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Manuel S.

Enverga University Foundation

Lucena City
Granted Autonomous Status
CHED CEB Res. 076-2009

Activity 1 – Cell Theory

Name: Edades, Caztor Troy V.
Section: 11 a9

Answer the following conceptual questions in 2-3 sentences only.

1. What makes the cell theory a theory? Explain.
The cell theory is a theory because of the research accomplished by past scientists like Robert
Hooke, Anton Van Leewenhoek, Rudolf Virchow, Matthias Schleiden, and Theodor Schwann.
It is called a theory because it has enough evidenced to be deemed as factual, and it is also
universally accepted by scientists.

2. What do scientists mean when they say that life comes from life?
When scientists say that life comes from life, I think they are referring to one of the postulates
of cell theory. They meant that organisms cannot emerge from non-cellular materials, because
they can only arise through division from a pre-existing cell

3. Why makes cell the basic unit of life?

Cells are called the basic unit of life, because together they form larger organisms. Cells are
also the smallest unit of life, and every organism is composed of cells. These cells are also in
charge of making organ systems function properly and efficiently.

4. What theory did these scientists provide evidence for?

The theory that these scientists provided evidence for is called the cell theory. These scientists
are Robert Hooke, Anton Van Leewenhoek, Rudolf Virchow, Matthias Schleiden, and Theodor

5. What instrument was necessary before the cell theory could be developed?
The instrument that was necessary both before and for the development of cell theory is called
the microscope. The microscope contributed to the development of cell theory because
through this instrument, the scientists were able to see cells for the first time.

6. Which three scientists directly contributed evidence for the cell theory?
The three scientists that directly contributed evidence to the development of cell theory are
Robert Hooke, Anton Van Leewenhoek, Rudolf Virchow. These 3 individually contributed one
each in the 3 postulates of cell theory.
Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation
Lucena City
Granted Autonomous Status
CHEDCEB Res. 076

7. How did the earlier scientists and their contributions directly affect the discoveries of later
The contributions of earlier scientists directly affected the cell theory because their works served
as reference to the discoveries of later scientists. The earlier scientists already had an idea of how cells
function, the later scientists simply provided more proof to solidify it.

8. List down and explain the three postulates of the cell theory.
Cell theory has three postulates, first is that all organisms are composed of one or more cells. Second
is that cells are the structural units of life. And the third and last one is the one that disproves
spontaneous generation. It states that cells can only arise through division from pre-existing cells.

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