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HR System Interview

Eslam Mohamed,
Head of HR at Elkady company,
010042577370 |
Ashrakat helmi , system analysis.
At :Step workspace 06/12/2022

I spoke with Mr Eslam about the HR system at the

company , the difficulties they faces with the new
system and other discussions .

Ashrakat : first of all ,thanks Mr Eslam for coming to this

Mr Eslam: you are welcome, I hope I could benefit you .

Ashrakat : so how are you Mr Eslam ,hope you are doing

Mr Eslam: oh , I ‘m good ,thanks.

Ashrakat : then ,I would to say that our project is to

make your HR System electronically instead of on paper.
Mr Eslam: yeah, it will benefit us a lot.

Ashrakat: could you tell me how your old system work?

Mr Eslam: The paper system was as follows: first, all
employee data was recorded on paper, and secondly,
job applicants had to come by themselves to the
company's headquarters to apply.

Ashrakat: Have you been experiencing any problems

with this employee data recording system?
Mr Eslam:Yes, of course, we used to suffer a lot in
accessing the data of a particular employee, for
example, if we wanted to communicate with an
employee, we would search for his data a lot in the
papers, and we also suffered when an employee’s data
was erased, so we had to change all the records in it.

Ashrakat:Do you think that the electronic system will

make this easier for you?
Mr Eslam:Of course yes, it will save us a lot in the event
of searching for an employee or erasing his data.

Ashrakt:Alright, let's get back to the job application part.

What's his problem with you?
Mr Eslam:Hmmm, we were facing problems in the event
that many applicants came, so a lot of time was wasted
uselessly in submitting applications, while they would
come for an interview if their application was accepted.

Ashrakat:What do you think will benefit you from

making the application system electronic?
Mr Eslam:It will save us a lot of time and effort, instead
of receiving applications and reviewing them on paper in
the company, we will accept or reject them easily from
the new system.

Ashrakat:Well, another question, did you suffer from

data loss, whatever it was for employees or job
Mr Eslam:Yes, we suffered a lot from losing the papers
in which the data was recorded.

Ashrakat: Good
I have come to the end of this interview with you, I
really enjoyed this conversation and wrote a lot of
information that will definitely benefit me. Thank you
very much for your precious time, which I was very
pleased with
Mr Eslam: you are welcome. I also enjoyed this
conversation with you, and I hope I gave you the most
Thank you very much and good luck in what lies ahead
for you.

Through this interview, I was able to gather and learn

many requirements about the project, including:
- Preserving data from loss or hack.
-make the job application very easy for the applicant
and the manager.
-make the search option in the system.

Ashrakat Helmi 06/12/2022

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