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Name: John Lloyd P.

De Vera
Subject: CAED 500C – 2257


The day of interview I began to feel nervous as it approaches the time that I’ve
chosen to enter. I’ve chosen afternoon time since I got a class in the morning. I have
realized that having an interview is the first step in getting the job as it dictates whether
you are qualified or not. I waited for almost 30 minutes waiting to be able to enter into
zoom since there are lots of students that wants to be interviewed rather than to make a
tiktok video as it is very hassle to do. We were 3 students that got accepted to be
interviewed and fortunately that the interviewer made the environment more friendly that
makes us feel at ease to answer his questions. Fortunately, before the interview, I was
browsing for some interview questions to practice myself answering then some of the
questions being asked to me during the interview was also similar to the questions I just
browsed before. That made me answer confidently without stuttering any words
because of being nervous. After the interview session, the interviewer gave some points
to us on the parts that needs to be improved especially the part where we were giving
them points without giving them an example to make it more concrete. All in all
choosing to do this mock interview was really a great experience as it prepares the
students on how to deliver their answers to increase the chances of getting the job.

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