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1. Do men and women control their own lives?

Yes, in the broadest sense; men and women both have control over their lives. We have so-called free will; we can do whatever we
want or make whatever choices we want. We also have so-called human rights, which are both universal and inalienable. Everyone in
the world has the right to them; no one can voluntarily give them up, nor can others take them away from him or her. To summarize,
we have the right to make these choices regardless of who we are or where we live; if being in control of our individual lives is our
choice, so be it; we have the rights.

2. Are men and women able to pursue their own goals, live according to their own goals, values, develop self - reliance; and are
to make choices and influence?

It depends on the circumstances, but if both parties are serious about achieving their goals, why not make it happen? It is up to us to
decide if that is the path we truly want to take. We have rights and the ability to choose. As a result, we have the freedom to live the
life we believe is best for us.

3. Create a scenario

Regina wants to study biology because she aspires to be a doctor. Her parents, however, do not want her to pursue that career and
are forcing her to study biotechnology instead. Her parents told her that because they come from a family of engineers, they want
Regina to be one as well. Despite their pursuit, Regina would not be careless. As a result, she decided to continue and pursue her
heart's desire, which is to become a doctor.

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