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Statement of Purpose for PhD at BITS

I’m applying for a Ph.D. program in Mechanical Engineering in BITS. Upgrading my

knowledge through continuous education have been my strength always. Even
though I didn’t had opportunity to do my graduation & masters in regular, I had given
all my strength & dedication to complete the course giving justice to the programs
and also acquiring knowledge that helped me grow both personally & professionally.
I have been recently interested in Artificial Intelligence and have been learning the
same through various online modules.

I am always interested in analytical predictions and have good experience working

on Optimisation of Machineries for higher output with lesser input. My masters
thesis is on the prediction of load moved by an excavator using Microsoft excel. This
utilizes Denavit Harternberg transformation matrix.

I have a total of about 14+ experience in Construction Equipment working on

development & Optimisation. Have worked on various strategies for optimisation of
Excavator working on Operating speed, Hydraulic controls, various structural &
linkage optimisations etc.

One area I am always interested is to optimise the performance of the machine when
its operated by an amateur operator (or) an experienced operator. Machine can be
programmed with the intelligence to understand the exact machine operation and
select the operating modes automatically without affecting the output thereby
improving the efficiency.

I am confident that BITS high standard, my strong participation and excitement and
being ranked first in the institute in my Diploma, second rank holder in my bachelors
and first in my masters, can suffice as proof that I possess the requisite qualities.
I understand the level of commitment, perseverance, and determination required for
a successful PhD. I am looking forward to entering your department and deliver the
research for the betterment of the Society.

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