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Weekly Home Learning Plan

Week 1 Quarter 1

Module 1 - Lesson 1

Subject: ENGLISH 9

Learning Competency: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals.

Learning Tasks:

I. Pre-Test: Complete the sentence with the missing modal. Choose from the options given. Write the
letter of your choice on the space provided. (Page 2)
II. About the Text: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to you answer. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number. (Page 4)
III. Practice Task 1: Complete each sentence with the appropriate modal. Be guided by the intended
meaning given inside the parentheses after each sentence. Write your answer on space provided.
(Page 8)
IV. Practice Task 2: This activity will help you improve your skill in rewriting sentences. Read each
sentence carefully. Using the appropriate modal, rewrite each sentence to make it shorter. (Page 8)
V. Practice Task 3: In this activity, you will make use of the variety of meanings expressed by modals.
(Page 9)
VI. Post Test: Complete each sentence with the appropriate modal. Write on the space provided. (Page 10)
VII. Assignment/s: In one paragraph, with five sentences using modal verbs of obligation, say something
about yourself that most people do not know about you. Use the provided rubric. (Page 11)

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