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Geological Tour


A report Prepared by
Name Symbol No.
Sudip Thapa 21041256
Saugat Rana 21041241
Smita Parajuli 21041255
Saroj Pokherel 21041245
Santosh Bhandari 21041243
Shishir Budhathoki 21041250
Suraj Aryal 21041258

(Civil B.E.-Student)
Submitted to
Er.Ishwar Adhikari
Engineering Geologist
Lumbini Engineering College
Bhalwari-03,Rupandehi , Nepal
Letter of Transmittal
December 23,2022
Er.Ishwar Adhikari
Engineering Geologist
Lumbini Engineering College

Dear Mr.Adhikari ,
Iam submitting this report in response to our recent Geological tour to
Malekhu, Nepal. This report is the result of the knowledge which has been
acquired from respective course.
We tried our best preparing this report. The information in this report is mainly
based on our geological site visit.
We hope that you will find this report worth reading.
Please feel free for any query or clarification that you would like to explain.
Hope you will appreciate our Hardwork and excuse our minor errors.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Sudip Thapa,
Group Leader ‘E’, Civil ‘C’
Lumbini Engineering College.
First of all, we’re very grateful to Lumbini Engineering College of Nepal for
successfully arranging the geological tour to Malekhu, Nepal.
we would like to thank our subject teacher Er.Ishwar Adhikari for creating such
a wonderful environment for both soft and hard skills.
We would to thank Er. Pramod Dhakal, Engineering Geologist for his exemplary
guidance, constant encouragement, and careful monitoring throughout the
site visit .
We would also like to thank our Mr. Bus Driver for being a wonderful Bus
Driver, who drove safely to and from Malekhu .
Table of Content

Letter of Transmittal

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objective of the study
1.3 Location of the study area
2. Study and Classification of Landslides
2.1 Location of Landslide
2.2 Varnes classification of landslide
2.3 Main features of landslide
2.4 Study report of landslide in Malekhu area
2.5 Sketches and photographs
3. Handling of Geological compass and measurement of attitude of
geological planes
3.1 Parts
3.2 Requirement for drawing Topographical maps
3.3 Orientation of Rock beds
3.3.1 Concept
3.3.2 Observation data in field
3.3.3 Sketches and photographs
4. Engineering Classification of Rock mass
4.1 Rock mass classification system
4.2 Sketches and photographs
5. Study and identification of folds
5.1 concept
5.2 Identification
5.3 Location of fold
5.4 Sketches and photographs
6. Unconformity
6.1 Concept and types
6.2 Recognition of unconformity in the field
6.3 Sketches and photographs

7. Study and Identification of Rocks

7.1 Classification
7.2 Field identification
7.2.1 Granite
7.2.2 Schist
7.2.3 Marble
7.2.4 Quartzite
7.2.5 Limestone
7.2.6 Dolomite
7.2.7 Sandstone
7.2.8 Sketches and photographs
8. Conclusion
9. Photo collection

1.1 Introduction
Geology is one of the most intresting and useful subjects for the layman and
the knowledgeable people alike. The subject geology is very useful in the fields
of civil engineering, mining and ground water investigation.
The two days from 4th of Poush to 6th of Poush, we were taken to malekhu for
geological study. First day we learnt about the lanslides, to handle geological
compass, folds, and uncorfimity. Second day we learnt about identification of
This performance was very effective for knowledge and experience.

1.2 Objective of the study

The main objective of our field visit were:-
 To identify different types of rocks
 To identify different types of folds and uncorfimity
 To handle geological compass
 To find orientation of rock beds
 To identify landslide and it’s classification

1.3 Location of study area

Malekhu is a small town situated in Dhading district, halfway between
Kathmandu and Narayangadh. It is situated in the bank of Trishuli River. It is
famous for various types of fish species and its product. Malekhu is widely
popular for adventurous sports such as rafting, trekking, kayaking and so on.
2. Study and classification of Landslide

2.1 Location of Landslide

From the confluence of Trishuli and Malekhu river , 1200m (approx.) upstream
of Malekhu river and 30m from the left bank.

2.2 Varnes classification of Landslides

The landslide classification based on Varnes' (1978) system has two

terms: -
 the first term describes the material type,
 the second term describes the type of movement.

Table: Varnes Classification of landslides (1972)


2.3 Main features of Landslides

Crown : The practically undisplaced material still in place and adjacent to

the highest part of main scarp.
Top : The highest point of contact between the displaced material and
Main body : The part of displaced material that overlies the surface of
Between the main scarp and the toe of surface of rupture.
Toe : The lower, usually covered margin of displaced material of
Landslides , it is the farthest from the main scrap.

Fig.landslides,it’s types and process

2.4 Sketches and Photographs

Fig. Malekhu landslide (Spot-1)

3. Handling of Geological compass and measurement

of attitude of geological planes

3.1 Parts of Geological compass

Brunton Compass Parts

Different parts are listed below

 Mirror
 Lift pin for needle
 Compass card
 Sighting arm
 Needle
 Bull’s eye level
 Clinometer level
 Compass needle

3.2 Requirement for drawing Topographical maps

Topographical plans and maps are drawings which show the main physical
features on the ground, such as buildings, fences, roads, rivers, lakes and
forests, as well as the changes in elevation between land forms such as valleys
and hills (called vertical relief).
Basic requirement for topographical maps:-
 Legends
 Scale
 Direction (With references to North)

3.3 Orientation of rock beds

3.3.1 Concept
The orientation, or attitude, of any such a surface can be defined by two
definite measurements—dip and strike. Strike
The strike is the direction of intersection of an inclined surface with any
horizontal plane. Dip Direction
The dip is both the direction of maximum slope down an inclined surface and
the angle between the maximum slope and a horizontal plane Dip Amount
The dip angle is always in a vertical plane and is measured downward from the
horizontal plane. The dip direction is always perpendicular to the strike.

3.4 Sketches and Photograph

fig. Brunton Compass (Geological compass)

Fig. Site used for Handling geological compass (spot-4)

Fig. geologist’s hammer

fig.Topographical map of Malekhu,Nepal

4. Engineering Classification of Rock Mass

4.1 Rock mass classification system
Rock Mass Classification is the process of placing a rock mass into groups or
classes on defined relationships (Bieniawski, 1989) and assigning a unique
description (or number) to it on the basis of similar properties/characteristics
such that the behavior of the rock mass can be predicted. Rock mass is
referred to an assemblage of rock material separated by rock discontinuities,
mostly by joints, bedding planes, dyke intrusions and faults etc.
Commonly used system are:-

4.1.1 Rock Quality Designation (RQD)

RQD is defined as the percentage of intact core pieces longer than 100 mm (4
inches) in the total length of a core having a core diameter of 54.7 mm or 2.15
∑ length of core pieces>10cm
RQD= total length of the core
Rock mass quality classification according to RQD (Deere et al. 1967)
RQD Rock Mass Quality
< 25 - Very poor
25 – 50 - Poor
50 – 75 - Fair
75 – 90 - Good
99 – 100 - Excellent

4.1.2 Rock Mass Rating (RMR)

The RMR system or the Geomechanics Classification was developed by
Bieniawski during 1972-1973 in South Africa to assess the stability and support
requirements of tunnels (Bieniawski, 1973b).
To classify a rock mass, the RMR system incorporates the following six basic
parameters (Bieniawski, 1989).
• The uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock (σc): for rocks of
moderate to high strength, point load index is also acceptable (Bieniawski,
• Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
• Discontinuity spacing
• Condition of discontinuity surfaces
• Groundwater conditions
• Orientation of discontinuities

4.1.3 Q-system (Rock Tunneling Quality Index)

The Q-system was developed in 1974 by Barton, Lien, and Lunde at the
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway for the determination of rock mass
characteristics and tunnel support requirements (Barton et al., 1974).
RMR and Q-Systems use essentially the same approach but different log-scale
ratings, as Q-value is the product of the ratio of parameters while RMR is the
sum of parameters
The numerical value of the index Q ranges from 0.001 to a maximum of 1,000
on a logarithmic scale (Bieniawski, 1989). Value of Q is defined and is
calculated as:
RQD ×𝐽𝑟 ×𝐽𝑤
𝐽𝑛 ×𝐽𝑎 ×𝑆𝑅𝐹
▪ RQD (Rock quality designation) > 10 (measuring the degree of
▪ Jn, Joint set number (number of discontinuity sets)
▪ Jr, Joint roughness number for critically oriented joint set (roughness of
discontinuity surfaces)
▪ Ja, Joint alteration number for critically oriented joint set (degree of
alteration or weathering and filling of discontinuity surfaces)
▪ Jw, Joint water reduction number (pressure and inflow rates of water
within discontinuities)
▪ SRF, Stress reduction factor (presence of shear zones, stress
concentrations, squeezing or swelling rocks)

4.2 Sketches and photograph

Fig. Malekhu’s right bank rock beds (Used for RMR,RQD)
Fig. Rock mass showing Discontinuities

Fig. drill core run of rocks (for measuring RQD)

5. Study and Identification of folds

5.1 Concept
In structural geology, a fold is a stack of originally planar surfaces, such
as sedimentary strata, that are bent or curved during permanent deformation.
Parts of a Fold:
In a series of folds it is evident like waves. They consist of alternate crests
and troughs. The crest of the fold is termed as anticline while the trough
is called synclines. An anticline and syncline constitute a fold.

Limbs or Flanks:
Limbs or a flank of the fold is sloping side from the crest to the trough.

Axial plane:
An imaginary plane bisecting the vertical angle between equal slopes on
either sides of the crest line.

Axis of the fold:

The line that divides the section of the fold.

5.2 Identification of Fold in the field

1) The easiest and simplest way is the eye inspection. If we found any
geological structure according to the normal definition of a fold then it can be
identified as fold only by direct observation.
2) The repetition and absence of beds also indicates the presence of fold.
3) It is usually observed that streams follows the axis portion of the anticline
ridges and high lands and damped-structures occur along the axis of the
synclines. So; sometimes the direction flow of stream or river shows the
presence of a fold.
4) When the types of folds are to be recognized on the basis of the age
consideration of the beds, the top and bottom of beds are determined by
taking into account the nature, and form of the features occurring on the beds
itself. Accordingly some types of folds have been inferred.

5.3 Location of fold

In the field we observed a fold around 100 m upstream of Trishuli river from
the old bridge and 100m from the right bank. This fold is asymmetrical
plunging anticline fold. Crack was observed in the crest of the fold.

5.4 Sketches and Photograph

Fig. Gentle fold at Malekhu

6. Unconformity
6.1 Concept and types
An unconformity is defined as a surface of erosion or non depositing occurring
within a sequence of rocks. It indicates a gap or interval of time in the
geological history of the area during which the normal process of deposition
was interrupted. It is a structural feature in the sense that rock formations
lying above and below it generally represent different conditions under which
they have been formed.
Usually there are 3 types of unconformity:-
6.1.1 Disconformities
Disconformities are usually erosional contacts that are parallel to the bedding
planes of the upper and lower rock units.

6.1.2 Nonconformities.
A nonconformity is the contact that separates a younger sedimentary rock
unit from an igneous intrusive rock or metamorphic rock unit.

6.1.3 Angular unconformities.

An angular unconformity is the contact that separates a younger, gently
dipping rock unit from older underlying rocks that are tilted or deformed
layered rock.
1. Visual inspection of the angular relation between the sequences.
2. Presence of Basal Conglomerate.
3. Availability of the residual soil within the sequence of rocks.
4. Exposure of the erosion surface.
5. Contrasting behaviour of the rocks from a particular surface.
6. Variation or gap in the geological age of the rocks of the sequence

6.3 Sketches and Photograph

Fig.Angular Unconfimity

7. Study and identification of rocks

7.1 Classification
There are three kinds of rock:
 igneous,
 sedimentary,
 metamorphic.

7.2 Field Investigtion of rocks

7.2.1 Granite
S.No. Physical Properties
1 Sample no. 01
2 Color White, grey, black
3 Specific gravity 2.75
4 Mineralogy Essential Feldspar
Accessory Biotite
5 Texture Coarse Grained
6 Identification Granite
7 Classification Igneous rock
8 Uses Counter taps ,curbing
9 Engineering Floor ,fire place, stair treads

7.2.2 Schist
S.No. Physical Properties
1 Sample no. 02
2 Color Grey
3 Specific gravity 2.39-2.20
4 Mineralogy Quartz, feldspar, micas
5 Texture Foliated
6 Identification Schist
7 Classification Metamorphic rock
8 Uses Garden Decoration,Pacing
9 Engineering Building house or walls

7.2.3 Marble
S.No. Physical Properties
1 Sample no. 03
2 Color White
3 Specific gravity 2.5
4 Mineralogy Calcite (Ca𝐶𝑂3 )
5 Texture Granulose
6 Identification Marble
7 Classification Metamorphic rock (of Sedimentary
8 Uses Decoration
9 Engineering Floor , flooring and making concrete

7.2.4 Quartzite
S.No. Physical Properties
1 Sample no. 04
2 Color Generally White or pale color
3 Specific gravity 2.7
4 Mineralogy Quartz , mica
5 Texture Granulose
6 Identification Quartzite
7 Classification Metamorphic rock
8 Uses Roofing tiles ,cover walls
9 Engineering Engineering Founadation ,concreation and
uses excavation.

7.2.5 Limestone
S.No. Physical Properties
1 Sample no. 05
2 Color Grey , white
3 Specific gravity 2.6
4 Mineralogy Calcium carbonate
5 Texture Granular
6 Identification Limestone
7 Classification Sedimentary rock
8 Uses Water treatment and purification
9 Engineering Production of cement , road for structural
uses beam

7.2.6 Dolomite

S.No. Physical Properties

1 Sample no. 06
2 Color White , grey to pink
3 Specific gravity 2.84-2.56
4 Mineralogy Ca𝐶𝑂3 , 𝑀𝑔2 𝐶𝑂3
5 Texture Prigonal crystal
6 Identification Dolomite
7 Classification Sedimentary rock
8 Uses Brick cement , use of aggregate for
9 Engineering Used as source of magnesium

7.2.7 Sandstone

S.No. Physical Properties

1 Sample no. 07
2 Color White medium
3 Specific gravity 2.3 – 2.8
4 Mineralogy Quartz , feldspar, lithic fragment
5 Texture clastic
6 Identification Sandstone
7 Classification Sedimentary rock
8 Uses Decoration, flower bed
9 Engineering Steel furnance , fiber glass
7.2.8 Sketches and photographs

Fig. Field identification of all types of rocks.

Fig. Phyllite

Fig. Slate
Fig. Quartzite

Fig. Limestone
Fig. shicst

Thus, We concluded the three day geological tour to the Malekhu site , we
realized the engineering geology has wide scope in civil engineering field and
is very much important in both theoretical and practical point of view. Since
Malekhu has various geological features, different types of mass movement
activities like slope failure, landslides and formed with different types of rock,
river morphologies and different rock formations, it has proved that it is one of
the best site for the geological studies .
The geological tour to Malekhu was fruitful and we are now able to identify
such geological structures .The site visit gave a lot of ideas and information
about various landforms formed due to intesnse geological structures.

So, visit was fruitful.

9.Photo collection

Fig. Malekhu’s old broken bridges.

Fig.Malekhu’s River Morphology
Fig. Scaling of Landslides along Malekhu river
Fig. Group ‘E’ (Civil C) at spot 1(Landslide)
 Data collected during the field visit
 Sketches and photo taken at field

 Engineering geologist
 Er. Ishwar Adhikari
 Er. Pramod Dhakal

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