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Evaluation of Business Performance

Ms. Arvie Santos


Agustin, Jumel

Baduel, Ken

Pon-an, Wayne Russel

The name of business is about “Leche Flan” because the words are related to the
product and its nature that we are going to sell someday. We choose to rent a space at the City
of Malolos Bulacan for our future shop because it is accessible by all means, it is in front of
school in Senior High School, Malolos, Bulacan. and there we can see different people from all
walks of life. This would be a perfect spot to get near to our target market.
Leche Flan wanted to create desserts on the go that would be convenient to everybody
in a unique way. It’s very first product is the flan. Leche flan is one of the favorite desserts of
Filipinos and as we all know we can only eat this kind of meal with using proper utensils. That’s
why we innovated this in an eco-friendly way through the use of eggshells. Flan republic is a
typical leche flan that placed in an eggshell. These shells are cleaned and nicely cut before the
flan put in it for the healthy eating of our customers. It is convenient because people can able
to eat it anywhere and anytime especially to those busy people who usually don’t have time to
eat the most delicious part of every meal. The dessert.
It is aims to create desserts that would be convenient and affordable in a unique way so
as to satisfy the needs of our target market.



I manage my workload by dividing it into classes and doing it one at a time. If for some reason I cannot
do one of my tasks for the day I.E., delays in workflow or it could be caused by internal factors that are
caused by me. And of course, I could do other things while waiting for the cause of the delay to be fixed.

One of my weaknesses is stamina due to asthma, and sadly the only thing I can do to improve my
stamina is to exercise more.

The goal of our business is to provide cheap and delicious alternatives to our counterparts, while also
serving our customers as best as we can.


The challenges would definitely be logistics, inflation, and delays. There’s a handful of instances that our
materials got stuck due to an accident and we had to limit our product output for the day.

Covid, it limited our access to people and it hindered our ability to go back to places that we used to go
to sell our products.

Our pricing strategy is that we make a lot of products at the same time and sell them for cheap. Other
leche flan sellers prepare their product by cooking small batches at a time. We prepare large batches so
the cost to make leche flans would be cheaper.

When it comes to finances, do you like to take risks? Depending on the circumstances. but a greater risk-

How much do you make each month? Confidential

Is your Business making a profit? Yes


If its food related, like the food was improperly prepared, incomplete like no sauce or no syrup. We just
take the item back and replace it with a new one.

We deal to our customer with a smile and a good morning.

Is your customer happy with the product that you sell? People enjoys our services and products. So, I’ll
say yes. Yes, they are happy.


What do you do when facing a small budget or lack of resources? Have you faced this challenge in the
past? We haven’t faced this challenge before since we only buy the products that we need. Because as
for the milk and eggs, our company is self-sufficient.

What is your strategy for scheduling your day? For me, I would say that we still use whiteboards and
sticky notes.

How do support services that contribute to achieving business goals? Give some examples. We buy
products from them and we don’t change suppliers unless it is very necessary. We also refer them to

Competitor Analysis

What is something good about their offer that you don’t have in your offer? As for our business,
nothing. Except suman.

Who are their most important customers? I can only give vague answers since there’s very little
competition on where we put our store, so probably no one.

Where are they advertising their products or services? Passersby.



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