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Who is more important in our lives: family or friends? This question is often discussed yet rarely

There are some people who argue that the most important ones are those with who we are
happier. Generally we enjoy more with our friends, it is supposed that this is the reason why they

However, some others agree that it is not so important how fun it is to spend time with someone,
if not if they really help us when we have problems. It is often said that the only unconditional help
we are going to have is from our family, that they are going to stay with us in our good and bad
moments, but is this always true?

From my point of view, the most important people in our live must be those who doesn’t make us
feel alone and show us their support independently of the decisions we make.

Sometimes a friend can be more familiar to us than our own blood family, and personally
speaking, that’s the greatest love we could ever have.

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