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Lesson 6 Development:


Objective 1 - Distinguish the main functions of the different organs of the United Nations

Directions: Identify the organization of the United Nations that has the duty to resolve the following
issues and explain why.

Climate Change

- UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) The World Meteorological Organization

(WMO) and United Nations Environment established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) to serve as an impartial source of scientific data.

Food Security

- When a person has adequate, safe, and nutritious food that satisfies their dietary needs and
food choices for an active and healthy life, they are said to be in a "food secure" situation (as
defined by the United Nations Committee on World Food Security).

Russia's aggression to Ukraine

- The UN will step up its humanitarian activities in and around Ukraine with the safety of civilians
as a top priority.

Gender Equality

- The United Nations organization devoted to empowering women and promoting gender
equality is called UN Women. UN Women, a global advocate for women and girls, was founded
to hasten the process of addressing their needs on a global scale.

Crimes against Humanity

- addressing issues of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes

Although they were created under conventions created within the UN, the International
Criminal Court (ICC) and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) are now
autonomous organizations with unique cooperation arrangements.

Objective 2: Contribute for the the development of World Peace

As a future professional, how will you contribute in the development of World Peace?

It is impossible to achieve political power, economic stability, or cultural development in a country

without peace and harmony. An individual must first be at peace inside themselves and have a balanced
body and mind before they can convey the ideas of harmony and peace to others.

Objective 3 : Produce an output that expresses the Importance of United Nations as an International
Directions: Draw an editorial cartoon that depicts the importance of the United Nations as International

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