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Agribusiness Management

Submitted by:

Tausif Iqbal


Submitted to:

Dr Khurram Yousaf


Mission Statement of Jalal Sons (JS) Lahore
About the company:
The company was established in 1900s by Muhammad Alaf Khan, the father of Jalal A. Khan and
Sohail A. Khan. Jalal Sons started from Ghumti market and then shifted to Main Market in 1958.
JS started as a small grocery store that was renowned for selling authentic high quality
products. In the 1990s and early 2000s, Jalal Sons started innovating in the bakery sector.
Setting new trends:
During 2008-2010, Jalal Sons was the first bakery to introduce live baking in shops which
completely revolutionized the bakery sector in Pakistan. Food items such as patties, French
hearts and cookies were baked right in front of customers. Progressing from this, JS introduced
a live kitchen doing the same with Pizzas, Burgers and Sandwiches among many other things.
This completely changed the way people traditionally saw bakeries in Pakistan, with JS leading
the bakery sector by example.
Quality assurance:
At the same time, Jalal Sons’ high quality breads and bakery items won a loyal following due to
consistent premium quality and a focus on freshness. The company’s love for food can be seen
in everything they do from their cakes and breads to pizzas and sandwiches. As of today,
thousands of customers rely on Jalal Sons daily to provide them with high quality bakery and
grocery products. When you shop at Jalal Sons, you know you’re getting the best quality
products. All their food products are personally tested and consumed frequently by company
management. They ensure the highest standards of hygiene and quality of ingredients. Their
aim is never compromise on quality for the sake of cutting costs.
Product range:
Jalal Sons has a wide product range ranging from bakery products such as bread, brownie, cake
rusk, ice cream, JS dairy milk, buns, cakes, biscuits and khatai, salad, salted snacks, sweets,
pastries, puffs and confectionery to deli products including sandwich, pizza, burgers, peri peri
chicken, crispy fried chicken, deli fish and many others. They also house a variety of grocery
products such as baby milk and food, beverages, frozen foods, desi ghee and cooking oil,
powder milk, tea and coffee, toiletries and many other such daily usage items.
Future Ventures:
Jalal Sons has become one of the major customer attraction around the city of Lahore for their
unique style, quality and variety. A business of such potential and innovative ideas such as live
baking and cooking pioneers has a strong ability to be moved abroad where there are a lot of
people who want to have such experience of quality food and availability to their needs under
one roof.

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