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Bài viết đưa ra một số hướng dẫn cụ thể về việc làm thế nào để viết một
đoạn mở đầu cho một bài luận văn, hay còn gọi là mở bài. Đây có thể coi là đoạn
quan trọng nhất trong bài viết, vì nó quyết định người đọc có đọc phần tiếp theo
trong bài essay của bạn hay không?

Muốn viết một đoạn văn, nhất thiết phải biết cách
lập outline và brainstorming. Vậy, outline là gì và brainstorming là gì?

Outline theo cách nói tiếng Việt nghĩa là dàn ý sơ lược. Brainstorming là

nghĩ ý và tổng hợp ý cho bài viết. Trước hết, sau khi đọc chủ đề, hãy ngồi và vạch
ra những ý xuất hiện trong đầu bạn lúc đó. Sau đó, hãy khái quát chúng lại.

* Introductory paragraph (mở bài) cần bạn giới thiệu chủ đề của bài, khái quát
chúng và dẫn người đọc đến những phần tiếp theo trong bài.

Một Introductory paragraph có ba
phần: Hook, Background information, Thesis statement.

1. Hook là câu đầu tiên (câu đề, thường để dẫn người đọc vào topic của bài) -
* Để viết Hook ta có ba cách thông thường:
- Đặt câu hỏi (Có thể là câu hỏi Yes/No hoặc Wh_question)
- Đưa ra số liệu (Theo số liệu thống kê cụ thể về một vấn đề nào đó hoặc đưa ra
dẫn chứng của một tổ chức quốc tế nào đó)
- Đưa ra một lời phát biểu.

*Ví dụ: Nếu chủ đề của câu là :" If you have a holiday, where would you like to
Các câu Hook có thể sẽ là:
There are many famous places in the world, so which do you prefer going?
=> Đặt câu hỏi.

Ha Long Bay not only is famous for its beautiful scene but also has been
recognized as a World Heritage by the UNESCO.
=> Đưa ra số liệu, dẫn chứng…

There are a lot of ideal destinations in Viet Nam, but in my opinion, Ha Long Bay
is the best one.
=> Đưa ra lời phát biểu.

2. Background information: phần này có thể chiếm khoảng 2 câu, nhằm đưa
thông tin chi tiết hơn 1 chút về những gì đã được đề cập trong câu hook.

3. Thesis statement: nêu ra mục đích chính của bài viết. Thường thì thesis
statement sẽ quyết định xem bài luận của bạn sẽ có bao nhiêu đoạn trong phần
thân bài.
Ví dụ:
I'd like to visit Ha Long Bay for two main reasons:....
=> phần thân bài của bạn sẽ có ít nhất là hai đoạn cho hai lí do đó.
… for four reasons,...
=> tức là thân bài sẽ có bốn đoạn.
- Ngoài việc đưa ra con số cụ thể cho lí do, bạn còn có thể sử dụng những đại
từ/trạng từ chỉ số lượng như: many, several, a number of, a lot of.

* Một số ví dụ
1. Discuss About The Advantage And Disadvantage Of Studying Abroad?

– Trích đoạn nội dung:

At the present, education is seen as the main key for the development of most of
nations in the world. There are several types of studying like studying at
university/college or joining training career course and in those cases, studying
abroad is popular youngster’s choice. Besides the advantages that studying
abroad carries, it also has certainly drawbacks. This given essay I will prove this
At the present, education is seen as the main key for the development of most of
nations in the world. There are several types of studying like studying at
university/college or joining training career course and in those cases, studying
abroad is popular youngster’s choice. Besides the advantage that studying abroad
carries, it also has certainly drawbacks. This given essay I will prove this

On the one hand, the main advantage abroad is that they have opportunities for a
better future. For an instance, the young have a chance to learn a new language and
use it in their job competently. They can also learn … lots of new knowledge about
culture and society of the new country. Those things help they earn a higher
income in their future job. Furthermore, when studying in another country,
students will witness the dramatic changing in their economy and in term of
technology, moreover they can enjoy a high living standard. For example,
education and healthcare services are the most merit experience thing in most of
European countries. Students will be sponsored or receive certain welfare that
native countries give for international students.

On the other hand, there are several downsides to studying abroad. First and
foremost, staring to have new language back student’s hand might take a lot of
time. hence, language barrier and the different in lifestyle and culture can easily
make people feel shock and alone when they live in new country. Secondly,
homesickness are always appear in their mind, they might get worse emotion
although they can keep in touch with their relatives by using social network.
Thirdly studying abroad is often expensive owing to the expenditure for
accommodation or some expenses their life when moving to another country.

In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned about that including the benefits
and drawbacks to develop and challenge themselves when people have a chance to
study abroad.

– Trích đoạn nội dung

Given the fact that today’s generation is always busy, most people consider fast
food as a convenient source of food. Fast food can be prepared and served within
a very short time, and thus is more convenient for those people who tend to be
busy or single peoples who are not willing to cook. Although, fast foods has got
bunch of advantages, it has as well some negative effects which should be carefully


In most parts of the world, the popularity of fast food is growing at a considerable
rate. Given the fact that today’s generation is always busy, most people consider
fast food as a convenient source of food. Fast food can be prepared and served
within a very short time, and thus is more convenient for those people who tend to
be busy or single peoples who are not willing to cook. Although, fast foods has got
bunch of advantages, it has as well some negative effects which should be
carefully considered.

Advantages of Fast Food

Undoubtedly, fast food saves much or humans’ time. Unlike fast foods, home
cooked meals required time for shopping as well as washing the utensils. Such
challenges do not exist when a person opts for fast food. Further, fast food is an
excellent option for who do not know how to cook or single people who are not
willing to cook for one. Especially for single people, fast food is absolutely
cheaper. In most cases, cooking for single person leads to unnecessary food been
remaining which goes to waste. As well, fast food comes at a cheaper price
compared to home cooked meals.

Fast food menu offers a good option for people on diet. Fast food menu provides
people with extensive varieties of ready meals and drinks to choose. One can
choose what he or she feels like taking for meals. For instance, a person can skip
sugar drinks and opt for low fat milk or fresh juices. Luckily, Fast food is not much
rich in desserts, and thus, there is less temptations. People can also eliminate
unhealthy ingredients in their meals by customizing their orders.
Disadvantages of Fast Food
Despite its merits to human life, fast food poses several health hazards to people.
Fast food is rich in fats, salts, artificial substances and oils which increase the risk
of cardiovascular diseases. Well, obesity is also on the rise as a result of growing
popularity of fast food. Although the human body definitely requires these
ingredients, the amount of such substances in fast food is too high. Further, the
cooking method of most fast meals involves frying which destroys most of
important nutrients to human health.

The adverse effects of the sugars, chemicals, salts and fats in fast food are further
enhanced by the people’s sedentary lifestyle. Despite consuming many calories
from fast food, people do not do enough exercises to burn these calories which
make them more obese. Obesity increases the risk of heart attack and other related

3.  The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Internet Essay

– Trích đoạn nội dung:

The internet not only allows for communication through email but also ensures
easy availability of information, images, and products amongst other things. Every
day the internet continues to provide a new facility, something new that is
immensely convenient and that makes life more easier for web users. However, the
internet also contains some unwanted elements or disadvantages. The following
are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Internet Essay

1.0 Introduction
Modern life has become easier and the people of the world have to thanks to the
immense contribution of the internet technology to communication and
information sharing. There is no doubt that internet has made our life become
easier and more convenient. We can use internet to communicate with people
around the world, doing business by using internet, make new friend and know
different cultures, searching information, studying and etc.

The internet not only allows for communication through email but also ensures
easy availability of information, images, and products amongst other things. Every
day the internet continues to provide a new facility, something new that is
immensely convenient and that makes life more easier for web users. However, the
internet also contains some unwanted elements or disadvantages. The following are
the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

2.0 Advantages of the Internet

Firstly, the internet can let a person communicate with people in virtually any part
of the world through the world wide web, social media or e-mail, without having to
leave his room. E-mail allowed peoples to communicate with minimum of times. It
is now possibles to send a message to any parts of the world through a simple e-
mail address and the message is delivered in matter of seconds. Every companies is
using e-mail in business. The convenience of e-mail has allowed businesses to
expand and communicates with their vendors and customers located all over the
world in records times. Personal communication has also become more easier
thanks to e-mail. Chat rooms, video conferencing are some of the latest additions
in this technology and these have allowed peoples to chat in real time. Besides,
there are a lot of messengers services in offering. With the help of such services, it
has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share
your thoughts and explore other cultures. The internet also allows people within an
organization to easily communicate and share informations.

Second, information is probably the biggest advantages that internet offers.

Internet is a virtual treasures trove of information. Any kinds of information on any
topic under the sun is available on the internet. The search engines like Google,
Yahoo are at your service through the internet. There is a huge amount of
information available on the internet for just about every subjects known to man,
ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market
information, new ideas and technical support, the lists is simply endless. We can
uses these search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and large
amount of articles and papers are available for perusal in a matter of a few seconds.

Forums on a number of sites allow peoples to discuss and share their thoughts and
informations with others located at different places all over the world. Whether this
information is the latest news happenings in the world or information about your
favourite celebrity, everything is available at your finger tips. A huge cache of data
is available on the internet on every single subjects. With this storehouse of
information people can not only increases their knowledge bank but can do so
without wasting their time through traditional means such as visiting libraries and
conducting exhaustive research. With internet, students can save their times to
search for information and using their time to do other works.

This is particularly relevant for students who can use this wealth of information for
their school projects and also learn new things about the subjects they are
interested in. In fact this internet is for many schools and universities that are now
able to assigns projects and work to the students and follows their progress which
can be easily posted on the school or university internal websites. Online education
has grown at a very fast pace since internet allow the development and uses of
innovative tools for imparting education. University students and lecturers can
communicate through internet. Besides, some universities are also offerings far
distances courses to make study become more inefficient and convenience. Internet
become a gateway for those who wants to learn but cannot afford the living fees at
foreign countries.

Thirdly, entertainments is another popular reasons why many people prefer to surf
the internet. In fact, the internet has becomes quite successful in trapping the
multifaceted entertainment industry. Downloading games or just surfing the
celebrity websites are some of the uses people have discovered. Even celebrities
are using the internet effectively for promotional campaigns. Besides that, there are
numerous games that can be downloaded for free. The industry of online gaming
has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attentions by game lovers. The internet has
also revolutionized the entertainments industry. People nowadays no need to go to
a cinema hall to watch your favourite movie. Instead of watching movies at cinema
now have companies offering their services where you just can downloads or order
your favourite movie and watch it with a fast internet connection. Besides that, you
also can download other important software or your favourite music in a matter of
few minutes. There are a number of shareware programs that allow you to share
and download your favourite music and videos. The internet also allows people
from different cultures and background to connect with each other. Internet gaming
is a huge business and allow enthusiastic gamers to compete against each other in
games even when they are located far apart. Likewise dating has also allowed
people to find their prospective soul mates.
Through the internet, shopping has also got a complete makeover thanks to the
contributions of the internet. You have many website selling a varieties of products
online and one just need to select or bid for the desired product and entire financial
transactions can be conducts through the internet. E commerce has got a facilities
because of the internet and entire global business deals can be conducted over the
internet. Transfer of money is also no longer a times consuming job and with just a
click of a button you can easily transfers funds to any place you wish. Some of
these services of courses come at a price. The internet has made life very
convenient. With numerous online services you can now performs all your
transaction online. You can books tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility
bills, taxes etc, and right from your home. Some travel websites even plans an
itinerary as per your preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservation
etc. by using internet, consumers can compare the prices of product before making
decisions to purchase.

People who believes that impacts of internet on students is positives said that
internet help students by providing them the handy material and resources for their
studies. It is a big reality that now students takes a lots of help from internet.
Students have any problem regarding their studies or their daily life they can finds
lots of solutions of that problem from internet. There they can find out articles of
scholar and other professional people which would be helpful for them. They can
take lectures from different academics on different topics.

One of the most important benefits of internet is that students can earn from
internet through bloggers. Students can take interest on earning through internet. It
would be a great source of income for them and also it would provide them a big
experience of writing. The students who are interested in media and wanted to be a
writer in the future must do this work. This would increase their professional skills
which would lead them towards great future.

Students can also use internet for the social connectivity and there are lots of social
media websites which mostly students use for social networking. Such as
Facebook, Twitter, Weibo etc are the famous social networking site. Students can
contact themselves with the foreign students and discuss them on different issue to
enhance their skills and knowledge. By using internet wisely, students can get
many information to enrich their knowledge.

3.0 Disadvantages of the Internet

However, for all its advantages and positive aspects, the internet has its dark and
ugly side too. The recent rumours that mongering about racial riots in Kuala
Lumpur which in created a furores, just goes to show how this tool, with its
unrivalled reputation as an information assassinations and company reputations can
suffer if internet facilities are abused, especially by those with an axe to grind.

Besides that some students will spend too much of time through the internet.
Students are likely to neglect their studies. If the movie has too strong a hold even
elderly people are likely to neglect some their important work. Students might lose
concentrate on their studies because they spent too much time on internet. Some of
them can’t even divide their time to do homework but they spent their time
on watching movie or chatting with their friends through internet.

While the internet has made life easier for people in many ways it is also reflecting
an uglier side to its existence through a number of problems that it has thrown up
for its users. With a large amount of information freely available on the internet
theft and misuse of this information is a likely possibility. Time and again you see
cases of people using someone else’s information and research and passing it off as
their own. Children nowadays seem losing their ability to communicate with
others. They are used to communicate with others via internet but they cannot
communicate with others face by face fluent. It was a strange sight that internet
had make people losing their ability to communicate. It is because people now are
over depending on internet.

Another problem or disadvantage of the internet is that it has allowed a great deal
of anonymity to a large number of people who may access the different websites,
forums and chat rooms available. This has allowed perverted individuals to at
times take advantage of innocent people and abuse their trust. We can always hear
from news that cheaters used internet to make crimes. The cheaters will make
friends with single ladies and cheat them by using sweet words. Lonely single
ladies are very easy get in trap of these cheaters. These cheaters normally will
cheat these ladies to bank-in money to them. Some of the cheaters try to borrow
money from these ladies.

There are a host of games that are available on the internet and this has made most
children to shun all outdoor activity. In the absence of physical activity, children
can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle related diseases such as obesity, apart from
failing to develop interpersonal skills. Apart from these factors, sitting
continuously in front of a computer screen can seriously damage our eyes, and put
a strain on our neck and shoulders. Children are in their developing years and these
factors can create life-long problems for them. Children will become more
violence because affected by internet games. There are too many internet games
that contain violence content and it may affect negative influence to children.

Another disadvantage of internet is harmful to little children. Children nowadays

are explored to internet and they are used to maintain internet as their daily life.
This is one of the greatest threats internet poses to children. Internet has provided
an easy medium to children to gain access to pornography and this can cause them
to either become sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive. This phenomenon has also
caused another problem, and that is the increase in prevalence of sexually
transmitted diseases (STD) in children. According to reports, one out of every four
teenagers gets infected with a STD every year. The adult content that is present on
the internet promotes irresponsible sex and creates false notions in the minds of

If you have been following news lately then you must know what we are referring
to. Children have been lured by paedophiles posing as good Samaritans and have
been physically abused and molested. Internet has also made it easy for
unscrupulous elements to get in touch with children and this has led to an increase
in the cases of kidnapping and identity thefts. About 60% young teens in the
United States have admitted to responding to messages from strangers. This kind
of behaviour is extremely risky and has made children extremely vulnerable to
become victims of cyber-crime.

4.0 Conclusion
The points mentioned above have posed new challenges to teachers and parents.
There are demands from various quarters that there should be some sort of
regulation to check this issue. However, we believe that instead of making internet
a taboo, we should educate children to use it for their benefit. It is advisable for
parents to monitor how much time their children spend on the internet, and if
possible set a time-limit till which they would be allowed to use the internet.
Having the computer in the living-room instead of a child’s bedroom can also
ensure censorship on what they are accessing on the internet. It is also important
that you talk to them about ‘the birds and the bees’ because if you do not talk to
them, they will turn to their friends and internet for answers which may not provide
authentic information. Parents play important role in this content and they have to
pay attention on their children despite them get affected by internet.
Although studies on this disorder are in preliminary stages, it has been established
that children who spend most of their time on the internet, show a peculiar kind of
behaviour which is marked by an urge to be on the internet all the time, so much
that the child may show all activities and become immersed in the virtual world.
Surveys conducted over the years have found that most people who suffer from
Internet addiction disorder are young adults, who easily fall into the lure of
exploring everything that is available on the internet. In America alone, it has been
estimated that around 10-15 million people are suffering from internet addiction
disorder, and this is increasing at the rate of 25% every year. Internet had
controlled some of them who are depending internet in their life activities. Most of
them will get mad if they cannot connect to internet. It becomes a kind of
physiology sickness around us.

The internet focused on the negative effects, it in no way means that we are
undermining the importance of internet in our lives. We have written this article
for the internet audience, and you are reading it through the internet, which itself
explains the positive side of internet usage. It is for us to decide whether we use
technology for the betterment of our lives or put it to unabated abuse. Children
may not be mature enough to understand this, but us as parents, teachers and
guardians need to ensure that we inculcate the right behaviour in our children.
Lastly, we have to take the responsibilities to guide out children to use internet
wisely and ensure them to get right information from internet.

4.  The Pros And Cons Of Mobile Phones

– Trích đoạn nội dung

In this era of science and technology, mobile phone plays a important part in our
lives. It would be unusual to find anyone between the ages of 13 and 50 who does
not own a mobile phone. It is one of the most useful inventions or device off all
times and it has brought us a lot of advantages but also has it own dark side. It
brings us comfort but also it will damaged us if we used in a wrong way.

 The Pros And Cons Of Mobile Phones

In this era of science and technology, mobile phone plays a important part in our
lives. It would be unusual to find anyone between the ages of 13 and 50 who does
not own a mobile phone. It is one of the most useful inventions or device off all
times and it has brought us a lot of advantages but also has it own dark side. It
brings us comfort but also it will damaged us if we used in a wrong way. We
should have a right measurement to prevent it. 
We cannot deny that mobile phone has brought a lot of positive development in
today world. Moreover, the existence of the Internet make life much more easier
and comfort. With just a single click we will obtain any information we want. It
enables us to gain access to a wealth information. Information from various fields
such as business, education, and entertainment from all around the world is not
only easily obtainable but most of it is also free of charge. In education, it is a very
powerful tool for students to complete their assignments or projects. In other
words, it helps students’ learning. Typing just a single word in a search engine
such as Google or Yahoo! and a whole host of information appears before our
eyes. It will save time for them to search information needed than browsing
through piles of books that will take hours.
Mobile phone also taken communication to another level. It has helped save time.
Messages can be sent and received in a jiffy in the comfort of our homes. Within
seconds, our messages are sent across the globe. Relying on a snail mail which
takes a good few weeks to reach the other side of world is a thing of the past. We
also can direct call people whenever or wherever they are especially if you are far
apart from your loved one and missing them. The corporate world too has also
resorted to the use of mobile phone such as video conferencing to negotiate
business deals and transactions. There also a lot of online shops which you can buy
items and delivered it to your door step. All the process from choosing until paying
are online. You just waited for the item to delivered to you. It was very
convenience as you just wait at home and no need to go to physical shop for
Apart from that, mobile phone also plays major role in the field of entertainment.
We can play songs, watch videos, and even play games with it. We can entertain
ourselves by just using it. On top of that, we can also download films and watch
them on mobile phone instead of going through the hassle of going to the cinema.
Other than that, mobile phone also acts as a recording device. You can record
whatever you want with the device. This is very convenient especially for
journalist and student as they need to record or jot down important points they
heard and saw. For example, if student does not have enough time to jot down
what the tutor or lecturer said or teach, they can record it with their mobile phone
as long as their lecturer give permission to them. Then they can referred to the
picture or video when they are at home. For journalist they can used when they are
at press or site. As they work for reporting whatever they heard and saw, having
mobile phone as recording device is very convenient for them. They no need to
bring other recording device as their personal phone can be recording device.
Even as we pleased by mobile phone, there also a dark side to it that we must
remember. The likehood of people misusing mobile phone is high. The users of
mobile phone are the biggest Internet user. In Internet, there are sheer amount of
information that people are exposed to has its own dangers. There is a lot of
misinformation and undesirable elements like pornography will floating around.
By mobile phone, people can manipulate the truth or gossip and be a
rumourmangering. What is worse is that this information can also be disseminated
to almost everybody with little or no control. The user can also get access to all
sorts of information, wheither it good or bad. Excessive information without any
control or filter is just as detrimental to the psyche as complete ignorance. For
example, people may try to self-medicated based on the information they get
without refer to the specialist.
Next, there comes eye problems due to stare to mobile phone screens for hours at
time. When you using mobile phone, your eyes have to focus and refocus all the
time. Your eyes react to changing images on the screen to create so your brain can
process what you are seeing. All these jobs require a lot of effort from your eyes
muscle. It will strain and weakened the eyes. For long time effect you will have
eye problems. Thus you have to wear glasses to correct your vision. For people
who already wore glasses, it will probably increase the power of their glasses. It
was very inconvenient to wear glasses as you have to wear it all the times to see.
To prevent eye sickness, limit the time for using mobile phone. Use it when you
need only. No need to use it when you are bored because you can do anything
other than using mobile phone. 
Children nowadays are more exposed to the technology. When we go to public
areas or any gathering, we will see kids on mobile phones playing games. This is
the result as some of parents giving their fussy kids mobile phone to stop them
from playing around and make them behaved. When they start play games, there
are no end to it. They will start addicted to play games whenever they want. Some
of them may easily influenced by what they see and do on the mobile phone and
are not mature enough to weigh what is right and what is good. This unfortunately
may lead them to practice harmful or violent behavior in real life. For this case,
parents shall play active roles to prevent their kids from addicted to play games.
Limit the usage of mobile phone and watch what they play will works. Do not give
them whenever they whinning to play it. Be as firmly as possible for better future
for them.
Due to mobile phone addiction, time spend for family is affected. They choose to
play with their mobile phone instead spend time with family. It will affected family
institute as they not interacted with each other. Families can and have broken up
due to this addiction. Besides, mobile phone has potential to distract students from
their studies. For example, students spend hours to play game or surfing through
mobile phone that it take their time for studies. Then they have no time to study or
make revision. To prevent this, they should make time table and follow it. Instead
of blaming mobile phone, they should learn and apply time management. This will
ensure that they are not spend too much time using mobile phone.
Next, over spending to buy trendy and up-to-date mobile phone. Having trendy and
up-to-date is wasted because all mobile phone function same like others. For
example, people like to have Apple brand because it is established and famous
brand. They willing to spend money just to have iPhone. Even though iPhone is
just same like any other brands. It function same like Samsung, Huawei, and Vivo
that offer mobile phone way cheaper. People with this mindset will have a
financial problems as they did not know how to manage their finance properly.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that the mobile phone bring us many advantages. It
is marvelous creation that has paved the way for progress. Let us not point our
finger at mobile phone for the very few negative aspects that come with the
package. Instead, we should make full use of the mobile phone to benefit mankind.
If we use it in a good way then we will get benefit from it, but if we used it in
wrong way then we will get nothing but harm. 

5. Advantages and disadvantages of organic foods

– Trích đoạn nội dung:

Organic foods are an irreplaceable part of our daily life. It is evident that the
utilize of organic food is highly beneficial in terms of numerous aspects. However,
it is undeniable that organic foods have several disadvantages.

Advantage and disadvantage of the use of organic foods

Organic foods are an irreplaceable part of our daily life. It is evident that the utilize
of organic food is highly beneficial in terms of numerous aspects. However, it is
undeniable that organic foods have several disadvantages.
   On the one hand, organic foods do not contain any preservatives and chemical
substances, they are fresher and healthier. Natural foods are said to have certain
nutrients which have a significant role in the promotion of  a healthy organism. It
enables the use of organic foods more highly rated. Another point is that organic
foods are more appropriate for children and people who have allergic diseases,
because it has no oppositional affects. In addition, they produce more organic
pigments and therefore they have flavourful taste.
   On the other hand, organic foods have notable disadvantages. The major negative
side is that, they do not stay fresher for a long time, since natural products do not
involve any preservatives. Therefore they tend to spoil much quicker, their storage
life is shorter in comparison to that involve chemical substances in it. Moreover,
the growing up of natural foods takes a long time, because farmers do not engage
any artificial methods to grow organic foods, as a result, it influences the cost of
product great. It is obvious that, expensive products are not an optional choice for
   On balance, it is certain that organic foods have definite disadvantages.However,
the consume of natural foods has significant benefits. Despite the cons of natural
foods are numerous, they are overweight by pros of it.

6. Social Media for School Students and Children – Advantages &


– Trích đoạn nội dung

The youth is especially one of the most dominant users of social media. Like how
there are always two sides to a coin, the same goes for social media. Subsequently,
different people have different opinions on this debatable topic. So, in this essay on
Social Media, we will see the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Social Media for School Students and Children - Advantages & Disadvantages
Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-
friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and
more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances. In
other words, the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to social media. The
youth is especially one of the most dominant users of social media. All this makes
you wonder that something so powerful and with such a massive reach cannot be
all good. Like how there are always two sides to a coin, the same goes for social
media. Subsequently, different people have different opinions on this debatable
topic. So, in this essay on Social Media, we will see the advantages and
disadvantages of social media.

Advantages of Social Media

When we look at the positive aspect of social media, we find numerous
advantages. The most important being a great device for education. All the
information one requires is just a click away. Students can educate themselves on
various topics using social media.

Moreover, live lectures are now possible because of social media. You can attend a
lecture happening in America while sitting in India.

Furthermore, as more and more people are distancing themselves from

newspapers, they are depending on social media for news. You are always updated
on the latest happenings of the world through it. A person becomes more socially
aware of the issues of the world.

In addition, it strengthens bonds with your loved ones. Distance is not a barrier
anymore because of social media. For instance, you can easily communicate with
your friends and relatives overseas.

Most importantly, it also provides a great platform for young budding artists to
showcase their talent for free. You can get great opportunities for employment
through social media too.
Another advantage definitely benefits companies who wish to promote their
brands. Social media has become a hub for advertising and offers you great
opportunities for connecting with the customer.

Disadvantages of Social Media

Despite having such unique advantages, social media is considered to be one of the
most harmful elements of society. If the use of social media is not monitored, it can
lead to grave consequences.

It is harmful because it invades your privacy like never before. The oversharing
happening on social media makes children a target for predators and hackers. It
also leads to cyberbullying which affects any person significantly.

Thus, the sharing on social media especially by children must be monitored at all
times. Next up is the addition of social media which is quite common amongst the

This addiction hampers with the academic performance of a student as they waste
their time on social media instead of studying. Social media also creates communal
rifts. Fake news is spread with the use of it, which poisons the mind of peace-
loving citizens.

In short, surely social media has both advantages and disadvantages. But, it all
depends on the user at the end. The youth must particularly create a balance
between their academic performances, physical activities, and social media. Excess
use of anything is harmful and the same thing applies to social media. Therefore,
we must strive to live a satisfying life with the right balance.
7.  Modern technology: advantages and disadvantages

– Trích đoạn nội dung:

In the world today, people cannot live without technologies such as televisions,
mobile phones, computers and others.

These technologies have slowly taken an essential part in people’s day-to-day lives
and being without them would be unimaginable for some of us.

To understand technology, one must know what it provides in terms of advantages,

but also disadvantages.

Modern technology: advantages and disadvantages

Today, technology is very important because it is used for almost everything and
like everything, technology has advantages and disadvantages 
In the world today, people cannot live without technologies such as televisions,
mobile phones, computers and others.

These technologies have slowly taken an essential part in people’s day-to-day lives
and being without them would be unimaginable for some of us.

To understand technology, one must know what it provides in terms of advantages,

but also disadvantages.

Advantages of technology
First, the evolution of technology is beneficial to humans for several reasons. At
the medical level, technology can help treat more sick people and consequently
save many lives and combat very harmful viruses and bacteria.

The invention of the computer was a very important point. Communication is thus
enhanced, and companies can communicate more easily with foreign countries.
Research is also simplified.

For companies, progress in implementing strategic technology trends is helping

them save time and therefore, money. Exchanges are faster especially with the
internet. Sales and purchases are now facilitated and possible worldwide. This
allows businesses to buy raw materials with discounts or at reduced prices.
Similarly, global tourism has grown.

Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the
world. Thanks to technology, we can even pay with bitcoins instead of using
banks. The digital coin has been such a game changing factor, that many realised
that this is the right time to open a bitcoin demo account.

When observed more closely, new things are discovered every day. Let’s take for
instance when radio waves were discovered, radio broadcasts followed suit almost
immediately. The same applies to the television and electricity. If no one had
discovered that electricity could be generated, then the entertainment industry
wouldn’t be at it’s current stage of development.

Technology improves daily lives; allowing to move physical storage units to

virtual storage banks and more. Scientists of the time are also able to send
astronauts to the moon thanks to technology.

In the modern industrial world, machines carry out most of the agricultural and
industrial work and as a result, workers produce much more goods than a century
ago and work less. They have more time to exercise and work in safer

Disadvantages and risks of technology

On the other hand, the evolution of modern technology has disadvantages, for
example, dependence on new technology. Man no longer needs to think. Even if
the calculator is a good invention, man no longer makes mental calculation and no
longer works his memory. The decline of human capital implies an increase in
unemployment. In some areas, devices can replace the human mind.

The use of technology certainly needs rule and new laws. For example internet use
is an individual freedom. However, the invention of the atomic bomb cannot be an
individual freedom. In fact, regulations are difficult to implement when these
technologies are introduced – such as regulation surrounding the impending arrival
of autonomous vehicles.
Finally, as most technological discoveries aim to reduce human effort, it would
imply that more work is done by machines. This equates to less work for people:
the human is becoming ever so obsolete by the day, as processes become
automated and jobs are made redundant.

8. Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online

– Trích đoạn nội dung

Undeniably, the birth of the internet has reshaped and redefined almost every
aspect of human’s life including the way we shop. While it is not difficult to see
why online shopping is one of the most popular uses of the internet,there are
disadvantages which also need to be put into consideration.

Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online

Undeniably, the birth of the internet has reshaped and redefined almost every
aspect of human’s life including the way we shop. While it is not difficult to see
why online shopping is one of the most popular uses of the internet,there are
disadvantages which also need to be put into consideration.

There are several reasons for people to prefer this modern shopping style to
traditional ones. To begin with, it is more economical to buy goods online. Asa
matter of fact, today there are many small independent businesses who find
marketing online not only the most effective method to reach their potential
customers but also the cheapest one. Instead of investing a huge amount of money
in the rent, the staff and advertisements, all they need to do now is to set up several
free accounts on popular websites and forums and start telling people about their
products and special offers. That means on these sites, goods are sold at lower
prices compared to those in big shops. Another advantage of online shopping is it
helps people save time. The more developed our society becomes, the faster the
pace of life is. Time has been given such an importance that scientists and
inventors have worked hard to minimize the time spent on each individual task like
traveling to work or cooking. By using online shopping,people can buy exactly
what they need without even leaving the house to go from this shop to another to

However, certain drawbacks have been claimed by people who shop online. The
most common complaint about this shopping method is the items they order online
do not always appear to be as appealing as on the websites. Obviously, all of the
pictures of the products have been photo-shopped in order to attract more buyers. It
is especially challenging to shop for fashion items since people cannot try them on.
For example, a sweater may look perfect on the model in the picture, but one can
expect to be disappointed when he actually puts it on.However, since most of the
goods bought online are not refundable, customers in such cases usually feel
frustrated. Besides, like other inventions, online shopping has negatively affected
people’s lifestyle in a way that it does not encourage them to move. According to
some famous researches carried out recently, inactivity results in dangerous
illnesses, among which are obesity and depression. In other words, if people keep
depending too much on technology, their health will be seriously threatened.

All considered, while people benefit enormously from shopping online, they also
suffer from scams and health deterioration. I would suggest consumer protection
groups act more efficiently in order to ensure the rights of buyers.

9. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Keeping Animals In Zoos

– Trích đoạn nội dung

Today, zoos open to the public can be found in virtually every country in the
world. Also, zoos help conservation encompasses captive breeding programs of
endangered species. The following paragraphs will mention both the advantages
and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Keeping Animals In Zoos

The term zoo is a common abbreviation for “zoological garden”, an establishment
that maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in a park or gardens, not just
for concerned with entertainment, but also with conservation, education, and
scientific research. Today, zoos open to the public can be found in virtually every
country in the world. The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums now consists
of more than 1,200 institutions which together attract over 600 million visitors per
annum (Holtorf, as cited in Carr & Cohen, 2011). Also, zoos help conservation
encompasses captive breeding programs of endangered species. The following
paragraphs will mention both the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals
in zoos.
To start with, one benefit of keeping animals in zoos is education. To the scientist,
animals are valuable for scientific research, the scientist can observe animals’
natural habits safely in zoos. To educate the general public, zoos are the most
convenient way to see animals in a close distance, it increases animal visibility and
allows visitors to learn about animal’s natural behaviors (Rees, 2011). people can
learn about biodiversity through direct experience. Zoos provide an opportunity for
visitors to learn more about such a species’ abilities, demonstrating the spectacular
abilities of animals can help to increase the correlated knowledge to them.
Apart from educational benefits, it works toward protection efforts and captive
reproducing. In zoos, animals have less chance to fight for food or domain, is not
easy to get injured like bleeding. Also, a system of breeding in zoos can ensure a
sufficient number of animals survive. According to Shepherdson (1993), it is ready
to recognize the environments with certain basic requirements to improve the
possibility of the animal in zoos to have reproduction, such as nutrition and
parturition. The field of zoo biology seeks, in part, to understand the many
biological processes that intervene between an animal's environment and its
reproductive outcome. As a whole, keeping animals in zoos can benefit society
since it helps to conserve the animal’s life.
On the contrary, the opponents state that keeping animals in zoos may depravity
their living skills. There is no doubt that the small place they have been kept
affects their mental and physical health, they will become lazy since the protector
keeps taking care of them. Dita(2006) claim that zookeepers are hard to recognize
pain in animals, especially if there is no obvious cause. Also, zoo animals may
suffer health problems in the environment. Injuries requiring treatment are often
caused by limited or unsuitable enclosures. Animals unaccustomed to a new
enclosure or innovation often hurt themselves. Also, Bostock (1993) argues that
the population density in zoos causes fast transmission of infections and parasites,
some of which are human in origin; for example, primates often get colds.
Moreover, to kept wild animals enclosed is taken away their freedom. This will
increase the tendency of wild animal’s characteristics, anxiety for their bad mood.
Freedom had been restricted, suffer the feeling of captivity, is nonsense to them to
be like this. In zoos, animals only have a restricted place for them to move, they
cannot run like in the wild and barely coexist with their whole family like before.
The lack of privacy they have is unacceptable. Hence, animals should enjoy their
right, enjoy their freedom but not under the control of the human.
Last but not least, animals should not be kept in zoos because it is their right. Even
the zoo is a place for saving them and for the public to learn about them, animals
will not like to be kept in a cage to hold life. Also, not to mention but people still
choose to kill captive animals which just get away from the cage without hurting
anyone, just because of their wildness (Associated Press, 2018), then why should
people still kept them when status that they are no safe to handle. People should
not keep wild animals in zoos, it is kind of selfish.

10. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

– Trích đoạn nội dung

It is to say that this is the time of technology thus online classes are good for many
of the reasons but traditional classes system have many advantages that should not
be ignored fully. Now we should take advantage of both online as well as offline

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

In this era of technology online classes system of learning turns out to be more and
more popular world wide. Many traditional schools and universities started to
share their courses through online classes. They started classes online and students
are attending the online classes from ease of their home. Online classes or online
method of learning presents an easy and comfortable method to achieve
knowledge. Online classes have now become great alternative to traditional
classes. It has numerous advantages but at the same time online classes has some
disadvantage also. Below are some important advantages and disadvantages of
online classes.

Advantages of Online Classes

Although many people still consider traditional classes as the best way for learning
but in this technological age online classes system of learning proves to be a great
alternative of traditional classes. In online class system students have the chance to
study from the easy of their home. Students can take classes at the time when they
preferred as most of the classes are recorded. Online classes system of learning
helps participants to learn whenever they want to learn, leaving them the freedom
to choose the time for study. Many schools, institutions and universities are
providing online classes free of costs. Thus online classes are helpful for those
students who earlier could not pay fees. Now they are accessing these online
classes online for free. Among the advantages of online classes system of learning
there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students in online class system.

Disadvantages of Online Classes

At school or in traditional class system students learn how to make friends, how to
behave with teacher and friends, how to get rid of disappointment etc. The main
work of personality development of students can be done through traditional
classes. In online classes these all are missing. Online learning cannot offer face to
face human interaction which are very important for personality development.

Online classes system can be difficult for some persons who don't know the proper
use of technological instruments. For small children online classes requires great
disciplines and practice. It also requires more interventions of parents in case of
small children. In online classes student use electronic devices like mobile, tablet,
laptops or computer. Use of these devices for longer time will badly affect the
health of students.
In conclusion, it is to say that this is the time of technology thus online classes are
good for many of the reasons but traditional classes system have many advantages
that should not be ignored fully. Now we should take advantage of both online as
well as offline classes.

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