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Hey Sally! It’s been a long time since we last spoke, how’s life treating you?

Answering your message, let me tell you that I’ll gladly help you.
It’s a very personal subject, but I don’t mind telling you about one of the most special
places for me.

We know each other for over 15 years, and you know how special my grandmother
was to me. When I was just a kid, we used to go every Sunday to have breakfast
together and if the weather was nice, also for a walk.

As you know, a couple of years ago, she got sick and she died. Since that moment
every time I feel sad, stressed or anxious, I go to have breakfast on my own to the best
coffee shop on Valencia: “Freedom Café Bar”, just a few minutes on foot from Queen’s

Although she is not physically with me, going to the same place I used to go with her,
makes me feel she is accompanying me.

Well, that’s all for now, but you can write me if you want to know more about it.

Take care! Lots of love …


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