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QT Assignment


1. To what extent have you been affected by overpopulation?

 Very large extent
 Large extent
 Some extent
 Little extent
 Not at all

2. Do you believe human population growth is significantly impacting the disappearance

of wildlife, or not?

 Yes.........................
 No............................
 Not sure.......................

3. How big a threat to the planet is overpopulation?

4. Does religion have a part to play in reducing overpopulation?

5. Should infertility research and treatments — including surrogacy — be


6. Is overpopulation a problem for poor or rich people?

 Rich
 Poor
 Both

7. What has overpopulation done to your country?

 Traffic Jam
 Birth Control Policy
 Unemployment
 Crowded Residences

8. How many members do you have in your family?

 Less Than Three

 Three
 Four
 Five
 More Than Five

9. Do you think overpopulation is a problem?

 no, overpopulation is a myth
 not really
 yes, but it doesn't really affect me
 yes, it is a very serious issue
 maybe

10. What would you do to solve overpopulation?

 serious regulation, like China

 promote contraception and legalize abortion
 encourage family planning, no government interference
 nothing, overpopulation is a myth
 nature will take its course

11. What would you do if you were told you could only have one child?

 obey, it must be done to save the planet

 I would be disappointed, but I would obey the law

 I would protest

 I would protest heavily for religious and human rights

 I don't want children

12. Did this survey help you feel like overpopulation is a big problem?

 yes

 yes, but it's not my problem

 no

 a little

 I don't know

13. Will human rights have to be violated to stop overpopulation?

 Yes, human reproductive rights will have to be repressed to stop overpopulation.

 Maybe, it depends on how severe overpopulation becomes.

 No, overpopulation can be solved through other methods.

14. How big of a problem is overpopulation in developing countries?

 Huge, even bigger than food and water shortages

 Moderate, we should keep an eye on how fast the population grows

 Low, their main problems are more pressing than overpopulation

 None, overpopulation isn't happening

15. Will the environment be able to survive the larger human population in the future?

 Yes, the environment has enough resources to provide for more than 7 billion people.

 Maybe, we need to develop technology in the future to lessen the load on the

 No, the environment is barely providing enough for the population now, even more
people will push it over the limit.

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