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The movie starts with a single mother named Ben discussing her son Holmes admission

at an elementary school. The admission officer explains that Ohm has been selected in
the waiting list and they have to pay an administration fee to register and hold his seat
since the fee is quite expensive. Ben decides to let go of the seat in the next scene. Ben
takes him out for dinner, where she scolds him to work hard next time and get selected
directly. Being a single mother, it's difficult for her to pay all the expenses alone. Thus,
she wants her son to get a scholarship and be good at his studies. Although one got a
97 out of 100. He was only selected in the waiting list. The kid becomes sad, so Ben
takes him to play arcade games. In exchange, she asks Ben to promise that he will get
better scores next time. Now we are taken forward to eight years where Ben is a
teacher at a school. Her son Adam is already a teenager and has excelled in his studies
as he got the Student of the Year award. Not only that, he is also a brilliant online
gamer. In fact, he is so good that he earns a lot of money every month from his games.
He plays a game named Arena of Valor and has a game channel. However, Ben is
unaware about all this because she doesn't want her son to focus on anything else than
study. One day, his own plays inside his room.

Ben knocks the door before she could enter inside. He stops playing and goes back to
studying. On being asked by his mother, Owen describes that he is writing a speech for
Mother's Day. He has been selected to give a speech on the stage at his school. Then
Owen gives a form to Ben, saying he wants her permission to let him enter an online
game tournament, since his games have never affected his studies until now. He
reassures that he will keep focusing on his studies. He promises to play only during his
free time when he's not studying. However, Ben refuses to sign the application,
considering the fact that it will affect his studies and his scholarship exam the following
day at her work. Ben asks the school's director to ban the use of mobile phones in class
since students will be distracted then is quite old school and is against students playing
games and spending too much time on their phone. Hence, she describes her phone
free classroom project to the director. Elsewhere, inside a classroom, a student named
Cobscook and his friends play online games. They're the last ventures and
troublemakers. The teacher catches them playing games and takes them to the
discipline officer. Since Cobscook had a lot of complaints earlier regarding his discipline,
the officer gives him a final warning. However, Cobscook, who seems a bit of a brat,
ignores the warning and leaves the office after a few days. Ben goes to UM's School to
attend the Mothers Day event and hear his speech.
Inside, she sees a banner with Holm's picture as the student of the year. While she
walks with pride towards the event hall, she overhears Holmes friends talking about his
online games. Hearing them, she realizes that a few days back home was not writing
the speech, but playing games. When the boys mention Holmes gaming channel named
Sonic Fighter, she immediately searches it and is taken aback afterwards. When home
runs into her, she scolds him for lying to her and asks him to quit playing. It is revealed
that Ohm has been playing for an online gaming team named Higher Ground. Enraged
then requests her son to resign from the team or else she will limit his phone use. This
makes him sad and he leaves later when it's time for the speech. Owen goes missing,
then searches for him everywhere, at school and at home. But he's nowhere to be
found. Just then, she gets a call from someone named Best. Soon she arrives at an
online game Institute of Higher Ground. Best, who called her, is the coach of Higher
Ground, then approaches home and asks him to leave the team and go back home.
However, Best warns her that if she wants her son to quit the team, she is obliged to
pay compensation as per the contract then is shocked to know that Ohm has forged her
signature and signed the contract. Furthermore, best reveals that they have been
paying a lot of money every month to ome for his games.

If Ben terminates the contract, she has to pay the sponsor of their team and until home
is under contract he will have to train with them. Furthermore, best mentions that Owens
team will compete in the National League. If they win, they will represent Thailand in a
world tournament in South Korea on February 8th. Hearing the date makes Ben even
more angry because Ohm has a scholarship exam the same day after the mother son
returns home, Ben yells at home, but the latter erupts, mentioning the fact that he earns
more than her just by playing games. He also brings up the fact that he has never let
the games affect his grades. But still, Ben never allowed him to do what he likes, since
she always forced him to be a bookworm. He gets mad at her and decides not to speak
with her until the tournament. The next day, Ben comes up with an idea. If Home and
his team loses in the national tournament, they won't be able to participate in the
international tournament. That way, he can prepare for his scholarship exam. Later, she
searches through the Internet to find out about the competition. As she goes through the
information she discovers about Cob Sacks team who has won the championship twice
while they played with higher ground. However, they were kicked out of the team
because of their aggressive attitude with this information then goes to see Cob Sack,
who is also her student. She convinces him that she's starting an e-sport club and asks
him to join with her being the manager.

At first he is reluctant, claiming that he's busy with his studies. But when Ben. Promises
to help him graduate if her team wins the national tournament. He agrees. However,
Korsak has a condition where he will choose the team mates himself, to which Ben
agrees. Later that day, Cobb Sack introduces his team mates guide Benke mopping
and Max to Ben. Although Max looks like a kid, he is actually a teenager. Since the
tournament rule doesn't require a manager, Cobb Sack ensures that Ben will play as
their substitute player, then names the team his own Gaga. Soon the team starts to play
the first round of the online game Road to Arena of Valour and wins. Looking at her
team, Ben is excited to beat her son. However, the next day, Cobb SAC calls Ben to
inform that Guide has dumped them and joined higher ground for a better salary. So
Cobb Sack insists Ben to play instead of guide without having any choice. Ben agrees
to play while she is traveling with her fellow teachers in a bus. She goes to the toilet and
tries to play the match. However, being a rookie, she is not of much help to the team.
Nevertheless, the team wins. Later, Ben meets her team who insist her to practice the
games. Soon they start to train her day and night until she learns minimum skills for the
games. It seems like Ben is also having fun with the kids elsewhere home and his team
wins a match, but the coach best is mad at him because he wasn't up to the mark.

He warns him to not be overconfident and stick with the team's plan. While Best gathers
his team and shows them the previous match, Yvonne Gorga home is shocked to find
out that his mother is playing with Cobb Sack in the following scene. There's a match
between Cobb Sak and Ohm, in which Ohm wins. However, he sad that his mother is
so desperate to make him lose. On the other hand, Cobb Sack is disappointed to lose
against Ohm. Meanwhile, Ben arrives and talks to Cobb Sack about his grades. She
guides him how he can manage to graduate with just passing marks while she speaks.
Cobb Sack realises Ben has good timing skills, so he uses those skills in the game for
exact moments to attack and retreat. With Ben's help. And Gaga is able to win the
round of 64 teams against the team killers. The next day at school, Ben's phone free
classroom project is initiated, all the students phones are taken and they are asked to
retrieve them after school. However, Cobb sack hides in the washroom and practices
for the round of 32. Sadly, he is caught by the discipline officer and his phone is seized.
Although he tries to convince the officer that Ben has been helping him with the game,
the officer doesn't buy his excuse and refuses to return his phone.

Elsewhere, Cobb Sacks friends are worried because they can't reach him. Since the
match is about to start in an hour, mapping goes to Cobb's ex school when she calls
Guide to ask about Cobb Sack, she finds out that Ben is actually Ohm's mother. Soon
she meets Ben and asks her to find a way to get Cobb sack out while she finds a room
with WiFi. Then Ben rings the school's bell earlier than 6 p.m. and Cobb Sack manages
to run from the discipline office with his phone. Meanwhile, then in mapping, find a WiFi
signal at the director's office and join the match after a few minutes, Cobb Sack also
arrives at the office and they start to play while the three play at school, Max and Banke
play from their home. Just when they win the match and cheer, the director returns back
to his office with the discipline officer. They are surprised to see Ben with Cobb Sack on
being asked. Ben awkwardly replies that she is playing games with the kids in the next
scene. Cobb, Sack and Map Ring learn about Ben's truth. They are mad at Ben for
using them to beat her son. As a result, they decide not to play anymore and leave now
with no options left. Ben applies for a loan from the bank to pay the compensation to
higher ground for terminating the contract she calls best and informs him that she's
ready to pay the compensation. After a few days later that night, Alma returns home sad
and bursts at his mother, asking if she ever wanted him to do what makes him happy.

He breaks down and goes to his room. This makes Ben emotional and rethink about her
decision. The following day, Ben goes to Max's house and asks him to take her to Cobb
Sack. When she reaches Cobb's house, she apologizes to him and informs him that she
has convinced the school's director to set up an EA sports club at school. She further
claims that she is happy when she plays games with CommSec and his team, therefore
she decides to play with them again. To which Cobb Zack agrees. Later, Ben goes back
home and takes Cobb Sachs Higher Grounds jacket and arrives at the national
tournament. Out of 16 teams, only one winning team will get the chance to represent
Thailand in the world championship in South Korea. Inside the hall, Ben meets Best and
asks him to cancel her agreement to pay the compensation. However, he refuses to do
so because he had already removed him from the team after her call. Soon the match
starts and Ben plays very well with her team succeeding to reach the finals. Now they
have to play against higher ground. While Ben plays with her team and watches the
match in the audience. The final match starts with a round of five on Gaga, wins the first
two rounds easily. This makes the higher ground's player hopeless of winning the game
and request their coach best to get Owen back on the team with no options left, he
reluctantly agrees.

In the next scene, Omer returns to play for his team and competes with his mother right
after he starts to play higher ground wins two rounds in a row. Now the final round
decides which team wins the National League in the final round. And plays as the main
lead of her team against Ohm, who is the MVP of his team. The mother son duo give a
competitive fight to each other. It seems like Ohm has lost the match against his
mother, but turns out it's a trap. Soon, Ben's fighter in the game dies and the National
League gets its winner ohms higher ground. Everyone cheers for Ohm and his team
while they get the trophy in the audience. Sack and his friends acknowledge Ben's effort
in the game. They thank her for being with them till the end. Ben watches her son with
pride, who is jumping with joy after the victory. In the next scene, we see Ben watching
an interview with Ohm on TV where he explains about e-sport sport. Moreover, he
states that his mother has been an inspiration to him and calls her his MVP. At the end
of the movie, we are taken to Cobb's school, where the E Sport Club is set up with Cobb
Sak as its president. Subscribe and hit that like button to help our channel grow. Turn
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