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Microbial Morphology and Classification metabolis

Module 2 m

Cell Structure and Taxonomy

Cellular Structure of Eukaryotic
Cells Cells
Eukaryotic Cell Structure

 Fundamental unit of any living organism.

 Categorized into two:
o Eukaryotes
o Prokaryotes
 CYTOLOGY- study of the structure and
functions of cells.

Importance of cells
 Identification of various microorganisms Cellular Membrane
 Understand differences in metabolism  Encloses and holds the cell intact.

Robert Hooke
 Micrographia

Matthais Schleiden (Botanist)

Theodore Schwann (Zoologist)

The Cell Theory

“All living things are composed of cells”
“Cells are the basic units of structure and
function in living things.”
“New cells are produced from existing cells” Cellular Membrane
 Regulates the passage of nutrients, wastes
products, and secretions into and out of cell.
Characteristics of Life
Growth Nucleus
Reproduction  Differentiates prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
Responsiveness  Controls the function of the entire cell and
Metabolism acts as the command center of the cell.

Classification of Microorganisms 3 Components

Acellular Cellular Nucleoplasm
Viroids Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Chromosomes
Prions Archaea Algae Nuclear membrane
Viruses Bacteria Fungi
Cyanobacteri Protozoa
a Nuclear Pores
Characteristics of
Life Nucleolus
Growth  Dark area in the nucleus where the rRNA
Reproduction molecules are manufactures.
Metabolism Cytoplasm
 Contains insoluble storage granules and
Characteristic Prokaryote Eukaryote Viruses organelles.
s s s
Growth Occurs in Occurs in Does not Endoplasmic Reticulim: Passageway
all all occur Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Reproduction Occurs in Occurs in Occurs  Without attached ribosomes and plays a role
all all inside in lipid synthesis
cells Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Responsivene Occurs in Occurs in Occurs in  With attached ribosomes
ss all all some
Metabolism Occurs in Occurs in Uses Ribosomes (80S): CHON Synthesizers
all all host’s
 Consist mainly of rRNA and protein and helps
in the synthesis of protiens.

Golgi Apparatus
 Completes the transformation of newly
synthesized protein into mature, functional
Cell Wall
 External structure that provides rigidity,
shape, and protection.
 Composed of various polysaccharides unlike
the prokaryotes.
Organism Composition
Algae Cellulose
Plants Cellulose
Fungi Chitin/Glucomannan

 Lysozymes and disgestive enzymes
breakdown foreign materials, cell debris or
the whole cell.

Flagella and Cilia

 Organelles of locomotion which is eventually
necessary for survival.

 Protects other parts of the cell from the
harmful effect of hydrogen peroxide.

 Site for the ATP formation by cellular

 Energy-producing organelle containing
various photosynthetic pigments.

 Strengthens, supports, and stiffens the cell
giving its shape.
 Exhibits positive and negative phototaxis and
chemotaxis but do not run and tumble.

Cellular Structure of Prokaryotic

Prokaryotic Cell Structure

Cell membrane
 Same in structure and function to the
eukaryotic cell membrane.

 Site for cellular respirationm in bacteria.

 Single, long, supercoiled DNA molecules.
 Serves as the controlm center of bacterial

 DNA-occupied space within a bacterial cell.

 Small, circular molecules of double stranded
DNA that are not part of the chromosomes.

 Semiliquid containing a complex mixture of all
materials required for metabolism.
Ribosomes (70S)  Thick layer of materials produced by the cell
 Same function with eukaryotic ribosome. membrane and extruded outside the cell wall
for the protection and adhesion.
Cell Wall
 Provides strong structural support that Slime Layer Capsule
prevents the cell from bursting and Not highly organized Highly organized and
collapsing. and not firmly attached firmly attached to the
 Consists of Peptidoglycan (Murein). to the cell wall. cell wall/

Gram Positive Gram Negative  Protects cells from desiccation.

Thick layer of Thinner layer of
peptidoglycan peptidoglycan Slime Layer Capsule
Enables bacteria to glide Serves an
+ + along solid surface. antiphagocytic function.

Teichoic and Complex layer of Flagella

Lipoteichoic acid macromolecules  Primary function: Motility or self-propulsion
and eventually chemotaxis through runs and

1. Basal Body
2. Hook
3. Filament

 Allows 360 degrees rotation

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