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This project is to optimize searching results of a popular video application.We need to correct the
searching queries provided by users according to the guideline:

judge whether the search query needs to be corrected.

Yes: label "false, correction required" write down the complete correction answer below
NO: label"correct, no correction required"
lf query needs to be abandoned based on the rule: label"abandon"

We’ll see 3 searching results, we shall help to optimize the first searching results.

Result 1 , Result 2, Result 3

1. Define the query is a user query – refer to “User Query” rules

2. Define the query is a non-user query – refer to “Non-User Query” rules
Non-User Query
• Misspelling
Addition/Omission: girrl→girl,
Misspelling: stae→star,
Misuse of numbers: Barbie d0ll →Barbie doll, 4→for

• Grammar Issue
For example: i am wait→i am waiting

【i am waiting 】is high possible a name of a song.

【i am wait 】This query itself is with incorrect grammar, we can't judge user's intent.

Proper noun: song name, film name, series name, album name, etc. – Should follow its original spelling.

Only girrl→Only girl, it’s Rihanna’s song, correct name is “Only girl”, so this query should be corrected.
Except: “California gurl” is the name of Katy Perry's song, no need to correct it.

• Word Break Issue (missing space between words)

idontcare--> I don't care, word break issue will affect the meaning of this sentence, which will affect
searching result.

• Irregular Writing
1. If there're several characters of a query with irregular writing, please correct
the character(s) according to the searching result 2 and 3;
2. if there is no result on result 2 or 3,please refer to result 1

No Need to Correct!!!

1. Proper noun itself with spelling issue: “California gurl” is the name of Katy Perry's song, no
need to correct it.
2. English capitalization
3. Punctuation: Query is a
sentence, missing end point; Extra “_”
or lack of “_”;
4. Query's word order is incorrect but does not affect user's understanding. For example,
【Holland spiderman】VS【spiderman Holland】
5. Query itself is a hot hashtag
6. Abbreviations – NBA ,ASMR.
7. Unclear intention –drafffff
User Query
<Super user: those users are famous/popular on internet with over 10k followers.>
Please refer mainly to the result 1
• When there is no result same to query, We shall correct spelling issue of
query preferentially;
 Word Break Issue (missing space between words)
a) Query doesn’t contain number 、 symbol. Besides, Space won’t
affect the results, please write down “original query [$$$]query with space”
【barkycatbros】should be【barkycatbros[$$$]barky cat bros】;
【imthejay】should be【imthejay[$$$]im the jay】
b) Query contains number 、 symbol,there is no
need to add space, eg. 【wheres_mia】【Brookie.taylor17】
 Spelling of name (given name + family name, no number or symbol)
Name shall keep same to the result on platform;
 The less changed character preferentially;
 If the characters number of difference between query and result are
same, result with more followers are correct one;

• If there is no spelling issue, the followers of result are more than 10K (super
• a) Have match account on result 1:

1,Query point to a celebrity/verified account on result 1 → No correction

2,Query point to ordinary user account on result 1
• more than 1k followers, and no verified account in result 1, with/without
famous similar account in result 2 and 3 ---no correction;
• less than 30k followers, with similar verified account in result 1, ---Correct
to verified account;
• less than 1k followers, without similar verified account in result 1, but with
famous similar account in result 2 and 3---Correct to the famous similar account;
• less than 1k followers, without similar verified account in result 1, also
without famous similar account in result 2 and 3, ---no correction;
• more than 30k followers, with similar verified account in result 1, ---no

• b) Have no match account on result 1:

 result 1 with only one similar account and more than 1k followers
account,---correct to result 1 similar account;
 result 1 with more than one similar account and more than 1k followers:
o 1. With verified account, ---correct to verified account;
o 2. Without verified account,---no correction;
 result 1 with similar account, less than 1k followers,---no correction
 result 1 without similar account---no correction;
 result 1 without similar verified account, but with famous similar account in
result 2 and 3--- Correct to the famous similar account in result 2 and 3;
1. No English;
2. Ambiguous intent
 query is a single letter or number symbol
 no accurate meaning, not a username 、 not a sentence with completed
meaning 、
not a popular use on Internet.
3. pornography/gambling/violence/illegal/sensitive information;

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