~\Jts'l'11\
£,cal11Ples o . "~ S
1.1, ·ng _ cost of goods, salary expense dep .
coun tI
•pment inventory, e c.
t , reciat.
ion, un·
ta,ces, equ1 l ity cost
_ World bank bond rates, number of fail d · s,
financeed risk of common s t oc k s, stock dividend e savi
ngs and 1
111easur r . 1 f ·1 s, iore· oan
. uidity rates 1or a sing e- am1 y, etc. ign exch s,
rate, 1iq · ange
resources - salaries, size of engineering staff .
humanemployees, years of d uca t·ion, etc. , Years
age of ce,

roar keting _ number of k

units sold, dollar sales volum
t h e, ioreca t
. of sales force, mar e s are, measurement of consu s sales
size . f . mer mot·1 . ,
surement of consumer rustration, measurem vation
mea . t ent of b '
ference attitude measuremen , measurement of con rand
pre , sumer risk t
. . f ,e C.
, ~orroation systems - CPU t ime, size o memon, numb
f · J, er of w k
stations storage capacity, percent o professionals who are or

to a co~puter network, dollar assets of company computing connbected

. h ,num erof
"hits" on the Internet, time spent on t e Internet per da" perc t
·1 .,, en age of
people who use the Internet, :['.eta1 dollars .spent in e-commerce, etc.
production - number o.f production runs per day, weight of a product·
assembly time, number of defects. per run, temperature in the pl an,t'
amount of inventory, turnaroun d time, etc.
management - measurement of union participation, measurement of
employer support, measurement of tendency to •control, number of
subordinates reporting to a manager, measurement of leadership
style, etc.
1.2. Examples of data in business industries:
manufacturing - size of punched hole, number of rejects, amount of
inventory, amount of production, number of production workers, etc.
insurance - number of claims per month, average amount of life
insurance per family head, life expectancy, cost of repairs for major
auto collision, average medical costs incurred for a single female over
45 years of age, etc.
travel- cost of airfare, number of miles traveled for ground transported
vacations, number of nights away from home, size of traveling party,
amount spent per day on besides lodging, etc.
retailing - inventory turnover ratio, sales volume, size of sales force,
number of competitors within 2 miles ·of retail outlet, area of store,
number of sales people, etc.
communications - cost per minute, number of phones per office, miles
of cable per customer headquarters, minutes per· day of long di st ance
usage, number of operators, time between calls, etc.
~~puting - age of company hardware cost of software, number of
IC~ stations, age of computer o~erators measure to evaluate
competing software packages, size of data base, ~tc.

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