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REVIEWS Further The Neural Basis of Empathy
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Boris C. Bernhardt and Tania Singer
• Other articles in this volume Department of Social Neuroscience, Max-Planck Institute of Human Cognitive and Brain
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Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012. 35:1–23 Keywords

The Annual Review of Neuroscience is online at social neuroscience, insula, cingulate cortex, fMRI, emotion
This article’s doi: Abstract
Empathy—the ability to share the feelings of others—is fundamental
Copyright  c 2012 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved to our emotional and social lives. Previous human imaging studies fo-
cusing on empathy for others’ pain have consistently shown activations
in regions also involved in the direct pain experience, particularly ante-
rior insula and anterior and midcingulate cortex. These findings suggest
that empathy is, in part, based on shared representations for firsthand
and vicarious experiences of affective states. Empathic responses are not
static but can be modulated by person characteristics, such as degree of
alexithymia. It has also been shown that contextual appraisal, includ-
ing perceived fairness or group membership of others, may modulate
empathic neuronal activations. Empathy often involves coactivations in
further networks associated with social cognition, depending on the spe-
cific situation and information available in the environment. Empathy-
related insular and cingulate activity may reflect domain-general com-
putations representing and predicting feeling states in self and others,
likely guiding adaptive homeostatic responses and goal-directed behav-
ior in dynamic social contexts.

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

2002). In particular, anterior insula (AI) and

Contents dorsal-anterior/anterior-midcingulate cortex
(dACC/aMCC) play central roles in vicarious
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
responses in the domain of disgust, pleasant or
DEFINING EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
unpleasant tastes, physical and emotional pain,
EMPATHY IN THE BRAIN . . . . . . . . . 3
and other social emotions such as embarrass-
Empathy for Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ment or admiration (for recent meta-analyses,
Empathy for Other Emotions
see Fan et al. 2011, Kurth et al. 2010, Lamm
and Sensations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
et al. 2011; for anatomical orientation, see
Figure 1a). On the basis of their structural and
functional patterns of connectivity, and their
FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
involvement in other functional processes at
Insula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
the interface of sensory, affective, and cognitive
Cingulate Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
domains, regions such as AI and dACC/aMCC
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

Interoceptive Network
may generally contribute to the generation of
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Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
subjective experiences and adaptive responses
to actual and predicted states in the self and oth-
OF EMPATHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
ers. These general processes may then subsume
Person Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
empathy as a special case. We also highlight
Contextual Appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
evidence that additional networks involved in
social cognition can be flexibly corecruited dur-
OPEN QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ing empathic understanding, depending on the
particular situation and information available
in the environment. Moreover, we summarize
studies that have identified multiple factors that
INTRODUCTION modulate or even counteract empathy. For ex-
Empathy is a crucial component of human emo- ample, initial evidence suggests that empathic
tional experience and social interaction. The responses can be counteracted by opposing mo-
ability to share the affective states of our closest tivational systems, such as the desire for revenge
ones and complete strangers allows us to predict or Schadenfreude, closely related to activation
and understand their feelings, motivations, and in brain areas implicated in reward-processing.
actions. Extending previous work from philos- Finally, we outline future research avenues.
ophy and behavioral psychology (Batson 2009,
de Vignemont & Singer 2006, Eisenberg 2000,
Hoffman 2000), advances in social neuroscience DEFINING EMPATHY
have provided important new insights into the Despite a long tradition of philosophy and
brain basis of empathy. behavioral psychology research (Batson 2009,
In this review, we outline the main results Eisenberg 2000, Eisenberg & Fabes 1990,
of brain imaging studies that have investigated Hoffman 2000, Wispe 1986), empathy has no
the neural underpinnings of human empathy. universally accepted definition, and the differ-
fMRI: functional
magnetic resonance Using mainly functional magnetic resonance ent phenomena it subsumes remain debatable
imaging imaging (fMRI), the majority of studies suggest (Batson 2009, Blair 2005, de Vignemont &
AI: anterior insula that observing affective states in others activates Singer 2006, Preston & de Waal 2002). How-
brain networks also involved in the firsthand ever, previous conceptual work on empathy has
ACC: anterior
cingulate cortex experience of these states, confirming the greatly facilitated the design and interpreta-
notion that empathy is, in part, based on shared tion of empirical studies that assess empathic
MCC: midcingulate
cortex networks (de Vignemont & Singer 2006, traits through self-report measures and em-
Keysers & Gazzola 2007, Preston & de Waal pathic states through controlled observational

2 Bernhardt · Singer
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experiments. Findings from these experiments, prosocial behavior; conversely, contagion and
especially those investigating the brain pro- empathy may also induce aversive distress re-
cesses underlying the empathic experience, may sponses that can lead to withdrawal behavior
deepen our understanding of this phenomenon motivated by the desire to protect oneself from contagion: tendency
at the interface of social interactions and in- negative emotions (Klimecki & Singer 2012). to automatically adopt
ternal feeling states and ultimately promise to the emotional state of
disentangle the conceptual web surrounding another person
empathy. EMPATHY IN THE BRAIN Mimicry: tendency to
A relatively specific notion claims that em- In their seminal article on empathy in 2002, synchronize the
affective expressions,
pathy occurs when the observation or imag- Preston & de Waal suggested that the obser-
vocalizations, postures,
ination of affective states in another induces vation and imagination of others in a given and movements of
shared states in the observer (de Vignemont emotional state automatically activates a corre- another person
& Singer 2006, Singer & Lamm 2009). This sponding representation in the observer, along Sympathy: feelings
state is also associated with knowledge that with its associated autonomic and somatic for someone, generally
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the target is the source of the affective state responses (Preston & de Waal 2002). This coupled with the wish
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in the self. This reading of empathy neces- hypothesis was inspired by accounts that to see them better off
or happier
sarily involves components of affective shar- suggested a close link between action and
ing, self-awareness, and self-other distinction perception through common coding schemes Compassion: an
emotional and
(for other more general notions of empathy (Prinz 1984, 2005). Moreover, the discovery of
motivational state
see Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright 2004, Blair mirror neurons, a class of neurons in monkey characterized by
2005). Therefore, empathy differs from ba- premotor and parietal cortices activated during feelings of
sic sharing-only phenomena such as emotional execution and observation of actions, provided loving-kindness and a
contagion and mimicry. Indeed, neither conta- a neural mechanism for shared representa- genuine wish for the
well-being of others
gion nor mimicry requires a distinction about tions in the domain of action understanding
whether the origin of the affective experience is (Gallese et al. 2004, Keysers & Gazzola 2007, Empathic concern:
an emotional and
within the observer or was triggered by another Rizzolatti et al. 2001). Subsequent studies,
motivational state
person. Emotional contagion and empathy, for based predominantly on fMRI, have investi- characterized by the
example when watching a friend in distress, can gated empathic brain responses for a variety desire to help and
lead to personal distress, a self-centered and of states including pain (Morrison et al. 2004, promote others’
aversive response in the observer (Eisenberg Singer et al. 2004), disgust (Benuzzi et al. 2008, welfare
& Fabes 1990). In contrast, during empathic Jabbi et al. 2007, Wicker et al. 2003), fear (de
concern, sympathy, or compassion, vicarious Gelder et al. 2004), anxiety (Prehn-Kristensen
responses involve a feeling of concern for the et al. 2009), anger (de Greck et al. 2012),
other’s suffering that induces a motivation to sadness (Harrison et al. 2006), neutral touch
alleviate the suffering, but not necessarily any (Blakemore et al. 2005, Ebisch et al. 2008,
sharing of feelings. Whereas empathizing with Keysers et al. 2004), pleasant affect ( Jabbi et al.
a sad person may result in a feeling of sadness in 2007), reward (Mobbs et al. 2009), and higher-
the self, sympathy and compassion often result order emotions such as social exclusion (Masten
in a feeling of loving or caring for that per- et al. 2011) and embarrassment (Krach et al.
son and a motivation to relieve their suffering 2011). Based mostly on results from empathy
(Baumeister & Vohs 2007, Klimecki & Singer for pain, these studies showed that empathic re-
2012, Singer & Steinbeis 2009). This motiva- sponses recruit, to some extent, brain areas sim-
tion may then be transformed into prosocial be- ilar to those engaged during the corresponding
havior (Batson et al. 2007). In our own under- first-person state. In the following section,
standing, emotional contagion underlies affect we first highlight findings from studies on
sharing; this can be followed by other-oriented empathy for pain and then summarize evidence
feelings such as compassion, sympathy, and em- of empathic responses for other emotions and
pathic concern, which may further promote sensations. • The Neural Basis of Empathy 3

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

Empathy for Pain et al. 2003). Conversely, regions such as AI

and dACC/aMCC are thought to encode
Empathy for pain has been studied frequently, more affective-motivational dimensions of
S1: primary
somatosensory cortex owing to the robustness of pain in inducing em- pain (Price 2000). ACC and insula responses
pathy. The firsthand pain experience is gener- vary not simply as a function of noxious input
S2: secondary
somatosensory cortex ally aversive; moreover, it motivates behavioral but rather as a function of subjectively felt
responses to reduce the noxious stimulation pain intensity (Kong et al. 2008). In ACC,
(Price 2000) and can induce forms of warning activity correlates positively with ratings of
communication to conspecifics (Craig 2004). pain unpleasantness (Rainville et al. 1997) but
Furthermore, observing others in pain can mo- does not correlate much with stimulus intensity
tivate helping behavior (Hein et al. 2010) and (Peyron et al. 2000). Moreover, insula and
is often experienced as unpleasant and even ACC responses to painful stimuli can be in-
painful for the observers themselves. Last, the fluenced by the emotional context, suggesting
neural circuits involved in pain are relatively interaction effects within the affective domain
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

well understood (Apkarian et al. 2005, Bushnell (Phillips et al. 2003).

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et al. 1999, Craig 2003, Peyron et al. 2000, To investigate brain responses during em-
Rainville 2002; Duerden & Albanese 2012). pathy for pain, Singer and colleagues studied
Firsthand pain experience consistently females who were accompanied by their roman-
activates networks in premotor and prefrontal, tic partners (Singer et al. 2004). In one condi-
primary and secondary somatosensory cortices tion, the female, lying in the scanner, received
(S1 and S2), dACC/aMCC, and insula, along a painful shock via an electrode attached to her
with thalamic and brain stem regions such hand. In the other condition, the male partner
as the periaqueductal gray (PAG) (Apkarian who was seated next to the MRI scanner and
et al. 2005, Bushnell et al. 1999, Derbyshire whose hand could be seen by the female via a
2000, Peyron et al. 2000, Rainville 2002, mirror received the shock. In both conditions,
Duerden & Albanese 2012). Activations, albeit abstract visual cues indicated to the female who
less consistently, have also been shown in the would receive painful stimulation. The authors
amygdala and cerebellum (Apkarian et al. 2005, observed activity in AI, dACC, brain stem, and
Duerden & Albanese 2012). Most of these cerebellum when females received the shock di-
regions receive parallel input from multiple rectly and, most importantly, when they vicari-
nociceptive pathways (Apkarian et al. 2005). ously felt their partners’ pain. The presentation
Somatosensory regions and adjacent posterior of facial expressions of others in pain (Botvinick
insula are thought to encode the more sensory- et al. 2005, Lamm et al. 2007a, Saarela et al.
discriminative components of pain. A case 2007), or of body parts receiving painful stimu-
study showed that a patient with a large lesion lation ( Jackson et al. 2005, Lamm et al. 2007b),
in the postcentral gyrus and parietal opercu- has elicited similar findings. The consistency of
lum, comprising S1 and S2, lost discriminative activations in parts of the pain networks elicited
aspects of pain perception, without overt loss by firsthand experience as well as during vicar-
of pain affect (Ploner et al. 1999). S2 responses iously felt pain has thus been taken to support
have been shown to correlate with objective the hypothesis that empathy involves shared
stimulus intensity, but not with affective ratings representations.
(Maihofner et al. 2006). Other studies have More specifically, employing statistical con-
shown a contralateral bias for pain processing junction analysis, several studies quantified the
in subregions of S2 and posterior insula, extent of shared activations in first-person pain
suggesting a representation in these areas of and empathy. Comparing average activation
the sensory-discriminative attributes, such patterns in these two conditions within a group
as the stimulus location, of painful stimuli of subjects, overlapping regions were located
relative to body side in these areas (Bingel in insular and cingulate regions ( Jackson

4 Bernhardt · Singer
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et al. 2006, Morrison et al. 2004, Singer et al. hand, a foot, or a tomato. Thus, although not
2004). To extend these findings, Morrison directly showing activations in somatosensory
& Downing (2007) studied fMRI signals cortices, this study suggested that attentively
IFG: Inferior frontal
of individual subjects in native anatomical watching pain applied to the other’s body parts gyrus
space, minimizing confounds introduced by interferes with somatosensory processing.
PFC: prefrontal
image preprocessing. They observed activation A recent meta-analysis by Lamm and cortex
overlaps in 6 of 11 subjects in aMCC, at the colleagues (2011) on 32 fMRI studies of
transition between otherwise nonoverlapping empathy for pain confirmed that observing temporo-parietal
regions activated by directly and vicariously pain in others most robustly activated AI, junction
felt pain. Although these findings also indicate extending into the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) Theory of mind
divergent activations underlying firsthand pain and dACC/aMCC (Figure 1a). Moreover, (mentalizing): ability
and empathy, they further support a role of by classifying previous experiments into those to infer and represent
shared representations in empathy. employing abstract visual cues to signal pain beliefs and desires
However, voxel-wise conjunctions do not in others (cue-based paradigms, Figure 1b)
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

necessarily indicate shared representations and those showing pictures of body parts
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on the neuronal level. A typical voxel in an receiving pain (picture-based paradigms,

fMRI experiment has a resolution of around Figure 1c) (Lamm et al. 2011), the study
3 mm per side, and its signal relates to the yielded further quantitative insights on the
activity of thousands of neurons within possibly role of somatosensory regions in empathy.
different neuronal populations. Future studies Indeed, during cue-based designs, activations
employing fMRI adaptation (Grill-Spector & in S1 and S2 contralateral to the stimulated
Malach 2001, Henson & Rugg 2003) or mul- hand were observed only in self-related but not
tivariate pattern analysis may more selectively in vicarious experiences of pain. Conversely,
probe commonalities in activations of specific picture-based designs induced activity in both
neuronal populations (Norman et al. 2006). S1 and S2 during the other-related condition.
Indeed, in a recent multivoxel pattern analyis, However, similar activity was also elicited to
bilateral AI regions exhibited a similar spatial a large extent by nonpainful control pictures
distribution of cortical fMRI activity when and did not seem to be lateralized to a specific
seeing another person’s hand in pain compared hemisphere. These results thus suggest that so-
to firsthand pain, provinding relatively strong matosensory activation sometimes observed in
evidence for similar neuronal populations in- picture-based empathy for pain paradigms may
volved in both conditions (Corradi-Dell’Acqua rather be due to unspecific activation based on
et al. 2011). the perception of touch and movement of body
Empathic responses to others’ pain in so- parts and not due to empathy for pain itself (for
matosensory regions have been less consistently similar arguments, see Keysers et al. 2010).
reported. Using transcranial magnetic stimu- Directly comparing activation patterns of
lation (TMS), Avenanti and colleagues (2005) both design types, the meta-analysis of Lamm
demonstrated that watching a video of a nee- and colleagues also revealed an important
dle pricking a specific hand muscle reduces mo- divergence in terms of distributed network
tor excitability of the equivalent muscle in the coactivations (Lamm et al. 2011). Indeed, cue-
observer, similar to the freezing response that based studies preferentially activated regions
would occur if pain was directly administered. such as ventral medial prefrontal cortex (PFC),
This reduction in motor excitability correlated superior temporal cortex (STC), and posterior
with pain-intensity ratings, but not with those regions such as the temporo-parietal junction
of pain unpleasantness. Importantly, no effect (TPJ) and precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex
was seen when participants watched a cotton (PCU/PCC) (Figure 1d). These areas are
bud touching the same muscle or when the nee- generally thought to play a role in processes
dle prick was applied to a different part of the related to Theory of Mind or mentalizing • The Neural Basis of Empathy 5

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32


Left Right
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

b c
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

Low pain other High pain other No pain other Pain other

Low pain self High pain self No pain other Pain other

d e
vmPFC Precuneus/PCC

Left Left



Right Right

6 Bernhardt · Singer
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(Frith & Frith 2003, Van Overwalle 2009; more internally generated processing because
Saxe & Kanwisher 2003; Mitchell 2009) but the pain of the other is not explicitly shown.
have also been associated with self-referential Thus the situation and its consequences in turn
processing and mind-wandering (Buckner & need to be inferred through mental imagery
Carroll 2007, Christoff et al. 2009, Mason et al. and prior knowledge, processes associated with
2007, Schooler et al. 2012). On the other hand, activations in medial prefrontal and parietal
picture-based studies showed relative increases regions, and temporal and temporo-parietal
of activation in dorsolateral and dorsomedial regions (Frith & Frith 2003, Mitchell 2009,
PFC, together with activity in bilateral inferior Van Overwalle 2009). Thus, in addition to
parietal cortex (IPC) and the IFG (Figure 1e), confirming an important role of insular-
a network partly overlapping with the human cingulate regions for affective sharing, the
homolog of the monkey’s mirror-neuron net- meta-analytic results of Lamm and colleagues
work (Gallese et al. 2004, Keysers & Gazzola suggest that this process may also involve a
2007, Rizzolatti et al. 2001). Together with flexible activation of either mirror-neuron
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

shared networks in empathy, both the so-called or mentalizing networks, depending on the
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

mirror-neuron network as well as the mental- particular situation and information available
izing network represent the most influential in the environment (Lamm et al. 2011).
accounts currently in social neuroscience to
explain how humans succeed at understanding
others’ actions, intentions, beliefs, or feelings Empathy for Other Emotions
(Frith & Frith 2006, Keysers & Gazzola 2007, and Sensations
Singer 2006). Indeed, computations in mirror- Studies based on vicarious responses to affective
neuron networks in inferior frontal, ventral states other than pain, such as social exclusion
and dorsal premotor, and inferior parietal (Masten et al. 2011), disgust ( Jabbi et al. 2008,
regions are thought to generate simulations of Wicker et al. 2003), anxiety (Prehn-Kristensen
movements and goal-directed actions. These et al. 2009), and taste ( Jabbi et al. 2007), have
perception action-loops may then serve as a reproduced a central role of AI and ACC/MCC
basis for depicting the meaning of the pre- during empathy. Using disgusting odorants
sented situation (Gallese et al. 2004, Keysers & Wicker and colleagues observed that subre-
Gazzola 2007) and may ultimately be relayed gions of AI and ACC were activated during di-
into regions such as AI for predicting the af- rect inhalation and when viewing the disgusted
fective consequences of a stimulus. Cue-based faces of people inhaling the probes (Wicker
paradigms, on the other hand, likely triggered et al. 2003). In a follow-up experiment, the

Figure 1
Meta-analytic findings on empathy for pain. (a) A meta-analysis of 32 previous empathy-for-pain studies revealed consistent activations
in anterior insula (AI) extending into the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and anterior and midcingulate cortex (ACC/MCC) (Lamm et al.
2011). This meta-analysis also classified studies into different experimental paradigms. (b) In cue-based paradigms, pain in others is
signaled via abstract cues. In the example stimuli, colored arrows indicate whether the other or the self will receive a nonpainful
sensation or a painful shock. This paradigm type does not explicitly provide depictions of painful situations, and thus may more likely
rely on internally generated processes and exclude effects of emotion contagion. (c) In picture-based paradigms, pictures or videos that
depict limbs of target persons in painful situations are shown to the observer. In the example stimuli, one image indicates pain in the
other, whereas the other image does not ( Jackson et al. 2005, Lamm et al. 2007b). In addition to eliciting empathy, this paradigm form
may also elicit sensorimotor processes. (d ) Higher activations during cue-based than during picture-based studies were found in
so-called mentalizing or Theory of Mind networks, including temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), ventromedial prefrontal cortex
(vmPFC), middle/superior temporal gyrus (M/STG), precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) (Lamm et al. 2011). (e) Higher
activations during picture-based than during cue-based paradigms were found in so-called mirror-neuron networks, such as the
inferior-parietal cortex (IPC) and IFG, as well as in AI and dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) (Lamm et al. 2011).
Adapted from Jackson et al. (2005), Lamm et al. (2011), Lamm et al. (2007b), with permission. • The Neural Basis of Empathy 7

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

authors confirmed common AI activation dur- INSULA AND ACC:

ing the observation and imagination of disgust CONNECTIVITY AND
in others that overlapped with activations when FUNCTIONS
subjects tasted bitter liquids themselves ( Jabbi Relatively consistent activations of AI and
et al. 2008). Similar to findings in the domain ACC/MCC in empathy suggest an important
of pain, common AI activations were accom- role of these two regions in vicariously shar-
panied by differential coactivation across these ing many emotions and sensations. However,
various conditions. Indeed, while AI activation joint insular and cingulate activations in vicar-
showed increased functional connectivity only ious emotions do not imply that these regions
with IFG regions during the observation of dis- are empathy regions per se. Instead, these re-
gust, the direct experience and imagination of gions are known to participate in a multitude of
disgust were related to more extended network sensory, affective, cognitive, and motivational
coactivations ( Jabbi et al. 2008). processes (see the 2010 Special Issue on Insula
Insular and adjacent frontal-opercular re- in Brain Structure & Function). In Craig’s influ-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

gions are also activated when subjects witnessed

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ential model, insular cortex plays a major role

positive affective states. As in the perception in representing and integrating internal and
of disgusted facial expression, AI activity was emotional feeling states; ACC, in turn, forms
reported when subjects observed pleased fa- the motivational and action-related counterpart
cial expressions in others ( Jabbi et al. 2007). (Craig 2002, 2009). The diverse functional in-
Moreover, a recent study that induced com- volvement of these regions also suggests that
passion and admiration reported activation in empathy might be a special case of general com-
AI, dACC, and hypothalamus. Interestingly, putational processes related to representing and
AI responses had a faster onset when witness- predicting affective states in the self and others
ing physical pain compared with social pain and of guiding adaptive homeostatic and be-
or admiration for positive attributes of others havioral responses (Singer et al. 2009, Singer &
(Immordino-Yang et al. 2009). Using meta- Lamm 2009). In the following section, we de-
analysis, Fan and colleagues (2011) summarized scribe evidence for the functional implications
empathic responses across various domains. of these regions based on their patterns of con-
Although the included studies were mostly nectivity, their roles across multiple domains,
based on pain, AI and ACC activation could and their frequent coactivation.
also be confirmed when subjects observed fear,
happiness, disgust, or anxiety in others.
Preliminary evidence also indicates that
AI and ACC/MCC may not necessarily Insula
be involved in the vicarious sharing of all Connectivity and functional data support that
states. Studies based on the observation of the insula plays an important integrative role in
neutral touch reported shared activations in sensation, affect, and cognition. Buried within
somatosensory cortices, but not in limbic struc- the Sylvian fissure at the interface of frontal,
tures (Blakemore et al. 2005, Ebisch et al. 2008, temporal, and parietal lobes (Figure 2a,b;
Keysers et al. 2004). Moreover, a recent study Ture et al. 1999), the insula is cytoarchitecton-
that measured subjects who observed socially ically defined by a rostrocaudal transition from
desirable others being rewarded demonstrated agranular AI to granular PI (Gallay et al. 2011,
activations in the ventral striatum, a region Mesulam & Mufson 1982a). Tract-tracing
involved in reward processing (Mobbs et al. experiments in nonhuman primates suggest
2009). The perceived similarity between the that AI is densely connected with prefrontal
target and observer correlated with increased regions, such as orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
activity in ventral ACC, possibly mediating an and dorsolateral PFC, temporo-limbic regions,
effect of self-relevance in vicarious reward. such as temporal poles, parahippocampal

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Parietal lobe

Frontal lobe

Anterior insula
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Posterior insula
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Temporal lobe

Standard Klingler dissection Virtual Klingler dissection

Figure 2
Anatomy of insula cortex. (a) Lateral view of the insula cortex in a postmortem human brain, with parts of
the lateral cortical surface removed. (b) Subinsular fibers shown using Klingler dissection techniques in a
postmortem brain (left) and using virtual Klingler dissection techniques based on diffusion weighted imaging
(right). Adapted from Klingler & Ludwig (1956) with permission, courtesy of Dr. Alfred Anwander.

cortices, amygdala, and cingulate cortex, and and resting-state fMRI signal correlations
subcortical targets in the thalamus, basal (Cauda et al. 2011, Deen et al. 2012). These
ganglia, and brain stem (Amaral & Price 1984, patterns indicate a central role, especially of
Augustine 1996, Fudge et al. 2005, Mesulam AI, in integrating interoceptive and affective
& Mufson 1982b, Mufson & Mesulam 1982). information (Craig 2009, Critchley et al. 2004,
Different segments of the insula are highly Kurth et al. 2010). According to Craig’s model,
interconnected themselves, allowing a bidirec- information of the body’s physiological state
tional flow of information between anterior and is mapped to more posterior insular segments
midposterior segments (Craig 2009). Patterns and subsequently rerepresented in the AI,
of connectivity in animals have recently been where it may become consciously accessible,
reproduced in humans using diffusion tractog- enabling a subjective affective experience and
raphy (Cerliani et al. 2012, Nanetti et al. 2009) global feeling state (Craig 2002, 2009). • The Neural Basis of Empathy 9

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

Cingulate Cortex responding in motor centers responsible for

expressing affect and executing goal-directed
In the limbic system, the cingulate cortex rep-
behavior and ultimately guide behavior in
resents the motivational-premotor counterpart
uncertain, potentially aversive environments.
of the rather sensory-predictive insula (Craig
2009) and has long been acknowledged as a
hub region in affective, cognitive, and motor Interoceptive Network Interactions
control phenomena (Paus 2001). Encircling AI and ACC/MCC share a close functional
the corpus callosum ventrally, dorsally, and relationship within various flexibly recruited
posteriorly, it comprises at least four different and distributed networks (Craig 2009,
cytoarchitectonic subregions, namely ACC, Devinsky et al. 1995, Medford & Critchley
MCC, PCC, and retrosplenial cortex (Vogt 2010, Seeley et al. 2007, Sridharan et al. 2008,
et al. 2005). These subregions differ in terms Taylor et al. 2009). In their seminal article,
of connectivity, as indicated by animal tract- Devinsky and colleagues acknowledged that AI
tracing data as well as diffusion tractography and ACC/MCC, together with limbic and sub-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

and fMRI signal correlations in humans cortical regions such as OFC, amygdala, PAG,
(Beckmann et al. 2009, Margulies et al. 2007, and ventral striatum, form a coherent network
Vogt & Pandya 1987). Within subregions, that assesses the motivational content of in-
connection patterns may also vary significantly. ternal and external stimuli to regulate context-
Indeed, whereas rostral ACC densely connects dependent behaviors (Devinsky et al. 1995).
to lateral and orbital PFC and temporo-limbic Integrating evidence across multiple domains of
regions (Pandya et al. 1981, Vogt & Pandya joint AI and ACC/MCC activation, Medford &
1987), caudal divisions around dACC/aMCC Critchley (2010) recently suggested that while
show a relative increase of functional con- the AI forms an input region of a system that is
nections to sensorimotor regions (Margulies based on self-awareness, these global emotional
et al. 2007). This region receives direct pro- feeling states are ultimately rerepresented in
jections from ascending pain pathways (Dum ACC to control, select, and prepare appropriate
et al. 2009) and is interconnected with the responses. Indeed, a close functional relation-
insula (Mesulam & Mufson 1982b, Mufson & ship between AI and ACC/MCC was recently
Mesulam 1982, Vogt & Pandya 1987), amyg- shown using resting-state fMRI connectivity
dala (Morecraft et al. 2007), ventral striatum analysis (Taylor et al. 2009). The authors sug-
(Kunishio & Haber 1994), and PAG (Hardy gested that this link may enable an integration
& Leichnetz 1981). In addition to the direct of interoceptive information with salience.
experience of pain and empathy, other neg- Seeley et al. (2007) also suggested a role in
ative affective states and anticipation thereof saliency processing in their study observing a
activate dACC/aMCC (Buchel et al. 1998, correlation between the degree of functional
Ploghaus et al. 1999, Porro et al. 2002). More- coupling of AI and ACC together with limbic
over, dACC/aMCC involvement in various cortical and subcortical regions and anxiety
attentionally or cognitively demanding tasks in- ratings outside the scanner. Using Granger
dicates that this region may implement general causality analysis of fMRI signals, the study
monitoring and control processes across multi- showed that these salience networks may
ple domains (Paus 2001). A recent meta-analysis switch between otherwise relatively anticor-
of 939 studies showed overlapping activations related executive task-activated networks such
in dACC/aMCC during negative affect, pain, as dorsolateral PFC and posterior parietal
and cognitive control (Shackman et al. 2011). cortex and default-mode networks such as
The authors suggested that this region synthe- ventromedial PFC and PCU (Sridharan et al.
sizes information about unlearned and learned 2008), which are generally more active during
reinforcers. This may then bias adaptive stimulus-independent thought, self-projection,

10 Bernhardt · Singer
NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

and mind-wandering (Buckner & Carroll Economo 1926). Their large size and relatively
2007, Christoff et al. 2009, Mason et al. 2007, simple dendritic morphology make them suit-
Schooler et al. 2012, Smallwood & Schooler able for rapid communication between AI and
2006). ACC, allowing a fast integration of global af-
Recently, Singer, Critchley, and Preuschoff fective states, motivation, control, and behavior
provided a framework that related findings of in dynamic situational contexts (Allman et al.
AI activations during empathy and affective 2010). Comparative histological assessments
states with neuroeconomic reports of a role suggest that these cells are numerous in adult
of AI in uncertainty processing (Singer et al. humans; fewer are found in infants, great apes,
2009). Indeed, these studies have also shown elephants, and whales (Allman et al. 2010). Also
AI activations during the processing of risk, based on the observation that these cells may be
risk prediction error, and uncertainty in de- selectively destroyed in frontotemporal demen-
cision making (Grinband et al. 2006, Huettel tia, a neurodegenerative disorder associated
et al. 2006, Kuhnen & Knutson 2005, Paulus with deficient empathy and socio-emotional
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

et al. 2003, Preuschoff et al. 2008). According functioning (Seeley et al. 2006), some inves-
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

to this model, AI integrates modality-specific tigators have suggested that Von Economo
information from multiple feeling states and neurons play a role in empathy, social aware-
uncertainty information with individual risk ness, and self-control (Allman et al. 2010, Craig
preferences and contextual information. These 2009).
computations are thought to contribute to the
generation of current and predictive feeling
states and may ultimately facilitate error-based MODULATION OF EMPATHY
learning in the affective domain as a prerequi- Together with their frequent activation across
site for successful decision making under un- various situations, patterns of structural con-
certain conditions. These representations in AI nectivity of AI and ACC suggest that these
enable the formation of affective predictions two regions may integrate information from a
related to the self but also related to predic- range of different domains to allow the flexible
tions of other people’s feeling states. Finally, selection of adaptive responses. Indeed, in the
insula computations can be fed to valuation re- domain of empathy, ample data have shown
gions such as the OFC and ventral striatum and how vicarious responses in AI and subsequent
also to ACC for response selection and control. overt behavior can be modulated by various
Strong interconnections of AI and ACC, and factors, such as those related to individual traits
their hub-like position in multiple functional and situational contexts (Figure 3).
networks, also make them ideally suited to in-
tegrate interoceptive information with contex-
tual input into global feeling states, ultimately Person Characteristics
allowing for modulation of decisions and ac- Individual differences in person characteristics
tion responses (Singer et al. 2009, Singer & likely affect empathic responses. To measure
Lamm 2009). Empathizing with others may empathic traits, several relatively easy, reliable,
thus relate to the involvement of AI and ACC and reproducible self-report questionnaires
in generating forward models of feeling states have been developed, including the Inter-
for others that, together with certainty com- personal Reactivity Index (IRI) (Davis 1983)
putations, may enable one to predict and un- and the Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale
derstand the social and affective behavior of (BEES) (Mehrabian 1997). In empathy for
others. pain, such scales have been correlated with em-
AI and ACC contain a distinctive class pathic responses. Although results have been
of spindle-shaped cells, the Von Economo mixed (Lamm et al. 2011), some studies have
neurons (Allman et al. 2010, Craig 2009, Von shown a modulation of empathic responses by • The Neural Basis of Empathy 11

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

Al activity Al activity Al activity
pain > no pain other pain > no pain other pain > no pain other





of other

Ingroup Outgroup
12 May 2012


Group membership



Alexithymia scores (TAS)
Al activity Al activity

ingroup > outgroup pain > no pain


member in pain outgroup member



Anterior insula (AI)

impression scale


ingroup > outgroup

Difference in helping

Gender difference
NAcc activity NAcc activity NAcc activity NAcc activity
outgroup member outgroup member unfair > fair unfair > fair
in pain in pain players in pain players in pain




impression scale

Outgroup helping
Desire for revenge

Nucleus accumbens (NAcc)
NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

empathic traits ( Jabbi et al. 2007; Saarela et al. Several studies have shown that empathic
2007; Singer et al. 2004, 2006). For example, responses may be affected by alexithymia.
Singer and colleagues (2004, 2006) reported Although this trait is present in ∼10% of the
that scores on the IRI empathic concern sub- general population (Salminen et al. 1999), subclinical
scale and BEES correlated with AI and dACC elevated proportions are found in patients phenomenon related
activity during vicariously felt pain delivered with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a to difficulties in
by abstract cues. In another study, researchers neurodevelopmental condition associated with identifying and
describing feelings
displayed faces in pain and found similar communicative and social deficits (Hill et al.
and in distinguishing
correlations in AI and IFG (Saarela et al. 2007). 2004). In a study by Silani and colleagues feelings from bodily
Extending these findings to the domain of taste, (2008), alexithymia and empathy self-report sensations. From
Keysers’s group observed correlations between scores in controls and individuals with high- Nemiah 1977
fronto-insular activations and several IRI sub- functioning ASD were found to be correlated ASD: autism
scales when subjects witnessed disgusted and with AI activity when subjects had to interocept spectrum disorder
pleased facial expressions ( Jabbi et al. 2007). on their feelings. A similar modulation was
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

In conclusion, these experiments suggest that also observed during a cue-based empathy
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

empathy traits may, under some conditions, for pain design, in which empathy-related
modulate empathic brain responses. The brain responses in AI were strongly modulated
meta-analysis by Lamm and colleagues (2011) by the degree of alexithymia in controls
has also summarized data for a modulation and individuals with ASD (Bird et al. 2010).
of empathic responses by trait measures and Indeed, the greater the participants’ deficits in
observed that, compared with trait measures understanding their own emotions, regardless
of empathy, more robust brain-behavior of whether they were control subjects or
correlations can be depicted when using state patients, the less activation they showed in AI
measures of felt empathy or unpleasantness while empathizing with people present in the
in a trial-by-trial fashion or state question- same room undergoing painful experiences
naires of felt empathic concern in the given (Figure 3a). These results thus confirm the
situation. hypothesis that representations in AI underlie

Figure 3
Modulation of empathy. Several cue-based studies have shown a modulation of empathy-related brain responses in fronto-insular
regions, such as anterior insula (AI; left and center panels), associated in some studies with an antagonistic response in the nucleus
accumbens of the ventral striatum (NAcc; right panels). (a) Modulation of empathy by personal traits, such as the degree of alexithymia
(Bird et al. 2010). Activity in an independent region of interest in the left AI during empathy for pain in others was shown to correlate
with alexithymia scores [Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), a self-report measure of alexithymia] in controls ( gray) and individuals with
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ( green). The stronger the participants’ deficit was in understanding their own emotions, the lower
empathy-related activation in left AI was when witnessing another person suffering pain. This effect was seen in patients and controls
alike. (b, c) Modulation of empathy by perceived fairness (Singer et al. 2006). (b) If a target person behaved unfairly in an economic
game prior to scanning, men (blue) but not women ( purple) showed reduced bilateral AI activity when the unfair but not fair person is in
pain. (c) (Upper panel ) The decrease in activity in AI was paralleled in men but not women by an increase in activation in left NAcc when
unfair others receive pain relative to fair others. (Lower panel ) The degree of activity in left NAcc was correlated to the subjectively
expressed desire for revenge in men. (d, e) Modulation of empathy by perceived ingroup or outgroup membership (Hein et al. 2010).
(d ) (Upper left panel ) Male soccer fans showed reduced left AI activity when fans favoring an opposing team received pain relative to
painful stimulation of fans favoring the same team. (Upper right panel ) Attitude toward outgroup member furthermore correlates with
AI activity, with reduced AI activity for outgroup members that subjects did not view positively. (Lower panel ) The stronger the
participants’ AI responses were to ingroup pain relative to outgroup pain, the more they helped the ingroup member relative to the
outgroup member in a subsequent session, in which subjects could choose to receive pain in order to reduce the other’s pain. (e) (Upper
panel ) Increased right NAcc activity in male soccer fans when disliked soccer fans of the opposing team received painful stimulation.
(Lower panel ) Increased NAcc activity when an outgroup member was in pain predicts lack of helping toward an outgroup member in
subsequent helping sessions. For the exact region of interest specifications, please see the original articles. Adapted from Bird et al.
(2010), Hein et al. (2010), Singer et al. (2006) with permission. • The Neural Basis of Empathy 13

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

representations of our own feeling states, empathy-related brain responses in AI toward

which in turn form the basis for understanding ingroup compared with outgroup members
the feelings of others. Thus, understanding (Figure 3d, left panel); this result was also
NAcc: nucleus
accumbens your own feeling states may be a prerequisite reflected by a correlation between AI activity
to engage in vicarious simulation for a better and their impression of the outgroup members,
understanding of other people’s feeling states. with stronger AI activation for positively valued
Finally, in addition to providing insight into the outgroup members and reduced AI activations
modulation of empathic responses in healthy when outgoup members were seen negatively
subjects, these studies promote a more differ- (Figure 3d, upper right panel). Moreover,
entiated picture of social deficits observed in participants who valued outgroup members
ASD. more negatively showed increased NAcc acti-
vation when observing them in pain, compared
to outgroup members who were valued more
Contextual Appraisal favorably (Figure 3e, upper panel).
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

Attribution of specific traits to the target may Last, the stronger the participants’ AI re-
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

influence empathic responses of the observer. sponses were to ingroup pain relative to out-
In an early study focusing on modulation group pain, the more they helped the ingroup
of empathy-related brain responses in the member relative to the outgroup member in
domain of pain in AI, Singer and colleagues a subsequent session, in which subjects could
(2006) asked participants to engage in a game choose to receive pain in order to reduce the
with confederates, who followed either fair other’s pain (Figure 3d, lower right panel).
or unfair strategies, prior to scanning. During Conversely, increased NAcc activity when ob-
subsequent scanning, participants watched cues serving outgroup members in pain predicted
indicating pain in the confederate. Measuring the absence of subsequent helping (Figure 3e,
empathic responses, the authors reproduced lower panel ). Thus, these two studies sug-
well-known patterns of brain activity in fronto- gest that activation in reward-related areas such
insular and dorsal ACC when fair confederates as NAcc in the context of empathy-for-pain
received painful shocks. However, in males paradigms may reflect an antagonistic motiva-
these activations were reduced when unfair tion to empathy, possibly related to feelings of
players received shocks (Figure 3b); instead, revenge and Schadenfreude, counteracting em-
males but not females showed increased acti- pathic resonance in regions such as AI. When-
vation in the nucleus accumbens of the ventral ever NAcc activation is high while witnessing
striatum (NAcc) (Figure 3c, upper panel), the suffering of another person, activation in AI
which was further correlated with the desire is low. This activation pattern may ultimately be
for revenge (Figure 3c, lower panel). These associated with a lack of engagement in proso-
findings thus provided initial evidence for a link cial behavior. Therefore, the social evaluation
between fairness behavior and the degree of af- of the suffering person may modulate the bal-
fective sharing. Moreover, activation in valence ance of the two systems, which in turn motivate
and reward-prediction regions such as NAcc either egoistic or altruistic behavior.
or OFC (O’Doherty et al. 2004, Rolls 2004, Whereas the above-mentioned studies uti-
Schultz 2000) may provide a neurobiological lized implicit contextual information, several
mechanism that helps reinforce punishment of experimenters provided the participants with
defectors in social situations (Fehr 2008). explicit information that was hypothesized to
These results were extended in a study fo- influence the evaluation of the observed situa-
cusing on the modulation of empathy-related tion and, in turn, empathy (Decety et al. 2009a;
brain responses in AI as a function of perceived Lamm et al. 2007a,b). Lamm and colleagues,
group membership (Hein et al. 2010). As in the for example, showed a series of needle injec-
case of fairness, participants showed stronger tions and also informed the participants that

14 Bernhardt · Singer
NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

injections were administered to either normal, CONCLUSIONS AND

pain-sensitive hands or anesthetized hands un- OPEN QUESTIONS
dergoing biopsy (Lamm et al. 2007b). In an- This review pulls together the growing evi-
other study from the same laboratory, partic- dence for the existence of shared representa- neuropeptide
ipants watched faces of patients undergoing tions activated by the firsthand experience and promoting the
a special painful sound-based treatment, and the vicarious experience of sensations or emo- formation of social
they were provided with additional information tions experienced by another person. Recent attachments and
affiliation. Also
about the treatment success or failure (Lamm meta-analyses on empathy fMRI studies re-
attenuates stress by
et al. 2007a). As in the case of implicit informa- vealed a special role of AI and dACC/aMCC interacting with
tion in the previous studies (Hein et al. 2010, in empathy for many, though not all, feelings hypothalamo-
Singer et al. 2006), these explicit contextual and sensations. Representation in these intero- pituitary-adrenal
factors modulated hemodynamic responses in ceptive regions may be involved in integrating axis
regions relevant to empathy, such as AI and current and predictive information of feeling
ACC. states in the self and others. These representa-
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

The above results strongly indicate that tions may ultimately enable adaptive responses
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

individual person characteristics and contextual to the social and affective behavior of others
appraisal modulate empathic brain responses. by promoting forms of other-oriented prosocial
Moreover, there is also some, albeit less consis- helping or self-oriented withdrawal behavior to
tent, evidence for a modulation through other counteract distress (Klimecki & Singer 2012),
factors, including attention (Gu & Han 2007, possibly via the ACC/MCC.
but also see Avenanti et al. 2006 and Gu et al. Questioning early automaticity assumptions
2010), neuropeptides such as oxytocin (Riem of empathic brain responses (Preston & de
et al. 2011, but also see Singer et al. 2008), and Waal 2002), several recent studies focusing
perspective taking (Cheng et al. 2010, Lamm on the modulation of these empathy-related
et al. 2007a). Studying the effects of perspective brain responses revealed that activation in
taking, Cheng and colleagues (2010) recently these regions is not fixed but can be dynam-
observed that adopting the perspective of the ically modulated by several factors related to
self and a loved one in pain, compared with situational context or person characteristics.
that of a stranger in pain, leads to increased Furthermore, depending on the particular
pain ratings (Cheng et al. 2010). Moreover, situation and information available in the
self- and loved-one perspectives induce AI environment, empathic responses may fur-
and ACC activations, whereas adopting the thermore coengage other neural networks
stranger perspective results in superior frontal relevant for social cognition such as those
gyrus and TPJ activity. These findings suggest observed in mentalizing or action observation.
that imagining oneself, or a loved one, in pain Future research should further explore the
will trigger elevated responses in empathy complex interaction between different routes
networks. Conversely, projecting a stranger of social cognition in producing an empathic
into the same situation may recruit regions understanding of other peoples’ mental lives.
also involved in self-other distinction. These Additional open questions remain, such as
network activations may thus contribute to the identification of the computational pro-
reevaluating the affective meaning for the self cesses carried out by AI and dACC/aMCC. In
of a given situation and may ultimately be a this regard, the role of Von Economo neurons
form of emotion-regulation strategy. Thereby, in mediating interoceptive signal exchange may
it can allow the subject to adapt responses to be of interest. Moreover, lesion studies and an-
current situational demands, for instance, by imal recordings, together with methodological
increasing empathy for loved ones or to reduce advancements in large-scale network model-
distress when seeing strangers in pain. ing, meta-analysis, pattern classification, or • The Neural Basis of Empathy 15

NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

repetition suppression study design may help alexithymia (Bird et al. 2010, Silani et al.
to elucidate further the exact role of differ- 2008). These studies may provide further in-
ent regions involved in empathic networks sights into abnormal predispositions to unem-
(Bullmore & Sporns 2009, Caruana et al. 2011, pathic responding, how neural plasticity can go
Kurth et al. 2010, Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2009, awry, and the influence of deficient empathy
Yarkoni et al. 2011). on aggressive, impulsive, and selfish behavior
Only initial evidence suggests affective plas- (Birbaumer et al. 2005, Boccardi et al. 2010,
ticity and long-term alterations of brain systems Decety et al. 2009b, Kiehl et al. 2001, Sterzer
involved in empathy and related positive affect et al. 2007, Tiihonen et al. 2008).
such as compassion. For example, two recent Last, despite abundant previous research
cross-sectional studies by Lutz and colleagues carried out by developmental behavioral psy-
have shown increased functional activation in chologists on the ontogeny of empathy in child-
insula and mentalizing networks in compassion hood (Eisenberg 2000, Knafo et al. 2008),
meditation experts compared with novice med- the field of social neuroscience has only just
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

itators (Lutz et al. 2008, 2009). In a recent lon- started to address important developmental
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gitudinal study, Leiberg and colleagues (2011) brain changes related to our ability to em-
furthermore observed that even one-day com- pathize and the relationship of these changes
passion training may enhance prosocial helping to moral reasoning and prosocial behavior
behavior, and preliminary evidence suggests (Decety & Michalska 2010, Singer 2006).
that this may relate to altered functional acti- In the past few years, we have begun to
vations in brain areas associated with positive understand better the neural basis of empathy
affect and reward such as the mid-insula, and related states such as compassion. Identify-
medial OFC, putamen, and ventral tegmental ing crucial subcomponents and brain network
area (Klimecki et al. 2011). Training com- interactions involved in empathy sheds impor-
passionate responses may therefore increase tant light on the generation of this multifaceted
the resiliency to aversive events, possibly by experience at the heart of human emotional
upregulating networks associated with positive and social behavior. Ultimately, such insights
affect, reward, and attachment (Klimecki et al. may guide the development of strategies for
2011). circumventing aversive behavior and burnout
Insights into plastic alterations in networks syndromes in caregivers and physicians
underlying empathy and social cognition in (Halifax 2010, Hojat et al. 2009, Klimecki
general can also be gained from investigat- & Singer 2012) and may lead to advances
ing clinical and subclinical groups associated in nourishing socio-affective competences in
with deficient empathic ability, such as in- children and in adults suffering from conduct
dividuals with conduct disorder, ASD, and disorders and ASD.

1. Neuroimaging studies on empathy for pain consistently revealed activations in AI and
dACC/aMCC when directly experiencing pain as well as when empathizing with the
pain of others, suggesting that empathy depends, in part, on shared representations.
2. The vicarious experience of affective states other than pain, such as social exclusion, dis-
gust, anxiety, and taste, also activates AI and dACC/aMCC; nevertheless, initial evidence
suggests that these regions may not necessarily be involved in the vicarious sharing of all

16 Bernhardt · Singer
NE35CH01-Singer ARI 12 May 2012 21:32

3. Depending on the situational context and information available in the environment,

empathic responses may involve a corecruitment of so-called mirror-neuron networks
and regions involved in theory of mind or mentalizing.
4. Empathic brain responses are not fixed but may be modulated by person characteristics
such as degree of alexithymia or contextual appraisal such as perceived fairness of another
person or group membership.
5. Being crucial hubs in human interoceptive cortex, AI and dACC/aMCC may perform
domain-general computations that represent and predict feeling states and guide re-
sponses to the emotional experience of the self and others.

Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

We thank our colleagues Jonathan Smallwood, Haakon Engen, Cade McCall, and Joshua Grant
for their insightful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. We thank Alfred Anwander,
Claus Lamm, and Grit Hein for kindly providing some of the data presented in the figures. We
thank Sandra Zurborg for carefully proofreading the final version of this article. We thank Stefan
Liebig for providing the illustrations in Figure 1. We apologize to all the investigators whose
research could not be appropriately cited owing to space limitations. This work was funded by
the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program
(FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement no. 205557 [EMPATHICBRAIN].

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Annual Review of

Contents Neuroscience

Volume 35, 2012

The Neural Basis of Empathy

Boris C. Bernhardt and Tania Singer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Cellular Pathways of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
Craig Blackstone p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25
Functional Consequences of Mutations in Postsynaptic Scaffolding
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

Proteins and Relevance to Psychiatric Disorders

Jonathan T. Ting, João Peça, and Guoping Feng p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p49
The Attention System of the Human Brain: 20 Years After
Steven E. Petersen and Michael I. Posner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p73
Primary Visual Cortex: Awareness and Blindsight
David A. Leopold p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p91
Evolution of Synapse Complexity and Diversity
Richard D. Emes and Seth G.N. Grant p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 111
Social Control of the Brain
Russell D. Fernald p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 133
Under Pressure: Cellular and Molecular Responses During Glaucoma,
a Common Neurodegeneration with Axonopathy
Robert W. Nickells, Gareth R. Howell, Ileana Soto, and Simon W.M. John p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Early Events in Axon/Dendrite Polarization
Pei-lin Cheng and Mu-ming Poo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 181
Mechanisms of Gamma Oscillations
György Buzsáki and Xiao-Jing Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 203
The Restless Engram: Consolidations Never End
Yadin Dudai p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 227
The Physiology of the Axon Initial Segment
Kevin J. Bender and Laurence O. Trussell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 249
Attractor Dynamics of Spatially Correlated Neural Activity in the
Limbic System
James J. Knierim and Kechen Zhang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 267
Neural Basis of Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
Daeyeol Lee, Hyojung Seo, and Min Whan Jung p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 287

NE35-FrontMatter ARI 21 May 2012 11:24

Critical-Period Plasticity in the Visual Cortex

Christiaan N. Levelt and Mark Hübener p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 309
What Is the Brain-Cancer Connection?
Lei Cao and Matthew J. During p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 331
The Role of Organizers in Patterning the Nervous System
Clemens Kiecker and Andrew Lumsden p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 347
The Complement System: An Unexpected Role in Synaptic Pruning
During Development and Disease
Alexander H. Stephan, Ben A. Barres, and Beth Stevens p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 369
Brain Plasticity Through the Life Span: Learning to Learn and Action
Video Games
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 2012.35:1-23. Downloaded from

Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, Alexandre Pouget, and Paul Schrater p p p p p p p p p p p p p 391
by University of California - Berkeley on 07/18/13. For personal use only.

The Pathophysiology of Fragile X (and What It Teaches Us about

Asha L. Bhakar, Gül Dölen, and Mark F. Bear p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 417
Central and Peripheral Circadian Clocks in Mammals
Jennifer A. Mohawk, Carla B. Green, and Joseph S. Takahashi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 445
Decision-Related Activity in Sensory Neurons: Correlations Among
Neurons and with Behavior
Hendrikje Nienborg, Marlene R. Cohen, and Bruce G. Cumming p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 463
Compressed Sensing, Sparsity, and Dimensionality in Neuronal
Information Processing and Data Analysis
Surya Ganguli and Haim Sompolinsky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 485
The Auditory Hair Cell Ribbon Synapse: From Assembly to Function
Saaid Safieddine, Aziz El-Amraoui, and Christine Petit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 509
Multiple Functions of Endocannabinoid Signaling in the Brain
István Katona and Tamás F. Freund p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 529
Circuits for Skilled Reaching and Grasping
Bror Alstermark and Tadashi Isa p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 559

Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 579
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 583

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