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Saturday, June 11, 2022 4:25 PM

• Adverse effects • tác dụng phụ

• An internet-connected • điện thoại kết nối
smartphone với internet
• Artificial intelligence • trí tuệ nhân tạo
• As a away of • như một cách thức
communication giao tiếp
• Back up my work • lưu trữ công việc
• Breakdown in the • hỏng hóc hệ thống
system may cause có thể gây ra một số 1. Besides plenty of advantages of
severe problems vấn đề nghiêm trọng technology, it also has some adverse
• Breakthrough • đột phá
2. I need an internet-connected smartphone
• Cutting-edge • tiên tiến to search for some information stuff.
• Develop a passive life • phát triển cuộc sống 3. Artificial intelligence is altering people's
thụ động work, in particular, teaching.
4. Body language is a way of
• Digital eye strain • đau mắt do dùng communication.
máy tính dài 5. The computer can back up my work
• Domestic tasks • công việc nhà without saving. It saves lots of time and
• Electronic • giao tiếp điện tử
6. I have to say a breakdown in the system
communication may cause severe problems such as
• Eye-opening • mở mang tầm mắt personal information, banking,…
7. Technology is more breakthroughs.
• Forming a virtual • hình thành mối quan
8. We are harnessing cutting-edge
relationship hệ ảo technology.
• Gadgets • tiện ích 9. By making use of the telephone, children
develop passive life.
• Glued to the screen • dán mắt vào màn
10. We can be digital eye strain by sitting in
front of the computer for a long time.
• Go online • lướt mạng 11. We can harness technology in domestic
• Harness technology • tận dụng công nghệ tasks.
12. We can save time through electronic
• Have access to • tiếp cận cái gì đó communication.
something 13. We can be eye-opening by discovering
• Heavy exposure to • tiếp xúc nhiều cái gì new things on the Internet.
something 14. By making use of computers and
smartphones, people form virtual
• Improve human social • cải thiện phúc lợi xã relationships.
welfare hội 15. Some gadgets on the smartphone can
• Improve the quality of • nâng nao giá trị thời help you learn new things.
time gian 16. Children are glued to the screen to play
games or watch videos.
• Informative and • tìm kiếm thông tin 17. Children often spend their time going
entertainment và giải trí online.
• Intense device usage • sử dụng thiết bị gây 18. We should harness technology properly.
căng thẳng 19. We can have access to the latest

Vocabulary Page 1
• Informative and • tìm kiếm thông tin 17. Children often spend their time going
entertainment và giải trí online.
• Intense device usage • sử dụng thiết bị gây 18. We should harness technology properly.
căng thẳng 19. We can have access to the latest
• Internet addict • người nghiện 20. With heavy exposure to smartphones,
internet people have some health problems.
• Isolated from the real • cô lập thế giới thực 21. By harnessing technology, it improves
world human social welfare and the quality of
• Keep in touch with • giữ liên lạc với ai 22. The Internet helps us with information
• Less outdoor exercise • ít hoạt động ngoài and entertainment.
trời 23. I am an Internet addict cuz when I don’t
have any devices, I feel empty.
• Loved ones • những người yêu 24. We can be isolated from the real world if
thương we spend too much glue on the screen.
• Maintain face-to-face • duy trì mối quan hệ 25. We can keep in touch with our
relationship trực tiếp relationships by smartphones or
• Make learning more • tạo việc học tương 26. Because people spend too much time
interactive and tác hơn và hợp tác gluing to the screen, people have less
collaborative hơn outdoor exercise.
• Make physical labor • công việc tay chân 27. We can keep in touch with loved ones
easier dễ dàng hơn through computers or some kind of
advanced technology.
• Out of steam • mệt mỏi 28. We should maintain face-to-face
• People's personal and • mối quan hệ cá nhân relationships more than virtual ones.
professional và sự nghiệp 29. By harnessing artificial intelligence, it
relationship makes learning more interactive and
• Require staff to be • yêu cầu nhan viên có 30. Glue to the screen so much makes us out
technically skilled kĩ thuật công nghệ of steam.
• Satisfy children's • thỏa mãn nhu cầu 31. We should balance our personal and
preferences for giải trí cho trẻ em professional relationships.
32. People know about the technology is an
advantage, cuz recruiters require staff to
• Security threats • những đe dọa an be technically skilled in some companies.
ninh 33. Creating some interesting games on
• Simplify • đơn giản hóa devices, it satisfies children's preferences
for entertainment.
• Social networking • trang mạng 34. It can make some security threats on
sites social media platforms.
• Sophisticated = • phức tạp 35. We should simplify everything. Don't
complex=complicated make it complicated.
36. We should approach some social
• Speed up the pace of • tăng tốc cái gì networking sites.
sth 37. It is sophisticated.
• State-of-the-art • hiện tại,tiên tiến 38. We should speed up the race of work as
soon as possible.
• Strike up a • bắt chuyện 39. We should harness state-of-the-art
conversation technology to improve human welfare.
• Take part in • tham gia hoạt động 40. I am embarrassed to strike up a
interactive activities có tính tương tác conversation with other guys.
41. You should
• take part in outside activities
• Technological • những phát minh to boost your energy.
advances hiện đại
Vocabulary Page 2
• Take part in • tham gia hoạt động
interactive activities có tính tương tác conversation with other guys.
41. You should
• take part in outside activities
• Technological • những phát minh to boost your energy.
advances hiện đại 42. Or you can take part in interactive
• Technological devices • thiết bị và ứng dụng activities to improve your knowledge.
and applications công nghệ 43. By harnessing technological advances,
we can save lots of to do domestic tasks.
• Telecommunication • dịch vụ viễn thông ○ I love some kinds of technological
services devices and applications.
• To be stuck behind a • sử dụng máy tính ○ You can be stuck behind a computer and
computer trong 1 thời gian dài it's difficult to suffer from it.
○ We can discourage real interaction if we
• Discourage real • ngăn cản giao tiếp invest too much time in a virtual
interaction thực relationship.
• To do multiple tasks at • làm nhiều việc cùng ○ Some companies expand their business
the same time một lúc network to advertise products.
○ I don’t give others access to information.
• To expand the • mở rộng mạng lưới
○ Sometimes, interact through computers
business network kinh doanh rather than face-to-face.
• To give s.o access to • đưa ai tiếp cận ○ We can navigate a website to find the
information thông tin latest information.
○ Being an introverted person like me, I
• To interact through • tương tác thông qua
can suffer from social isolation by
computers rather than máy tính hơn là trực navigating a website.
face to face tiếp ○ Education is one of the top-of-mind
• To navigate a website • tìm kiếm thông tin concerns.
trên mạng • Technology undergoes enormous changes over
a while.
• To suffer from social • vượt qua sự cô lập ○
isolation xã hội ○ Spending too much time on computers
• To take video lessons • có tiết học videos can weaken the relationship with family
with someone với ai and friends.

• Top-of-mind concerns • những vấn đề được
quan tâm hàng đầu
• Undergo enormous • trải qua những thay
changes đổi lớn
• Weaken the • làm yếu dần mối
relationships with the quan hệ giữa gia
family and friends đình và bạn bè
• Wireless hotspot • điểm phát wifi
• Manual craft • thủ công làm bằng
• Wear out • mất dần

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Saturday, June 11, 2022 5:14 PM

1. Do you think modern technology is useful?

Of course, being a person is addicted to modern technology. I do think cutting-edge
technology is beneficial. I can download the necessary material on the Internet or
entertain by playing games. In the past, everyone who wanted to go abroad was
difficult, but now, with modern transportation, people can go to another country
quickly by different kinda transportation like a plane, or shipping. Therefore, I think
highly of the role of technological advances.
2. Why do you think people spend so much money buying the latest devices?
In my opinion, they see the benefit of the latest devices or gadgets. They can work or
study more easily. For example, they can save lots of time doing around the house by
buying some house machines. Or they can get the latest information through
computers, pads, or mobile phones instead of newspapers, and magazines. They can
update information quickly. But newspapers, the manufacturers have to type and print.
There are some steps before passing information to people. That's why they tend to buy
some state-of-the-art devices.
3. How often do you use the Internet?
To be honest, I do use the Internet every day. Because some important tasks I often note
on the computer or smartphone. Moreover, the work and tasks at university are
surprising. I can't know the exact time to know the teacher give out. Therefore, I have
to check my phone daily.
4. How much time do you spend using a computer at work or at home?
I often spend 8 hours using a computer. I do prefer a computer to a smartphone or
something else. I do think the reason I am into using it is because of its convenience. I
can listen to music while doing homework. I can do multiple tasks at the same time.
Moreover, with being a big screen, I am not digital eye strain like a smartphone. So,
that's why I always take the computer everywhere, café or school. It's like a company
friend to me.
5. Do you enjoy using technology?
Of course, yes. I'm a big fan of technology. I utilize it for many purposes. Some people
ask me why do you like using technology so much. I say that oh, simply that it's
convenient. I can make physical labor easier such as washing machines or dishwashers.
I can save lots of time doing them. Or I can update information in my own country or in
the world quickly through state-of-the-art devices such as computers, and smartphones.
So, I am keen on using technology.
6. What do you mainly use a computer for?
Actually, I do use my computer for many purposes. But mainly the purpose is for
studying. I have a variety of homework that requires a computer. For example, I often
have some presentations every month. I do have to use it for designing, writing content,
or finding keys, and information. I also use it for listening to music or entertaining but
just spending a little time. Studying is a thing that I primarily use my computer.
7. Which device do you prefer for browsing the Internet?
It’s a difficult question for me cuz I often use all kinds of devices such as computers or
smartphones. However, I would rather use a computer than other stuff because of its
function. I can divide my computer screen into two pages to find information quicker.
Moreover, lots of information that a smartphone can't access or download a big file.
Unlike a smartphone, the computer can do all kinds of these tasks. Moreover, it has a
big screen, therefore, I don’t feel eye strain when browsing. So, I think highly of the

8. What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?
Today, many state-of-the-art devices and gadgets are created and they impact on our
lives a lot. However, the thing I do think it has an impact is smartphones. Nowadays,
from children to adults, they all use the smartphones for a variety of purposes such as
entertaining or working. Yet mostly people are making use of it so much. They use it for
everywhere, everywhen. They even use it while they are eating or being on the road. It
forms negative things in our lives.
9. Do you think need to know much about computers?
Of course, yes. Currently, being the modern world, everyone is turning traditional
methods into modern ways, like, instead of writing or noting important something
piece of paper, everyone tends to do it through computers. Cuz computers can save in a
file or something like that. Moreover, being popular with digital computers, knowing
many things about computers can make our work easier and have a further career. So,
it has many advantages to understand much about computers.
10. Is there any technology you want to buy?
I've been set my eyes on digital camera. I love taking photos and saving the the
wonderful moment that I've been. But the prices is much expensive that I expect, so I
think I'll buy it when I have enough money.
11. What electric devices have you bought lately?
Well, recently, I have just bought a hair dryer. The last hairdryer is broken. So I need to
buy it to attend to my life. The new one is much better than for capacity, appearence. So, I
quite like it.

Thursday, October 13, 2022 3:10 PM

Many people agree with the advantages of social media in communication. Some
others assume face-to-face is more beneficial. I believe that social media is an
amazing vehicle to contact others because of some reasons.
To commence with, with state of the art of technology, in particular,
communication networks, some organizations make use of it to discuss important
appointments instead of commuting to the companies or facilities. It saves lots of
time to prepare clothes and materials for a conversation. Moreover, people can
communicate with others who are far from them such as those living in another
city or abroad. Hence, they can effortlessly interact owning they have more time
to think before saying anything.
In addition, it is also a tremendous benefit in education. Teacher and student can
manage their time and quality of studying during conveying knowledge. Social media
is liberal, therefore, they can learn in the evening or on weekends which is suitable
for them. For instance, during the Covid-19 epidemic, the authorities introduce
social networks as a formal modality to ensure the quality of education and health.
This model has a high opinion of the world's education system and spins out now.
Finally, to approach communication via social media, people must research the use
of advanced digital Internet. As a result, people gain in-depth knowledge which
facilitates their future career preparation because recruiters require staff to
have technological skills to interact with customers. Apart from that, some
business can update their brand through social networks because of popularity.
In conclusion, communication through networking sites
has various interests to individuals or businesses rather than face-to-face. We
should take advantage of it to expand our relationships, economy, and education.


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