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25 NOV 2022

The mathematical lessons and activities help children opportunities to explore

fundamental number concepts such as the counting sequence,one-to-one
correspondence and computation strategies.The engaging mathematical games can
also encourage students to explore number combination place value,patterns and other
important mathematical concepts.Further, they afford opportunities for children to
their mathematical understanding and reasoning.Teachers should provide repeated
opportunities for students to play games then let the mathematical ideas emerge as
students notice new patterns,relationships, and strategies.Mathematical activities are
an important tool for learning in elementary school mathematics classrooms.Math
helps us understand the world around us by helping us figure out patterns.It assists us
in building reasoning and problem-solving skills and it even helps us make
predictions about what will happen in the future.
The environment for mathematical lessons and activities

The role play allows the children to react their experiences and use everyday
resources and items.Mathematics can be added into this area by offering make
cookies according to the numbers found in the environment such as on clay.Children
can familiarize themselves with numbers they see in everyday life and begin to
recognize these.Make cookies with clay can also be added to the role play, giving
children early experience with handling and recognizing the value of numbers.

The environment is that design a whole group area in classroom where we will

deliver whole group instruction,share and celebrate strategies and have rich math
discussions as a whole group.The consider these ideas when designing whole group
area such as with interactive white board,store teacher math manipulative and whole
group instructional tools in this area such as gingerbread house and flashcard coffee
number 9. This will nurture collaboration in your classroom.

Then,math concept workbook when teaching a new math topic, it is helpful to

introduce workbook that support children with making sense of their learning.Place it
in classroom where students can access them with ease.Teacher could also make
copies for each student and have them keep it in their math folder or binder.Another
option is to keep them in a class binder that students can reference throughout the year
as needed.Example,tracing number9,fill up stickers in the 9 boxes,recognize the
number 9 and spot and dob the number 9.

Besides that,an investigation area can help children to develop their mathematical
knowledge to offering resources such as counting elephants in 1-9,and drag the small
ball according to the numbers can help children use their problem-solving skills to
explore and learn.

Furthermore,creative area because mathematics can be displayed in a creative area in

many ways.Make cookies with using play dough to offering cutting materials such
as rolling pin can allow the children to alter and reshape the dough giving them the
experience of creating shapes and measuring.Plastic knife can be available in the
mark making area, supporting children to draw and experiment with lines. Also
adding lots of open ended resources in the creative area allows children to build 3D
structures, supporting their measuring skills.

In conclusion,to improve the mathematical lesson is that use math games because
motivational tools in the math classroom that increase student engagement.They can
be used to reinforce math topics that already taught.The practicing of math skills
while playing games and doing activities is more engaging than practicing math skills
through rote drills.Next,read math storybooks because children love to hear and to tell
stories.Math storybooks can make math come alive and help students connect math to
their own lives.Storybooks also introduce students to math language in the text and
visual representations of math in the illustrations.

The performance assessment because children can demonstrate what they have
learned and how to solve problems through a collaborative effort in solving a complex
problem together and not only do they learn how to work in a team but also how to
brainstorm and utilize their separate grains of knowledge to benefit the whole.Next,

assessment as learning actively involves students in the learning process.It teaches

critical thinking skills,problem-solving and encourages students to set achievable goals
for themselves and objectively measure their progress.

I would manage the environment to match young children’s learning in mathematics

which is use routine play experiences to encourage children to use their mathematical
vocabulary.For example,incorporate words such as more,less,bigger,shorter and
counting into conversation during art projects,block play,snack time and physical
play.Next,provide a range of materials that support mathematical learning, such as
number cards for number recognition,connecting cubes for counting or nonstandard
measuring tools.Scales can help children weigh and compare.The number puzzles and
giant hopscotch games are also fun learning tools.

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