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Global Perspectives


Our aim is to educate and aware people about the different types of problems
women are facing in this generation in urban and rural areas. To also show them
(our audience) the benefits of women receiving education.

For our outcome we are going to create a website that would include multiple
things: a ppt presentation that we have made to educate our class, photos of us
visiting a charity and donating the needs and a video of us interviewing our
global perspectives teacher and some students about women education. Our
main aim is to educate men or any gender in that matter to take simple actions
against the fact that educating women is no use.

We chose a website because it is very easy to access, and user friendly.


Topic: Human rights

In specific: About the difficulties faced by women to receive education in rural vs
urban areas
Outcomes :
● A website (The main)
● A presentation - Educating our class about it, we will mainly talk about
how educating women matters
● A video of us interviewing a higher authority from the charity we are
visiting and some teaches from our own school

WE also created our group logo:


WE have started to create our website, we are still discussing what type of
questions to ask our gp teacher, we have decided on the logo, we did
multiple primary and secondary research, we have also made the website
layout, the designs, the themes, we are just left to type in our content.

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