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Cassidy Shea

Emily litle

ENG 1021001

18 September 2022

Journal #3

As I was reading the quote, I was honestly a little confused. I had to read this quote

about three times. When I first heard the word Ubuntu, I thought I would be a flower grown in

tropical places. However, it is not it is a Quality that includes the essential human virtues. Now

at this point I was confused. This quote is truly talking about the qualities of a person. Most of

these are good qualities, such as welcoming, warm and generous. When I think of a quote, I

think of one that is motivational, or a sad one for maybe someone you lost. This one just talks

about qualities and is kind of a longer one. I guess you could say I don’t really like is one

because it has this list of things I want to be in life. I am not the easiest person to get to know. I

would love to be more welcoming, but it is hard when people are harsh back to you. For me it is

easy why be nice to people who don’t care your even here. For example, I college rodeo, I am

not the best student, but I try. I always feel like I’m so far behind. Now when I am on the road it

is not cheap, but I try to help others and share so we can do it cheaper. But not everyone things

like that so helping and being a welcoming person is hard. In today’s world people take

advantage of others whenever they can. I want to be a more welcoming person, that can and

will help. I feel most of the time I’m willing to share until someone tries to use me. Now that I’m

truly thinking about it this quote makes me fell upset. I’m ways that I would have never thought
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about it. The good thing about this, is I learned a new word and ways to better myself. I might.

Not completely know how to say it but it is something worth knowing

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