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Document Type: Masteral Thesis

Type of Publication: Unpublished

Accrediting Institution: Divine Word College of Bangued

Graduate School

Number of Pages: 107

Year the Manuscript was written: 2022

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Strategies, Organizational

Strategic Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Education

This research determined the level of organizational strategic capability and the

level of implementation of entrepreneurial strategies of DWCB. This study involved 96

business administration students who were enrolled and took the Entrepreneurial Mind

and Entrepreneurial Management during the second semester of School Year 2021 –

2022. Six faculty members who are fulltime employees were also taken as respondents.

The level of organizational strategic capability was measured in terms of

Financial Resources, Facilities, and Human Resources; while the level of

implementation of entrepreneurial strategies was measured in terms of Supervision,

Training, Motivation, External Linkages, and Marketing. Furthermore, it studied the

significant relationship of the level of organizational strategic capability and the level of
implementation of entrepreneurial strategies. Additionally, suggested programs to

improve the entrepreneurial education of DWCB were proposed by the respondents.

Statistical tools used to interpret the gathered data were frequency count and

percentage to describe the programs suggested to improve the entrepreneurial

strategies of DWCB and weighted mean to describe the level of implementation of

entrepreneurial strategies of DWCB. The Pearson r was used to determine the

relationship between the organizational strategic capacity and the level of

implementation of entrepreneurial strategies of DWCB.

A ”Highly Implemented” descriptive rating was referred on the level of

organizational strategic capability and “Highly Implemented” on the level of

implementation of entrepreneurial strategies of DWCB. It was found that there is no

significant relationship between the level of organizational strategic capability and level

of implementation of entrepreneurial strategies.

Finally, the following programs were suggested by the respondents as to improve

the entrepreneurial strategies of DWCB: Strategic Management Seminar, Marketing

Management Seminar, Workshop of Business Plan Crafting, Seminar or training on

Financial Literacy, Training on Financial and Accounting Management, and

Advancement on the Instructional Delivery for instructors.

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