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Immigration Challenges and Job Loss and Insecurity –

One of the main problems in globalization is the loss of available jobs

within a certain country and immigration challenges. Even though
globalization provides job opportunities, there is a tendency that people
would lose their job due to the increased competition between
companies. It also causes immigration challenges since more people
would migrate to other countries for job opportunities, and there might
also be some immigrants who would enter the country illegally and work
for a company with low-wage salaries.

Solutions for Job Insecurity Solutions for Immigration

To solve job insecurity, companies
Countries and nations should provide more
must provide training opportunities to
job opportunities for locals since most of the
workers to enhance their skills and give
locals in their countries are migrating to other
them the chance to develop their work
countries to look for jobs. Also, governments
habits to help contribute the work
should open up their border more so that
growth and development.
immigrants can travel safely, and there will be
fewer cases of illegal immigrants looking for a
job in a particular country.

Solutions for Job Loss

Companies must open up more job

opportunities, especially for the locals
in a particular country wherein the
company is located, so people will be
able to find a job and be given the
opportunity for employment. The
locals should be allowed to show their
skills and work for the company in their

Immigration challenges and Job Loss and Insecurity could be solved by all the solutions given for job
insecurity and job loss. If there were more job opportunities with higher wages in a country, more people
would stay there and look for jobs in their local country instead of migrating. This could also work for
those immigrants who illegally immigrate to a particular country for a job. Therefore, more job
opportunities and openings should be opened by companies, specifically big companies included in the
market, to promote inclusivity and job opportunities for people.

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