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Bacterial Cell Anatomy, Morphology and Reproduction Bacterial Cell Components:

Eukaryotic Cells VS Prokaryotic Cells: CELL ENVELOPE

Eukaryotic Cells: comprises of: I. Outer Membrane

 notable characteristics of Eukaryotes are the presence of  mostly found in Gram-negative bacteria
the membrane enclosed cell organelles that specific  function: cell’s initial barrier to the environment; serve as
cellular function. Such as: permeability barriers to
 hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds.
Nucleus-provide membrane closure for chromosomes  it is a membrane bi-layered structure composed of
lipopolysaccharide –gives a surface of a Gram negative
Lysosomes- provide environment for controlled enzymatic
bacteria a net negative charge.
degradation of intracellular substances.
 plays a significant role in a certain ability of the bacteria to
Mitochondria- generate energy (ATP) cause a disease.
 Porins are water-filled protein structures that are scattered
Golgi Bodies-processes substances for transport outside the cell throughout the lipopolysaccharide that control the passage
of nutrients and other solutes including antibiotics through
Endoplasmic Reticulum – process and transport proteins
the outer membrane.
Prokaryotic Cells
 They do not have organelles. All functions take place in
 Also referred to the Peptidoglycan layer or Murein layer.
the cytoplasmic membrane of the cell.
 Gives the bacteria cell shape and strength to withstand
 Cell walls of most prokaryotic cells are made up of
changes in the environmental osmotic pressure that would
peptidoglycan layer.
otherwise result in cell lysis and also protects the cell against
Bacterial Morphology mechanical disruption.
 This feature has been the primary target for the development
 most clinically relevant species range in a size of 0.25 to and design of antibiotics.
1 um in width and 1 to 3 um in height.  The structure of the cell is composed of disaccharide
 differences in the cell wall provide the basis for the Gram pentapeptide subunits.
Stain, which is the most fundamental test used in bacterial
identification schemes. The notable difference between the cell walls of gram-positive
versus gram negative cell wall is that peptidoglycan layer of the
Gram Stain - The staining procedure separates almost all bacteria gram-positive bacteria is thicker.
that are medically important bacteria into two different types:
Gram positive cell wall also contain Techoic acids. some Gram
Gram-positive: deep blue to purple color positive bacteria like the Mycobacterium is rich in mycolic acid
that make their cells refractory to toxic acids.
Gram-negative: pink to red color

 Only found in Gram negative bacteria

 It is bounded by the internal surface of the outer membrane
and the external surface of the cellular membrane.
 It consists of gel-like substances that help secure nutrients
from the environment and also contain enzymes that
degrade macromolecules and detoxify environmental solutes
including antibiotics that enter through the outer membrane.


 Present in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

and is the deepest layer of the cell envelope. And the
structure of the cell membrane for both are similar.
 It is functionally similar to that of a Eukaryotic cell’s

Functions include:

Common bacterial morphology:  Transport solutes into and out of the cell.
 Housing enzymes involved in the outer membrane
cocci (round), coccobacilli (round), bacillus (rod-shaped), fusiform synthesis, cell wall synthesis, and the assembly and
(pointed end) secretion of extracytoplasmic and extracellular
 Generation of chemical energy (like the ATP).
 Cell motility
 Mediation of chromosomal segregation during the Inclusions- It includes storage reserve granules.
 Housing molecular sensors that monitor chemical and Two common types of granules:
physical changes in the environment.
a. Glycogen- storage form of glucose.
b. Polyphosphate granules- a storage form of inorganic
-play a role in causing infections and in laboratory identification, phosphates that are microscopically visible in certain bacteria
varies among bacterial species and even among strains of the stained with specific dyes.
same species.
 Unlike eukaryotic chromosomes, bacterial chromosomes
Capsule- Immediately exterior to the peptidoglycan/murein layer exist as a nucleoid- highly coiled
of gram-positive bacteria and outer membrane of the gram-  DNA intermixed with RNA, polyamines, and various
negative bacteria. protein that lend structural support
 Depending on the stage of cell division, there may be
 Often referred to as the slime layer more than one chromosome per bacterial cell.
 Composed of high molecular weight polysaccharides
whose production may depend on the environment and Plasmids- are the other genetic elements that exist
growth conditions surrounding the bacterial cell. independently in the cytosol and their numbers vary from
 It does not function as an effective permeability none to several per bacterial cell.
membrane barrier or add strength to the cell envelope
Endospore- Under adverse physical and chemical conditions,
but only protects the bacterial from attack by cells of the
human defense system. (Immune system) or when nutrients are scarce some bacterial genera are able
to form spores (sporulate).
Fimbriae or Pili- It is a hair-like, proteinaceous structures that
extend from the cell membrane into the external environment. Sporulation involves substantial metabolic and structural
some may be up to 2 um in length. changes in the bacterial cell.

Fimbriae- Bristle-like. Present in multiple numbers, Adhere to hot  The spore state is maintained until favorable
tissues conditions for growth are again encountered.
 This survival tactic is demonstrated by a number of
Pili- Bristle-like, Longer, Present singly on pairs
clinically relevant bacteria and frequently
There are two general types: challenges our ability to sterilize materials and food
for human use.
a. Common Pili- are adhesins that help bacteria attach to animal
host cell surfaces., often as the first step in establishing infection. BACTERIAL REPRODUCTION

b. Sex Pili- serves as the conduit for the passage of DNA from Binary Fission- Most bacteria rely on binary fission for
donor to recipient during conjugation. propagation.

 Conceptually this is a simple process; a cell just needs to

Bacterial conjugation- this process occurs between two living
grow to twice its starting size and then split in two. But,
cells, involves cell-to-cell contact and requires mobilization of the
to remain viable and competitive, a bacterium must
donor bacterium’s chromosome.
divide at the right time, in the right place, and must
Flagella- They are complex structures, mostly composed of the provide each offspring with a complete copy of its
protein flagellin, intricately embedded in the cell envelope. essential genetic material.
 Understanding the mechanics of this process is of great
 These structures are responsible for bacterial motility. interest because it may allow for the design of new
 Although not all bacteria are motile, motility plays an chemicals or novel antibiotics that specifically target and
important role in survival and the ability of certain interfere with cell division in bacteria.
bacteria to cause disease.
 Depending on the bacterial species, Morphologic changes during growth:
a flagella may be:
In cell division:
Monotrichous flagella –located at one end of the cell
 Most bacteria divide by binary fission into two equal
Lophotrichous flagella- located at both ends of the cell progeny cells. In a growing culture of a rod-shaped
bacterium such as E coli, cells elongate and then form a
Peritrichous flagella- entire cell is covered with flagella partition that eventually separates the cell into two
daughter cells.
Cytosol - It is where nearly all the other functions not conducted
 The partition is referred to as a septum and is a result of
by the cell membrane occur.
the inward growth of the cytoplasmic membrane and
 It contains thousands of enzymes and is the site of cell wall from opposing directions until the two daughter
protein synthesis. cells are pinched off.
 It has granular appearance caused by the presence of  The chromosomes, which have doubled in number
many polysomes (messenger RNA complexed with preceding the division, are distributed equally to the two
several ribosomes during translation and protein daughter cells.
 Although bacteria lack a mitotic spindle, the septum is
formed in such a way as to separate the two sister
chromosomes formed by chromosomal replication. be the only way to reproduce. Intracellular offspring
 This is accomplished by the attachment of the development in these bacteria shares characteristics
chromosome to the cell membrane.
 According to one model, completion of a cycle of DNA with endospore formation in Bacillus subtilis.
replication triggers active membrane synthesis between
the sites of attachment of the two sister chromosomes.  Instead of placing the FtsZ ring at the center of the cell,
The chromosomes are then pushed apart by the inward as in binary fission, (A) Z rings are placed near both cell
growth of the septum, one copy going to each daughter poles in Epulopiscium. (B) Division forms a large mother
cell. cell and two small offspring cells. (C) The smaller cells
contain DNA and become fully engulfed by the larger
In cell groupings: mother cell. (D) The internal offspring grow within the
cytoplasm of the mother cell. (E) Once offspring
 If the cells remain temporarily attached after division, development is complete the mother cell dies and
certain characteristic groupings result. releases the offspring.
 Depending on the plane of division and the number of
divisions through which the cells remain attached, the
following may occur in the coccal forms: chains
(streptococci), pairs (diplococci), cubical bundles
(sarcinae), or flat plates. Rods may form pairs or chains.
 After fission of some bacteria, characteristic post-
division movements occur. For example, a “whipping”
motion can bring the cells into parallel positions;
repeated division and whipping result in the “palisade”
arrangement characteristic of diphtheria bacilli.

Cyanobacterium diptheriae - its characteristic "palisade


Other forms of Bacterial Reproduction:

Baeocyte Production:

 It starts out as a small, spherical cell approximately 1 to

2 µm in diameter. This cell is referred to as a baeocyte
(which literally means "small cell").
 The baeocyte begins to grow, eventually forming a
vegetative cell up to 30 µm in diameter. As it grows, the
cellular DNA is replicated over and over, and the cell
produces a thick extracellular matrix.
 The vegetative cell eventually transitions into a
reproductive phase where it undergoes a rapid
succession of cytoplasmic fissions to produce dozens or
even hundreds of baeocytes. The extracellular matrix
eventually tears open, releasing the baeocytes.
 Observed in cyanobacterium Staneria


 Budding has been observed in some members of the

Planctomycetes, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes (a.k.a. the
Low G+C Gram-Positive Bacteria) and the prosthecate
 Although budding has been extensively studied in the
eukaryotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the
molecular mechanisms of bud formation in bacteria are
not known.
 A schematic representation of budding in a
Planctomyces species is shown:

Intracellular offspring production

 Epulopiscium spp., Metabacterium polyspora and the

Segmented Filamentous Bacteria (SFB) form multiple
intracellular offspring
 - or some of these bacteria, this process appears to

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