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In The Name of Allah

6 th
Monthly Examination In English for Haifa 2022-2023
Primary School
Note: Answer all the questions:
Q1::-Read the following passage and Write (True) or (False) (Choose5) 10M
Hi , I’m a heart doctor ( or surgeon ) I work from Sunday to Thursday. I work in a hospital. I
wear a uniform . I look after my patients,and try to make them better. I get up very early
because I usually do operations in the mornings.Today is Saturday it’s my weekend . I’m not
working in the hospital.I’m spending time with my family .We are shopping in the mall . My
daughter is buying a thick sweater. I’m buying comfortable shoes for work . I some times play
tennis at the weekends
1-Surgeon is a doctor who does operations . 2-She always does operations in the mornings
3- She wears a uniform at work . 4- Today she is shopping with her friends .
5- She is shopping for a white coat for work. 6-Her daughter is buying a thick sweater.
Q2:- Read the sentences and write "Yes" or "No" 10M
1-Paper is usually made from cotton.
2-Rubber comes from a tree.
3-The word cotton comes from the Arabic word Kutun.
4-Wool comes from sheep, goats and even rabbits.
5-Most leather comes from cows.
Q2:A:- choose the odd word: 5M
1-apple orange cherry potato
2-saucepan knife fork spoon
3-cat coat dog cow
4-ball book pen ruler
5-hospital house restaurant glass
B:-Re-write the following sentence with punctuation: 5M
we can send cards on many special days
Q3: A:-Answer the following (Choose5)
1-cheap = expensive , long .................. 2-doctor = hospital, teacher, ......................
3-plain = colourful , thick ................. 4-old = new, hard .........................
5-teach = teacher, wait ............ 6-boy = boys, watch ....................
B:-Read and choose the correct word in brackets: 10M
1-When I grow up I want ......................a doctor. ( be , to be)
2-I have (to ,two, too) brother and sister. 3-There is (a leather black big, a big black leather) sofa.
4-T-Sherts (is made from , are made from) woolen . 5- The TV is on, (but , and) we don’t watch it.
Q4:-Match the questions in list(A) with there answers in list(B) 5M
1-jug a-wooden
2-spoon b-glass
3-saucepan c-woolen
4-sweater d-rubber rain
5-boots e-metal

Q5:-Write about yourself 10M

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