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Name: Madriaga, John Vincent S.

Course/Sec: BSCS 1D

A. Directions: Answer the following questions based on your own

1. Why do some household families do not separate their waste materials?
2. What is wrong with Dengvaxia?
3. Do you agree that providing fund to our athletes can help them bagged more
medals? Why or why not.

1. Because they may be unaware of it, or because they are unaware that there
is a republic act governing trash segregation. Another cause is that they are
too lazy to do so.
2. The problem with Dengvaxia is that it was purchased without any testing to
determine whether or not it was safe. The result is that people or children
who received the vaccination experienced significant side effects.
3. Yes, for me, because it can aid in their training or practices, particularly when
they travel to another country. It truly helps them keep their health and gives
them more motivation because they are supported.

B. Directions: Submit a reaction paper on the following Topic.

1. Segregation of Waste
2. Dengvaxia Vaccine
3. Issues on the Philippine Sports


1. According to Hoornwerg (2012) Solid waste management is something that

almost every local government offers to its citizens. While service levels,
environmental implications, and costs vary greatly, solid waste management
is perhaps the most significant municipal service and is required for all other
municipal actions. As this topic is being discussed by our instructor, I get
interested because it is one of the popular issue here in world, the “waste”
My reaction for this topic is, I was happy and shocked because I did not know
there was an existing law for this, if people knew this earlier, we should
already fixed our problems in waste but I was also sad because I did not
segregate my waste, and because most people did not know there was such
a law but didn't pay attention, it became a lack of human knowledge about
waste. Many individuals simply put their trash anywhere. I'm glad when we're
talking about this lesson since I'm learning new things and learning from my
mistakes. If I don't know about this law, I might just keep doing what I've
been doing. It is also one of the reasons that there is a dearth of awareness
among the general public because our government has paid little attention to

2. Vaccine is the most important thing for a human or baby to have, this will
help them to have immunity or lessen the risk for a particular virus. It is good
to have a vaccine but for this topic, I rather examine it first, it is interested
for me because I almost get a shot or one dose of this vaccine called
Dengvaxia. I think that it is good for me since I did not experience dengue
virus since my birth. But then when my instructor discussing us this lesson, I
learned something and also I am thankful that I didn’t get a shot or one dose
of this vaccine. My reaction to this topic is both happy and sad; happy
because the government cares so much about their people that they
purchased the vaccine even before testing it; sad because they purchased it
so quickly; the bad effect is that those children who received the vaccine but
did not experience dengue fever will suffer from severe illness. Those
youngsters or persons who had previously had dengue and received the
vaccine reaped the benefits. Because there's a chance they will become
immune to it. Finally, many of the children who received the vaccine died as a
result of it’s side effects.

3. According to Christine (2021) A sport is a human activity that involves

physical exertion and skill as the primary emphasis of the activity, with
aspects of competition or social engagement, and where rules and patterns of
behavior controlling the activity exist formally through organizations. My reply
to the most recent topic we covered was the problems with Philippine sports.
I'm disappointed because I did not expect our government to pay more than
50 million pesos for a torch in the SEA games that will only be used once and
will be a memory after the event. Instead of supporting our fellow Pilipino
who participated in sports Olympics, they focused more on structure. I
believe they did so to impress people from other countries. Also the saddest
part is, your country will only recognize you if you won a gold medal, but if
not, you will not get noticed, They only noticed you when you do or achieve
something good, but in the process of achieving it, you are all alone. Another
issue with our Philippine sports is that they do not support Filipino athletes,
which is why they lack motivation or inspiration to pursue their medal goal in
the sporting event.

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