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Average Salary Range

a. Construction – 400 pesos (in provincial areas)-800 pesos (in rural areas)
b. Mechanic – 500-1000 pesos
c. Electrician – 500-800 pesos
d. Farmer – 300-400 pesos

2. Satisfaction Rate
a. In terms of daily compensation, some workers are satisfied with their salary since
they are able to receive it within the day they have worked. But, the salary of other
workers and their satisfaction rate are low since it is not enough to provide for their
b. In terms of benefits, the workers do not have benefits such as SSS, PAG-IBIG, etc.,
unlike in other jobs wherein the employer or company they work for gives them
c. In terms of savings, not all the workers are satisfied since their salary is low, and the
only workers who are satisfied with the savings from their salary are those who don’t
have a family to provide for or those who do not pay any bills or expenses.


1. The rise of e-commerce is prevalent nowadays and widespread among teenagers. Most
people are presently intrigued with online shopping since it is very easy to purchase
things online and have them delivered to their doorstep. An issue that urged our group to
investigate the influence of advertisement on the buying behavior of students towards
online shopping is that there are many posts and comments on social media about fake
products or misleading products. Thus, we want to investigate what is the root cause of
this issue and how some sellers advertise their products, but they are sending fake and
misleading products and not the actual product shown in their shop.

2. We expect to find data and results on how influential advertising is to the buying
behaviors of the students. We will be able to determine what factors affect them or urges
them to buy a specific product through online shopping.
3. We will conduct our research by selecting respondents who always use e-commerce and
online shopping. We will ask them what influences them to purchase things online and if
they are satisfied with the products they receive. From the data that we will gather, we
will be able to come up with a solution and figure out what influences their buying

Questions 2:

1. Blue collar workers are those working in labor and exert physical work and skills, yet
their salary is low compared to their workload. We want to investigate why their pay is
low and how satisfied they are with their salary. 
2. As a result, we expect to find a new information and the reasons why blue-collar workers
still stay in their jobs despite their salary not being enough to compensate for their

3. We will conduct our research by selecting blue-collar workers within our area then we
will ask them how much their salary is. After that, we will ask them what is their
satisfaction rate in terms of daily compensation, benefits, and savings. 

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