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Bushes and passive interactions.
SMITE = JUNGLER Best Great Good Avg
Never engage in a fight with an Aatrox when he has his first (Q) up, as he can simply adjust his angle by using his (E) > (Q) combo. If he uses
NO! his first (Q) on minions, you can move closer as his second (Q) has a shorter range and it is much harder for him control and adjust, allowing SOMETIMES!
Seeker's Armguard
Aatrox Physical Aatrox can reveal you if he lands his (W) chain.
Otherwise you can move around to side step his (Q)
EVEN us to juke it out. His (W) can be blocked by minions, and if you do happen to get hit you can run to the left or the right side. Attempting to
run from the skill in the linear path is bad, even if you use Flash it can still pull you back. Running to the side of the AoE is most effective, Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
He uses mostly abilities rather than his (AA). If he has
used all of his abilities to engage, keep an eye for his E->W
spam avoiding the highlighted points. and be aware you take more damage from the highlighted zones. So try your best to avoid them! empowered (AA) which you can blind.
Ahri is extremely hard to deal with due to her mobility and the fact she will use her (Q) quite safely to hit through minions into you, plus
NO! every 3 abilities she uses she can sustain with her next (Q). She will kill you if she lands her (E) Charm while using her (R) dash. Be aware NEVER!
Ahri Magic Ahri can charm us and pull us out of stealth along with
killing us with abilities. You can try to avoid her skills,
MAJOR that she can adjust her (E) with her Flash as well. You can, however, use minions and side-step to avoid her (E), so never stand still against
her! Since she is a burst champion, I would recommend that you match her burst with Electro/DH and season 11 is pretty much starting out
Mercury's Treads
She will mostly use her abilities which outrange you.
She may use her (AA) to CS but not much else. Q->E
but it is advised not to bother utilizing stealth into her. with nothing but burst from items like Luden's Tempest, which is too good to pass up.

Never trade with Akali while her shroud is up! Your poison will reveal her location, so keep an eye on where her silhouette appears so you SOMETIMES!
YES! can avoid her gap close to trade with her. Unlike when she was first released, she is no longer unstoppable. You will have enough time to
She isn’t really going to be using her (AA) against you
Akali Both Akali can not reveal us at all, but she can spam her (Q) to
slowly kill us over time. It's usually enough to keep us
EVEN throw out a (Q) or (E) before she hides again within her shroud. You can use minions to body block her (E) shuriken. She can also use it to
dash over walls and gain distance from you. Do not let her land this or you will LOSE the trade immediately. You must try your best to side
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon or allies that often aside from moving in an out of the
shroud to hit you and move back in for energy.
alive long enough for our allies come to our aid. step or bait her (E) before trading while her shroud is down! Her sustain is worse than it was in Season 10.

Akshans passive allows him to fire two shots at once on a cooldown of 14-4 secs. You'll want to trade with him in between this time frame
YES! early game while he is CSing. His (Q) is exactly the same as Gnar's Boomerang granting him more movement speed. His (W) passive allows Plated SteelcapsOblivion
Akshan Physical However, if he has currently targetted you with his (R)
it's going to hit you no matter what, unless you're
EVEN for him to revive ALL dead allies if he kills their killer, it's also like Twitch's (Q) but he can hug a wall / sit in bushes to prolong it indefinitely.
His (E) let's him hookshot a wall and swing around dealing damage to anyone he goes near, but will stop if he hits a target/terrain. His (R) is
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Most of his abilities are just that, abilities while his
attack speed is extremely low max (1.5) on a normal Q->E
behind a structure or minions / allies. a lock on like Caitlyn, in which he stores bullets to fire in a blast like Lucian, use minions / towers to block it. build. It's kind of wasted on him.
In addition to his gap close CC, he is very tanky and offers a lot of damage blocking for his allies. While you shouldn’t normally focus on him,
NO! you should also not underestimate him as a champion. Avoid letting him get behind you! Alistar players enjoy flashing and knocking you
Liandry's Anguish
Alistar Magic Alistar can knock us up out of stealth, he can see our
silhouette upon damage with Trample. If he doesn't
MINOR back under their towers and pushing you into and away from their allies. It’s simply about respecting these players and keeping your
distance from him while not getting caught out. He can reveal you in bushes with his knockup if it manages to connect with you. If he does Void Staff (Later)
He is mostly going to be a nuisance and will attempt to
run into you, stun you with trample/CC etc.
have Oracle or Trample then it's a 50% chance to hit us. try to face check you in bushes simply back off entirely, there isn't any reason for you to challenge him.

Side step his (Q)! You can also avoid it by staying behind minions. His (R), however, is unavoidable once in range. Your objective is to avoid
NO! being close to minions, otherwise you risk getting caught by his (R). Your best option is to side-step his (Q), and stay far enough behind that Liandry's Anguish (Tank)
Amumu Magic Amumu has a lot of damage through his AoE, he can see
our silhouette upon damage for as long as we are in the
MAJOR if he attempts to hit you with (R), you will have time to react and Flash away. So as long he can’t get close to you, you’ll be fine. After that
prioritize kiting him and side step his next (Q) by baiting it out with movement and jukes. Honestly he is pretty annoying to deal with once
Void Staff (Tank)
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
His playstyle is simply to (Q) for gap close and
comboing it with (R) into you/allies and you can’t E->W
AoE. Don't bother using passive into him. he catches you, since you don't outrun him in any logical way. really save an ally that is caught out by him he is AoE.
Anivia's kit excels at zoning enemies which prevents you from CSing or attempting a safe trade. Runes are relatively ineffective since you
NO! can’t get near (AA) range, let alone in range to use your (Q). Most trade outcomes will lead to you losing or being killed. Her passive is NEVER!
Mercury's Treads
Anivia Magic Anvia can reveal you if she lands a perfect wall directly
beneath you pushing you OUT of the edge of bushes.
EXTREME horrible to deal with, as she can get up easily due to the lack of damage output to kill her twice early game. She just has too much range
and CC to deal with alone. Play safe, avoid being walled and stunned. Once she hit’s level 6, you can’t do anything against her without help Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
You can’t blind any of her abilities. She is a champion
that relies on spamming abilities and that rarely auto- Q->W
But can't reveal you. At level 6, her (R) will destroy you. from your allies as her zoning ability becomes even greater and more of a threat than usual. attacks after she hits level 6.
Your aim is to engage on Annie whenever her stun is down. She will win the trade against you as you will get stunned and you will get
YES! bursted down especially after level 6 when she gets Tibbers. Keep an eye on Annie using her (Q) or (W) on minions and once her passive is Mercury's Treads
Annie Magic Annie only has one ability that can harm you, her (W)
which is pretty easy to avoid while in stealth. She also
EVEN gone, proceed for a quick trade with her, but avoid over-extending. Don’t underestimate her ability to combo (E) > (Q) > (R) > (W) stun. A
good Annie will attempt to hold the stun for as long as she can to hold lane pressure. So proceed to wave clear to force her to waste her
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Can’t blind any of her abilities. She is reliant on
spaming her abilities. However, if she dies with Q->E
can't spam it much. Her (R) aswell. stun and attempt trades when it is wise to do so. Don't stick under her tower it's a sure fire way to get stunned during a gank. Tibbers up, blind him as he will go on a rampage.
Aphelios got several nerfs after his release. You will still need to get use to his kit and what each of his weapons do. He is the same as 5 SOMETIMES!
YES! champions but combined into 1. He can heal with his Scythe Pistol, place a turret like Heimerdinger with his Chakram & channel like Urgot’s
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon Keep an eye for when he goes all in on you or an ally
Aphelios Both Aphelios has nothing that can reveal or damage you,
unless minions are nearby where he can simply bounce
EVEN (W). He gains 100 range like Caitlyn with his Sniper Rifle and unlimited range if he marks you. He gains spread damage with his
Flamethrower, forcing you to position properly. And finally the gravity cannon which will root you. Overall he is squishy but can sustain like Shadowflame (Has Shield) with his ultimate Scythe Pistol as that is how he can
sustain damage and recover life like crazy.
his flamethrower spray into you. Killing you slowly. crazy with his Scythe Pistol if you don’t blind him in his channeling ult. Oblivion Orb is a absolute must have item.

You can body block her (W) with minions. She is more of a utility champion making it very hard to chase her. She is very squishy, however.
NO! We lose our movement speed bonus upon taking damage so the added slow, cripples us even further, so take advantage of minion block. PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Ashe Physical Ashe can not reveal you, with her abilities, but can
slowly kill you with her (W) spam. Which is annoying
MINOR Her (W) is on a long CD early game, but becomes a nuisance late game with the cool down going as low as 2,4 seconds. Being aggressive
after her first (W) is important in the early stages of the game. You must be wary about her (R) during the late game, especially while
Plated Steelcaps She is susceptible to blind, as her passive grants her
20-30% slow on her first basic attack against you.
due to its wide area and range. We can't avoid it. fighting/backing, you can be easily killed or stunned for 3.5 seconds.

Your focus is to keep your distance from his passive, which rotates stars around his body, which can be extended outwards if he activates
Aurelion Sol Magic Aurelion will simply kill you with his orbs. There is no
his (W) granting him 50% extra damage for 3 seconds. However, you should never find yourself getting caught out against him. Keeping
your distance is your main focus in this match-up. Be also aware as to when he enters the fog of war, as he can attempt an roam with his (E) Mercury's Treads
His playstyle is mostly centered around his spiraling Q->W(2)
reason for you to utilize passive into him he can also (R) while empowering his (Q) to catch you/allies by surprise. Escaping from him after he has Rylais is near impossible and if he stuns you with stars. He will sometimes (AA) but he will focus his The extra movement helps to avoid
you out revealing. (Q) or empowered (Q) and gets into range with his stars. Don't get caught. You can see his stars while he is in a bush. passive and (Q) or (R) which can't be blinded. stuns and his stars.

Azir's range with his (Q) is extremely powerful, which provides him with soldiers to attack you and minions at the same time. Blinding his
NO! soldiers is not possible and blinding him is pointless as the soldiers are a spell. Laning against him is quite dangerous and you can’t get in Mercury's Treads. NEVER!
Azir Magic Azir can simply (R) us out of stealth entirely and we
don't do well into him in the first place due to his
EXTREME range to reliably poke him, or trade. If you get too close, he can simply (E), get behind you and combo you with his (R) to either push you
back or block your escape, which will lead to a fight you will always lose. The only thing you can do is respect his lane dominance and try
Shadowflame (Has Shield) His (Q) range is too big, and your (Q) won’t stop his
guards. One of the worst lanes to go up against.
massive range. not to feed too much into him. The first few levels are easy until he reaches level 4.

Bard matchup is fairly even for both sides, unless you position poorly and he lands his (Q), which will slow you for either 60% or stun you if
YES! it passes through you and another target such as a minion or terrain. Avoid this ability at all cost. His (R) “The World!” is made to stop a
Oblivion Orb
Bard Magic Bard has nothing that can damage us or reveal us. If he
uses (R) we remain in stealth which is funny no worries.
EVEN siege, zone someone, catch someone to get closer or protect his allies. Never chase a Bard into his (E) tunnel, as this is a setup for him to
stun you with his (Q). You can step on his (W) to remove them or drop a shroom ontop of it for a surprise as well placing shrooms on top of Mercury's Treads
His empowered (AA) slow late game is powerful,
however, you should have better enemies you could E->Q
the chimes that appear in the game as he is guaranteed to step on them for his collection. be focusing with your (Q) besides him.
Dealing with Blitzcrank, is annoying, as he makes your passive useless either if you are in a bush or hiding on lane. He can throw his (Q) and SOMETIMES!
NO! hook you, while comboing you with his (E) which will likely lead to your demise. His (W) is pretty much almost the same as your (W) aside Void Staff If you can hit (Q) on Blitzcrank to prevent his (E)
Blitzcrank Magic Blitzcrank can hit us with his (Q) pulling us towards him
into his knock-up CC. It's never a good idea to play
EXTREME from the slow down and extra attack speed. Your best option is to trade with him after he missed his (Q) and used his (W). You can blind his
(E) and use minions to body block his (Q). Blitzcrank players tend to use their (W) when they are getting assisted by their jungler, so keep
Magic Resist (If AP)
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
combo. However if possible prioritize his ADC as
Blitzcrank is not 100% (AA) based.
bushes into him. focus and be ready to ping for danger when you see this sudden change of aggression while side stepping his (Q).

You can utilize minions to body block his (Q) stun, however, don’t let him land his (Q) or (W) after he has set you ablaze with his (E). His
NO! burning DoT passive reveals your position. Your objective is to force him to spend mana while he is trying to hunt you in the bushes,
Spirit's Visage NEVER!
Brand Magic Brand has a lot of abilities to spam you with. If he lands
one you will burn casting a silhouette throughout the
MAJOR however, don’t overdo it as he will eventually get lucky and hit you. If he uses (R), get away from minions and allies and stay away from
him as his ultimate will bounce to additional targets near him and near each other. He's mostly found in the support role, so if you do find Mercury's Treads Brand is a champion which kit relies on spam skills. E->Q
duration. him in a different lane make sure to dodge the empowered skills once you've been set ablaze.

This lane is extremely simple to poke, however, do not waste your (Q) until Braums shield is down, so he can’t negate the effect or damage
YES! to either him or his allies. Make sure to avoid his (Q) by taking advantage of your minions otherwise you risk getting marked and if you are Liandry's Anguish
Braum Magic Braum can if he uses his (R) directly into you in the bush
(R) can reveal if it hits us directly with the knockup.
MINOR hit 4 times will cause you or your allies to become stunned. You can (Q) the auto stacking passive. He is extremely weak once he finished
blocking with his shield. He needs an ally to support to take full advantage of his kit. So as long you play well and avoid skill shots you
Void Staff (Later)
Shadowflame (Has Guardian)
If you get on a 1vs1 scenario, make sure to (Q) him to
prevent the stacks/stun and do your best to move to E->Q
should not have any problem with him. His ult will reveal you if you are struck in your passive in or not in bushes. the bushes to take advantage of your passive.
Caitlyn is the ADC with the highest range early/mid game. Her traps can catch you out in a bush which increases her range even further for
YES! a headshot type (AA). Be careful when entering bushes, as there are usually traps lined on the edges to catch you out of surprise. Her (R)
Plated steelcaps
Caitlyn Physical Caitlyn has a few abilities to damage us, but so long as
you avoid her traps, you're fine an can't be revealed.
MAJOR can/must be body blocked to protect an ally! However, sometimes your teammates can be...less than supportive in this regard. If you get
her by surprise and use your (Q) she will have a hard time properly retaliating unless she properly dashes backwards and slows you with Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Despite being an ADC, her range makes her a
relatively hard champion to get close too. So blinding Q
her netting. Hardest aspect of this matchup is the range advantage that she has, so respect it and abuse your passive. her is not easy.
Camille is a pretty good trader, just try to avoid the outer ring of her (W) which applies a 80% slow, to do this move towards her or bait her
YES! with movement. You’ll be fine if she tries to gap close and take you on, in a 1vs1 as long as you (Q) as the initial CC strikes you this dash is Plated Steelcaps PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Camille Physical Camille has literally no way of revealing you, her
damage is minimal and her dash will just nudge you
MINOR avoidable. Her (R), however, is not so easy to avoid as it locks you in place. Don’t over-extend once she hit’s level 6. We can not force her
out of her own ultimate with a hard CC so we have to do our best by freezing the lane and avoid hard shoving, unless you dominated the
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Heavy (AA) reliant champion.
Especially if she has zoned you/allies with her (R).
slightly if she hits you. lane. I advise you to take Fleetfoot as to cripple any of her attempts early game and to match her sustain poke damage.

Avoid her (Q) into her (E) spam and turn your back to her (R). If you are not familiar with her animations I would advise to check some

Cassiopeia Magic
Cassiopeia will pretty much kill you if you are spammed EXTREME
Youtube videos related to it. Against her I recommend you to work on kiting and baiting out her poisons before trades. She is relatively fast
for a champion that can't wear boots. The second you get struck by (Q) or (W) she will follow up with her (E) that can be spammed over and Mercury's Treads
She is heavily reliant on spamming her (E) when you Q->E
over, which really hurts! They tend to run Conqueror which heals her for a lot. You can't really dodge her (W), but you can build a bit more Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon get affected by her (Q) or (W) or from champions such
with (Q) and (W) and can't avoid them.
defensively while building into damage to make up for her damage. as Teemo, Singed and Twitch.
While fighting or simply laning, you should always be positioning yourself away from his angle to avoid his spikes that slow you. The second Boots Start (PTA)
NO! you let him line up a spike-slow, you will be swiftly met with your death through his knockup especially if he is running Glacial Augment. He Liandry's Anguish
Cho'Gath Magic & True Cho'gath has many abilities in which he can use to kill
you, especially his spikes if he angles it into you from
MAJOR is a high HP and sustain stacking champion through killing minions and utilizing his (R), so preventing his sustain makes killing him easier. If
he misses the knockup and can't land a slow, you can simply run him down with auto attacks and burst from your (Q). Be aware if he is
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Void Staff (Tank)
He is simply going to run people down with abilities.
You can’t (Q) his (R), nor his auto attacks effectively or E->W
minions. running Glacial as it is a huge threat and you really need to play well enough to avoid the slow. safely.
MR (If AP)
So many people consider Corki an AD champion, simply because of his build. However, Corki is actually 85% Magic Damage. His (Q) can
Corki Magic Corki has a lot of ability spam an will reveal you if he
reveal you in bushes to him and his allies, he is also more ability prone than (AA). Avoid projectiles and get away from his AOE (E) and the
gap close with his (W) which if he has “The Package” will drop and slow enemy targets in a rumble like ultimate applying a 90% slow. This Mercury's Treads
He may be an ADC and may build almost all AD items, Q->W(2)
lands his (Q). You'll die very quickly if you attempt to can also reveal you. I advise you to bait his rockets and kite him, as you will not have enough damage or defenses to duel with him on but his primary damage source is from his abilities This will help to kite abilities, and
use passive due to AoE damage he can output. prolonged fights. Simply keep your distance as best as you can while utilizing minions to respect him. which are AP based. kite in general. Poking is safer.

NO! I would highly suggest you to take an PTA or Lethal Tempo. That is, if you feel uncomfortable playing against him with any other runes, like SOMETIMES!
Darius Physical & True Darius has his (Q) damage and his (E) which will pull us EVEN
Aery, DH or Electrocute. Boots will help you early game due to his +10 higher movement speed along with a few points in your (W) which
compliments PTA/Lethal Tempo. Otherwise feel free to start with Doran's Ring. Move towards him if he is going to land his (Q) spin so you
Boots Start (PTA)
Plated Steelcaps
His kit is mostly going to be about pulling you in, W->E
out of stealth entirely. It's never a good idea to try to can prevent a bleed stack & blind his (W) to prevent his slow. Regardless of what you think, this match-up goes either way. You either kite followed by a (W) and (Q). You can blind his (W), He has a higher MS/Ghost. Helps to
Void Staff
hide from him. and avoid his pull or get caught and die. Stridebreaker really sucks to get caught by so respect it and keep your distance. however which will prevent the 99% 1 second slow. avoid his high base stats.

You should do your best to keep your distance, which is easier said than done! She can simply (E) and combo with (R) for CC and burst. It's
NO! quite easy to avoid her (Q) which angles as a counter-clockwise crescent moon. She will mostly use it as a way to CS minions from afar, but Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Diana Magic Diana can simply walk into the bush an activate her (R)
to pull and reveal you. Nothing much else to say in this
MAJOR the second she lands this ability its effect will be consumed and followed up with by her (E) dash. It's a pretty heavy AP match-up so getting
some Magic Resistance is useful. Her (R) will reveal you while in passive. You really don't want to be caught out with your allies in a 5 man
Spirit's Visage
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
You can’t blind any of her skills, nor her passive cleave
effect when she lands her 3rd successive auto attack.
regard. (R) as it will scale her AP higher per # of champions pulled in.

Really the only thing needed to be taken into consideration while fighting a Mundo, is straight up his cleavers and his massive sustain. He
YES! will spend quite a large amount of time keeping his distance and landing his cleavers to last hit. He will become a threat the moment he Liandry's Anguish
Dr. Mundo Both Mundo's rework has removed his (W) spam, so we only
have to avoid the first few seconds of it. Afterwards, it's
EVEN keeps landing cleavers on you since he can proceed to run you down. A more mobile and poke approach is more favorable. Each time he
kills a minion with his (Q) it grants him half of the life cost spent. You can body block cannon minions to prevent him some gold. Watch his
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Void Staff
Besides avoiding the damage from his (E) which is an
auto attack reset, you should focus the enemy ADC or E->W
all about dodging his cleavers, until help arrives. body language to avoid getting caught out with his allies gank. He is pretty strong right now, so I would be respectful. a heavy AA reliant champion when possible.
Draven is a heavily AA reliant champion and despite that, he can still come back into the game with an QSS. He can reveal you with his (E)
NO! which shouldn't be underestimated. Killing him early will shut down his passive gold stacks. Building Plated steelcaps is one of the best
Draven Physical Draven can reveal with one of his abilities. His (E) which
knocks you out of stealth completely so long as he hits
EVEN ways to deal with him, also purchasing an oblivion orb first prevents his mid-late game Bloodthirster spike. Maxing your (Q) is pretty much
all you got to really worry about, just don't simply walk up to him, he will always get the first shot in, you need to get the jump on him Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon Heavy (AA) reliant champion. Q
you directly. which can be done through utilizing your passive or poke in between him trying to CS if you're playing Teemo Support.

YES! You can blind Ekko's (E) dash ability negating his Lich Bane burst and his body language lets you know what he's going to use next, subtle SOMETIMES!
things like his character model reeling back means his (W) has been cast. This just means that he is most likely getting ready to dive you
Spirit's Visage
Ekko Magic Ekko can not reveal you, but he can slowly kill you if you
don't avoid his (Q) spam, especially the returning
EVEN with the assistance of his allies or get in close with a shielded poke/CS. You want to never be standing in the center of his (W) while he
enters it, otherwise you will be stunned. You can be damaged by his initial (Q) and the return you take extra damage from the return so be Shadowflame (Has Shield)
You can prioritize Ekko if he attempts to gap close
with his (E) as this will prevent the nasty Lich Bane Q->E
damage. sure to avoid it. His "echo" will show where he can recall with his (R) to burst and rewind time. Never be ontop of it. damage. Protecting an ally in danger in the process.

You need to side-step her (E) cocoon. It's quite simple to avoid this ability as it can be body blocked by minions and travels in a straight line SOMETIMES!
YES! so a simple side-step or back step bait can work. Despite her abilities she really isn't that difficult to deal with, she is rather squishy and
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Elise Magic Elise can land her cocoon and spiderlings but can't do
anything to reveal us, each ability is easy to side step.
MINOR easy to burst. The biggest thing would be her invulnerability, which she can use to close the gap or escape with or negate your (Q). But
ultimately it comes down to simply dodging her initial CC, once that’s done, you can simply run away or turn and fight while she can't burst. Mercury's Treads
Use (Q) when she comes down from her rappel,
however she is relatively squishy so she should not be Q->E
While she is invuln you can safely enter stealth to reset your abilities & keep fighting if that is something you can do. a problem in general.
Once you see a heart shaped icon on you, start running, it lasts for 5 seconds. If she misses her (Q) keep running because she can still charm
YES! with her (E) or her (R). Avoid standing behind minions as the spikes from her (Q) still go through minions, despite this she needs a visible Spirit's Visage NEVER!
Evelynn Magic Evelynn can not pull you out of stealth even if you're hit
while charmed. You can actually reveal her while you
MAJOR and fairly close target to activate this ability multiple times. If you would like to track her, in her jungle, simply place shrooms or vision
wards on her actual camps, as using control wards will simply give her free gold and experience while also alerting her to our vision. If your
Mercury's Treads Absolutely useless to use against her, she will spam Q->W(2)
Control Wards abilities, and is going to charm you into your death. Extra mobility to avoid charms.
are in passive near her. below 30% hp be aware as she can instantly kill you with her (R).

Ezreal is problematic to deal with due to his ability to spam (Q) and being more ability reliant than (AA) reliant. Minions can be used to
NO! block his (Q). However, you should not be utilizing bushes too much, as he will constantly bombard you with his (Q) eventually landing a
Everfrost (Lockdown)
Ezreal Both Ezreal can't reveal you, but he can easily kill you with his
ability spam and (R). So try to simply not utilize passive
MAJOR few dealing a lot of damage. He is very squishy, with a lot of safety in his kit. Max your (Q) and poke him from behind your minions as it will
be your best option. Keep your eyes on his ultimate, especially if your allies are low HP or you are yourself. He can easily snipe you from Magic Resist (AP)
99.99% of Ezreal players prefer to spam their (Q) and
(E) so it's not useful to (Q) him in this regard.
into him. across the map. Most Ezreals are pretty much toddlers that deal 0 DMG.

Fiddlesticks is all about mind games with his effigy placements and his passive allowing him to blend into the environment by pretending to
NO! be one himself. It can be confusing at times because his effigies will flash, ultimate and run away making you think it's the real Fiddle. You Spirit's Visage NEVER!
Fiddlesticks Magic Fiddlesticks can simply place down an effigy and reveal
you. So definitely do not utilize your passive into him.
MAJOR can not stealth against him as his effigies grant true vision of stealthed units. It is very important that you keep track of where Fiddle is
always. If you lose track and vision of him for 2.5 seconds the next skill that hits you will fear you and slow you for 90% if he lands his (Q) on
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
Ability reliant champion, will fear and sustain
while silencing you with his (E)
you. You take extra damage if you've been recently feared so be very careful and keep yourself well warded.

You can reset her passive by simply walking away and coming back, if you don't you are just giving her free sustain/damage. You should
NO! only ever be engaging her when the passive is angled behind you or against a wall, where she can not simply (Q) you for free. One of the SOMETIMES!
Fiora Physical & True Fiora will kill you in no time with her (Q) spam as it still
locks onto us while in passive making it very difficult to
EVEN biggest things to know is, you should never-ever, start or try to finish her off with (Q) -> Ignite combo, as she can very easily parry them
both at the same time, same thing goes for Electrocute. What you need to do, is keep autoing until she parries. Avoid it, then go all in. If she
Plated Steelcaps
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
(Q) is really handy to have when she attempts to go
for her final vital to save either you or an ally, outside
Don't blow your (Q) on her Parry.
side step or find a safe spot in bushes. ults position a vital or the final vital against a wall. Protect it and duel her while avoiding the parry. of this shes not to be focused while her parry is up.
If you wish to effectively deal with a Fizz player, you must first know what to look out for, and when should you be using your skills. Fizz is a
YES! ability type champion. You never want to engage him with your (Q), therefore use AA on him as well at level 1 start with (E). When he uses Mercury's Treads
Fizz Magic Fizz has a little bit of damage here and there and his (R) MAJOR his (E) he negates all incoming damage, so when he lands you can simply (Q) him to negate his empowered auto attack while kiting.
Normally a Fizz will start the fight with his (R) and walk up or gap close with his (E) if he lands it. Keep away from allies when is (R) is on you
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
It's not worth wasting your (Q) on him as your primary
target, since he can simply use his (E) to avoid the
but he can't reveal you. Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult) (Q) whilst he comes out of his (E)
or them as it is an AoE that will damage everyone, a good way to prevent his burst is with Zhonya's/Banshee or Spirit's Visage. damage and the effect of (Q).
Galio has a pretty nasty combo when he obtains Hextech Rocketbelt and uses his (E) into his (W) combo. When he is full AP his burst will
Void Staff (Tank)
make you pretty much helpless, made even worse in a ganking situation. Keeping yourself away from his (W) is the standard idea. Spirit's NEVER!
NO! Liandry's Anguish (Tank)
Galio Magic
Galio can simply taunt us out with his (W) revealing us.
EVEN Visage is a decent way to soak up damage and if he runs after-shock tank you can counter it with Void staff and Liandry's Anguish as it will
be your best bet to damage him. Team fights can be extremely dangerous since he can use his ultimate globally and fly down from the sky Spirit's Visage (AP)
Reliant on getting close, with his CC/Knock-up combo.
You can, however, blind his empowered (AA) slam.
with a massive AoE knockup. So keep your distance to not get caught out in fights. Shadowflame (Has Shield)

Gangplank is all about his barrels, get comfortable with last hitting them. Gangplank can (W) cleanse our (Q), so try not to rely on it, we
Gangplank Both He can try to hit us with barrel spam and his (R) but can
can't (Q) his (Q). Barrels are priority due to their 40% Armor Reduction that they ignore especially late game, be aware of him past level 13
on that aspect. Regardless of what some people may say to you, getting in close to pop his first or second barrel before he sets it to chain Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon You can not (Q) his (Q) or autos, as long he has his (W) Q->E
not reveal us or kill us relatively quickly. Barells are into his combo is extremely important. If you can't last hit them, you'll always have problems dealing with this match-up. The nerf to his (Q) Plated Steelcaps has he can remove the blind. Don't waste it on him, You can max your (Q) if you plan on
relatively easy to walk around, just don't click them. and Grasp makes him much more easier to deal with now since we out damage his poke. His sustain, is still annoying. unless he used his (W) before. going for a more burst build.

Garen has been one of those long time easy match-ups for Teemo, however, with all the changes to Garen, it's made him a even match-up
YES! strictly due to the fact that he is much faster and deals much more damage. If you see him activate his (Q), you should activate your own
Void Staff (Later)
Garen Physical & True Garen can deal some mean damage with his (E) but it's EVEN (W) to keep your distance. If he manages to catch you hit him with your (Q) to prevent his (Q) silence. Keeping your distance and poking
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Ideally blind him if he is about to (Q) a team mate that
Extra points in (W) if you would like
not that heavy. So long as you avoid most of the safely while out of his reach is a solid strategy. He gain's more damage based on attack speed from his (E). So don't get caught with him relies on casting. While he is channeling his (E) it's
to stay more mobile to avoid his
damage. spinning into you. You can dodge his (R) if you flash away into the fog of war or bushes last second, in some instances. pointless so wait til after it's done to (Q) him.
speed. It's your choice
Gnar is a pretty visual champion so you can take into account when to poke or avoid him. If he is yellow/red he is soon ready to transform
YES! into Mega Gnar, if he is glowing BLUE after hitting you 3 times, he gains mobility so keep your distance. You want to keep yourself away Liandry's Anguish
Gnar Physical Mini-Gnar can't touch us that much, if he (R)'s us in
Mega-Gnar it must be towards the lane, not into the
EVEN from terrain while he is Mega Gnar, otherwise he will simply jump to you, combo his ultimate and slam you into the wall, followed by a
barrage of his abilities which will further stun you. The laning phase will consist of him trying to land his boomerang which can hit you once
Plated Steelcaps
Void Staff (Later)
Your (Q) prevents his ability to gain rage to transform,
which can allow more time for you and your team to Q->E
wall. That is the only way he can reveal us. on the initial hit or on the return granting rage. He is currently a very popular top laner which recent buffs/nerfs. get away before he transforms and causes havoc.
Just like Galio, Gragas has a nasty combo which can throw you off from your escape route, however, you can also use this to your
Gragas can do a lot of damage and (R) us out of bushes
advantage simply by flashing into his ultimate to send you flying in the opposite direction (over a wall, into your tower) but play it safe into
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Gragas Magic
entirely or dash into us to try an push us out of the
EVEN his (Q) > (R) > (E) combo. Which is often set up by leaving his (Q) down for the full duration followed by his (R) as you draw near, while he
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Aside from blocking the damage from his empowered Extra points in (W) if you would like
(E)'s into his (Q) where he has planned to send you. It's very useful to build some magic resistance to help deal with such burst. You can use
(AA) with Lich Bane with your (Q). to stay more mobile to avoid his
bushes. your (Q) to prevent his empowered damage from his (W) activation. Besides this he tends to be very squishy.
abilities. It's your choice.
Graves is more of a close, ability bursting champion. You can (Q) his (AA) but you can't stop the damage. He will shoot in a different
YES! direction. But nevertheless it comes down to simply running around and kiting his abilities and side stepping his ultimate which can be a Plated Steelcaps
Graves Physical Graves can't do much to us, because his (Q) is so
pronounced and easily avoidable.
EVEN pain if you are near walls or objects. You can max (Q) for a more burst playstyle or if you would like. He becomes rather tanky once he has
obtained his Death's Dance, so Void Staff and Luden's Tempest can be necessary for the later game, due to his MR and damage reduction
Void Staff (Death's Dance)
Luden's Tempest
You can blind Graves, but he will simply spin around
an still hit things, but remember that he is also ability E->Q
over time. Despite this he is normally pretty easy to deal with in a 1v1 if he isn't fed and you aren't behind. reliant with his (Q), (W) and (R).
Gwen is an AP tank shredder. She has a dash on her (E) that acts like a Lich Bane proc on her next basic auto attack, so countering it with SOMETIMES!
NO! (Q) is very resoureful, as she is dashing blind her. The most annoying thing about her skillset is her (W). It's like Xin and his (R) but she gets
Prevent her from getting her stacks up with (Q) as it
Gwen Magic Gwen has an obserdly long reach with her (R) spam and
if she is fully stacked on minions with her AA her (Q) will
EVEN it every 22-14 seconds as early as level 2. This prevents her from being targetted by anyone outside of the arena. If you wish to kill her, you
will have to either force her out or stand in the radius with her. She can move it with her once. So put the pressure on. She is mobile, but
Magic Resistence will render her (Q) weaker, if she has 4 stacks of her
passive she can do multiple (Q) snips. Bait out her (W)
gain an extra snip. (4) VS (1) snip. mostly squishy outside of her invulnerability. Poke her hard especially when her (W) is down, staying inside can be difficult.
with (E) or she will invuln it, that's it really.
Hecarim is simply going to run you down. You can't out-run him or (Q) him. If laning against him, do not shove or extend too far into his
NO! tower. You're not going to be able to avoid ganks from his allies, nor hide from him in bushes as he will spam his (Q). You won't be doing Plated Steelcaps
Hecarim Physical Hecarim will simply spam his cleave and kill us in no
MAJOR significant amount of damage to him because of his CC fear and knock-back which blocks your escape once he gets on your side of the lane.
However, you can flash this to cause him to send you flying in the opposite direction preferably under or towards your tower, which for a
Everfrost (Lockdown)
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
He is strictly going to be spamming his (Q) as he runs
you down. You can't do anything to his cleave spam E->W
one time use can save your life. If you're not over extended in the lane which you shouldn't be doing. nor can you match his speed. Focus someone else.
You can (Q) his turrets and kill them with 2 (AA), so your objective is to focus on this and avoid using abilities, if you prefer to not max (Q).
YES! However, if you do max (Q) you can kill his turrets in one (Q) so long as you have the AP early game, which allows allowing you to press
Mercury's Treads
Heimer Magic While he can't reveal us, if you're not avoiding his ability
spam. He can kill you in no time.
EVEN your advantage of shoving him back and not setting up a perma shove into your tower. Keep on your toes scout! You need to be vigilant
and keep avoiding all of his skill shots. Once his towers are down for a tiny second you can get in and poke him a little or continue to simply Spirit's Visage
You can (Q) to blind his turrets including his
empowered H-28Q Apex Turret. His turrets are (AA) E->Q
take his turrets down until he's out of mana. Spread turrets are easy, if he stacks them you're screwed unfortunately. based abilities. (Q) his Apex Turret if you can.
Illaoi has to be played through her passive. Keep taking the tentacles out as they grant you (5g) and prevent her from landing chain abilities,
NO! like when she uses her ultimate and hits a target nearby. That being said her ult needs to HIT a champion to activate. It's flashable and Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Illaoi Physical Illaoi can reveal you if she catches you with her (E)
pulling out your spirit. She also has a lot of abilities and
MINOR avoidable if you used Zhonya's. However, she is a very simple champion to deal with I would suggest learning to bait out her (E) and side
step her tentacles (E) combo and her (Q). If you allow her tentacles to remain and they hit you, she will gain sustain for every tentacle that
Void Staff
Shadowflame (Has Steraks)
She will simply press (R) and use abilities while the
duration is up. Only exception would be early game if E->Q
combos to do a lot of damage to you in passive. strikes a champion. That being said, Oblivion Orb is a very good item to prevent her sustain. she attempts to try to (W) you, you can (Q) it's effect.
Maxing (Q) is your best bet, however, late game this becomes less effective simply due to her gap close chase and lock downs which tends
to be impossible to avoid. Try your best to close out the game before late game arrives. She is a monster later in the game. Early game it's PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
YES! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Irelia Both
Irelia can't touch you outside of her (E) stun and (R).
MAJOR all about avoiding her stun and staying away from low HP minions so she can not dash through them to you with a stun. Your first item is
mandatory to purchase Oblivion Orb, otherwise she will simply heal back to full on a full wave rotation. If you get hit by her (R) don't touch Shadowflame (Has Steraks)
Same thing as Kayle. She pretty much is dominated by
(Q) max early in the game. You lose hard to her late Q->E
the blades. Flash / sidestep her ultimate. If you get stunned she will win every trade so it's pretty much dodge or die. game. Be careful of her BOTRK power spike.
Avoid his snare or it will allow him/allies to dash closer into AA range making it easier for a Melee/Range champion to get in when they
otherwise would have been incapable of doing so, due to your mobility. He becomes rather tanky late game. He isn't really seen that much Mercury Treads NEVER!
Ivern Magic
Ivern has nothing he can use to really damage or reveal.
MINOR these days since, there are just better champions to play in his place, but his synergy with Rengar is absolutely terrifying. Running from
daisy is a good choice due to her constant knock-ups if you simply fight with her around you. Watch out for Ivern invades by placing vision
Void Staff
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
It depends if he is going damage or support/tank. Full
on-hit ivern is ok to blind. But other than that it's a no.
around your jungle and rivers as well as placing shrooms.

We have to be careful about her shield/heal/slow and tornado harass. Yasuo/Janna duo is a nightmare to deal with. It really just comes
down to how well she is placing tornados and healing/shielding your damage. Avoid staying in bushes while tornados are placed, as it just NEVER!
NO! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Janna Magic
Janna can reveal us with her Tornado spam if hit by it.
EXTREME allows you to force her to waste mana. Once the tornado is down, you can play a bit more aggressive when she backs off a safe distance
behind her ADC. She will shield her ally pretty frequently so you need to be a tad bit more aggressive if you wish to deal damage. The most Shadowflame (Has Shield)
You can not blind any of her abilities. Focus another
champion that relies on auto attacks, especially the Q->E
annoying thing is her point and click slow, you'll always trade for it when you try to poke her or her ally. ones that Janna gives her shield too.
He can not reveal you with his (E)-(Q) combo you simply get knocked up and take damage. His perk is he ganks hard and often, so try and
YES & NO save your flashes for his (R) which is unavoidable besides with deep vision before the gank happens. He tends to be relatively squishy
Void Staff
Jarvan IV Physical Jarvan can not reveal you unless he does a E-Q-W combo
directy on top of you, even if he lands his knock-up
MAJOR despite this. You're going to be better off maxing your (Q) to mitigate as much damage as possible if you so happen to get caught out in his
ult without flash. If you are laning against him be sure to only poke him once he has used his (Q) because it has such a long range and is Shadowflame (Has Shield)
He mostly consists of spamming his abilities and
locking you down with a lot of burst damage.
without the (W) it will not reveal us. pretty much unavoidable. If you do have problem with him a bit of AR can help you out in the long run.

If the Jax you are fighting is going (E) into (Q) into (W) you simply hold your blind for when he initially lands on top of you. This will prevent
YES! empowered damage once you are stunned. However, if he is using (W) into (Q) into (E) you will most likely have a very bad time since you Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Jax Both Can do absolutely nothing to you, allowing you to run
when he blows his (E) stun trying to kill you.
EVEN can not blind that initial combo so (Q) him after he is on top of you and he uses his (E). Don't attack him while he is in his (E). Try and close
out the game before it gets to late game as this is where he becomes a nightmare to deal with, you can build Plated steelcaps but overall he
Plated steelcaps
Some MR
Can be difficult if you are the one being focused. But
generally you should always focus him late game. Q->E
does a mixture of AD/AP so It won't fully help you out to stack AR only. Focus him late with (Q). Be careful of his BOTRK powerspike.
Jayce has been one of the hardest counters, for quite a long time. He has range, gap close, CC, mobility and better wave control and better
YES! burst. Avoid getting into an extended fight with Jayce, keep your distance and use minions to body block his (E) > (Q) range combo. Never
Plated Steelcaps
Jayce Physical Jayce can try to land his (Q) cannon and his hammer (W)
aoe, but can't reveal you.
MAJOR let him get behind you, he will CC into lane cutting off your only route for escape. Maxing your (Q) can help with poking him from a distance
as you want to not get too close. Also be aware that good Jayce players will (Q) > (E) in fast succession making it really hard to dodge his Void Staff
Aside from his (300% Attack Speed bonus) from his
(W) for his (AA) it's not worth focusing in teamfights. Q->E
combo. He tends to fall off in comparison to our burst unless he purchases Maw of Malmortious.

Grenades can bounce to you in stealth if they bounce near you, either from minions or allies, giving away your position. (E) and (W) snare
YES! combo makes it hard to not get caught while using bushes to harass Jhin. You should use your (Q) while he is just about to fire his 3rd (AA) Plated Steelcaps PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Jhin Physical Jhin can't do anything besides root you with his (W) or
damage you with his (R) which would prevent him from
EVEN to prevent the 4th (AA) and getting in some poke as he reloads. Watch out for the snare/traps they don't deal damage to you initially, they
can easily be avoided by walking out, unless he roots you. He is a very mobile champion once he gets to late game, but really you just need
Everfrost (Lockdown)
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
You can prevent him from landing his 4th shot. Which
deals a hell of a lot of damage into the late game.
chasing you as you try to avoid shots. to learn to side step or body block his (W) with minions or mobility.

Besides her (E) and (W) she is relatively straightforward to deal with. Don't get snared by her (E) and avoid getting hit by her (W) slow. SOMETIMES!
YES! Minions can body block this ability, however, be careful of her global (R) rocket especially around objectives, be sure to keep an eye on
Plated Steelcaps You can’t blind her (Q) Rocket splash damage, the
Jinx Physical Jinx can try to land her chompers or (W) but can't reveal
us while in our passive.
MINOR your health and make sure to watch for her if in vision while backing. Ping your allies danger once she hits level 6. You need to be their eyes
for when they are about to get ulted from across the map. If they have low HP and you see her backing off or ulting, let them know. A big Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon primary target yes. You can blind her when she is in
her Pow-Pow weapon cycle fully.
problem is when she gets kills, gaining bonus movement speed consecutively making her a formidable opponent kill after kill.

Her (W) can, and will reveal you, but it can be body blocked by minions. Never be alone with her or her (Q) will shred you. Her late game SOMETIMES!
shield is annoying with her (R) engage when it comes to late game. You're not going to really get the most out of your (Q) until she has
Plated Steelcaps
NO! Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage You can sometimes prioritize her but overall if you are
Kaisa Both
Kaisa can easily reveal you if she lands her (W) on you.
EXTREME utilized her (Q) which is held until her full passive stacks. So she isn't a good champion to prioritize (Q) but she can be bursted pretty hard
once you do max it out. Just again, make sure you're near allies or minions to take less damage, from her (Q) burst, since it will spread out Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon singled out by her (Q) it will shred you. Same with her
(W) seeker especially if she goes the AP build.
and not focus all into you shredding you like paper. Shadowflame (Has Shield)

Kayn will constantly gank from over terrain. Placing a ward over the blues wall by the blast-cone will keep you safe from this type of gank. NEVER!
NO! Placing a ward in the tri-bush will also prevent a blind gank from this side. You can tell when he is ganking through terrain by the black AoE Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon Kayn consists mostly of getting in with his abilities,
Kayn Physical Kayn can't reveal but he can spam his abilities. You can
try to wait for his abilities to be on CDR before trying to
EXTREME moving around the outer perimeter where he is heading. Blue form is easier to burst & Red form is all about CC and tankiness. You can side
step and avoid most of his skill-shots, the second he hits you or smites you, he can ult into you. If you stasis his ult, he won't be able to heal
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
Void Staff (RED Kayn)
and then slipping inside ally champions, very rarely
will he just AA. So focus on someone else who is a
make a run for it. But often times you can't outrun him. from damage, so hold zhonya til the ult is almost over like Zed. You can enter passive during his (R) duration.
Kalista is more about (AA)ing, while passively kiting. You can blind her (AA), but she can keep up with you, while also preventing your PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
stealth either through her (Q)/(R) CC, while she finishes you off by rending her spears. Keep your distance from her, and try to avoid her (Q)
YES! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon Your (Q) prevents her (E) passive which would allow
Kalista Physical
Kalista can do nothing to us, besides landing a (Q).
EVEN spears. Place some shrooms down in the lane an bushes to hinder her kiting potential, as it makes it easier to run away. She is, however,
extremely squishy, so long as you don't get into a position where she is kiting you into oblivion, or is simply split pushing or alone nowhere Plated Steelcaps her to stack spears. Which she can afterwards activate
(E) to do a ton of damage.
near her tethered ally which grants her a lot of bonuses. She needs a support to do well, so if she's top, it's pretty easy.

She is a pain due to her mobility/shields/root, which only becomes more annoying as the game goes on longer. She can either go full AP or
Karma can simply spam her AoE and slowly kill you, if
Tank, the second one being annoying as hell. It's very hard to chase her or trade efficiently, you can utilize your minions as a way to prevent
Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Karma Magic
you try to run she can root you and keep up with little
MAJOR damage from her (Q) or (R) > (Q) combo, but don't be overextended. If you end up shoving your lane under her tower, you will simply be
Spirit's Visage Karma is simply an ability spamming champion. You can put some extra points in (W)
ran down. She can easily clear the entire wave and run after you or get a gank and lock you down with her mobility and root. Try your best
Shadowflame (Has Shield) if you would like to stay more mobile
effort. to match your waves through wave control so you're by your tower for allies to gank and stack some MR.
to avoid his abilities. It's your choice.
This matchup can go either way, if he gets fed you're going to have problems. Never stay in lane/jungle with low HP once he is level 6,
Karthus has too much AoE and (Q) spam, we die easily.
because you will simply be Dark Harvest fodder for him to scale late game. He is, however, extraordinarily squishy to burst. Stay away from
Karthus Magic
Unless you are able to drain his mana by avoiding his
EVEN his corpse when he is dead as he can still cast spells while respawning. It's good to build an early pair of Boots of Speed, if you are having Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Ability spamming champion. You can put some extra points in (W)
trouble avoiding his (Q) which requires more of a baiting and juking playstyle, while kiting him around. Remember once again, he may deal
if you would like to stay more mobile
(Q). a shit ton of damage but he is a very glass cannon champion so long as you can avoid his damage entirely by side stepping.
to avoid his abilities. It's your choice.
You can't really do anything about Kassadin's (R) gap close, nor his abilities. Besides bursting him or gaining assistance from allies, you
cannot outrun him. The more you spam abilities the more he can use his (E). You can slightly utilize your (Q) to prevent his Lich Bane’s but NEVER!
Kassadin Magic
Kassadin will simply (R) and (E) spam us.
MAJOR overall stay with your team when he is around. You do not win 1v1's in the late game. You need the assistance of your teammates in the
late and mid game, his early game is very weak but the longer the game goes on and the more he scales, the more of a threat he becomes.
Spirit's Visage
You can't effectively blind his damage since he is
mostly going to be spamming his (R) gap close and (E) E->Q
It's pretty important to shut him out and close games as fast as you can. > (W) when it is up and can't outrun him.
Katarina is ability reliant. Never stand around her fallen daggers, I advise you to play more defensively. She can reveal you with her (R)
when in range just like Morgana. It would be wise to purchase a Zhonya's Hourglass against her, otherwise magic resist will help you out a
NO! Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult) NEVER!
Katarina Magic
Katarina can activate (R) and completely reveal us.
MAJOR great deal. Her daggers land behind you which allows for you to run to the side rather than into them. So long as you avoid the gap close of
the daggers damage, and keep your distance and poke/harass her, you should be fine as to not feed into her throughout the early game. Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage Strictly uses her abilities to gap close, and burst. Q->E
Zhonya's Hourglass is a must into late game to survive getting caught out and shredded with her ultimate.

You absolutely dominate this match-up early game, however, if you don’t take advantage of this and let her get to level 11 or 16, by letting PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
her free farm and split all game, you are likely to lose. Her win condition is getting to the point where she doesn't have to rely on stacking You absolutely cripple her, especially in the early
YES! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Kayle Magic
Kayle can't do much besides toss a (Q) to try an hit us.
MINOR her passive. Push her out and keep her out. You have to be super aggressive against her. You completely counter her early game due to her
reliance on getting passive stacks, through auto attacking. You can sidestep her (Q) which will slow you if you are hit by it. Just keep putting Plated Steelcaps
game. However, the longer the game goes the worse
she gets.
her down early with (Q) even if it means getting ganked a lot. Oblivion Orb is great for early game to keep her low HP.

Playing aggressive against him early and shoving him under his tower tends to be the better option, as he suffers from the same effect we
NO! have when pushed in. Side step his abilities and try not to get too close when you are hit, as he can stun you. If you are under your tower, NEVER!
Spirit's Visage
Kennen Magic It's very dangerous to be around a Kennen especially at
level 6, he can simply charge in (R) and finish us off with
EVEN and he decides to all in you with his (R) it would be wise to have a stopwatch in the early game, if you wanna be extra cautious. When he
uses Zhonya's Hourglass and & tries to flash away shroom his feet immediately as he enters stasis as he nor any other champion can flash Mercury's Treads
He will start a team fight by simply using is (R) and
running in with his (E) and use his (W) and (Q) for Q->E
(Q), (W) and (E) spam. out of setting it off as they changed how it interacts. burst and stuns, followed by his stasis from Zhonya's.
Never be alone with Kha'zix. You can't reliably fight against him alone due to his kit being all about isolation. He will gain bonus damage
YES! when you are alone. However, he is very squishy when he doesn't have the element of surprise on his side. Go for ambushes to catch him
Kha'Zix Physical Besides his (W) and (E) spam, he can not do anything to
reveal us.
EXTREME out before he catches you out as you should be able to win every single trade, so long as he isn't mega fed. Maxing your (Q) helps since he
is (AA) reliant outside out his initial burst and abilities. He's basically an evolving champion, so depending on which abilities he has evolved
Plated Steelcaps
While you can Blind this champion, it is often times
impossible due to never being able to react fast Q->E
you can be slowed from 60-90% if you're fighting him alone or he can hit you from an extended range with his (Q). enough due to his stealth.
You need to avoid his hook and keep moving away from him if he does hit it, which is pretty standard advice. (Q) him if you ever get pulled
in to prevent the first 3 swift (AA) from his (W) and try to get out of his reach with one of your Shrooms placed down as he dashes towards PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
NO! Plated Steelcaps
Kled Physical
Kled can reveal us if he lands his (Q) grapple.
EVEN you. You can not body block the grapple with minions, so be careful of his (Q) and (E) > (Q) cheese. If you hear him (R) you can go into
stealth. He won't be able to target you, because his ability is not a target skill but a visible range skill. Excellent if you want to assassinate Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Your (Q) prevents his (AA) damage from affecting you
or allies that get caught in his grapple pull as well it Q->E
his ADC when their entire team rushes ahead of you for you to flank. His grapple, however, can reveal you. So be mindful. denies the 3 (AA) from his (W).
Kindred can keep up with you, and hop over walls. Duels when she has her (R) can go either way. Your (Q) won't always save you once her
(R) ends if she activated her (W) which sends her wolf out to damage and finish you off. In most cases they waste this early. Stay inside her PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Kindred Physical
Kindred can do nothing while we are in stealth.
EVEN (R), it prevents you from dying. You can tell if she is going to gank soon, if you have a mark upon you. Follow her hunted jungle camps, if
you see a mark in your jungle assist your jungler and team by warding it, or place some shrooms around it, don't give her free stacks as it
Plated Steelcaps
Your (Q) works decently against her, but she can
sometimes get you killed at the end of her (R) because Q->E
grants her extra damage and range on her abilities and basic attacks. of her wolf and abilities in general.
Kog'maw's (R) can reveal you, his (E) will slow you and in general paired with the right support such as a Lulu can absolutely shred you, so
be careful. Once he dies, he will still be able to chase you and explode on top of you, dealing true damage which can finish you off, in most PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Kog'Maw Both
Kog'Maw reveals us if he can land his (R) onto us.
EVEN cases it will not. The damage can be avoided by running away with your (W) active. So keep your distance. You don't often see full AP
Kog'Maw ever anymore, but watch his item builds, and adapt your builds to match him, into the late game it's extremely important to
Mercury's Treads You cripple his ability to get extra range, attack speed
and shred, so prioritize him if he goes as an ADC.
focus him with your (Q) because once his (W) is activated, he's granted a ton of range and bonus magic damage on-hit.

Laning against Leblanc can be tough, as she is able to gap close into you and immediately return to her previous location. This, however, is
where you would run towards her previous location if you were capable of doing so, as long as you are not almost dead to place your (R) on NEVER!
NO! Mercury's Treads
LeBlanc Magic
LeBlanc can reveal us if she lands her (E).
MAJOR top of it. Which at this point gives her one of two options, return and become slowed or stay and fight/escape elsewhere. This can be
absolutely crippling for her, if you are able to catch her mark out in a flank or a team fight. Especially if your team mates chase her through Spirit's Visage
No real use blinding her, she is more of a gap close
burst champion that will jump into you with abilities Q->E
the jungle. Despite this she hurts a lot when she gets her full combo off, especially if she roots you. and return to her location afterward.
While in a bush and stealthed, Lee Sin's (Q) doesn't actually break your stealth. The second he reactivates (Q) you immediately go back into
stealth even if they are hitting you, only being forced out of stealth if he (R)'s you at close range during this period. It's hard to keep NEVER!
NO! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Lee Sin Physical
Lee Sin can reveal us briefly with his (Q) and then (R) us.
MAJOR distance, but his (Q) can be body blocked by minions. Flash his Flash (R) insecc in order to prevent being kicked into his allies, and rather
kicked into the opposite direction, preferably into your tower/allies where you can try to turn the fight into your favor. That's really the Shadowflame (Grants Shields)
He will mostly consist of (Q)+(Q) for gap close burst
damage, into an insecc and kick you back into his team Q->E
only real issue, his gap close CC and burst while you're incapacitated. He is a powerful early game champion, who falls off late. mates.
You can simply (Q) Leona once she is attached to an ally or yourself, or even if you run into her by chance in bushes or around a corner.
Your (Q) prevents her from activating her empowered stun. Don't place wards on her while she is in a bush, as she can auto > (Q) > auto, Liandry's Anguish
Leona Physical
Leona can do nothing but spam her CC abilities.
MINOR allowing her to strike 3 times, quickly taking out any wards placed on top or near her. She is a tanky peel for her teammates, you should
never focus her outside of saving yourself or an ally from the initial engage and empowered stun, but that does nothing for the rest of her
Void Staff
Shadowflame (Has Guardian)
You can save your ADC or yourself from being
stunned. Very helpful for stopping someone that got Q->E
stunning lock down abilities. Leona's are drawn to wards like a moth to a lamp. Easier to engage after her stun is used to clear it. caught out, allowing them to escape!
Lillia can be an annoying champion to deal with. If you get hit by her (Q) AoE she gains a ton of bonus movement speed making it near
NO! impossible to actually trade with her since she can hit you for % HP on every (Q) on a 4 second cooldown. The edge of her (Q) is true
Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Lillia Magic & True The amount of AoE damage and potential ability to
reveal you if she lands her (E) make it pointless to use.
MAJOR damage. Besides her movement speed and damage her (W) deals less damage if you avoid the center and 200% in the center. It's pretty
pronounced. Side step and do not stand behind minions when her (E) is cast, this is how she can start an engage on you from a distance Spirit's Visage Lilia is an ability spamming champion. E->Q
with her (R). Despite everything she is extraordinarily squishy and easy to burst especially with a Luden's Tempest & Lich Bane build.

With Lissandra you really want to position yourself away from her angle behind your minions, as if you stand too close she will simply deal
damage through splash damage through them. She has a gap close with her (E) along with a root from her (W), so try not to overextend Mercury's Treads
Lissandra Magic
Lissandra can very slowly kill us, but can't reveal us.
EVEN against her, because she can simply gap close and trap you in her (R). Speaking about her (R) try not to get into a position where she is
under her tower and you are about to burst her to death, she can simply (R) herself, heal and become untargetable or (R) you to stun you
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage Oblivion
She is an ability spamming champion. Q->E
under tower allowing her to turn the fight into her favor. You can toss her a shroom for when the duration is over.

He is quite difficult to actually (Q) reliably due to his kit allowing him to hit you (3) times very swiftly with his PTA passive which deals more
damage than you really want to take from him. Utilize bushes and passive to your advantage to get your (Q) out before he can react. His (R) Plated Steelcaps
Lucian Physical
Lucian can blast us with his (R) dealing a ton of damage.
MAJOR can be avoided by minions or running to the sides as it is a straight line and can also be cancelled prematurely to allow him to rotate back
through his gap close and burst of auto attacks. So essentially he has a lot of range and abilities that let him trade very quickly before our
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Shadowflame (Has Shieldbow)
It tends to be rather difficult to actually blind him,
since his Kit allows him to freely stack (3) (AA) before Q
(Q) reaches him without getting the jump on him. He will win all short trades. Plated Steelcaps can help big time. (Q) takes effect and it’s worse.
Besides being a fellow Yordle, she is quite annoying in her mobility, slows and poke with her (Q). Along with being able to increase allies,
mobility, attack speed and damage through her (W) and (E) along with (R) granting large HP and AoE CC. She is, however, one of the most NEVER!
YES! Mercury's Treads
Lulu Magic
Lulu can't do anything to us in stealth.
EVEN squishy champions to face despite her slows and poke range. So dealing with her personally, isn't really that much of a big deal, it's when
she is supporting a good ranged champion that she becomes a huge problem like Kog'Maw, by granting them additional damage and Shadowflame (Grants Shield)
Ability spamming champion. But you can blind her
allies that are being affected by her Pixie to prevent Q->E
protecting them with her (R) while also disabling you/allies with her (W) polymorph. the extra damage applying to their autos.
Lux is a very heavy bursting late game mage with a very low cooldown of her (R). The real solution to dealing with her is to avoid her (Q)
root. It passes through only (1) minion/monster/champion before stopping on the second target and rooting them both. So if you only have Mercury's Treads
Lux Magic
Lux has a ton of AoE abilities and burst damage.
MINOR one minion between you and her, you're going to want to not position yourself behind it, only if there are two. Her (E) is very pronounced
so you'll want to guess where it is being sent and avoid it’s location as it is usually being projected behind you and not ontop or in front of
Spirit's Visage
Shadowflame (Grants Shield)
Ability spamming champion. Q->E
you. Luden's Tempest burst with her is pretty rough right now so some MR is gonna be very useful.

Depending on what build the Malphite is going (Comet AP) you would want to be utilizing bushes to avoid poke, and only poking when you Shadowflame (Has Shield)
see him use his (Q) to CS as this will slow you, sending the comet down and there is no way to react to this without (W) active and Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Malphite Magic
Malphite can't do much outside of (R) and (E) spam.
EVEN Mercury's Treads. Don't overextend past level 6 nor have your lane shoved in. This is just asking for you to be ganked and locked down by
his knock-up burst from his (R), so it's much better to try to keep the lanes even or pushed up towards your tower. Hold onto your flash to
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
Void Staff (Tank)
(Q) is good for poking, but definitely not for blinding.
His objective will consist of (Q)ing you and (R)ing you.
avoid his (R) at the last second which takes practice, stasis is an alternative if you prefer the easier solution.
Liandry's Anguish (Tank)
The second he spawns his voidlings, kill them as they grant extra gold and line him up for tremendous damage through utilizing his (E) and
his (R) CC, however, raising your Magic Resistance levels a little will prevent a sure death. Stay away from your purple glowing minions or it NEVER!
YES! Mercury's Treads
Malzahar Magic
Malzahar can slowly kill us, but can not reveal.
EVEN will bounce to you, making you the prioritized target for his voidlings, it only takes one auto to kill them. You should not use your (Q) to
poke him, while his passive shield is up, attack him with your (E) to take it down before attempting to use (R) aswell. It's okay to take QSS Quicksilver Sash (R focused)
He is an ability spamming champion, there is no real
use in utilizing (Q) on him.
to deal with being his priority target for utilizing (R) which will break you out of the CC entirely.

Maokai can be a real pain to deal with, just keep your distance and do not allow him to get too close, as he will constantly knock you back,
YES! gap close, sustain and deal a ton of passive damage through his tanky item build. Void Staff will benefit you greatly in this match-up
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Maokai Magic Maokai can spam his (Q) but that's about it. So unless
you are right on the edge and he knocks you back
EVEN especially into the late game. You're better off keeping your distance and poking passively with your (Q). You can stop him from sustaining
early game with Oblivion Orb and help you get more kill pressure upon him throughout it. Overall it's a pretty hard CC match-up where you Void Staff (Later)
Aside from his passive sustain, he's mostly going
to be a shield for his allies, and soak all the damage.
outside of the bushes rim you're fine. don't want to be extended into him all game, due to gank pressure and his lockdown.

If you find yourself caught out by a Master Yi alone, with nobody else around and you have no ability to actually fight him and win, you can
simply wait for him to land his (Q) in which he will become immune to being targeted. (Q) him after he exits Alpha to prevent him dealing PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Master Yi Physical & True YES!
Master Yi can do absolutely nothing to you in stealth.
MINOR damage safely entering stealth! Meanwhile, he will be so filled with utter rage, that he will simply stand ontop of you for minutes without a Plated Steelcaps
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Master Yi is 100% (AA) based an we can cripple him if
he doesn't have (QSS) to remove the blind effect, so Q
single kill to his name. Don't always rely on this strategy. Master Yi really isn't much of a threat to Teemo, so long as you are maxing your
(Q) and he isn't purchasing QSS. While he is sustaining, auto attack until it's over before bursting him. focus on him!
Avoid being behind minions/allies, since her (Q) will seek you out even if you are in stealth just like other certain champs and their bounces
(Ex: Jhin). It will deal a tremendous amount of damage especially with Dark Harvest, so position well. She can flush you out of bushes with Plated Steelcaps
Miss Fortune Physical
Miss Fortune like Lucian can blast us out with (R).
EVEN her (R) easily. You can not blind her (Q) since it is an ability and not an empowered AA. She is also a pretty quick champion due to her
added mobility. Her mobility acts like our own (W), if she takes damage she loses her movement speed, if she doesn't take damage for 5
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Shadowflame (Has Shieldbow)
She mostly relies on her (Q) bounce, to deal damage.
We can't blind this ability. Use your (Q) blind when Q->E
she gets 25 MS and if another 5 seconds after she gets from 50 up to 90 MS based on (W) rank. she activates her (W) as it gives her an AS boost.
Mordekaiser can be quite a pain to deal with in most cases. However, he isn't that bad to fight in lane against. The objective is to avoid
YES! getting hit! I know that this is probably wishful thinking, but you have to understand... This champion is a "catch" lock down & run down
Quicksilver Sash (Ult)
Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Mordekaiser Magic Mordekaiser may have caught you out with (E) and (R)
but you may be next to a bush, this allows you to go into
EVEN type of champion. Keep on your toes and dodge all his skill shots and you should be fine as he won't be able to activate his passive. If
Mordekaiser uses (R) on you, you have 3 options. Buy QSS, fight him (most likely lose) or take advantage of your passive in a nearby bush, Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon Uses abilities more than anything else. E->W
passive for the full duration of his death realm. while waiting for his ultimate to end. Teemo loses once he is caught by Mordekaiser's pull ability. You always want to sidestep. Shadowflame (Has Shield)

Morgana is a real nuisance! Blinding an enemy champion is impossible if she (E)'s them, which negates the effect of the blind. Along with
Morgana Magic
Morgana's (R) will flash when she is near you. Revealing MAJOR
this, she can simply lock you down for a very long time if you allow her to land her (Q) which is comboed into her (R). This ability can be
body blocked by minions. Try not to play too aggressive with her. You can not hide from her. Her (R) becomes highlighted when near you
Mercury's Treads
Quicksilver Sash
She can simply spell shield the blind. E
alerting her to your presence. Revealing you the second she decides to activate it. So don't go for any of those stealth plays while she is She uses abilities and doesn't (AA) Pointless to max your Q if all you do
us, even if she had no clue you were there beforehand. Shadowflame (Has Shield)
nearby unless you know she isn't too bright as it is going to end poorly for you if they do begin to channel it. You should never use (Q) while she is around really. is let her spell-shield it.

She has so much sustain and damage, along with CC with her (Q). It can be tricky to deal with, especially when she is with a long range ADC.
You will want to definitely acquire an Oblivion Orb as soon as possible, as the sustain will be a big problem late game. You can't reliably NEVER!
Nami Magic
Nami can't do much outside of knocking you up.
EXTREME poke her until her (W) has been used as it will simply bounce between allies and enemies. Healing herself and dealing damage in return.
Which really sucks. Despite this, she is actually very squishy. You don't not want to get trapped in her (Q) which is a very pronounced
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon She will spam (W) and (Q) and rarely utilizes auto
bubble which will knock you up! Otherwise you'll lose the fight pretty quickly with her ADC's assistance.

Depends on the player but Nasus players either max (E) and deal a ton of Magic Damage with Doran’s Ring or build Spirit's Visage and focus Liandry's Anguish or Riftmaker
entirely on trying to max out as many stacks as they possibly can with (Q), while maxing (W) which slows you for 95% (over a duration). This Boots of Swiftness
Nasus Both
Nasus just like Yi can't do anything while in stealth.
MAJOR is why Phase Rush is so good coupled with the boots of swiftness, as we acquire 75% Resist to slow + UNIQUE 25% Resist to 81% of his 95%
slow and work much better than Mercury's Treads. You should be focusing all of your efforts on preventing him every single cannon minion
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Void Staff
We can try to delay his late game stacks, by
using (Q) when he tries to stack Cannons (+12) and Q
stack by blinding him before they die. You don't counter him outside of laning, he counters you severely late. prevent his 500+ stack damage from his (Q).
Despite looking like a Physical Damage champion, Nautilus is primarily a full magic damage champion, while also being a Tank. So keep your
Liandry's Anguish
NO! distance, utilize minions to body block his (Q) hooks and never allow him to keep himself on top of you. The amount of CC and Slows he
Mercury's Treads
Nautilus Magic Nautilus can reveal you by simply pulling you with his
EVEN applies is what hurts the most, you can run and flash a great distance before his (R) is able to reach you, so if you are close to your tower,
you can try to avoid being caught out, especially if he is using it to help his Jungler or allies with a gank. He is rather easy to deal with in Void Staff
He will mostly spam his (E) and land his (Q). We can
blind his bonus (Magic Damage) Auto Attacks.
general, as long as you play smart and keep on your toes as you can rarely get distance from him once hes on top of you. Shadowflame (Has Shield)

Neeko is an absolute nightmare to deal with even though she has been tuned down and her damage has mellowed out. She is everything
Teemo is, but better. If you get rooted you are pretty much dead, as you can't avoid being hit by her (Q) which will pulsate & splash Mercury's Treads (AP) NEVER!
Neeko Magic
Neeko can easily kill you with her ability spam.
MAJOR multiple times. She will set off your (R) with her (W) which is annoying as hell. Don't show her where you've been placing shrooms as they
do this in bushes, from lane and the corners of the walls setting them off prematurely. If they go full on-hit with PTA you're going to have a
Plated Steelcaps (On-hit)
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Used to PTA/Glacial, mostly played burst now. You
can blind her (3rd) AA, but she has longer range.
horrible time dealing with them as there isn't much you can do since their range is higher than yours.

Side stepping her spears (Q) is mandatory, otherwise enjoy being killed at long range and finished off in her shapeshifted form with her
passive and (W) > (E) > (Q) combo. Her traps (W) will reveal you if you step over them while stealthed in a bush, and are kind of difficult to SOMETIMES!
Nidalee Magic
Nidalee can reveal you if she lands a spear or trap.
EVEN see, so be careful stepping on them if you've been marked by her spear you also become revealed. She is in general a very squishy
champion, so as long as you are keeping your distance and avoiding her spears, the second she gets too close, is when you will want to
Wit's End & or Spirit's Visage
Her cat form is primarily abilities and AA.
Her human form is pretty much the same. E->Q
blind her, in cat or human form. You can blind her auto attacks and max your (Q) to deal a heavy amount of damage.

Nocturne will utilize his (R) to latch onto you from a long distance, and it's his most common playstyle to latch into anyone. However, it is
YES! absolutely very important for you to have a shroom placed behind you or in a general location so that when he does get to you, you can SOMETIMES!
Nocturne Physical Nocturne can't do anything to you, especially if you hear
him using (R) and enter passive immediately under
MAJOR kite him through them before he channels his fear into you. You should NEVER blow your (Q) immediately as he will spell shield it. Let your
shroom pop it, before you get feared, which allows you to blind him during this duration long enough to retaliate. If you know he's going to
Plated Steelcaps We can (Q) him, but only if we pop his spell shield
first, by any other means such as (R) / GunBlade.
tower. (R) you and you're alone, entering stealth with a shroom at your feet can save you the hassle and set you up to duel him.

Nunu has high mobility, sustain, CC/slow and tankiness if he buys Cinderhulk. It is very wise to obtain a Morellonomicon & Void Staff. Side
RiftMaker NEVER!
YES! step his snowball, as it suffers from sharp turns. Do everything you can to run away from his (W). While inside his (R) the damage is higher
Everfrost (Lockdown)
Nunu Magic Nanu can destroy you if he is level 6. Early game, he
can't do much besides damage you with his (Q) and (R).
EVEN the longer it is active. If possible purchase, Zhonya's Hourglass or flash away from it. Despite being a very mobile champion, if he isn't
playing Aftershock and is playing Predator, he is going to be extremely squishy and easy to deal with. If he is playing Aftershock, you're Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
You can't (Q) his minion/champion eating heal. You
can, however, blind his close range thrown snowballs E->W
going to want to avoid his initial (Q). Otherwise you'll be helpless. Shadowflame (Has Shield) but not the slow.

Olaf is a strong level 1-2 cheese champion. If he picks up his axe after throwing/hitting you, it will reduce the cooldown by 4.5 seconds. You Boots Start (PTA)
can NOT (Q) most of his auto damage or slow him in his (R). He will often run Ghost and simply run you down once you get hit by one of his NEVER!
NO! Plated Steelcaps
Olaf Physical & True
Olaf will simply spam you to death with his (Q).
MAJOR axes, if you are extended against him. He is very tanky and makes utilizing (R) and (Q) relatively useless. I would highly recommend you
play a kiting build like PTA, as it requires less from you, and deals with many of the key issues when facing him. Focus on things like Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Very ineffective against him due to his Crowd Control
cleanse. Don't waste your (Q) on him.
movement speed and the ability to kite and not rely so much on your (Q) or (R). Void Staff
Ornn is a champion that is CC heavy and also relatively tanky. He still deals a ton of damage, however, I would suggest a PTA play-style
against him, mostly due to his constant slows, he needs to be kited. You can run him down if he misses his stun. Avoid terrain and his pillar
Linadry's Anguish SOMETIMES!
YES! Boots Start (PTA)
Ornn Both
Ornn can do very little damage to us, an can't reveal.
EVEN or you'll be CC'd and clapped hard. He can miss his ultimate, but it's up to you to juke him out, by pathing a specific way and then
immediately turning the opposite way when he has sent out his (R) back towards you. If you don't dodge this, the CC is going to mess you Void Staff
Ornn is going to primarily spam his (Q) pillar to CS and
catch you. Along with his AoE, you can (Q) his E->W
up if you decide either to chase him or run away. He farms with (Q) very frequently on a low cooldown. Mercury Threads. empowered (AA) when your affected with Brittle.

Orianna can zone you back with relative ease because of her long range and her (W). It's hard to effectively trade with her, due to her range
along with her shield. Once she reaches level (6) you must be careful around her reach because of her (R) CC which will turn the fight in her Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Orianna Magic
Orianna can spam her orb and also (R) us out to reveal.
MAJOR favor, especially if she is about to get a gank by her ally. Simply keep your distance, and try your best to survive while doing your best to
make her to waste mana in the early game, as it will allow you to match her lane wise, until you are capable of purchasing some defensive
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Shadowflame (Grants Shield)
She will primarily spam you with her Orb abilities.
So useless to prioritize her.
items. You in no real sense win this lane, due to her permanent zoning so rely on allies and focusing on CSing.
Pantheon tends to be easy when you (Q) him in his (W) stun. This will counter the 3 swift CONQ (AA), avoid bursting him with abilities
when his shield is up as he will mitigate everything thrown at him until it is over and position yourself to deal the max amount of damage. PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Pantheon Physical
Pantheon can't do much besides (Q) and (E0 spam.
EVEN His (Q) goes on a 10-5 second cooldown based on how long the ability was held. Use this knowledge to know when it is safe to go in to poke
him. You can side step both the thrust/throw of his (Q), however, it will take some time to get used to it. If you are about to get ulted under
Plated Steelcaps Useful to blind his triple swift (AA) after he utilizes his
gap close shield bash stun.
his tower, it's better to run through his jungle from his side of the lane as you will not outrun him through the lane.

Poppy is a rather tanky and CC reliant champion. Minions that die to her bucklet automatically grant her a shield but champions struck
YES! cause the buckler to bounce off and land nearby, you can destroy it by stepping on it and she has to pick it up to gain the shield. Her (R) has Void Staff NEVER!
Poppy Physical Poppy can not reveal you unless she charges her (R)
completely. But this just sends you to safety, so try to
MINOR two possible outcomes, either she uses a charged (R) to remove you from battle or uses a non charged (R) to knock you up. Stay away from
terrain or her flash (E) will stun you against it allowing her to combo into her (Q) > (R). Don't stand in her (Q) after she has activated it, as it
Plated Steelcaps
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Your (Q) is not very useful against her, since she will
spam (Q) and her passive AA has a long range.
get hit by it if you ever find yourself in this position. is a two phase damage skill that will set the ground to explode shortly after it is activated.

Pyke is just like facing off against Blitzcrank or Thresh, use minions to body block his (Q) and side step his (E) gap close. If by any chance you
get stunned, you are pretty much a goner to his (Q). You can avoid his (R) if you side step in between the sides of the visual (X) mark. Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult) SOMETIMES!
Pyke Physical
Pyke can reveal you by pulling you out with his (Q).
MAJOR Otherwise is (R) resets, allowing him to land his ultimate on multiple team mates, so long as he kills someone, it will always reset and grant
his recent ally that assisted him, 300 gold. This is a massive boost to the enemy economy! You can notice when he is going for a gank when
Control Wards
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Your (Q) is effective against him while your stunned or
as he gaps close to deal damage to you.
you see sharks rotating you with an ominous sound effect playing so watch out! He's a very squishy target, however.

Qiyana is a high mobility and high damage output champion. Do not poke her near walls, because if she uses (R), it will push you into them
NO! and her AoE stun, which can also affect allies and minions the full length of that walls terrain. Never escape from her pressed up against a
Qiyana Physical Qiyana has a lot of ability spam which can kill you
MAJOR wall, make sure you're running right between them. She is a physical damage champion, and can burst you, so grab yourself some armor as
it will help you greatly. Brush element grants her invisibility & River element grants her a root and a slow effect, while Earth element grants
Plated Steelcaps
As long as you don't get caught out, you should be
able to avoid the stun and blind her (AA)'s. Q->E
bonus damage to enemies below 50% HP. Be mindful of this one as you don't want to be near walls at this time.

At level 6 expect her to roam quite often. Your best bet is to side step her (Q) as hiding behind your minions is not 100% effective to block
YES! her AoE damage. The second she gets in close enough she will use her (E) to knock you back and herself as well, so make sure to blind her PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Quinn Physical Quinn can't touch you especially if she uses her (W) to
try and reveal nearby enemy champions. This is an
MINOR as the ability lands to trade effectively with her. If she is running PTA, you'll wanna do a short trade, so back off before your blind is over,
otherwise the trade will go even. Electrocute is the best rune to take, for it's short trading burst potential which allows you to play around
Plated Steelcaps
Focus her, but there are better champions to
prioritize. So ignore her and blind another champion if Q->E
ability that will not spot us. short trades by auto > (Q) > autoing, followed by backing off before she can get her PTA stacks off if she has gone PTA. she isn't a huge threat, we can prevent her PTA.
Rammus is a pretty annoying champion to deal with, however, you can simply run in between your minions to cause him to come out of his
Liandry's Anguish NEVER!
YES! (Q) prematurely dealing 0 damage to you and slowing him down, don’t forget to try to get away from him as he will taunt you with his (E)
Everfrost (Lockdown)
Rammus Magic Rammus can't reveal us, even if he strikes us with his
MAJOR and reflect all (AA) damage with his (W), this makes attacking with on-hit builds brutal for us. Rammus is a hard counter to on-hit builds,
especially once he has purchased Thornmail. Stick to the full AP builds with (Q) max to utilize more of your power into taking him down Mercury's Treads
Rammus will prioritize using his Taunt (E) and (W)
reflect, and beat the hell out of you if you build on-hit Q->E
without killing yourself in the proccess. Being shoved in while he is on the enemies team is a sure way to get killed. Void Staff items. His damage is pretty much all abilities.
Don't get caught out by his (W) which is a gap close CC and the same with his (R). You can avoid is (W), however, not his (R) but his (W) gap
close is basically a free poke and sustain, unless you avoid his (Q) which will heal both him and his ally once he returns to them while NEVER!
NO! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Rakan Magic
Rakan can pull us out of bushes with his (R) if he hits us.
EVEN gaining a shield through Guardian. Despite all of the acrobatics he shows off, he is moderately squishy, but you shouldn't focus him all the
time, his ADC is still the prime target when it comes to fighting. If he is in a solo lane, however, it's pretty much a free lane to win, since he Shadowflame (Grants Shield)
He is more reliant on CCing you, and using
abilities more than auto-attacking.
needs allies to utilize his abilities. He's just disruption support, really. Being extended into him after level 6 is rough.

Rek'sai can actually sense you while you are moving in stealth in bushes while underground. It is wise to not move a muscle if you know for
YES! sure that she has not noticed you. Take out any tunnels you see around, and for the love of satan, don't stand near her when she
Plated Steelcaps
Rek'Sai Physical & True Rek'sai can see your movement while she is burrowed
so don't move. When she does come out with her
EVEN unburrows as you will be knocked up. Besides this, she is a really squishy champion unless she has gone aftershock. Keep your distance, as
she may (R) you. Don't start with your (Q), save it for when she is actually on top of you and after she has used her (R). You will take Void Staff (Tank)
You can blind her, however, she can just (R) and get an
untargetable effect and then freely (AA) afterwards.
knockup, reposition and don't move. increased damage the lower you are put down to from 20-30% extra damage based on HP so you will most likely not survive running.

Rell attacks very slowly, but makes up for it by stealing a portion of you and your allies MR and AR for 4 seconds, which is her basic perk.
NO! She is extremely tanky, while having the ability to gap close with a rather large shield at the cost of even more movementspeed (250). If she NEVER!
Void Staff
Rell Magic It would be unwise as Rell can reveal you with her
dismount, as it will displace you pushing you out of
MAJOR gets in between you and the ally she is tethered to, you will be stunned upon her reactivating her (E). Ultimately she is slow, and tanky with
very little actual damage when she isn't fed, so it's best to kite her around and focus on the people she is protecting. Void Staff is Shadowflame (Has Shield)
She is just running tank-interference, she doesn't do
all that much damage, and is extremely slow when E->Q
stealth and has a very large hitbox. mandatory against her for late game. You shouldn't have issues with her, so long as you stay mobile and avoid her gap dismount. dismounted.
Watch and listen for his signature glow. This is his stun! You also should never be trying to go for poke harass, while he is at 75%/max fury
NO! which is the red indicator above his head, simply back away and play it safely. The second you get too close will be when he dashes twice PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Plated Steelcaps
Renekton Physical Renekton can spam his (Q) into us, it's easy to avoid. But
he doesn't use mana so trying to wait him out is a very
EVEN shreding your armor for 4 seconds and stunning afterwards with the empowered (W). He has a lot of kill potential against you, when you
are in this position. You can, however, keep your lane shoved up to your tower where you can try and manage your waves to keep him back Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
You can effectively cancel out his stun, simply by
blinding him while he is empowered. Focus him if he Q->E
bad idea, especially with his (E) dash and (W) stun. so you can stay safe near your tower. Remember he can dash twice if he hits a target with (E). He heals with (Q). engages to fight you or your ally, preventing his stun.
Rengar can be a tough TOP laner to go up against if he does go top, he's primarily a JNG. It's quite simple really. Let him win the lane. You
NO! can not do anything to him and he is efficiently capable of zoning you out of minion CS range. Just let him push and farm under your tower.
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Rengar Both Rengar can reveal you with his (R). If he doesn't kill you
with the initial burst you will go back into stealth.
MAJOR Sidestep or use your minions to body block his bolas, or be snared/slowed and chased down. It may be demoralizing but this is what you
absolutely need to do to survive this lane, please do not try to be some hero, unless he is mentally incapable of playing the champion Plated Steelcaps
Besides his gap close and CC he is still full AA, save
your blind for when you get caught against him.
correctly by camping bushes, then you lose this HARD. His (R) will reveal you so don't play passive game once he is 6.

Start (Q) which will help you avoid her level 1 and 2 all in cheese. You have to play in a certain manner to completely negate the all in
Seeker's Armguard SOMETIMES!
YES! damage she does. You have to make sure you have your (Q) available for when she dives into you with the knockup followed by the stun.
Plated Steelcaps
Riven Physical Riven can't reveal you, unless you're standing at the
very edge of the bush. Her (Q) can then push you out.
EVEN Blind her the very second you get knocked up with a level 2 blind to counter her empowered damage and mitigate as much damage as
possible. She will either then try to run you down, or dash and back away. You can out-trade her doing this every time. PTA is the best rune Void Staff (Hexdrinker)
The very second you get caught in her (Q) knockup (W)
stun, make sure to (Q) her! This mitigates a lot of Q->E
for this match-up period, followed by Electro / Resolve as they normally go goredrinker or eclipse. Shadowflame (Has Shield) damage you would otherwise take!
Avoid Rumbles (E) spam with jukes and minion block and back off a bit when he rushes into your minions with his (Q) flamethrower. Buying
NO! some Magic Resistance will go a long way for you. You want to predict where he is going to throw down his ultimate and simply, don't run Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Rumble Magic Rumble has way too much damage with AoE. Easily
EXTREME through it as it will deal a hefty amount of damage to you. You can walk around it if he angled it to not completely block you off, or you can
flash it if you wish to avoid it completely. If he is overheated you can play more aggressively as his abilities will be down for a short
Spirit's Visage
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
He has bonus AA damage while overheated.
You can blind this but, still not that effective
duration, but he also gains increased basic attack damage, so make sure you don't let him on top of you.

Ryze will mostly always run Phase Rush into you. You do NOT win this lane in any logical way. He will have full control over the waves so
long as he knows how to utilize his combos correctly. So just keep yourself back, preferably in bushes or to the side of your minions that are NEVER!
Ryze Magic
Ryze can really only do one thing and that's spam (Q).
EXTREME not being comboed unless he is not playing well or lining up the correct AoE spread combo. I suggest to take resolve as your secondary
runes with Bone Plating and Overgrowth, and max rank your (Q) for poking only. It's often a better option to dodge this match-up entirely
Mercury's Treads.
He is an ability spamming champion. No reason to
blind him as he is not AA reliant, and you would at Q->E
instead of having to go into the hard-counter, but this is personal preference. It's a farming and survival lane mostly. most (Q) him while on lane for damage.
Samira isn't really much of a pain to deal with to be honest. She is a mixture of multiple champions. Yasuo wind wall and Akali gap close
NO! specifically, she can prevent projectiles about to hit her and dash a good distance. If she is fully styled (S) or close to getting (S) back off and
Plated Steelcaps
Samira Both Samira has abilities in which she can use to damage and
slowly kill you. TBD: If she can ult you if fully styled.
MAJOR let it reset, sort of like how we reset Fiora. You'll definately want to hold off using (Q) as she will simply negate it, like Yasuo's wind wall so
bait it out with a few auto attacks instead. Despite this, shes very squishy while also having a rather large amount of sustain later in the Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
While she is primarily an ADC a lot of her skills are
skills that are not empowered auto attacks. While Q->E
game, especially when fully styled, Oblivion Orb is going to be your best friend in this regard. She can use both melee and range. switching both from melee and range.
Just like any other tank champion, Sejuani is also mostly a full AP tank (with just tank items) so keep this in mind. You will want to kite her
Liandry's Anguish SOMETIMES!
YES! around and place deep wards to know where she is coming from as you can easily avoid her (R) stun which is what catches you out simply
Mercury's Treads
Sejuani Both Sejuani can't do much to us besides knocking us out of
the bush if we stand close to the edge and she (Q)'s us.
MAJOR by side stepping. You can blind her to stop her from appling any more stacks to her target when she hits them with her auto attacks. Once
fully stacked you will be further stunned. So try your best to get away or assist anyone in this situation. She tends to be really squishy if she Void Staff
If you get hit by her, in general you can (Q) her to
prevent her from stacking her stun, while trying to Q->W
does not rush any magic resistance after, aftershock is depleted. She's basically just a disruption tank unless full AP. escape. It's not really that great but it helps.
Senna can be annoying especially with Glacial. Utilize minions to block her (W) as this is a skill-shot ability and is an AoE CC so stay away
from allies who have it and vice versa if you have it. Keep your distance from low HP minions, because it will immediately go off, if it kills a Plated Steelcaps
Senna Physical
Senna can't do much to us besides (Q) and (W) spam.
EVEN minion. When she uses her (R) stand out of the dark center rectangle, or you will take damage. The outside rectangle is just for healing her
allies. Overall she is a really hard match-up to go into, due to her scaling range, slow and damage late game. Blinding her is pointless, you
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
She is mostly reliant on supporting allies and utilizing
skills, therefore you would be better off focusing Q->E
can't get in that close before the trade but she is still extremely squishy to burst down, normally just avoid the initial CC. someone else.
Seraphine is the new abomination to be introduced. She is literally nothing special as she is literally Sona 2.0 with double cast abilities. Her
NO! kit is all about dropping both Heals, Charms, Slows and Roots while being granted a ton of bonus attack range playing around her abilities
Mercury's Treads
Seraphine Magic Whilst most of her abilities can't reveal you pre-6, they
still are capable of striking you relatively easily.
MAJOR and allies. You basically want to avoid her every third basic ability, as it will echo and cast twice which is solid for her (E) combo root. Her
ultimate is a pulsating wave that charms enemy champions from a distance, so Ahri (E) combined with Sona's (R). Due to the nature of new Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
She is all about ability spam more so than anything
else, which you should actively be trying to avoid, Q->E
champions, it's normally a good idea to ban them during the first month or so of release to prevent abuse of damage. especially the third ability which will be echoed.
Sett is going to be all about CC and getting in close to chain CC you while dealing True Damage. You need to avoid the center of his (W)
otherwise you take a lot of true damage depending on how much damage you dealt to him. This will also shield him with the correct
Plated Steelcaps NEVER!
YES! Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Sett True/Physical
Sett can't reveal or kill us that quickly.
EVEN combo, however, since Sett release his (W) cooldown got higher making it harder for him to spam it. It would be wise to constantly poke
him from a safe range and avoid even remotely getting close to him. Lethal Tempo is the best rune to help with this, effectively crippling his Shadowflame (Has Shield)
He is AA reliant yes, but he is more tanky and
focused on disrupting you/allies with CC than being a Q->E
ability to chase or hold you down, with Stridebreaker especially if you have caused him to blow his flash (R) previously. Void Staff carry himself, allowing him to wait out the duration.
Despite being an annoying champion due to his invisibility and traps, you can still sniff him out. Keep your eyes on the surrounding area if
NO! you have recently attacked him with (E) or (R) as it will give away his current location. Alternatively you can simply use an Oracle Lens. If
Control Wards
Shaco Both Shaco can really screw us over if we allow him to pin us
down in the bushes if he places down multiple boxes.
EXTREME you used Ignite or Exhaust on him, the effect will not transfer to his clone this also goes double for runes like Press The Attack. So focus on
the one with the SFX that is visible it's the real Shaco! His boxes target everything in range, so if your entire team stepped on one of his Oracle Lens
Usually he will be the one who is behind you after
he uses his (R) clone. (Q) the one that goes there.
boxes, expect everyone to take damage whilst being feared, ward early because of his very quick early game clear rate.
Shen is all about dodging his taunt, It would be wise to never utilize your (Q) to poke him unless he has recently used his (E) dash and is
currently in his (W) spirit blade which prevents our (AA) damage from landing, otherwise he can simply taunt you and wait out the duration Plated Steelcaps SOMETIMES!
Shen Both
Shen can reveal us if his taunt dash lands.
EVEN with his (W). He is going to often roam and help his team out a lot and be right back in the lane shortly after with his teleport, you could
follow after him, but for the most benefit to your team, try to damage him as low as you can before he arrives, making him very weak or at
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Void Staff
He is a 100% (AA) champion, and is pretty straight
forward. (Q) him if you know you'll be taunted by (E).
least half HP for your team mates to pick him off once he arrives. He is not much of a tough laner, annoying team fighter.

Shyvana is going to deal a hell of a lot of damage. Magic resistance is very important. Avoiding her (E) while she is in her dragon form is
pretty much impossible since it passes through minions and it is a large AoE. If she is running DH and lands this ability it will hurt badly. She Mercury's Treads NEVER!
Shyvana Magic
Shyvana has terrifying damage in dragon form with AoE.
MAJOR can still build tank as well. Basically try to juke her (E). However, never be around her when her fury bar is maxed out, as the second you
get close she will simply transform, dash to you in dragon form, and blast you with her (E) spam. The range is also very long. I would suggest
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Void Staff (Tank)
Late game she will spam her (E) in Dragon form.
While also having a bunch of AoE damage.
just giving a large space if she is extremely fed and respect her while trying to catch her out with your team.

Singed is literally a freelo lane to go into as Teemo. Get your allies to sit in the entrances to your top lane Blue/Red. This is to prevent a
NO! proxy Singed. Meaning he's going to farm and prevent your minions from entering your lane, perma shoving his to your tower. You have to Void Staff
Singed Magic Singed will simply poison us to death by running
EVEN be super aggressive, but don't be so aggro that you cause your lane to shove permanently. Putting a few points into your (W) can really
help you outrun him as you never want to be on top of him, as his movement speed gets high by drifting off allies and enemies along with
Oblivion Orb / Morellonomicon
(If he has Riftmaker)
You can’t stop him from flipping you. However, try to
aim for a Banshee’s Veil late game if it's becoming a E
his (R). Never chase a singed that's how you die. The early game scouting can land you all a simple free kill. problem. He does not focus on using auto-attacks.
I would recommend playing a PTA build into Sion. Avoid his bush cheese level 1, keep yourself on the rivers side and watch as he (Q)'s a
minion wave from them. Watch your Red/Blue he may steal through his suicide passive early game before the lane begins. It's really all NEVER!
NO! Boots Start (PTA)
Sion Physical
Sion will destroy us with his abilities and (R) charge.
EVEN about kiting his (E) slow and then avoiding his (Q) charge up. Watch out for his (R) ult from base! Which you will hear from across the map.
The changes to season 11 have made tanks more easier to deal with, since Adaptive Helm was removed, but I don't currently know if Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Will mostly be spamming his (Q) but once he dies
be sure to (Q) him and laugh as he dies in vein.
BOTRK will be useful at all since most all of them will simply be stacking AR more so that MR. But if they do rush Spectre's cowl. Sure! Void Staff

Sivir will constantly spell shield your (Q). You can, however, try to bait her (E) by throwing and canceling your (E) or (Q), this will not put
your ability on cooldown, but it will normally fool a bad Sivir who isn't looking for the (Q) but the champion animation, to spell shield. It's NEVER!
Sivir Physical
Sivir can not kill us that quickly while in stealth.
EXTREME also very hard to prevent her from shoving. Because of her general ability to wave clear and shove, with her (Q) boomerang and her (W)
ricochet, it makes it very hard to deal with her or poke her, when you're stuck under your tower. Along with these things, she has a group
Plated Steelcaps Attempting to (Q) is not very effective when she is on
point with her (E) negating the skill entirely.
movement speed ultimate so outrunning them is impossible. Ideally you want to wait for the shield to be down, before you burst.

Skarners is all about his capture points around the map that he acquires which grants him a very large amount of attack speed and
movement speed while near them to get around the map faster, especially if he has predator. You'll want to try to capture some of those Mercury's Treads SOMETIMES!
Skarner Both
Skarner can't do anything really while we are in stealth.
EVEN points every now an again especially at the start of the game, which will grant you a little bit of gold and remove it from his passive for 15
seconds until he recaptures them they can give away his location if you're constantly keeping tabs on them switching. You don't wanna be
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Void Staff
If he lands his (E) he will stun you on the next (AA) you
can, however, (Q) this effect.
around him once he hits level 6 or be shoved and extended in your lanes as he has too much lockdown / a stun you can blind.

Teemo doesn’t handle sustain match-ups that well, Sona will normally go even with you, but mostly it will be into her favor. Simply try to
wait for her to use her (Q) to poke while keeping yourself hidden in bushes, as this is her main source of poking, before attempting to Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Sona Magic
Sona can't do anything while we are in stealth.
EVEN harass her. Magic Resistance helps a ton if she goes full AP and purchasing Oblivion Orb is a must. Despite being a sustain support she is
really squishy and easy to deal with, if you are capable of catching her out before she has time to stun you with her (R). Never run up to
Shadowflame (Has Guardian)
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
She is an ability spamming champion. There is no real
reason to use your (Q) on her, therefore focus on the Q->E
her, especially if she is playing a full AP burst build as you will be erased. She is extremely squishy despite being a sustainer. ADC unless you're in a solo lane.
Focus on avoiding getting hit by her (Q) poke and not granting her free sustain, other than that, this matchup can be pretty easy. However,
YES! you can not take into account the actions of your ADC, who would most likely be letting her land freebies. She is a very squishy, high Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon NEVER!
Soraka Magic Soraka can striek you with (Q) and (E) but overall can't
do anything. So try and avoid her (Q) to prevent her
MAJOR sustain champion. Focus her, but don't flash into her silence which will screw your ability to do anything, but auto attack and become
rooted if you stay in the ring for the full duration buy Oblivion Orb or you will soon be victim to her threat which is here sustain. If she can't
(You must rush this item)
Shadowflame (Has Guardian)
She is a champion that focus mostly on spamming her
(Q) for self sustain.
sustain. land her sustain, she can't heal her allies as much or herself. That's really all there is to Soraka.

Side stepping against Swains (E) is something you need to learn how to do. It's pretty visual when he is about to use the ability as he reels
YES! back his arm in a swiping motion. Keep your distance from low HP minions as he can shock you through his (Q). His (W) and (E) combo can
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon NEVER!
Swain Magic Swain can't pull you out of stealth unless he has vision
of you to begin with, with his (E) so you have to be in
MAJOR reveal you in bushes but he can't pull you out of stealth if you're hit while in passive. He has a lot of sustain with his (R) and if he kills a
target, he gets a soul fragment which can also grant him sustain and increased life. It's really all about positioning and avoiding the initial Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage He is an ability spamming champion. Q->E
stealth before it hits. (E) pull towards his burst while purchasing Oblivion Orb to remove his sustained fighting threat more so than anything else.

This matchup is dependant on the main rune Sylas chooses. Aftershock or Electrocute dictates how you should be fighting him. You need to
NO! by all means use your minions to body block his (E) dash into his (E) chain CC, especially if he is running Aftershock. If he misses this ability, Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon NEVER!
Sylas Magic Sylas has too much damage and CC along with stealing
(R) which can be used to prevent movement in the
EVEN make sure to run him down as he is squishy as hell if he misses. If he does hit you, however, there is not much you can do, because you let
him land the ability and you're going to be taking a shit ton of damage. Throw your (R) on his (R) to track where he places them or buy
Mercury's Treads
Void Staff (If tank)
Sylas utilizes his abilities and stolen ultimates and
doesn’t use many (AA) in general.
bushes. Oracle Lens to remove the mushrooms he placed, unless you have a good memory on placements.

Syndra is she is going to be sending Dark Spheres left and right, with the intent to chain her (E) range CC into her minion tossing (Q) and
NO! point and click (R) burst. Banshee can prevent her initial CC, however, it only blocks one or two balls from her (R) which makes it less Mercury's Treads
Syndra Magic & True Syndra can reveal us by hitting us with her (E)
EXTREME efficient. She out ranges you and out damages you, so building more defensively with some added damage will help you out in the early to
long run. You can use Zhonya's Hourglass to deny her (R) which should be saved for when you fall below 40% HP. Keep on your toes and try
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
She is an ability spamming champion. Q
your best to predict her CC orb stun as it's the prime source of setting her up deadly combo which you won't be able to avoid.

The changes to Tahm have made him a relatively annoying champion to deal with in the Top lane. He can easily run you down or surprise
you with his (W) from bushes or while you're near his tower to get behind you and potentially knock you up. Once you get slowed by Tahm Riftmaker SOMETIMES!
Tahm Kench Magic
Tahm Kench can not reveal us or do much damage to us.
EXTREME there really isn't any escape especially later on when he has acquired Frostfire Gauntlet. It will serve you well to play a more mobile
approach with a max E and W, and purchasing Swifties to avoid being run down. He is tanky, has a massive shield and slows / sustain. Until
Boots of Swiftness
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
You can (Q) him to prevent him to tongue auto attack
you or allies and avoid being eaten!
he gets nerfed it would be wise to target ban him. There isn't much you can do past level 6 to him alone.

Taliyah is quite an easy champion to deal with. Utilize the lightly browned circles on the ground, to fight her in. She loses most all damage
NO! output because she needs to be standing on the non-patched areas to use the standard (Q) spam. Keep kiting her around and try your best NEVER!
Taliyah Magic Taliyah has a lot of AoE spam and can reveal if she (E)'s
EVEN to avoid her knock-back especially if she does it inside her (E) which gains a massive boost in damage. You want to have vision of her when
she is activating her (R) which sounds like a bunch of boulders rolling which she can use from a distance to flank or cut you from your
Mercury's Treads She is entirely an ability spamming champion.
Focus on other champions as a priority.
allies/escape. Do your best to get on the opposite side of the wall before this happens, it can also trap her allies.

You out-range him with your (Q), however, he has better roaming potential and you can't do a thing about it. If you are not poking him
from a certain range, and avoiding his (W) which is in your (E) auto attack range, you will simply lose trades. Keep your distance, (Q) him
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult) SOMETIMES!
NO! Plated Steelcaps
Talon Physical
Talon has a lot of damage with his (W) and (R) so don't.
MAJOR and capitalize on his roaming by sieging his tower, but make sure to ping that he is missing and keep your eyes on where he has run off too,
he is after all a roaming champion focused on flanking over walls and catching people by surprise. A bit of Armor and HP will go a long way Oblivion Orb / Morellonomicon
He is primarily going to assassinate someone with
his (R) > (Q) > (W) combo and escape afterwards. We Q
in terms of keeping you alive, Zhonya's Hourglass is a big help for when he (R)'s and tries to focus you preventing his burst. (If he has Goredrinker) sadly can't (Q) what we can't see.
You can't reliably dodge his (E) especially if his allies flank you from the side. You can position yourself in between them usually by heading
into their side of the lane, but really you can't avoid it if you just let them set it up the stun in the first place, so keep your distance or utilize Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Taric Magic
Taric has nothing he can use to reveal or damage us.
MAJOR your passive. Utilize the bushes to go into stealth. Burst them before his (R) takes effect, or they will be immune and you will be in a really
bad spot where you will be run down by his invulnerable team. He is not really that much of a problem, he does, however, have a bit of
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Void Staff
He is mostly going to be supporting his team with
abilities and stunning/catching out, you and your Q->E
sustain which you can lower by purchasing Oblivion Orb, but it's not too bad to warrant it. allies. Focus someone else that is reliant on (AA).

Teemo All the things Currently in passive. Currently in passive. Currently in passive. Currently in passive. Currently in passive.

You can use minions to body block his (Q) hook, but be aware he can still jump into the minion and use his (E) to move you closer to him
and his teammates. You can bait out his (E), which sometimes will not reveal you, if you are struck by the outer side edge of the rectangle,
Riftmaker SOMETIMES!
NO! Plated Steelcaps (AD)
Thresh Physical
Thresh can reveal us if he lands (Q) and if he lands (E).
EXTREME but be aware you will be revealed if you take the full force beneath him or adjacent to the flay itself. This is a minor thing to take into
consideration if you are playing support. You don't wanna touch his (R) wall as it will slow you for 99% for 2 seconds. Avoid his (Q), poke Shadowflame (Has Shield)
If he has gone a FULL AD build, you can prioritize him,
however, most games he will just be playing the Q->E
safely and respect his pressure as a support when he moves forward in an attempt to engage you. Void Staff support role.
This match-up in general gives the advantage to Tristana by default, and she will have better wave clear than your ADC in most cases. So
this isn't good for us, since we need to be even or shoved. Teemo fails at supporting a tower freeze. Her gap close and burst damage is Plated Steelcaps
Tristana Physical
Tristana can't do muchoutside of her (E) splash and (W).
EVEN deadly. If you happen to be facing her alone, utilize the nearby bushes to poke her, but step back in so she can't retaliate as quickly. You
definitely don't wanna be the prime focus of her (E) > (R) combo, which will be a large amount of damage if you are not building defensively
Oblivion Orb / Morellonomicon
You can prevent her from stacking her (E) explosion,
and deny a ton of damage output when she activates Q->E
nor do you want to be near an ally. She can (E) towers so stay away to avoid the larger AoE area of effect. her (Q).
Trundle is pretty straight forward. You will often come out the victor considering he is a (AA) reliant champion. You can (Q) his empowered

Trundle Physical
Trundle is a little bit unique in this regard, if you get hit
(Q) and you can utilize your passive against him, so long as you don't get hit by the direct location of his (E) pillar. His damage is very high.
He tends to be pretty tanky as well, so a more tank shredding build and mitigation build is favored more over just pure burst potential. You
Linadry's Anguish
Plated Steelcaps
While you can blind him, he can simply use his (E) to E->W
by his pillar in any way shape or form that isn't a DIRECT can't reliably out-run a trundle because of his pillar and (W) movement increase he has. His (R) will drain high HP champions, also granting Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon knock you up and slow you down, therefore nullifying
perfect hit and won't be revealed. him a ton of resistances in the process. He's great at running us down. Void Staff your (Q).
Tryndamere has been a very easy match-up for a long time. It would be wise for you to start (Q) to prevent his all in level 1 and 2 (E)
YES! cheese, keep maxing out your (Q) after you have invested (2) points into your (E) for CS’ing realibly. Once he gets level 6, he will try to PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Tryndamere can do nothing outside of (E) spin spam. Plated Steelcaps
Tryndamere Physical You can then use that knowledge of his cooldown to run
EVEN tower dive a lot or he will simply try and catch you out in the lane. You never want to be extended into a Tryndamere unless the lane is one
sided and you are winning hard, because again all it takes is for him to (E) > (W) and run you down with his (R) to prevent his death along Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
He is a very high (AA) reliant champion, however,
don't utilize (Q) until he ends up being on TOP of you. Q
away. with the assistance of his jungler, which is easy enough to kill you with. You can't effectively hide in bushes for long because of (E).

You can blind his (W) cards especially once he has (R)'d ontop of you and you should aim to blind is golden card. It does take some time to
NO! get use to it, but you will often be able to (Q) and (R) him when he uses his (R) to teleport to your location globally. This ability will also
Mercury's Treads
Twisted Fate Magic Twisted Fate can aid his allies and reveal you by pressing
(R) so don't even think of playing your passive with him
EVEN prevent you from using your passive as it reveals all stealthed champions. You become visible for a short duration, but blinding his (W) will
help save you or even your allies that have been caught out or are about to be killed through his next auto. Weave in between his (Q) Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
If nothing else, you can save your allies or yourself
from being caught out by his golden card!
on the enemy team ever. spread which is pretty visible and easy to avoid since this ability is so large and has a long range spreading outward.

Being the fellow rat that he is, Twitch is easily one of the more simple ADC to go up against. However, his poison from his (W) AoE and (AA)
in general will give away your location over time (A white silhouette) while invisible. Allowing a good support like (Blitz/Thresh) to hold of
YES! Control Wards
Twitch Physical
Twitch can't do much outside of tossing his (W) for AoE.
EVEN vision on you, to hook and catch you out. Therefore it's best to keep moving around or to simply not play around in bushes, while facing
one of those match-ups. Control wards can be helpful if he is playing jungle as they will reveal him as he comes near. Place shrooms around Oblivion Orb / Morellonomicon
You can prevent his long range (R) (AA) damage and
poison stacking, especially for an ally about that is Q
your enclaves to prevent him from simply sneaking in behind them to flank you from the side lines. about to die to the last auto.
If you pay close attention to his avatar animation above his head/shoulder, you can see which stance he is currently switched to, as each
YES! have their specific uses, and he will frequently cycle between them all to maintain an extra attack speed bonus. He is a heavy (AA) reliant Plated Steelcaps PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Udyr Both Udyr is 100% auto attack reliant, allowing you to simply
wait him out in stealth, even if he catches you.
MINOR champion, that you want to focus with your (Q) and should max it as when he is in his Bear Stance, the first auto he will apply to an enemy
champion and it is an empowered stun, which we can blind to prevent ourselves or our allies from being caught out in a fight or gank,
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
You can prevent his bear stance from stunning you or
your allies, that get caught out in a team fight.
allowing us enough time to escape to a safe location like bushes or passive. Oblivion Orb is useful to prevent his sustain.

You completely counter Urgot's ability to spam his indefinite late game (W) toggle. The second you get caught out by his (Q) slow, he will
YES! follow up with a dash forward, to attempt to flip you. If you are unfortunate enough to get hit by the flip, you should then prioritize Plated Steelcaps PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
Urgot Physical Urgot can't do anything, even if he flips you. You can,
however, be flipped out of the bush entirely but that's
MINOR immediately blinding him the second you land or while you are airborne with a level 3 (Q). While you are in this position you have a very
little amount of time to react, but ultimately you just want to focus on activating your (W) and getting away as fast as possible while
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Void Staff
Your (Q) cripples his ability to stack his Black Cleaver
and Frozen Mallet (W) toggle late game.
only if you are standing at the edge and he flips you. sidestepping his (R) as you won't escape once you're trapped in his (Q)/(R) slow and / (W) channel.

If you're unfortunate to lane against him, he will mostly be prioritizing his long range (Q) poke from way back behind his minions. Try your
YES! best to avoid these pokes as they do deal a large amount of damage at full charge. If your allies get (R)'d stay away from them and vice
Plated Steelcaps
Varus Both Varus can deal a lot of damage with his (Q) and also with
his (E) if you allow him to land these abilities.
MAJOR versa if you yourself fall victim to it. It will chain react anyone nearby up to 3 targets including yourself but 1 at the time. Besides his long
range and ability to go AD (Guinsoo) or full AP, he's still a very squishy champion. He is reliant on being at range in most scenarios, so Magic Resist (AP)
While he is a champion that is mostly (AA) reliant, you
be able to easily get in range on the front line to Q->E
getting in close enough for (Q) is usually not a good idea. Try to catch him out / flank him with your passive stealth abuse. prioritize him because of his (Q) poke play-style.
Hands down Vayne is one of the easiest match-up to deal with. Her entire kit is (AA) reliant, aside from her (E) condemn. If you are
fortunate to be alone with her, with no minions nearby, you can (Q) her as she (E)'s you into a wall stun allowing you to enter stealth while PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
YES! Plated Steelcaps
Vayne Physical & True
Vayne has nothing she can use to reveal or kill us.
MINOR you wait out the duration. If she activates her (R) just go into stealth on a brush. You don't always have to use this trick, you can simply max
(Q) and destroy her in a 1v1, however, once she has acquired quicksilver sash, you want to avoid being with her in a 1v1. You'll need your Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
Your (Q) absolutely cripples her ability to duel with
you, until she ends up purchasing (QSS).
teammates assistance to deal with her at that point, you can counter QSS by getting Zhonya's Hourglass.

You have little room for error if you allow Veigar to trap you in his (E) as you can’t move around freely. Do not touch the edges of his (E)
YES! arena, otherwise you will become stunned and bursted by his abilities. Simply move inside and avoid the walls and do your best to avoid
Mercury's Treads
His kit relies entirely on the ability to stack with his
Veigar Magic Veigar can lock us down with (E) and spamming his MAJOR taking damage or if necessary flash out if you are being ganked while trapped. You won't have enough time to wait out the duration of the
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage passive so that late game his (R) one-shots you and You can put a few points int (W) to
skill to end. It's very useful to build some magic resistance to deal with his infinite AP scaling, if the game goes on for too long. He is
abilities, it's pretty easy to avoid his skills, however. try and side step some of his
relatively squishy although. It’s compensated by his burst damage oriented kit so he will be relatively easy to burst. your allies.
abilities. Optional.
If Vel’Koz is running glacial augment it can be very hard to avoid his (Q) split, and of course his knock-up. Thankfully his (Q) is blockable by

minions but his other abilities are not, so keep yourself in and around them. He melts via burst relatively easily. So long as you don't get Mercury's Treads
His kit relies entirely on the ability to stack with his
Vel'Koz Magic & True
Vel'Koz has a lot of abilities and his (R) will destroy you.
EVEN caught out by the initial circle knock-up (E) combo into his (R). Vel'Koz can be poked from range, so max your (Q) and burst him down from Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
passive so that late game his (R) one-shots you and This will help you avoid most of his
a safe distance. You never wanna flash and engage him unless his (W) circle knock-up is on cooldown. Magic resistance is going to help you Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult) abilities if you put a few points into
out a great deal if you fail to avoid skill shot's entirely. His (R0 has a very slow turning, so run around him, or to the side. your allies.
(W) early.
Vex is pretty overpowered as a Support or Mid laner, but as a Top laner she doesn't really have much impact due to her immobility. When
NO! her bar is full, you have to be aware of her flee engage (it will slow you by 60-99%) along with her level 6 (R) as you can not utilize minions Mercury's Treads
Vex Magic Vex can't really reveal us while in stealth, but once she is
level 6 and onward you'd wanna avoid trying to use it to
MAJOR to body block it. If you get struck by this ability she will be able to close the gap on you immediately. If a target is killed this skill can reset
letting her recast it to chase you or allies down. The simplest way of dealing with her is waiting for her bar to revert to 0 stacks. Once this
Bashee's Veil or Spirit Visage
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Vex will spend the majority of her time casting spells
instead of being auto attack reliant, so it would be E->Q
escape her, as she can spam her skills to kill you. happens, run her down. She has no escape outside of fearing you, so if she misses her ability punish her and force her flash. best to hold your (Q) for a sutitable target in fights.
Vi is a pain to deal with due to her ability to gap close and point and click on you with her (R) knock-up. However, you have a very small
window to get away to your tower, or to your fellow team mates to get assistance. Save your blind for when she finishes her (R), which can Plated Steelcaps
Vi Physical
Vi can charge her (Q) and knock you out of stealth.
MAJOR save you under your tower. But play it a bit more passively, because she does have the kill potential on you. You don't wanna be behind
your minions while she is on the opposite side, she can use her (E) which is an AoE splash which spreads out in a frontal cone to deal
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Void Staff
She can simply punch a minion and deal splash
damage behind it. She's also primarily a champion Q->E
damage or even to finish you off from a long distance. Vi's tend to play tanky an can punch you out of stealth if hit. that focus in single target CC.
Viego is like facing Pantheon's (Q) as all Viego can really do is (Q) spam to reach you from range. Try to fight in the open away from walls /
Oblivion Orb / Morellonomicon PRIORITIZE THIS CHAMPION!
YES! terrain, fighting in the jungle isn’t a good idea vs Viego because of his E and his Ultimate. His E will allow him to gain camouflage and be
Plated Steelcaps
Viego Both He has pretty low CD on his abilities, which are
avoidable, but they can not reveal us.
MINOR able to hop in and out of vision which offers him a lot of extra kill protection and survivability. Max your Blinding Dart due to his auto
attack reliant nature as well. Viego’s Passive allows him to possess a dead body and take their basic abilities (Q-W-E) and items (among Control Wards
He is an auto attack reliant champion that deals the
most damage through Blade of the ruined king and his Q->E
other things). When he does this, he becomes invulnerable and can dodge incoming damage but you can drop a shroom at his feet. Oracles (Q) passive. Especially if he steals an ADC.
Viktor is a really difficult lane to trade with as his range and hit box is relatively large and hard to avoid, since he can control which direction
NO! his (E) comes from. Avoid standing inside his (W) as it will slow and stun you afterward if you remain inside it, allowing him to activate his Mercury's Treads
Viktor Magic Viktor has a lot of damage and AoE skills, making it very
easy for him to kill us quickly.
MAJOR (R). When his (R) is activated do not try to fight with him, simply run away as it will slowly catch up to you, and is pretty easy to avoid
simply by pressing your (W) and getting some distance. Magic resistance is going to help you out if you can't manage to avoid the damage,
Spirits Visage
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
He is an ability spamming champion. He rarely goes
forward for an (AA) unless he uses his (Q), since he Q->E
as you can safely get in a bit closer to throw out a (Q) to trade with him, however, avoiding the damage is the priority. does have long reach with his (E).
Vladimir is all about sustain. The simple way to deal with Vladimir is to watch his energy bar. If he is glowing red, back off and let him use it
YES! on a minion, as you don't wanna take the increased damage from his empowered (Q). Once he has used it, you can go in and try to poke Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon NEVER!
Vladimir Magic Vladimir can not do anything to us, outside of dealing
damage with his (W) and (E) AoE.
EVEN him out with your (Q) or possibly your (E) auto attack, it may seem boring, and you may miss CS, but you'll go even or win because of it.
There is no ans ifs or buts, you build Oblivion Orb to deal with him or suffer the consequences due to the nature of how the champion is
Mercury's Treads
Void Staff
He is a champion that relies on his abilities to aid him
heavily on his self sustain.
played. Once his pool (invulnerbility) is over, run him down if his bar isn't close to being maxed.

Volibear's he main problem is his movement speed. You would do well with starting (Q) early to avoid his level 1 (Q) stun cheese. We can
YES! blind the stun. He no longer can reveal us in bushes, so it's a good safe haven so long as you're avoiding the AoE shield circle. A few extra Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Volibear Both Volibears abilities are all very visual, allowing for us to
simply side step them before they take effect. He no
EVEN points in your (W) will go a long way with this match-up. It's quite easy to keep your distance, however, be wary about his (R) which he can
use to close the gap to get on top of you. It's a small AoE for damage that slows and disables nearby turrets. A Zhonya's would help here if
Void Staff
You can (Q) his (Q) stun, saving yourself or an ally the
trouble of being caught out. Especially if he's one of Q->W(2)
longer can reveal us. you're constantly being tower dove. Stand away from your minions when his passive shiv is active or suffer damage. the few champions that can lock down and engage.
Warwick can fear you out of stealth so long as he is fearing you out of the bush entirely or just in general. He can smell your location, so
NO! move around. However, his (R) will indeed reveal you. So don't try to play around with your stealth once he is level 6 because again, he will Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Warwick Magic Warwick can smell you and simply (R) to reveal you. If
you're lucky you could side step his (R) to prevent the
MINOR know your location as you will appear to him as a red blob in the bushes. Warwicks tend to build super tanky with Tiamat as their primary
source of damage and sustain. It's wise to prioritize on purchasing some magic penetration and Oblivion Orb into the game as his (W)
Plated Steelcaps
Void Staff
You can blind his (AA) on-hit damage but not the
magic damage it does to you and he can simply (R) you Q
reveal. grants him increases sustain on low HP which can be pretty rough to deal with when he ults you at low HP. for the duration of your (Q) blind.
Wukong, I would suggest a more aggressive rune setup like PTA or at the very least, Electrocute with Resolve. You can usually purchase
YES! Oracle Lens or look for the visual queue of your poison to know his position as he is running while in stealth, hold onto your blind until he Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Wukong Physical Wukong can't really do anything to us outside of using
his (R) to deal damage and knock us around a bit.
MAJOR has come out of stealth or if he immediately starts level 1 / 2 with his gap close engage to mitigate the damage before he ducks back into
stealth, otherwise he will wait the full duration before dashing in. Simply start (Q) and max (Q). He can use his (R) twice which hurts a lot,
Plated Steelcaps
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
Wukong normally will start with his (E) gap damage
into (W) clone engage. Level 1 he will always try to Q
and he is extremely tanky with the new Goredrinker mythic item so get some defensive items early. cheese you with the gap. (Q) him before he does.
Before attempting to trade with Xayah make sure to get the first (Q) out on her while she is occupied CSing, as most of her abilities are
YES! centered around throwing feathers out and using them as a recall to root as long as 3 feathers are on the ground and damage targets in SOMETIMES!
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Xayah Physical Xayah can't do anything to us while in stealth. Unless
she decided to (R) and recall her feathers wasting her
MINOR their path. Careful not to flash + ignite when she is level 6 and above as you want to save that for when she uses her (R) invulnerability and
flash after her if she tries to escape. You can not blind her feathers, you can, however, blind her (AA) damage, just be aware that the Plated Steelcaps
You can blind her (AA) damage, but feathers will still
fall behind you allowing her to use them to root you if Q
invulnerability to deal slight damage to us. feathers are stacking up behind you, so make sure you stay out of the feather recall zone or she can easily turn the fight around. she recalls them as long as she has 3 feathers up.
Xerath is difficult to deal with, simply due to his ability to spam all of his abilities from a fairly long and safe range. A few points into your
Xerath has too much damage through AoE ability spam.
(W) will help with avoiding them, but overall he is a hard champion to deal with if you are not accustomed to constantly kiting. You can use
Mercury's Treads
NEVER! Q->W(2)
Xerath Magic
You would never want to play the stealth game into
EXTREME minions to body block his stun orb but everything else is either frontal AoE or a circle AoE that can hit all targets in range. His ultimate has a
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
His kit entirely revolves around long range ability You can put some extra points in (W)
very long range. You can easily get sniped from afar or he can roam around river and simply use ultimate on your teammates for free kills
spam. No point in prioritizing this champion. if you would like to stay more mobile
him. or to get a kill secure or an assist his (R) can be side-stepped. Make sure to ping when he does roam away.
to avoid his abilities. It's your choice.
Xin Zhao is pretty difficult to deal with once he reaches level 6 due to his lock down. His (R) prevents him from taking any form of damage
YES! from enemy champions 450 units away from him, so do not waste your (R) nor your (Q) or any burst on him in this state. You can not blind Plated Steelcaps
Xin Zhao Physical Xin Zhao can't actually reveal you, unless he activates
(R) and sends you flying out of the bushes, so make sure
EXTREME his knock-up or his knock-back. His ability is to gap close on you if he lands his spear is deadly and chained into his knock-up CC and (R)
which can really put you in a bad position. Xin players will often only use their ultimate to run away. Besides the initial gap close and CC he
Void Staff
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Not a reliable champion to (Q) as he has many abilities
that you can not blind. But you can move forward to Q
you're facing against the wall. is actually fairly tame to deal with, so save your (Q) for when goes for (AA) range. blind him once his cooldowns are utilized.
You can not blind his (Q). Purchasing Plated Steelcaps, however, will decrease how much damage this ability does to you. Never run away Plated Steelcaps
NO! through your own minions, run through the river/jungle. You will not escape him due to his minion/champion (E) dash. You have a better Void Staff (Hexdrinker)
Yasuo Physical Yasuo has too much damage from his (Q) and Tornado
to risk using bush passive against him.
MAJOR chance running into his ally with no CC, than you do letting him catch up, using his second (Q) knock up into his (R). You have to predict his
tornado and learn to side step. That's all. He lines it up with minions. You want to keep poking and keep tabs on his passive / wind wall
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Oblivion Orb / Morellonomicon
Yasuo will often utilize his (W) to prevent your (Q)
from ever reaching it’s destination along with his Q->E
which negate all damage and projectiles. If he places a wall, move in between it to hit him from the side as he hides inside it. passive negating abilities that harm him.
Yone isn't really much of a threat. All of his abilities are very pronounced and either a straight line or arcing slash which are all relatively
NO! easy to side step. If he enters into spirit form reposition and toss a shroom where he entered especially if you're ganking him. When he Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
Yone Both Yone can pull you out of stealth completely with (Q) or
(R). So it is advised to never seek shelter in passive.
EVEN recalls immediately he will be caught out with the single shroom, an if he extends the fight he will also lose the fight to our shroom finishing
him. We win all trades with him, so long as you're looking out for his (Q) knock-up combo with his spirit form and his slow animation (R). He
Shadowflame (Has Shield)
Plated Steelcaps
Outside of his initial (Q) and (R) dash knockup cc, he is
auto attack reliant, so if he is in his spirit form, it can Q->E
is really weak early, and scales very well into the late game making it very hard to survive his (R) & (Q) combo. prevent stacking.
Yorick is all about split pushing and catching people out with his (E) mist and his (W), so ideally you want to go for a max (W) after putting 3 Boots (PTA)
YES! points into (E) which will help you effectively dodge most of his skill shots while also dealing damage. Purchasing tier 2 boots as soon as you Plated Steelcaps
Yorick Both Yorick can not do anything to you while you are in
passive. He call mist you but that's about all he can do.
MAJOR can will help you greatly, in this case we would be needing Greaves since we are trying to clear out his minions and kite him well with PTA.
Runaan's Hurricane will make short work of his Ghouls if you are constantly getting hit by the mist. The match up can go either way
Runaan's Hurricane
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
You can cancel out his ability to stack on a minion to
raise a grave. However, it is not the best choice to E->W
depending on your ability to dodge the mist/cage. If his (R) maiden is up, kill it as soon as possible, she can solo push. prioritize even if it heals him a minor amount.
Void Staff
You can use minions to body-block her (Q), I would suggest as I do for all other sustain champions to purchase a Oblivion Orb as it will be
mandatory later. Focus taking out her ADC once you have acquired this item, as she will become relatively useless in healing. Don't get hit Everfrost (Lockdown)
Yuumi Magic
Yuumi is a cute cat an isn't a threat in the slightest.
EVEN by 3 of her (R) waves or you'll simply get rooted. Her damage and (W) and (E) have been substantially nerfed. The most annoying thing to
deal with is her invulnerability while inside an ally, aswell as being capable of hopping to another once they die. Yuumi is helpless when she
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Shadowflame (Grants Shield)
Yuumi is a coward champion that likes being inside
other champions. You can find these players usually Q
is alone especially after a hard CC preventing her from attaching herself to an ally for some time. eating a sandwich in the process.
Depending on which side of the lane you are in, keep the wall where the blast cone is located warded, since this is the most common
NO! location for where he will try and attempt to gank your lane from. Tri-bush for the other side of the lane. Side step his (Q). If he lands on
Linadry's Anguish NEVER!
Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon
Zac Magic Zac can deal a lot of damage while sitting in the bush
with his (W) and can possibly reveal you if he lands a
EVEN two targets he will pull who or whatever he can into a brief CC. You can step on his goo, as it will deny a portion of his sustain that he
would otherwise catch, however, do not overpush on this as you can get CC'd an caught out in the process. They reverted his ultimate back Mercury's Treads
He is mostly going to be a nuisance to deal with while
sustaining quite decently with him catching his goo to E->W
good pull on you with minions, he will reveal with (R). to his old bouncing one which deals a lot of magic damage and offers a ton of CC, overall an annoying disruption tank. Void Staff recover life while focusing on using (R).
If Zed is not going up against you. You can hold off on building Zhonya's Hourglass and rather only focus on Seeker’s Armguard if you see he
isn't being much of a threat. Otherwise getting Zhonya's Hourglass early will be required to survive his roams and tower dives, but also to NEVER!
Zed Physical
Zed can't reveal you, but he can kill you rather quickly.
MAJOR shut him down in certain scenarios. It isn't worth building anything more than this, besides some HP to survive the full combo when he is
finished and walks away. A bit of Armor and HP will go a long way in terms of keeping you alive from most all in AD assassins. Avoid his
Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult)
It's not very effective to (Q) him due to his playstyle
being more, get in, use (R) and shadow his abilities Q->E
shadow as it will copy his abilities allowing him to damage from range and also stack them with his original abilities. before running away and leaving you/your ally to die.
You can side step Ziggs (Q) pretty easily, however, keep your distance from him as he can zone you with his (W) and cut off your escape
NO! route or blast you into his (E) or even his (R) by landing his (W) knock-up/knock-back. Minions will body block his (Q) but will still splash if
Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage NEVER!
Ziggs Magic Ziggs can sometimes land a perfect (W) and reveal you
by knocking you out of the bush, and has too many AoE
MAJOR you are too close. Ziggs is a sieging champion. You can't simply allow him to free farm and have lane shoved all game, as he will use his (W)
against towers that are below 25% up to 35% based on skill rank, which will destroy them immediately. Despite all this he is very squishy Zhonya's Hourglass (Ult) He is an ability spamming champion. Q
abilities to warrant playing around bush passive. and easy to burst down, so long as you avoid his skill shots and initial burst and CC.

Be careful with his (R) if you are about to kill him or one of his allies, if you know you can kill them, follow them, wait for the (R) timer to
YES! deplete or they will revive with 50% or more HP based on Zilean AP! Avoid his (Q) stacking, as if he lands (2) together he will stun you. If he
Mercury's Treads
Zilean Magic Zilean can't do anything outside of dealing damage
through his (Q). He can not reveal us.
EVEN does stun you expect him to either slow you with his (E) or boost his or his allies mobility. He can combo this on a minion/himself. The main
problem is trying to chase him as if you were to chase him you're more than likely going to be stunned and killed with his allies assist or just Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
No point to blind him, as he will mostly focus on
spamming his abilities to assist his allies by CCing or Q
end up getting soloed by him since his full late game damage can be devastating if he has been building full AP. slowing you down.
If Zoe decides to (R) to try and escape you or, get some time for her to combo back with her (Q) or (E) you can (R) her portal so she ends up
NO! activating it upon return. Try not to utilize too many of your active items or summoner spells around her, as she can pick them up and use
Mercury's Treads
Zoe Magic Zoe can easily kill us if she is capable of landing her
abilities especially her (E) which gives her enough time
MAJOR them right back against you! Which is certainly not a good thing! Minions can be utilized pretty easily to body block her (Q) or (E) sleep CC.
Her (E) can travel a very long distance if used through terrain. So try not to get caught out this way, as the follow up (Q) will be devastating Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
She is an ability spamming champion. Q
to (Q) an damage us. for you. Banshee's Veil can help a lot with this aspect but you'll have to play around it's duration.

A relatively squishy champion to deal with. However, if you are in bushes, do not step on her seeds. Half of them will reveal you as these
NO! are the ones that come from her (W) active, and half of them will not and these ones are from her passive, it is very hard to differentiate NEVER!
Mercury's Treads
Zyra Magic Zyra is special, she can't directly reveal us, however, if
WE step on her planted seeds that she herself has put
MAJOR one from another due to different skins she has, and how minor the detail is. You have a very short time to react if she ends up activating
her (R) which will knock you up, and deal a ton of damage coupled with her seed-plant combo. You can not utilize minions to body block Banshee's Veil or Spirit's Visage
She utilizes her abilities more than her auto attacks.
You could blind her plants, but it's not worth wasting Q
down, then we will be revealed. her root. The root must be sidestepped as it will root everything in the way and damage every target hit. and rather use it on her for damage output.

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