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Name : Meiza silviana

Nim : 2011230016

Generation Z is a generation that was born when the Internet has grown rapidly
in human life. They are born without knowing the future of life without the
Internet, computers, and mobile phones. In other words, this generation was born
in the digital era. Z generation itself has characteristics that are different from
other generations.

Generation Z Having great ambition to succeed because of the increasing

number of role models they admire. Ambition to reach the dream is also supported
by better world conditions, and the condition of the majority of parents are much
more established. However, not many of them also lazing weeks to pursue their

Generation Z liked a more practical problem solving. They are reluctant to take
the long process of looking at a problem. This is because they were born in a world
of almost instantaneous. In solving the problem usually concerned with their egos z
generation of on thinking clearly.

Generation Z also like the freedom, be it freedom of speech, the freedom to

create, freedom of expression, and so forth. How not, they are born in the modern
world, when the authoritarian tyrannical regime has no more power to control the
population. In this case z generation also love the freedom in the mix, they want
banned idak want to hang out with anyone.

Characteristics of the last generation Z is confident. It is undeniable that

children who were born in this generation the majority have a very high confidence.
They also have an optimistic attitude in many ways. Positive mental like this is the
main thing in life, which could see problems in terms of positive

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